Listen to synchronous callbacks with C# - c#

I have a program which write data to a USB HID device. When data is received from the USB device I get a callback from the usblib library through a delegate event DataRecievedEventHandler.
I am used to programming on firmware with interrupts, so that I can do
while(!flag); // Will continue when interrupt triggers and change the flag
I want to write an array element by element to the USB and wait for a return from the device after each array element
for (int i = 0; i > 16; i++)
// Wait for response from USB before transmitting next iteration
The problem is that the callback will not get triggered when I'm spooling in that while loop. Any suggestion on how to do these kind of operations?
The library I am using for USB communication is the same as this one. In SpecifiedDevice.cs there is a method called public void SendData(byte[] data) which I am using to send arrays of bytes.
Transmit method:
public void sendUsbData(byte _txData)
byte[] txData = new byte[this.usb.SpecifiedDevice.OutputReportLength];
txData[1] = 0x50; // 0x50 = loopback command. Element 0 is always 0x00
int pos = 2;
foreach (byte b in _flashData)
txData[pos] = b;
Upon received data from USB, the callback usb_OnDataRecieved is called.
private void usb_OnDataRecieved(object sender, DataRecievedEventArgs args)
this.ParseReceivePacket(; // Format to string and print to textbox
/*public bool*/receiveComplete = true;

You could switch to using a AutoResetEvent wait handle:
public void sendUsbData(byte _txData)
byte[] txData = new byte[this.usb.SpecifiedDevice.OutputReportLength];
txData[1] = 0x50; // 0x50 = loopback command. Element 0 is always 0x00
int pos = 2;
foreach (byte b in _flashData)
txData[pos] = b;
// reset member wait handle
waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private void usb_OnDataRecieved(object sender, DataRecievedEventArgs args)
this.ParseReceivePacket(; // Format to string and print to textbox
// signal member wait handle
And then in your for loop:
for (int i = 0; i > 16; i++)
// wait for member wait handle to be set


Parsing data from serial port thread-safe

I read data from the serial port and parse it in a separate class. However data is incorrectly parsed and some samples are repeated while others are missing.
Here is an example of the parsed packet. It starts with the packetIndex (shoudl start from 1 and incrementing). You can see how the packetIdx repeats and some of the other values repeat as well. I think that's due to multithreading but I'm not sure how to fix it.
2 -124558.985180734 -67934.4168823262 -164223.049786454 -163322.386243628
2 -124619.580759952 -67962.535376851 -164191.757344217 -163305.68949052
3 -124685.719571795 -67995.8394760894 -164191.042088394 -163303.119039907
5 -124801.747477263 -68045.7062179692 -164195.288919841 -163299.140429394
6 -124801.747477263 -68045.7062179692 -164221.105184687 -163297.46404856
6 -124832.8387538 -68041.9287731563 -164214.936103217 -163294.983004926
This is what I should receive:
1 -124558.985180734 -67934.4168823262 -164223.049786454 -163322.386243628
2 -124619.580759952 -67962.535376851 -164191.757344217 -163305.68949052
3 -124685.719571795 -67995.8394760894 -164191.042088394 -163303.119039907
4 -124801.747477263 -68045.7062179692 -164195.288919841 -163299.140429394
This is the SerialPort_DataReceived
public void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
lock (_lock)
byte[] buffer = new byte[_serialPort1.BytesToRead];
_serialPort1.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
//Parse data
double[] samplesAtTimeT = DataParserObj.interpretBinaryStream(buffer[i]);
//Add data to BlockingCollection when parsed
if (samplesAtTimeT != null)
And the class that parses the data:
public class DataParser
private int packetSampleCounter = 0;
private int localByteCounter = 0;
private int packetState = 0;
private byte[] tmpBuffer = new byte[3];
private double[] ParsedData = new double[5]; //[0] packetIdx (0-255), [1-4] signal
public double[] interpretBinaryStream(byte actbyte)
bool returnDataFlag = false;
switch (packetState)
case 0: // end packet indicator
if (actbyte == 0xC0)
case 1: // start packet indicator
if (actbyte == 0xA0)
packetState = 0;
case 2: // packet Index
packetSampleCounter = 0;
ParsedData[packetSampleCounter] = actbyte;
localByteCounter = 0;
case 3: //channel data (4 channels x 3byte/channel)
// 3 bytes
tmpBuffer[localByteCounter] = actbyte;
if (localByteCounter == 3)
ParsedData[packetSampleCounter] = Bit24ToInt32(tmpBuffer);
if (packetSampleCounter == 5)
packetState++; //move to next state, end of packet
localByteCounter = 0;
case 4: // end packet
if (actbyte == 0xC0)
returnDataFlag = true;
packetState = 1;
packetState = 0;
packetState = 0;
if (returnDataFlag)
return ParsedData;
return null;
Get rid of the DataReceived event and instead use await serialPort.BaseStream.ReadAsync(....) to get notified when data comes in. async/await is much cleaner and doesn't force you into multithreaded data processing. For high speed networking, parallel processing is great. But serial ports are slow, so extra threads have no benefit.
Also, BytesToRead is buggy (it does return the number of queued bytes, but it destroys other state) and you should never call it.
Finally, do NOT ignore the return value from Read (or BaseStream.ReadAsync). You need to know how bytes were actually placed into your buffer, because it is not guaranteed to be the same number you asked for.
private async void ReadTheSerialData()
var buffer = new byte[200];
while (serialPort.IsOpen) {
var valid = await serialPort.BaseStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < valid; ++i)
//Parse data
double[] samplesAtTimeT = DataParserObj.interpretBinaryStream(buffer[i]);
//Add data to BlockingCollection when parsed
if (samplesAtTimeT != null)
Just call this function after opening the port and setting your flow control, timeouts, etc. You may find that you no longer need the blocking queue, but can just handle the contents of samplesAtTimeT directly.

