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Remove file extension from a file name string
(13 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm calling a list of strings from a server.
At the moment I'm getting the full name and file extension like:
I have some code that relies on the knowing what the extension is, however I also need to access the name of the item I've selected with out the extension.
So far my two attempts have been the following:
_clickedFolder = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() - "folder";
_clickedFolder.Trim(new Char[] { '.folder' });
but neither of these work.
What is the correct way to take the file extension away and just have the file name display?
Use the Path class:
string fnWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
string extension = Path.GetExtension(path);
You can try this:
string name = "set this to file name";
name = name.Substring(0,name.LastIndexOf('.'));
Try this;
private void listBox1_SelectionIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e)
string item = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
int index = item.LastIndexOf('.');
if (index >= 0)//It's a valid file
string filename = item.Substring(0, index );
else if (index == -1)//Not a valid file
MessageBox.Show("The selected file is invalid.");
This question already has answers here:
Given a filesystem path, is there a shorter way to extract the filename without its extension?
(10 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
how to copy the same string and ignore the file directory path?
Like Below:
The Example:
string file = dialog.FileName;
string getfile = file;
if(file.Contains("Dangerous")) // Check the file Contains these word
string getfilename = file.Substring(3); //with this only available ignore C:\\ or D:\\
Please share any clue with me, Thanks.
Updated after the comment of #PanagiotisKanavos.
This is probably the best way.
var fileName = File.GetFileName(file);
It could also be achieved this way, but use above if your only intention is to get the filename.
var myFileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
var fileName = myFileInfo.Name;
This question already has answers here:
C# - Get a list of files excluding those that are hidden
(8 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
here is a code to list the files I've in a directory, then the user can type the file name to open the file.
public static void openFile()
// List files in FormatedDocuments directory
String[] showFiles = Directory.GetFiles("FormatedDocuments");
int filesList = showFiles.GetUpperBound (0) + 1;
const String folderToOpen = #"FormatedDocuments/";
Console.WriteLine ("Here is the list of files:");
for (int i = 0; i < filesList; i++) {
Console.WriteLine ("\tFile : " + Path.GetFileName (showFiles [i]));
// When listing is finished, ask the user to select the file he want to open
Console.WriteLine (#"Type the filename (With extension) you want to open:");
String userChoice = folderToOpen + Console.ReadLine ();
Process.Start (userChoice); // Loading with default application regarding the file extension
My questions are:
How to list only visible files in the selected directory? [DONE]
How to return in the console a number before each file, and ask the user to type this number instead of the full file name? [Waiting proposition]
I'm a beginner and try to learn by myself, don't be too "expert" in your solution please, I know my current code is not optimized, I try to do it step by step, but I accept your help about this code :)
Thank you for your answers.
I have found this:
This should work for you:
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(#"C:\temp");
FileInfo[] files = directory.GetFiles();
var filtered = files.Select(f => f)
.Where(f => (f.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0);
foreach (var f in filtered) {
I have a directory name "C:\Folder\160_Name_2013111914447.7z" what I need is to extract the "160" from the file name in C# and use it to pass it to a MS-SQL method so I can move the file to a correct file Namely "160".
Please help, as I'm kinda new to C#.
Try something like this:
Or possibly
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(#"C:\Folder\160_Name_2013111914447.7z");
Regex.Match(fileName, "^([0-9]+)_").Groups[1].Value;
If you need to take the first 3 symbols, you can use the Substring method of the string class:
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(#"C:\Folder\160_Name_2013111914447.7z");
// take 3 symbols starting from 0th character.
string extracted = fileName.Substring(0, 3);
If you can have variable length of key characters and the underscore character is the separator, then we'll have to modify the above code a little. First, we'll need the index of the underscore:
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(#"C:\Folder\160_Name_2013111914447.7z");
// get the zero-based index of the first occurrence of an underscore:
int underscoreIndex = fileName.IndexOf("_");
The string.IndexOf(...) methods returns -1 if match is not found, so we need to check for it.
if (underscoreIndex >= 0)
string extracted = fileName.Substring(0, underscoreIndex);
// no underscore found
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot extract data from file name: " + fileName);
To get the number assuming the file path you input will always be at the start and a length of 3 characters you can use.
