I have a RelatedLinks property in one of my pages that I need to get the links/PageIds out from in the code behind of my macro-user control.
I can get the property like this
var current = Node.GetCurrent();
Response.Write("Output: " + current.GetProperty("RelatedLinks").Value);
But the output is empty. When I debug I can see that the Value includes some list content (like tags and such) some somehow nothing is printed.
My question is how I can get the value from this property into something like a collection of hyperlink objects.
I'm new to Umbraco and I's possible that I'm missing something essential here. Getting the content of other property types (like the Content Picker) works fine.
You can use this simple solution in Umbraco 7.+
this simply convert data to static type that is easy to use.
What data type is your related links set to, assuming its a content picker where you are getting the id of the related page you could first create a node form your current page's id then try and get the value from that node e.g.
var current = Node.GetCurrent();
var currentPage = Model.NodeById(current.Id);
var relatedLinks = currentPage.RelatedLinks;
var relatedLinks = GetProperty("RelatedLinks").Value;
when you debug you should be able to see all the properties of currentpage and check your alias as well to make sure its right (generally aliases dont start with a capital by default).
Try this umbraco.NodeFactory.Node.GetCurrent().GetProperty("RelatedLinks")
Solved it like this:
Document doc = new Document(Node.GetCurrent().Id);
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.property.Property relatedLinks = doc.getProperty("RelatedLinks");
XmlNode relatedLinksAsXml = relatedLinks.ToXml(new XmlDocument());
However it says that the Document class is obsolete and wants me to use Umbraco.Core.Models.Content instead. But this is MVC right? I'm trying to use webforms. Tried using the Node class as described in this thread but the Property object I got returned was of the wrong type and couldn't be converted to XML.
I create work items through the TFS api.
var type = project.WorkItemTypes["Bug"];
var workItem = new WorkItem(type)
History = "Created by OneTrueError incident #" + dto.OneTrueErrorIncidentId,
Title = dto.Title,
Description = dto.StackTrace,
workItem.Fields["Activity"].Value = dto.Activity;
workItem.Fields["Repro Steps"].Value = dto.StepsToReproduce;
workItem.Links.Add(new Hyperlink(someBaseUri + "/issue/" + dto.OneTrueErrorIncidentId));
At a later point I want to be able to fetch a specific work item by querying on a Hyperlink that I attached when creating the work item.
I can't figure out how to write that query. All examples I've found regarding links are for links to other work items or TFS resources. I have had no luck trying to modify those examples.
So how can I find a specific workitem using WIQL and a specific Hyperlink.Location?
Unfortunately, it's not able to directly use hyperlink url info in WIQL. You could only use Hyperlink Count field which returns the number of hyperlinks that are defined for the work item.
Reference Name=System.HyperLinkCount, Data type=Integer
As a workaround you may have to get a list of worktiems with links and go through all returned info to match the url that your attached when creating the work item. Then get the work item.
I have two document types:
The Form document type has a property named Fields which is a Nested Content data type that contains a list of FormField document types. I am trying to programmatically (in a SurfaceController) create a FormField and add it to the Fields property of the Form document type.
Here is the code I am trying to use to do this:
var newFormFields = new List<Umbraco.Core.Models.IContent>();
int i = 0;
foreach (var formField in model.Fields)
string fieldName = string.Format("Field {0}", i);
var newFormField = contentService.CreateContent(fieldName, newFormSubmission.Id, "formFieldSubmission", formNode.CreatorId);
newFormField.SetValue("fieldName", formField.Name);
newFormField.SetValue("fieldType", formField.Type);
newFormField.SetValue("manditory", formField.Manditory);
newFormField.SetValue("fieldValue", formField.Value);
newFormSubmission.SetValue("fields", newFormFields);
var status = contentService.SaveAndPublishWithStatus(newFormSubmission, formNode.CreatorId, raiseEvents: false);
On the newFormSubmission.SetValue("fields", newFormFields); line it throws this exception:
The best overloaded method match for 'Umbraco.Core.Models.ContentBase.SetPropertyValue(string, string)' has some invalid arguments
Anyone have any ideas how to store a list of DocumentTypes in the Nested Content data type?
