I have this class with comparer
public partial class CityCountryID :IEqualityComparer<CityCountryID>
public string City { get; set; }
public string CountryId { get; set; }
public bool Equals(CityCountryID left, CityCountryID right)
if ((object)left == null && (object)right == null)
return true;
if ((object)left == null || (object)right == null)
return false;
return left.City.Trim().TrimEnd('\r', '\n') == right.City.Trim().TrimEnd('\r', '\n')
&& left.CountryId == right.CountryId;
public int GetHashCode(CityCountryID obj)
return (obj.City + obj.CountryId).GetHashCode();
I Tried using Hashset and Distinct but neither one is working. i did not want to do this in db as the list was too big and too for everrrrrrrr. why is this not working in c#? i want to get a unique country, city list.
List<CityCountryID> CityList = LoadData("GetCityList").ToList();
//var unique = new HashSet<CityCountryID>(CityList);
Console.WriteLine("Loading Completed/ Checking Duplicates");
List<CityCountryID> unique = CityList.Distinct().ToList();
Your Equals and GetHashCode methods aren't consistent. In Equals, you're trimming the city name - but in GetHashCode you're not. That means two equal values can have different hash codes, violating the normal contract.
That's the first thing to fix. I would suggest trimming the city names in the database itself for sanity, and then removing the Trim operations in your Equality check. That'll make things a lot simpler.
The second is work out why it was taking a long time in the database: I'd strongly expect it to perform better in the database than locally, especially if you have indexes on the two fields.
The next is to consider making your type immutable if at all possible. It's generally a bad idea to allow mutable properties of an object to affect equality; if you change an equality-sensitive property of an object after using it as a key in a dictionary (or after adding it to a HashSet) you may well find that you can't retrieve it again, even using the exact same reference.
EDIT: Also, as Scott noted, you either need to pass in an IEqualityComparer to perform the equality comparison or make your type override the normal Equals and GetHashCode methods. At the moment you're half way between the two (implementing IEqualityComparer<T>, but not actually providing a comparer as an argument to Distinct or the HashSet constructor). In general it's unusual for a type to implement IEqualityComparer for itself. Basically you either implement a "natural" equality check in the type or you implement a standalone equality check in a type implementing IEqualityComparer<T>. You don't have to implement IEquatable<T> - just overriding the normal Equals(object) method will work - but it's generally a good idea to implement IEquatable<T> at the same time.
As an aside, I would also suggest computing a hash code without using string concatenation. For example:
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 31 + CountryId.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 31 + City.GetHashCode();
return hash;
You needed to implment the interface IEquatable<T> not IEqualityComparer<T> (Be sure to read the documentation, especially the "Notes to Implementers" section!). IEqualityComparer is when you want to use a custom comparer other than the default one built in to the class.
Also you need to make the changes that Jon mentioned about GetHashCode not matching Equals
Given the following class
public class Foo
public int FooId { get; set; }
public string FooName { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Foo fooItem = obj as Foo;
if (fooItem == null)
return false;
return fooItem.FooId == this.FooId;
public override int GetHashCode()
// Which is preferred?
return base.GetHashCode();
//return this.FooId.GetHashCode();
I have overridden the Equals method because Foo represent a row for the Foos table. Which is the preferred method for overriding the GetHashCode?
Why is it important to override GetHashCode?
Yes, it is important if your item will be used as a key in a dictionary, or HashSet<T>, etc - since this is used (in the absence of a custom IEqualityComparer<T>) to group items into buckets. If the hash-code for two items does not match, they may never be considered equal (Equals will simply never be called).
The GetHashCode() method should reflect the Equals logic; the rules are:
if two things are equal (Equals(...) == true) then they must return the same value for GetHashCode()
if the GetHashCode() is equal, it is not necessary for them to be the same; this is a collision, and Equals will be called to see if it is a real equality or not.
