Add full row to DataTable MVC4 - c#

i'm new to MVC and I am trying to build a DataTable from a stored procedure response and pass it back to my View. For the rows I build a comma delimited string full of cell values.
The issue I am having is that the string is not getting parsed by the commas, and effectively it is passing the whole string into the first cell of each row.
What is the correct way to build up a row comprised of the individual values for each column? The number of columns, their names, and amount of records returned are all variable.
public ActionResult dataSet(string table, string key, string search)
SqlDataReader rdr = null;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Connection stuff");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.USP_getDataSet", con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#key", key);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#table", table);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#search", search);
DataTable theTable = new DataTable();
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
int count = rdr.FieldCount;
string rowString = "";
int intRows = theTable.Columns.Count;
//Build columns on first pass through
if (intRows == 0){
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
theTable.Columns.Add(Convert.ToString(rdr.GetName(i).TrimEnd()), typeof(string));
//Grab all values for each column
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
rowString += '\"' + (Convert.ToString(rdr.GetValue(i)).TrimEnd()) + '\"' + ", ";
//Remove trailing delimiter
string finishedRow = rowString.Substring(0, rowString.Length - 2);
//Add the full row for each time through reader
if (rdr != null)
{ rdr.Close(); }
if (con != null)
{ con.Close(); }
return View(theTable);

According to the documentation for the DataRowCollection.Add(params Object[] values) method, each value passed in will populate each cell. Since you are passing in a single value, it is the value of the cell.
You probably want:
var cells = new object[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cells[i] = rdr.GetString(i).Trim() + "\"


Is it possible to get column name only if has a value?

I am having a hard time getting the codes that I need.
The code that I have created can get ALL the column names that I have listed regardless of having a value or not. What I only wanted to happen was to get the column names that has value(1).
I have this code:
internal static List<string> GetAllRoleTypeFromDatabase()
List<string> rolelist = new List<string>();
using (var con = new SQLiteConnection(sqliteConnectionMain.connectionString))
using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(con))
var _command = con.CreateCommand();
var queryq = string.Format("SELECT * FROM tblUserRoleAccess");
string commandText = queryq;
String sSQL;
sSQL = "SELECT * from tblUserRoleAccess";
cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
for (var i = 1; i < dr.FieldCount; i++)
if (dr != null)
return rolelist;
Read a line in the reader (as i understand, there's only one row as a result).
For each column in the row check if its value is 1 (I used int, you should use the real type i.e. bool, string ...):
for (var i = 1; i < dr.FieldCount; i++)
if (dr.GetFieldValue<int>(i) == 1)

I want the C# program to display a table from MS ACCESS

This is an ordering system, it is our project for the finals. I want to show the rows inside the "Order" table, but it doesn't display the rows inside the table. It displayed on the "Items" table, maybe because it was the first table I made?
if (choice == 1)
Console.WriteLine("ITEM NUMBER ITEM STOCK");
DataTable dt = LoadData("SELECT * FROM Items");
for (int r = 0; r < dt.Rows.Count; r++)
Console.Write(dt.Rows[r]["ItemNumber"].ToString() + " ");
Console.Write(dt.Rows[r]["Item"].ToString() + " ");
else if (choice == 2)
DataTable dt2 = LoadData("SELECT * FROM Order");
for (int i = 0; i <dt2.Rows.Count; i++)
I created a method to open and close the connection and to load the data from MS Access.
public static void OpenCon()
con = new OleDbConnection();
string path = #"C:\Users\Acer\Documents\OSystem.accdb";
con.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = " + path;
public static void CloseCon()
private static DataTable LoadData(string query)
adptr = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, con);
cmd = new OleDbCommandBuilder(adptr);
dTable = new DataTable();
return dTable;

