Whenever I say "Search for" something, my web browser will open will a random search term. It's almost if the computer couldn't understand me. I even spoke pure U.S. English and it still didn't quite get it. (Windows Form App C#)
Scenario 1: I said "Search for Facebook" and Google opened and the search text said "baseball"
Scenario 2: I said "Search for cars" and Google opened and the search text said "cost"
Scenario 3: I said "cat chases mouse" and Google opened and the search text said "and cat feces miles"
Is there anyway to better way to train the speech recognition?
//Search Google
if (speech.ToLower().Contains("search for")) // See if the string contains the 'search for' string.
string query = speech.Replace("search for", ""); // Remove the 'search for' text.
// Old code (does not make the text fully URL safe)
// query = query.Replace(' ', '+');
query = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(query);
string url = "https://www.google.com/search?q=" + query;
string Speech = e.Result.Text;
QEvent = Speech;
wiki.SpeakAsync("what do you want to search");
Speech = string.Empty;
else if (Speech != string.Empty && QEvent == "I WANT TO SEARCH SOMETHING")
Process.Start("http://google.com/search?q=" + Speech);
QEvent = string.Empty;
Num = rnd.Next(1, 4);
if (Num == 1) { wiki.SpeakAsync("Alright, I am searching " + Speech + " in google"); }
else if (Num == 2) { wiki.SpeakAsync("ok sir, I am searching " + Speech); }
else if (Num == 3) { wiki.SpeakAsync("Alright, I am searching "); }
Speech = string.Empty;
The <dictation> tag in SAPI grammars tends to have lower accuracy than the pure dictation grammar, mostly because the <dictation> tag doesn't take advantage of context (which hugely improves accuracy).
That being said, however, if you open up the Control Panel and search for "speech", you will find the Speech Recognition control panel, which has an item 'Train your computer to better understand you'. Run through this several times and accuracy should improve.
Also, microphone choice is critical. A good quality headset microphone will do wonders for accuracy. Webcam or desk microphones tend not to do well, as the audio levels vary too much.
C#, Winforms:
I have a log file I need to parse. This file contains transactions requests from a program, but the program writes the transaction across multiple lines.
I need to get the ID# and if the request was processed or denied for whatever reason. The problem is that these requests are on multiple lines. My only saving grace is that they contain the same time stamp from the logger. The (##) is not usable since it is a temporary placeholder, thus (19) may repeat multiple times throughout the log.
I was thinking of scanning for a PR_Request, substringing the ID# and the time stamp, but I dont know how to make a streamreader move down to the next 4 lines and write it out to be one single line in a file.
06/10/16 08:09:33.031 (1) PR_Request: IID=caa23b14,
06/10/16 08:09:33.031 (1) PR_Mon: IID=caa23b14,
06/10/16 08:09:33.031 (1) RESUME|BEGIN
06/10/16 08:09:33.031 (1) RESUME_TRIG|SC-TI
06/10/16 08:19:04.384 (19) PR_Request: IID=90dg01b,
06/10/16 08:19:04.384 (19) PR_Mon: IID=90dg01b,
06/10/16 08:19:04.384 (19) RESUME|DENIED: Access not granted.
I need output to be in a single line for a file. That way, I can just parse it with another program and feed the data into a database.
06/10/16 08:09:33.031 PR_Request: IID=caa23b14 | RESUME | BEGIN | RESUME_TRIG | SC-TI
06/10/16 08:19:04.384 PR_Request: IID=90dg01b | RESUME | DENIED: Access not granted.
Okay I think I have a base code here. It works, kind of. It takes such a long time because I had to open another file streamer when it found a match to PR_Request, then scan the file again with the same fullstamp (date + process number). It will then look for RESUME|BEGIN or RESUME|DENIED and then write out that it succeeded or failed.