In this case, it looks like "return FooId;" is a suitable GetHashCode() implementation. If you are testing multiple properties, it is common to combine them using code like below, to reduce diagonal collisions (i.e. so that new Foo(3,5) has a different hash-code to new Foo(5,3)):
In modern frameworks, the HashCode type has methods to help you create a hashcode from multiple values; on older frameworks, you'd need to go without, so something like:
unchecked // only needed if you're compiling with arithmetic checks enabled
{ // (the default compiler behaviour is *disabled*, so most folks won't need this)
int hash = 13;
hash = (hash * 7) + field1.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 7) + field2.GetHashCode();
return hash;
Oh - for convenience, you might also consider providing == and != operators when overriding Equals and GetHashCode.
A demonstration of what happens when you get this wrong is here.
It's actually very hard to implement GetHashCode() correctly because, in addition to the rules Marc already mentioned, the hash code should not change during the lifetime of an object. Therefore the fields which are used to calculate the hash code must be immutable.
I finally found a solution to this problem when I was working with NHibernate.
My approach is to calculate the hash code from the ID of the object. The ID can only be set though the constructor so if you want to change the ID, which is very unlikely, you have to create a new object which has a new ID and therefore a new hash code. This approach works best with GUIDs because you can provide a parameterless constructor which randomly generates an ID.
By overriding Equals you're basically stating that you know better how to compare two instances of a given type.
Below you can see an example of how ReSharper writes a GetHashCode() function for you. Note that this snippet is meant to be tweaked by the programmer:
public override int GetHashCode()
var result = 0;
result = (result * 397) ^ m_someVar1;
result = (result * 397) ^ m_someVar2;
result = (result * 397) ^ m_someVar3;
result = (result * 397) ^ m_someVar4;
return result;
As you can see it just tries to guess a good hash code based on all the fields in the class, but if you know your object's domain or value ranges you could still provide a better one.
Please donĀ“t forget to check the obj parameter against null when overriding Equals().
And also compare the type.
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Foo fooItem = obj as Foo;
if (fooItem == null)
return false;
return fooItem.FooId == this.FooId;
The reason for this is: Equals must return false on comparison to null. See also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bsc2ak47.aspx
How about:
public override int GetHashCode()
return string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", prop1, prop2, prop3).GetHashCode();
Assuming performance is not an issue :)
As of .NET 4.7 the preferred method of overriding GetHashCode() is shown below. If targeting older .NET versions, include the System.ValueTuple nuget package.
// C# 7.0+
public override int GetHashCode() => (FooId, FooName).GetHashCode();
In terms of performance, this method will outperform most composite hash code implementations. The ValueTuple is a struct so there won't be any garbage, and the underlying algorithm is as fast as it gets.
Just to add on above answers:
If you don't override Equals then the default behavior is that references of the objects are compared. The same applies to hashcode - the default implmentation is typically based on a memory address of the reference.
Because you did override Equals it means the correct behavior is to compare whatever you implemented on Equals and not the references, so you should do the same for the hashcode.
Clients of your class will expect the hashcode to have similar logic to the equals method, for example linq methods which use a IEqualityComparer first compare the hashcodes and only if they're equal they'll compare the Equals() method which might be more expensive to run, if we didn't implement hashcode, equal object will probably have different hashcodes (because they have different memory address) and will be determined wrongly as not equal (Equals() won't even hit).
In addition, except the problem that you might not be able to find your object if you used it in a dictionary (because it was inserted by one hashcode and when you look for it the default hashcode will probably be different and again the Equals() won't even be called, like Marc Gravell explains in his answer, you also introduce a violation of the dictionary or hashset concept which should not allow identical keys -
you already declared that those objects are essentially the same when you overrode Equals so you don't want both of them as different keys on a data structure which suppose to have a unique key. But because they have a different hashcode the "same" key will be inserted as different one.
It is because the framework requires that two objects that are the same must have the same hashcode. If you override the equals method to do a special comparison of two objects and the two objects are considered the same by the method, then the hash code of the two objects must also be the same. (Dictionaries and Hashtables rely on this principle).