DataReader to .CSV with column names

I'm generating a csv file from an SqlDataReader, however it is not writing the column names, how can I make it write them? The code I'm using is as follows:
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(myconn);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.test", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(myfilePath + "testfile.csv");
while (reader.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
string value = reader[i].ToString();
if (value.Contains(","))
value = "\"" + value + "\"";
sb.Append(value.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ") + ",");
sb.Length--; // Remove the last comma
Read all the column names and append it to sb then iterate reader.
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//Get All column
var columnNames = Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount)
.Select(reader.GetName) //OR .Select("\""+ reader.GetName"\"")
//Create headers
sb.Append(string.Join(",", columnNames));
//Append Line
while (reader.Read())
Using this solution i created an extension.
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
/// <param name="filename"></param>
/// <param name="path">if null/empty will use IO.Path.GetTempPath()</param>
/// <param name="extension">will use csv by default</param>
public static void ToCsv(this IDataReader reader, string filename, string path = null, string extension = "csv")
int nextResult = 0;
var filePath = Path.Combine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? Path.GetTempPath() : path, string.Format("{0}.{1}", filename, extension));
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))
writer.WriteLine(string.Join(",", Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount).Select(reader.GetName).ToList()));
int count = 0;
while (reader.Read())
writer.WriteLine(string.Join(",", Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount).Select(reader.GetValue).ToList()));
if (++count % 100 == 0)
filename = string.Format("{0}-{1}", filename, ++nextResult);
while (reader.NextResult());
You can use SqlDataReader.GetName to get the column name
for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
string columnName = reader.GetName(i);
Also you can create an extension method like below:
public static List<string> ToCSV(this IDataReader dataReader, bool includeHeaderAsFirstRow, string separator)
List<string> csvRows = new List<string>();
StringBuilder sb = null;
if (includeHeaderAsFirstRow)
sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int index = 0; index < dataReader.FieldCount; index++)
if (dataReader.GetName(index) != null)
if (index < dataReader.FieldCount - 1)
while (dataReader.Read())
sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int index = 0; index < dataReader.FieldCount - 1; index++)
if (!dataReader.IsDBNull(index))
string value = dataReader.GetValue(index).ToString();
if (dataReader.GetFieldType(index) == typeof(String))
//If double quotes are used in value, ensure each are replaced but 2.
if (value.IndexOf("\"") >= 0)
value = value.Replace("\"", "\"\"");
//If separtor are is in value, ensure it is put in double quotes.
if (value.IndexOf(separator) >= 0)
value = "\"" + value + "\"";
if (index < dataReader.FieldCount - 1)
if (!dataReader.IsDBNull(dataReader.FieldCount - 1))
sb.Append(dataReader.GetValue(dataReader.FieldCount - 1).ToString().Replace(separator, " "));
sb = null;
return csvRows;
List<string> rows = null;
using (SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader())
rows = dataReader.ToCSV(includeHeadersAsFirstRow, separator);
You can use the SqlDataReader.GetName method to get the name of a column, like this:
for(int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
string columnName = reader.GetName(i);
I developed following high performance extension
static void Main(string[] args)
SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection("Removed");
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Table", sqlCon);
SqlDataReader reader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
string csv=reader.ToCSVHighPerformance(true);
File.WriteAllText("Test.CSV", csv);
public static string ToCSVHighPerformance(this IDataReader dataReader, bool includeHeaderAsFirstRow = true,
string separator = ",")
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
StringBuilder csvRows = new StringBuilder();
string row = "";
int columns ;
columns= dataTable.Columns.Count;
//Create Header
if (includeHeaderAsFirstRow)
for (int index = 0; index < columns; index++)
row += (dataTable.Columns[index]);
if (index < columns - 1)
row += (separator);
row += (Environment.NewLine);
//Create Rows
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < dataTable.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
row = "";
for (int index = 0; index < columns - 1; index++)
string value = dataTable.Rows[rowIndex][index].ToString();
//If type of field is string
if (dataTable.Rows[rowIndex][index] is string)
//If double quotes are used in value, ensure each are replaced by double quotes.
if (value.IndexOf("\"") >= 0)
value = value.Replace("\"", "\"\"");
//If separtor are is in value, ensure it is put in double quotes.
if (value.IndexOf(separator) >= 0)
value = "\"" + value + "\"";
//If string contain new line character
while (value.Contains("\r"))
value = value.Replace("\r", "");
while (value.Contains("\n"))
value = value.Replace("\n", "");
row += value;
if (index < columns - 1)
row += separator;
dataTable.Rows[rowIndex][columns - 1].ToString().ToString().Replace(separator, " ");
row += Environment.NewLine;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return csvRows.ToString();

How to Insert Data from DataTable to Oracle Database Table :