Is there any way to perhaps speed this up by getting the streamreader line where it originally found the PR_Request, have it start on another line, count maybe to 5 more lines, then stop it? This would help speed up the program considerably.
string inputfolder = inputloctxt.Text;
string outputfolder = saveloctxt.Text;
string outputfile = #"ParsedFile.txt";
string[] readfromdir = Directory.GetFiles(outputfolder);
foreach (string readnow in readfromdir)
using (StreamReader fileread = new StreamReader(readnow))
string fileisreading;
while ((fileisreading = fileread.ReadLine()) != null)
if (fileisreading.Contains("PR_Request"))
string resumed = null;
string fullstamp = fileisreading.Substring(1, 26);
string datestamp = fileisreading.Substring(1, 21);
string requesttype = fileisreading.Substring(27, 22);
string iidnum = fileisreading.Substring(53, 8);
using (StreamReader grabnext01 = new StreamReader(readnow))
string grabnow01;
while ((grabnow01 = grabnext01.ReadLine()) != null)
if (grabnow01.Contains(fullstamp))
if (grabnow01.Contains("RESUME|BEGIN"))
resumed = "TRUE";
else if (grabnow01.Contains("RESUME|DENIED"))
resumed = "FALSE";
File.AppendAllText(outputfolder + outputfile,
datestamp + " " + requesttype + " " + iidnum + " " + resumed + Environment.NewLine);
resumed = null;
This sounds like you need to use Regular Expressions. There is a namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions you can use and reference the capture groups that I made for you in the example.
Use these sites for reference:
I started off the Regex for you, it is not pretty but it should get the job done.
(?:\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{3}\s\(\d+\)\s)(PR_Request: IID=[^,\n]+)(?:\,\n\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{3}\s\(\d+\)\sPR_Mon: IID=[^,\n]*\,\n\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{3}\s\(\d+\)\s)((RESUME|BEGIN|\||DENIED: Access not granted.)*)(?:\n\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{3}\s\(\d+\)\s)*((RESUME_TRIG|SC\-TI|\|)*)
iv made a web forum, as i have lots of folders on my local drive i can now search for any folders i want on webpage.
Now am looking to add a link to the results of the search so it takes me directly to the folder.
My code in c#:
protected void List_Dirs(string searchStr = null)
MainContentLocal.InnerHtml = "";
string[] directoryList = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories("\\\\myfiles\\Web");
int x = 0;
foreach (string directory in directoryList)
if (searchStr != null && searchStr.Length > 1)
UserInfo.Text = "Your Search for : <strong>" + SearchPhrase.Text + "</strong> returns ";
MainContentLocal.InnerHtml += directoryP + "<br />";
MainContentLocal.InnerHtml += directoryP + "<br />";
if (searchStr != null && searchStr.Length > 1)
UserInfo.Text += "<strong>" + x.ToString() + "</strong> results";
UserInfo.CssClass = "userInfo";
catch(Exception DirectoryListExp)
MainContentLocal.InnerHtml = DirectoryListExp.Message;
When i enter something is search i will get a list of folders like:
Your Search for : project returns 2 results
job234 project234 Awards
job323 project game
now is there any way for me to click the result so i can open a window explore on the webpage
You can create links like project234.
string folder = "\\\\myfiles\\Web";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["folder"])) {
// Folder clicked
folder = string.Format("{0}{1}", folder, Request["folder"]);
string[] directoryList = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder);
Then it will open it on the server. So if it really is local, than it will work. If there is no security problem. But I'm not sure. You can also use file:// links (as Ryan Mrachek notes), but browsers are not happy to let you open them.
If your result is a file, you can open that file programmatically through the Process class by invoking Process.Start("C:\\MyResults.txt"). This will open the results in the default text editor. In the same way, you can also open a web page by inserting passing a Url to Process.Start. I hope this is what wanted.
our file urls are malformed. It should be:
Please refer to The Bizarre and Unhappy Story of File URLs.
This works for me:
When you click Link, a new Windows Explorer window is opened to the specified location. But as you point out, this only works from a file:// URL to begin with.
A detailed explanation of what is going on can be found here. Basically this behavior by design for IE since IE6 SP1/SP2 and the only way you can change it is by explicitly disabling certain security policies using registry settings on the local machine.
So if you're an IT admin and you want to deploy this for your internal corporate LAN, this might be possible (though inadvisable). If you're doing this on some generic, public-facing website, it seems impossible.
I found yesterday on google iTextSharp for pdf filling data.
but when i trying to read pdf ,i am not getting acrofields from pdf .