We have two problems to cope with.
You cannot provide a sensible GetHashCode() if any field in the
object can be changed. Also often a object will NEVER be used in a
collection that depends on GetHashCode(). So the cost of
implementing GetHashCode() is often not worth it, or it is not
If someone puts your object in a collection that calls
GetHashCode() and you have overrided Equals() without also making
GetHashCode() behave in a correct way, that person may spend days
tracking down the problem.
Therefore by default I do.
public class Foo
public int FooId { get; set; }
public string FooName { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
Foo fooItem = obj as Foo;
if (fooItem == null)
return false;
return fooItem.FooId == this.FooId;
public override int GetHashCode()
// Some comment to explain if there is a real problem with providing GetHashCode()
// or if I just don't see a need for it for the given class
throw new Exception("Sorry I don't know what GetHashCode should do for this class");
Hash code is used for hash-based collections like Dictionary, Hashtable, HashSet etc. The purpose of this code is to very quickly pre-sort specific object by putting it into specific group (bucket). This pre-sorting helps tremendously in finding this object when you need to retrieve it back from hash-collection because code has to search for your object in just one bucket instead of in all objects it contains. The better distribution of hash codes (better uniqueness) the faster retrieval. In ideal situation where each object has a unique hash code, finding it is an O(1) operation. In most cases it approaches O(1).
It's not necessarily important; it depends on the size of your collections and your performance requirements and whether your class will be used in a library where you may not know the performance requirements. I frequently know my collection sizes are not very large and my time is more valuable than a few microseconds of performance gained by creating a perfect hash code; so (to get rid of the annoying warning by the compiler) I simply use:
public override int GetHashCode()
return base.GetHashCode();
(Of course I could use a #pragma to turn off the warning as well but I prefer this way.)
When you are in the position that you do need the performance than all of the issues mentioned by others here apply, of course. Most important - otherwise you will get wrong results when retrieving items from a hash set or dictionary: the hash code must not vary with the life time of an object (more accurately, during the time whenever the hash code is needed, such as while being a key in a dictionary): for example, the following is wrong as Value is public and so can be changed externally to the class during the life time of the instance, so you must not use it as the basis for the hash code:
class A
public int Value;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode(); //WRONG! Value is not constant during the instance's life time
On the other hand, if Value can't be changed it's ok to use:
class A
public readonly int Value;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode(); //OK Value is read-only and can't be changed during the instance's life time
You should always guarantee that if two objects are equal, as defined by Equals(), they should return the same hash code. As some of the other comments state, in theory this is not mandatory if the object will never be used in a hash based container like HashSet or Dictionary. I would advice you to always follow this rule though. The reason is simply because it is way too easy for someone to change a collection from one type to another with the good intention of actually improving the performance or just conveying the code semantics in a better way.
For example, suppose we keep some objects in a List. Sometime later someone actually realizes that a HashSet is a much better alternative because of the better search characteristics for example. This is when we can get into trouble. List would internally use the default equality comparer for the type which means Equals in your case while HashSet makes use of GetHashCode(). If the two behave differently, so will your program. And bear in mind that such issues are not the easiest to troubleshoot.
I've summarized this behavior with some other GetHashCode() pitfalls in a blog post where you can find further examples and explanations.
As of C# 9(.net 5 or .net core 3.1), you may want to use records as it does Value Based Equality by default.
It's my understanding that the original GetHashCode() returns the memory address of the object, so it's essential to override it if you wish to compare two different objects.
That was incorrect, the original GetHashCode() method cannot assure the equality of 2 values. Though objects that are equal return the same hash code.