I've data in DataTable with 2 rows and 3 columns. I want to insert that data into Oracle table.
How can I insert? please give me with some example.
And also
How can I pass datatable to storedprocedure in ORACLE...
I pass datatable in below mensioned manner, but datatable type problem is comming. how can I solve this?
cmd.Parameters.Add("Details", DbType.Single).Value = dtSupplier.ToString();
want to insert dataset or a datatable into ORACLE,
create an ORACLE data adapter.
create a command object for insertion,
set the CommandType to StoredProcedure.
Update command of the data adapter,
pass the dataset or datatable as parameter.
like this:
OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter();
OracleCommand cmdOra = new OracleCommand(StoredProcedureName, Connection);
cmdOra.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
da.InsertCommand = cmdOra;
if above dont work than pass datatable as xml prameter than than process it
For details check : ADO.NET DataTable as XML parameter to an Oracle/SQL Server Database Stored Procedure
Check this thread on Oracle site : Thread: Pass data table to Oracle stored procedure
Check existing answer : How to Pass datatable as input to procedure in C#?
I'm very late for this answer, but I elaborated a bit to have some more readable (I hope) code, and to avoid all those .ToString() for the values so nulls and other less common values can be handled; here it is:
public void Copy(String tableName, DataTable dataTable)
var insert = $"insert into {tableName} ({GetColumnNames(dataTable)}) values ({GetParamPlaceholders(dataTable)})";
using (var connection = /*a method to get a new open connection*/)
for (var row = 0; row < dataTable.Rows.Count; row++)
InsertRow(dataTable, insert, connection, row);
private static void InsertRow(DataTable dataTable, String insert, OracleConnection connection, Int32 row)
using (var command = new OracleCommand(insert, connection))
AssembleParameters(dataTable, command, row);
private static void AssembleParameters(DataTable dataTable, OracleCommand command, Int32 row)
for (var col = 0; col < dataTable.Columns.Count; col++)
command.Parameters.Add(ParameterFor(dataTable, row, col));
private static OracleParameter ParameterFor(DataTable dataTable, Int32 row, Int32 col)
return new OracleParameter(GetParamName(dataTable.Columns[col]), dataTable.Rows[row].ItemArray.GetValue(col));
private static String GetColumnNames(DataTable data) => (from DataColumn column in data.Columns select column.ColumnName).StringJoin(", ");
private static String GetParamPlaceholders(DataTable data) => (from DataColumn column in data.Columns select GetParamName(column)).StringJoin(", ");
private static String GetParamName(DataColumn column) => $":{column.ColumnName}_param";
Hope this can be still useful to somebody
The best idea would be follow the step mentioned below
Create a transaction
Begin the transaction
Loop through you data table
call your procedure
If no error occurred commit transaction
else roll back transaction
Regarding this part of your question:
cmd.Parameters.Add("Details", DbType.Single).Value = dtSupplier.ToString();
What is the type of the "Details" parameter? Is it a Single? Then you would have to pick one (1) value from your DataTable and pass it to your parameter, something like dtSupplier.Rows[0]["col"].
If you use dtSupplier.ToString() you are just making a string of the entire DataTable (which i guess will always be the type name of DataTable).
First of all, you need to add Oracle.DataAccess.dll as reference in Visual Studio. In most cases, you can find this dll in the directory C:\ProgramData\Oracle11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin\2.x\Oracle.DataAccess.dll
If just you need to insert the records from DataTable to Oracle table, then you can call the below function. Consider that your DataTable name is dt.
string error = "";
int noOfInserts = DataTableToTable(dt,out error);
1. Without using Oracle Parameters(special character non-safe)
The definition of the function is given below. Here, we are just making the query dynamic for passing this as a sql statement to the InsertWithQuery function.
public int DataTableToTable(DataTable dt,out string error)
error = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
colValue += "'" + dt.Rows[i][j].ToString() + "',";
colValue = colValue.Remove(colValue.Length - 1, 1);
finalSql += colValue + " FROM DUAL";
InsertWithQuery(finalSql, out error);
if (error != "")
return error;
colValue = "";
The code for InsertWithQuery function is given below. Here, in the connection string you have to place you database details like Host,Username,Password etc.
public int InsertWithQuery(string query, out string error)
error = "";
int rowsInserted = 0;
if (error == "")
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=)));User Id=;Password=");
OracleTransaction trans = con.BeginTransaction();
error = "";
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Transaction = trans;
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandText = query;
rowsInserted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return rowsInserted;
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex.Message;
rowsInserted = 0;
return rowsInserted;
2. With using Oracle Parameters(special character safe)
This can handle special characters like single quotes like scenarios in the column values.
public int DataTableToTable(DataTable dt,out string error)
error = "";
string finalSql = "";
List<string> colValue = new List<string>();
List<string> cols = new List<string>() {"COLUMN1","COLUMN2","COLUMN3"};
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
objDAL.InsertWithParams(finalSql,colValue,cols, out error);
if (error != "")
return error;
And the InsertWithParams is given below
public string InsertWithParams(string sql, List<string> colValue, List<string> cols, out string error)
error = "";
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=)(PORT=)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=)));User Id=;Password=");
OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
for (int i = 0; i < colValue.Count; i++)
command.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter(cols[i], colValue[i]));
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex.Message;
return null;
try {
//Suppose you have DataTable dt
string connectionString = #"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
#"Data Source='Give path of your access database file here';Persist Security Info=False";
OleDbConnection dbConn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
using (dbConn)
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(
"INSERT INTO Participant_Profile ([column1], [column2] , [column3] ) VALUES (#c1 , #c2 , #c3 )", dbConn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#c1", dt.rows[i][j].ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#c2", dt.rows[i][j].ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#c3", dt.rows[i][j].ToString());
catch (OleDbException exception)
Console.WriteLine("SQL Error occured: " + exception);
I know it's been a big WHILE upon the matter, but the same need: "to insert data from a datatable to an Oracle table" has happened to me. I found this thread. I also tried the answers and came to the conclusion that executing a
in a loop, is bad. Reeaaally bad. The first thing that is bad is performance, the second is unnecessary complexity, the third is unnecessary Oracle Objects (stored proc). The time it takes to complete, lets say 200 rows, is almost 1 minute and that's me rounding it down. So in the hope that someone else will find this helpful here's my experience.
I got stubborn and searched some more, so I found out this, true it's from 2018. But I'm in 2021 myself...
So the base code is:
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client; // you don't need other dll, just install this from nuget gallery
using System.Data;
public static void Datatable2Oracle(string tableName, DataTable dataTable)
string connString = "connection string";
OracleBulkCopy copy= new(connString, OracleBulkCopyOptions.UseInternalTransaction /*I don't know what this option does*/);
copy.DestinationTableName = tableName;
This should match a raw oracle DDL performance:
create table table_name as select * from other_table_name