Here is code
private void ListFieldNames()
string pdfTemplate = #"E:\Vikas\Projects\PdfWriter\PdfWriter\nbc-app.pdf";
// create a new PDF reader based on the PDF template document
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(pdfTemplate);
AcroFields formfields = pdfReader.AcroFields;
// create and populate a string builder with each of the
// field names available in the subject PDF
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AcroFields.Item> de in formfields.Fields)
sb.Append(de.Key.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
// Write the string builder's content to the form's textbox
txtbx.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
txtbx.Width = 500;
txtbx.Rows = 40;
txtbx.Text = sb.ToString();
//txtbx.SelectionStart = 0;
Than i was doing debugging i saw reader.javascript throwing error (error is below )
if (typeof(this.ADBE) == "undefined")
this.ADBE = new Object();
ADBE.Viewer_string_Title = "Adobe Acrobat";
ADBE.Viewer_string_Update_Desc = "Adobe Interactive Forms Update";
ADBE.Viewer_string_Update_Reader_Desc = "Adobe Reader 7.0.5";
ADBE.Reader_string_Need_New_Version_Msg = "This PDF file requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Press OK to download the latest version or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_601 = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. Press OK to initiate an online update or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_Older = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. Press OK for online download information or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_601 = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Acrobat. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. Press OK to initiate an online update or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_60 = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Acrobat. Although the form may appear to work properly, some elements may function improperly or may not appear at all. For more information please copy the following URL (CTRL+C on Win, Command-C on Mac) and paste into your browser or see your system administrator.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_Older = "This PDF requires a newer version of Acrobat. Copy this URL and paste into your browser or see your sys admin.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_5x = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. Some form elements might not be visible at all. If an internet connection is available, clicking OK will open your browser to a web page where you can obtain the latest version.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Reader_6_7x = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Reader. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. Some form elements might not be visible at all. If an internet connection is available, clicking OK will download and install the latest version.";
ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer = "This PDF form requires a newer version of Adobe Acrobat. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. Some form elements might not be visible at all. If an internet connection is available, clicking OK will download and install the latest version.";
if (typeof(ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked) == "undefined")
ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked = false;
if (typeof(ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked) == "undefined")
ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked = false;
if (typeof(ADBE.Reader_Need_Version) == "undefined" || ADBE.Reader_Need_Version < 8.1)
ADBE.Reader_Need_Version = 8.1;
ADBE.Reader_Value_New_Version_URL = "http://cgi.adobe.com/special/acrobat/update";
ADBE.SYSINFO = "?p=" + app.platform + "&v=" + app.viewerVersion + "&l=" + app.language + "&c=" + app.viewerType + "&r=" + ADBE.Reader_Need_Version;
if (typeof(ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version) == "undefined" || ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version < 8.1)
ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version = 8.1;
ADBE.Viewer_Value_New_Version_URL = "http://cgi.adobe.com/special/acrobat/update";
ADBE.SYSINFO = "?p=" + app.platform + "&v=" + app.viewerVersion + "&l=" + app.language + "&c=" + app.viewerType + "&r=" + ADBE.Viewer_Need_Version;
if (typeof(xfa_installed) == "undefined" || typeof(xfa_version) == "undefined" || xfa_version < 2.6)
if (app.viewerType == "Reader")
if (ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked != true)
if (app.viewerVersion < 8.0)
if (app.alert(ADBE.Reader_string_Need_New_Version_Msg, 1, 1) == 1)
this.getURL(ADBE.Reader_Value_New_Version_URL + ADBE.SYSINFO, false);
ADBE.Reader_Value_Asked = true;
else if (app.alert(ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer, 1, 1) == 1)
app.findComponent({cType:"Plugin", cName:"XFA", cVer:"2.6"});
if (ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked != true)
if (app.viewerVersion < 7.0)
app.response({cQuestion: ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer_Older, cDefault: ADBE.Viewer_Value_New_Version_URL + ADBE.SYSINFO, cTitle: ADBE.Viewer_string_Title});
else if (app.viewerVersion < 8.0)
if (app.alert(ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer, 1, 1) == 1)
app.launchURL(ADBE.Viewer_Value_New_Version_URL + ADBE.SYSINFO, true);
else if (app.alert(ADBE.Viewer_Form_string_Viewer, 1, 1) == 1)
app.findComponent({cType:"Plugin", cName:"XFA", cVer:"2.6"});
ADBE.Viewer_Value_Asked = true;
how should i fixed this problem ?