Below using reflection seems to me a better option considering public properties as with this you don't have have to worry about addition / removal of properties (although not so common scenario). This I found to be performing better also.(Compared time using Diagonistics stop watch).
public int getHashCode()
PropertyInfo[] theProperties = this.GetType().GetProperties();
int hash = 31;
foreach (PropertyInfo info in theProperties)
if (info != null)
var value = info.GetValue(this,null);
if(value != null)
hash = 29 * hash ^ value.GetHashCode();
return hash;
I am trying to implement an IEqualityComparer that has a tolerance on a date comparison. I have also looked into this question. The problem is that I can't use a workaround because I am using the IEqualityComparer in a LINQ .GroupJoin(). I have tried a few implementations that allow for tolerance. I can get the Equals() to work because I have both objects but I can't figure out how to implement GetHashCode().
My best attempt looks something like this:
public class ThingWithDateComparer : IEqualityComparer<IThingWithDate>
private readonly int _daysToAdd;
public ThingWithDateComparer(int daysToAdd)
_daysToAdd = daysToAdd;
public int GetHashCode(IThingWithDate obj)
var hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + obj.BirthDate.AddDays(_daysToAdd).GetHashCode();
return hash;
public bool Equals(IThingWithDate x, IThingWithDate y)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public interface IThingWithDate
DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
With .GroupJoin() building a HashTable out of the GetHashCode() it applies the days to add to both/all objects. This doesn't work.
The problem is impossible, conceptually. You're trying to compare objects in a way that doesn't have a form of equality that is necessary for the operations you're trying to perform with it. For example, GroupJoin is dependant on the assumption that if A is equal to B, and B is equal to C, then A is equal to C, but in your situation, that's not true. A and B may be "close enough" together for you to want to group them, but A and C may not be.
You're going to need to not implement IEqualityComparer at all, because you cannot fulfill the contract that it requires. If you want to create a mapping of items in one collection to all of the items in another collection that are "close enough" to it then you're going to need to write that algorithm yourself (doing so efficiently is likely to be hard, but doing so inefficiently isn't shouldn't' be that difficult), rather than using GroupJoin, because it's not capable of performing that operation.
I can't see any way to generate a logical hash code for your given criteria.
The hash code is used to determine if 2 dates should stick together. If they should group together, than they must return the same hash code.
If your "float" is 5 days, that means that 1/1/2000 must generate the same hash code as 1/4/2000, and 1/4/2000 must generate the same hashcode as 1/8/2000 (since they are both within 5 days of each other). That implies that 1/1/2000 has the same code as 1/8/2000 (since if a=b and b=c, a=c).
1/1/2000 and 1/8/2000 are outside the 5 day "float".
I am having the following situation
class Custom
public override int GetHashCode(){...calculation1}
public class MyComparer : IEqualityComparer<Custom>
public bool Equals(Custom cus1, Custom cus2)
if (cus1 == null || cus2 == null)
return false;
return cus1.GetHashCode() == cus2.GetHashCode();
public int GetHashCode(Custom cus1)
return ...calculation2;
int Main()
List<Custom> mine1 = new List<Custom>(){....};
List<Custom> mine2 = new List<Custom>(){....};
MyComparer myComparer = new MyComparer();
List<Custom> result = mine1.intersect(mine2,myComparer);
Here Just I want to know which GetHashCode will be used in intersecting.
To answer your question, it will be GetHashCode from MyComparer.
But, there is a very improtant reason why there is a GetHashCode and an Equals method. GetHashCode() is an optimization, so when the items are initially compared, only the hash code is checked, if the hash code is the same, then the Equals method is used. That avoids the chance of same hashes for different objects (the chance is one in ~4 bilions, but it still happens, seen it first person). In Equals() method you should compare all the relevant fields from one object to the other. Comparing objects by hashcode in Equals is wrong and defies the whole purpose of this method.
Hope that clarifies.
Why didn't you test it yourself? You already have the code...
MyComparer.GetHashCode will be used in your case. You can see the code here: http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Core/System/Linq/Enumerable.cs#f4105a494115b366
Custom.GetHashCode would be used if you didn't specify comparer at Intersect call at all.