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
string name = fileInfo .Name;
int startingNumber = Convert.ToInt32(name.Substring(0,3));
where path is the full path of the file your using
I have a list of filename with full path which I need to remove the filename and part of the file path considering a filter list I have.
Does part of the job but I was wondering if there is a simple way to filter the paths using .Net 2.0 to remove part of it.
For example:
if I have the path + filename equal toC:\my documents\my folder\my other folder\filename.exe and all I need is what is above my folder\ means I need to extract only my other folder from it.
The filter list is a text box with folder names separated by a , so I just have partial names on it like the above example the filter here would be my folder
Current Solution based on Rob's code:
string relativeFolder = null;
string file = #"C:\foo\bar\magic\bar.txt";
string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
string[] paths = folder.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
string[] filterArray = iFilter.Text.Split(',');
foreach (string filter in filterArray)
int startAfter = Array.IndexOf(paths, filter) + 1;
if (startAfter > 0)
relativeFolder = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), paths, startAfter, paths.Length - startAfter);
How about something like this:
private static string GetRightPartOfPath(string path, string startAfterPart)
// use the correct seperator for the environment
var pathParts = path.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
// this assumes a case sensitive check. If you don't want this, you may want to loop through the pathParts looking
// for your "startAfterPath" with a StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase check instead
int startAfter = Array.IndexOf(pathParts, startAfterPart);
if (startAfter == -1)
// path not found
return null;
// try and work out if last part was a directory - if not, drop the last part as we don't want the filename
var lastPartWasDirectory = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 1].EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());
return string.Join(
pathParts, startAfter,
pathParts.Length - startAfter - (lastPartWasDirectory?0:1));
This method attempts to work out if the last part is a filename and drops it if it is.
Calling it with
GetRightPartOfPath(#"C:\my documents\my folder\my other folder\filename.exe", "my folder");
my folder\my other folder
Calling it with
GetRightPartOfPath(#"C:\my documents\my folder\my other folder\", "my folder");
returns the same.
you could use this method to split the path by "\" sign (or "/" in Unix environments). After this you get an array of strings back and you can pick what you need.
public static String[] SplitPath(string path)
String[] pathSeparators = new String[]
return path.Split(pathSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
This question already has answers here:
How would you make a unique filename by adding a number?
(22 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
I want to create algorithm, to generate name for new file which I want to add to main directory.
All files in this directory must has unique name and start with "myFile"
What do you think about this algorithm ? Can I optimize it ?
string startFileName="myFile.jpg";
string startDirectory="c:\MyPhotosWithSubFoldersAndWithFilesInMainDirectory";
bool fileWithThisNameExists = false;
string tempName = null;
tempName = startFileName +"_"+ counter++ + Path.GetExtension(startFileName);
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(startDirectory)
if (Path.GetFileName(tempName) == Path.GetFileName(file))
fileWithThisNameExists = true;
if (fileWithThisNameExists) continue;
foreach (var directory in Directory.GetDirectories(startDirectory))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
if (Path.GetFileName(tempName) == Path.GetFileName(file))
fileWithThisNameExists = true;
} while (fileWithThisNameExists);
If you are not worried about the rest of the file name (except the starting as "myFile", then you can simply create a GUID and concat it to the worg "myFile". This is the simplest way. The other way might be taking the syste ticks and add it as a string to the word "myFile".
If you construct your filenames so that they sort alphabetically
Then you can get a directory listing and just go to the end of the list to find the last file.
Be careful though: what happens if two instances of your program are running at the same time? There's a little window of opportunity between the test for the file existing and its creation.