PS: I am using Umbraco version 7.4.0 assembly: 1.0.5885.31226
Lee Kelleher pointed me in the right direction towards developing my own solution in this post on the umbraco forms. I hope to have time after this project to polish up my solution and submit a pull request to the project.
I basically ended up creating some extension methods that take an IEnumerable<IContent> and return a JSON representation of the objects for the NestedContent plugin.
This gist might help you:
There's an example in the second file further down. It was written last year and may require some tweaking; but it should give you a good start.
It seems that the second argument of the SetPropertyValue method expects a string and you are passing a List<Umbraco.Core.Models.IContent>
I have created a checkbox list type of data type in umbraco. see below screen shot
I am able to get the text value of this data type which is "All" in this case. But I am unable to get the Value in code.
umbraco.library.IProperty property = node.GetProperty("countries");
string val = property.Value;
I also looked at all the property fields but Value of this is not available.
Any one has any idea
I am using Umbraco 6.2.4
Looks like you should be using the GetPreValueAsString for your soultion.
string val = umbraco.library.GetPreValueAsString(node.GetProperty<int>("countries"));
I'm trying to get data from the DOM from a document loaded into a Cocoa WebView control but it seems like the element's value is empty. I'm using MonoMac. The code I'm using (C#) is below:
var document = WebBrowser.MainFrameDocument;
if (document != null)
// GetAllChildren is a recursive extension function that iterates through a DomNode's
// ChildNodes property and returns a list of all of them
var textareaElements = document.GetAllChildren().OfType<DomHtmlElement>().Where(node => node.Name.Equals("TEXTAREA"));
foreach (var textarea in textareaElements)
var value = textarea.Value; // this is always ""
Do I need to do something to make sure the DOM reference I have to has the data entered into the webpage?
I rarely have to work with DOM but it seems to be the returned node is of type Element and the nodeValue will return a string only for a Text type.
From an Element you can try the TextContent, that does return the expected value for the bug report you mentioned.
Or you can access the Text node (it will be textarea.FirstChild.Value in your case) and that should also return the value you expect.
The original test case from the bug report did not show the real issue. A newer test case was provided and a fix is now available (on github monomac repo).
This appears to be a bug in the MonoMac implementation: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7754
UPDATE: There is an active pull request that fixes this issue: https://github.com/mono/monomac/pull/109
I created several input text in Javascript in my .aspx
for (var i = 0; i < listbox.options.length; i++) {
var text = listbox.options[i].value;
var element = document.createElement("input");
//Assign different attributes to the element.
element.setAttribute("type", "text");
element.setAttribute("value", text);
element.setAttribute("id", "TMruleItem");
element.setAttribute("style", "width:480px; margin-top:10px");
element.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
var foo = document.getElementById("Panel_TM");
However, when I try to get the text of this object in C#(code behind the .aspx), it seems impossible. Can anybody help with this? Thanks a lot!
The js runs client side AFTER the C# (server side) has rendered the page.
You cannot do what you want because you have fundamentally flawed model of how these technologies interact.
Having said that; you could implement a web service or ajax framework to pass the text value to the server.
I'm not exactly sure how you will add this into the C# side of things (which live on the server), because this element is only being added to the clientside (even if you add an attribute runat="server"), because the page that was generated has been sent.
However, if you need to be able to add elements dynamically, you could always pass some information using an ajax call (etc) that is stored somewhere (a database) that is then read to re-create the html element next time the page is generated...
End result though is that for the C# to be able to access the element, it must exist at some point on the server. If instead of accessing the element, you just want to access the value, provided the form is posted (ajax or regular) the value will be part of the Request variables:
string value = Request.Params["TMruleItem"];
Add the following to your javascript code:
element.setAttribute("name", "TMruleItem");
and entered values will be available on the server side:
string value = Request.Form["TMruleItem"];
I think you'd need to add the element to the form and when you post back to the server you can pull the value out using Request.Form