Generally, Hash codes as well as getHashCode functions provide a good mechanism for comparing, but you should beware of similarity. In result of limited range supported by hash facilities, it is very common that two different numbers consequence in the same hash-code which may interferes comparison contexts.
I need to use Dictionary<long, string> collections that given two instances d1 and d2 where they each have the same KeyValuePair<long, string> contents, which could be inserted in any order:
(d1 == d2) evaluates to true
d1.GetHashCode() == d2.GetHashCode()
The first requirement was achieved most easily by using a SortedDictionary instead of a regular Dictionary.
The second requirement is necessary because I have one point where I need to store Dictionary<Dictionary<long, string>, List<string> - the main Dictionary type is used as the key for another Dictionary, and if the HashCodes don't evaluate based on identical contents, the using ContainsKey() will not work the way that I want (ie: if there is already an item inserted into the dictionary with d1 as its key, then dictionary.ContainsKey(d2) should evaluate to true.
To achieve this, I have created a new object class ComparableDictionary : SortedDictionary<long, string>, and have included the following:
public override int GetHashCode() {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in this) {
return str.ToString().GetHashCode();
In my unit testing, this meets the criteria for both equality and hashcodes. However, in reading Guidelines and Rules for GetHashCode, I came across the following:
Rule: the integer returned by GetHashCode must never change while the object is contained in a data structure that depends on the hash code remaining stable
It is permissible, though dangerous, to make an object whose hash code value can mutate as the fields of the object mutate. If you have such an object and you put it in a hash table then the code which mutates the object and the code which maintains the hash table are required to have some agreed-upon protocol that ensures that the object is not mutated while it is in the hash table. What that protocol looks like is up to you.
If an object's hash code can mutate while it is in the hash table then clearly the Contains method stops working. You put the object in bucket #5, you mutate it, and when you ask the set whether it contains the mutated object, it looks in bucket #74 and doesn't find it.
Remember, objects can be put into hash tables in ways that you didn't expect. A lot of the LINQ sequence operators use hash tables internally. Don't go dangerously mutating objects while enumerating a LINQ query that returns them!
Now, the Dictionary<ComparableDictionary, List<String>> is used only once in code, in a place where the contents of all ComparableDictionary collections should be set. Thus, according to these guidelines, I think that it would be acceptable to override GetHashCode as I have done (basing it completely on the contents of the dictionary).
After that introduction my questions are:
I know that the performance of SortedDictionary is very poor compared to Dictionary (and I can have hundreds of object instantiations). The only reason for using SortedDictionary is so that I can have the equality comparison work based on the contents of the dictionary, regardless of order of insertion. Is there a better way to achieve this equality requirement without having to use a SortedDictionary?
Is my implementation of GetHashCode acceptable based on the requirements? Even though it is based on mutable contents, I don't think that that should pose any risk, since the only place where it is using (I think) is after the contents have been set.
Note: while I have been setting these up using Dictionary or SortedDictionary, I am not wedded to these collection types. The main need is a collection that can store pairs of values, and meet the equality and hashing requirements defined out above.
Your GetHashCode implementation looks acceptable to me, but it's not how I'd do it.
This is what I'd do:
Use composition rather than inheritance. Aside from anything else, inheritance gets odd in terms of equality
Use a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> variable inside the dictionary
Implement GetHashCode by taking an XOR of the individual key/value pair hash codes
Implement equality by checking whether the sizes are the same, then checking every key in "this" to see if its value is the same in the other dictionary.