I have some code that reads the ssid and rssi from multiple access points. However it is a console app and I need to convert it to a winform app.
WlanClient client = new WlanClient();
foreach (WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces)
Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork[] networks = wlanIface.GetAvailableNetworkList(0);
foreach (Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork network in networks)
Console.WriteLine("Found network with SSID {0} and Siqnal Quality {1}.", GetStringForSSID(network.dot11Ssid), network.wlanSignalQuality);
I wish to convert the line that prints the list in the console to a line (or lines) that will print to a rich text box. Everything I have tried has resulted in just printing one entry from the list.
Thanks for the responses, here's what I went with..
richTextBox1.AppendText("Found network with SSID---" + GetStringForSSID(network.dot11Ssid) + "and Siqnal Quality---" + rssi + "\n")
You have to make sure the Multiline property to true on the RichTextBox (this is the default so it should be). Use the RichTextBox.AppendText() method and make sure you add a newline character to the end of your string.
I assume here that you are building up a list of networks, for multiple string appends, I would advise using a StringBuilder MSDN Link.
Something like this should work:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach(Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork Network network in networks)
string ssidString = GetStringForSSID(network.dot11Ssid);
builder.AppendFormat("Found network with SSID {0} and Signal Quality {1}.", ssidString , network.wlanSignalQuality).AppendLine();
textBox.Text = builder.ToString();
TextBox.Lines= networks.Select(n => string.Format("Found network with SSID {0} and Signal Quality {1}.", n.dot11Ssid, n.wlanSignalQuality)).ToArray();
Iv'e recently started a new job as an ICT Technician and im creating an Console application which will consists of stuff that will help our daily tools!
My first tool is a Network Scanner, Our system currently runs on Vanilla and Asset tags but the only way we can find the hostname / ip address is by going into the Windows Console tools and nslookup which to me can be improved
I want to create an application in which I enter a 6 digit number and the application will search the whole DNS for a possible match!
Our hostsnames are like so
ICTLN-D006609-edw.srv.internal the d 006609 would be the asset tag for that computer.
I wish to enter that into the Console Application and it search through every hostname and the ones that contain the entered asset tag within the string will be returned along with an ip and full computer name ready for VNC / Remote Desktop.
Firstly how would I go about building this, shall i start the project of as a console app or a WPF. can you provide an example of how I can scan the hostnames via C#, or if there's an opensource C# version can you provide a link.
Any information would be a great help as it will take out alot of issues in the workpalce as we have to ask the customer to go into there My Computer adn properties etc and then read the Computer name back to use which I find pointless.
*1 C# Version I made: http://pastebin.com/wBWxyyuh
I would actually go about this with PowerShell, since automating tasks is kinda its thing. In fact, here's a PowerShell script to list out all computers visible on the network. This is easily translatable into C# if you really want it there instead.
function Find-Computer( [string]$assetTag ) {
$searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher;
$searcher.SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry;
$searcher.SearchScope = 'Subtree';
$searcher.PageSize = 1000;
$searcher.Filter = '(objectCategory=computer)';
$results = $searcher.FindAll();
$computers = #();
foreach($result in $results) {
$computers += $result.GetDirectoryEntry();
$results.Dispose(); #Explicitly needed to free resources.
$computers |? { $_.Name -match $assetTag }
Here's a way you can accomplish this, although it's not the best. You might consider hitting Active Directory to find the legitimate machines on your network. The code below shows how you might resolve a machine name, and shows how to ping it:
static void Main()
for (int index = 0; index < 999999; index++)
string computerName = string.Format("ICTLN-D{0:000000}-edw.srv.internal", index);
string fqdn = computerName;
fqdn = Dns.GetHostEntry(computerName).HostName;
catch (SocketException exception)
Console.WriteLine(">>Computer not found: " + computerName + " - " + exception.Message);
using (Ping ping = new Ping())
PingReply reply = ping.Send(fqdn);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
Console.WriteLine(">>Computer is alive: " + computerName);
Console.WriteLine(">>Computer did not respond to ping: " + computerName);
Hope that helps...