Can you get the column names from a SqlDataReader?

After connecting to the database, can I get the name of all the columns that were returned in my SqlDataReader?
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
var columns = new List<string>();
for(int i=0;i<reader.FieldCount;i++)
var columns = Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount).Select(reader.GetName).ToList();
There is a GetName function on the SqlDataReader which accepts the column index and returns the name of the column.
Conversely, there is a GetOrdinal which takes in a column name and returns the column index.
You can get the column names from a DataReader.
Here is the important part:
for (int col = 0; col < SqlReader.FieldCount; col++)
Console.Write(SqlReader.GetName(col).ToString()); // Gets the column name
Console.Write(SqlReader.GetFieldType(col).ToString()); // Gets the column type
Console.Write(SqlReader.GetDataTypeName(col).ToString()); // Gets the column database type
Already mentioned. Just a LINQ answer:
var columns = reader.GetSchemaTable().Rows
.Select(r => (string)r["ColumnName"])
var columns = Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount)
The second one is cleaner and much faster. Even if you cache GetSchemaTable in the first approach, the querying is going to be very slow.
If you want the column names only, you can do:
List<string> columns = new List<string>();
using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly))
DataTable dt = reader.GetSchemaTable();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
But if you only need one row, I like my AdoHelper addition. This addition is great if you have a single line query and you don't want to deal with data table in you code. It's returning a case insensitive dictionary of column names and values.
public static Dictionary<string, string> ExecuteCaseInsensitiveDictionary(string query, string connectionString, Dictionary<string, string> queryParams = null)
Dictionary<string, string> CaseInsensitiveDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = query;
// Add the parameters for the SelectCommand.
if (queryParams != null)
foreach (var param in queryParams)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(param.Key, param.Value);
using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
CaseInsensitiveDictionary.Add(column.ColumnName, row[column].ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return CaseInsensitiveDictionary;
Use an extension method:
public static List<string> ColumnList(this IDataReader dataReader)
var columns = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataReader.FieldCount; i++)
return columns;
For me, I would write an extension method like this:
public static string[] GetFieldNames(this SqlDataReader reader)
return Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount).Select(x => reader.GetName(x)).ToArray();
I use the GetSchemaTable method, which is exposed via the IDataReader interface.
You sure can.
protected void GetColumNames_DataReader()
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection SqlCon = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=northwind;trusted_connection=true");
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand SqlCmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Products", SqlCon);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader SqlReader = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
System.Int32 _columncount = SqlReader.FieldCount;
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("SqlDataReader Columns");
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" ");
for ( System.Int32 iCol = 0; iCol < _columncount; iCol ++ )
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Column " + iCol.ToString() + ": ");
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(SqlReader.GetName( iCol ).ToString());
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" ");
This is originally from:
It is easier to achieve it in SQL