So something like this:
public sealed class EquatableDictionary<TKey, TValue>
: IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, IEquatable<ComparableDictionary<TKey, TValue>>
private readonly Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary;
public override bool Equals(object other)
return Equals(other as ComparableDictionary<TKey, TValue>);
public bool Equals(ComparableDictionary<TKey, TValue> other)
if (ReferenceEquals(other, null))
return false;
if (Count != other.Count)
return false;
foreach (var pair in this)
var otherValue;
if (!other.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out otherValue))
return false;
if (!EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default.Equals(pair.Value,
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 0;
foreach (var pair in this)
int miniHash = 17;
miniHash = miniHash * 31 +
miniHash = miniHash * 31 +
hash ^= miniHash;
return hash;
// Implementation of IDictionary<,> which just delegates to the dictionary
Also note that I can't remember whether EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode copes with null values - I have a suspicion that it does, returning 0 for null. Worth checking though :)
I have a class which looks like this:
public class NumericalRange:IEquatable<NumericalRange>
public double LowerLimit;
public double UpperLimit;
public NumericalRange(double lower, double upper)
LowerLimit = lower;
UpperLimit = upper;
public bool DoesLieInRange(double n)
if (LowerLimit <= n && n <= UpperLimit)
return true;
return false;
#region IEquatable<NumericalRange> Members
public bool Equals(NumericalRange other)
if (Double.IsNaN(this.LowerLimit)&& Double.IsNaN(other.LowerLimit))
if (Double.IsNaN(this.UpperLimit) && Double.IsNaN(other.UpperLimit))
return true;
if (this.LowerLimit == other.LowerLimit && this.UpperLimit == other.UpperLimit)
return true;
return false;
This class holds a neumerical range of values. This class should also be able to hold a default range, where both LowerLimit and UpperLimit are equal to Double.NaN.
Now this class goes into a Dictionary
The Dictionary works fine for 'non-NaN' numerical range values, but when the Key is {NaN,NaN} NumericalRange Object, then the dictionary throws a KeyNotFoundException.
What am I doing wrong? Is there any other interface that I have to implement?
Based on your comment, you haven't implemented GetHashCode. I'm amazed that the class works at all in a dictionary, unless you're always requesting the identical key that you put in. I would suggest an implementation of something like:
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + UpperLimit.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + LowerLimit.GetHashCode();
return hash;
That assumes Double.GetHashCode() gives a consistent value for NaN. There are many values of NaN of course, and you may want to special case it to make sure they all give the same hash.
You should also override the Equals method inherited from Object:
public override bool Equals(Object other)
return other != null &&
other.GetType() == GetType() &&
Equals((NumericalRange) other);
Note that the type check can be made more efficient by using as if you seal your class. Otherwise you'll get interesting asymmetries between x.Equals(y) and y.Equals(x) if someone derives another class from yours. Equality becomes tricky with inheritance.
You should also make your fields private, exposing them only as propertes. If this is going to be used as a key in a dictionary, I strongly recommend that you make them readonly, too. Changing the contents of a key when it's used in a dictionary is likely to lead to it being "unfindable" later.
The default implementation of the GetHashCode method uses the reference of the object rather than the values in the object. You have to use the same instance of the object as you used to put the data in the dictionary for that to work.
An implementation of GetHashCode that works simply creates a code from the hash codes of it's data members:
public int GetHashCode() {
return LowerLimit.GetHashCode() ^ UpperLimit.GetHashCode();
(This is the same implementation that the Point structure uses.)
Any implementation of the method that always returns the same hash code for any given parameter values works when used in a Dictionary. Just returning the same hash code for all values actually also works, but then the performance of the Dictionary gets bad (looking up a key becomes an O(n) operation instead of an O(1) operation. To give the best performance, the method should distribute the hash codes evenly within the range.
If your data is strongly biased, the above implementation might not give the best performance. If you for example have a lot of ranges where the lower and upper limits are the same, they will all get the hash code zero. In that case something like this might work better:
public int GetHashCode() {
return (LowerLimit.GetHashCode() * 251) ^ UpperLimit.GetHashCode();
You should consider making the class immutable, i.e. make it's properties read-only and only setting them in the constructor. If you change the properties of an object while it's in a Dictionary, it's hash code will change and you will not be able to access the object any more.