Fast packet processing from stream

First background. I have a camera that my app is connected to via Ethernet cable and it performs operations based on commands I send and responds with commands back.
If I take the camera trigger command as an example.
The camera will take a picture if I send it 'T1'. All commands use a start and end char to mark the start and end of pack so the full packet I send will look like this
with (char)0x02 as the start of packet and (char)0x03 as the end of pack.
The camera will then take a picture and send the same command back to say it is done. You can also set the camera to send some data back when it has taken the picture. In my case I have the camera inspecting a few areas and I want some values from the inspection.
So the return of the camera would be something like 'T1' and then say '1,1,500,20,300'
On to the problem. I am using a TcpClient and a NetworkStream for the communication but I am struggling with processing the packets on the receiving side. I have tried various methods but they seem slow or don't guarantee I get all the data.
Firstly I need something that will read all the data and make sure I have all the data.
Secondly I need something that can process the data and split up into packets and do this as fast as possible.
This is just one method I have tried and full credit goes to the person who made the StreamReaderExtensions. I'm sure I found it on here somewhere.
internal static class StreamReaderExtensions
public static IEnumerable<string> ReadUntil(this StreamReader reader, string delimiter)
List<char> buffer = new List<char>();
CircularBuffer<char> delim_buffer = new CircularBuffer<char>(delimiter.Length);
while (reader.Peek() >= 0)
char c = (char)reader.Read();
if (delim_buffer.ToString() == delimiter)
if (buffer.Count > 0)
yield return new String(buffer.ToArray());
private class CircularBuffer<T> : Queue<T>
private int _capacity;
public CircularBuffer(int capacity)
: base(capacity)
_capacity = capacity;
new public void Enqueue(T item)
if (base.Count == _capacity)
public override string ToString()
List<String> items = new List<string>();
foreach (var x in this)
return String.Join("", items);
and my process method. _stream is TcpClient.GetStream()
public static class Constants
public const char StartOfPacket = (char)0x02;
public const char EndOfPacket = (char)0x03;
private IEnumerable<string> ProcessResponse()
var streamReader = new StreamReader(_stream);
var packets = streamReader.ReadUntil(new string(new char[] {Constants.EndOfPacket}));
return packets;
I made some pseudo code for, I didn't tested it, but it might give you a direction. This can't be static
char[] _buffer = new char[4 * 1024 * 1024];
int currentPosition;
public bool ReadNext(StreamReader reader, char delimiter, out string value)
// read as many chars from the stream.
int charsRead = reader.ReadBlock(_buffer, currentPosition, _buffer.Length - currentPosition);
// keep track of the current position.
currentPosition += charsRead;
// find the first delimiter.
for (int i = 0; i < currentPosition; i++)
if (_buffer[i] == delimiter)
// a complete packet was found, copy it to a string.
value = new string(_buffer, 0, i);
// move the rest of the data back to the start of the buffer.
Array.Copy(_buffer, i, _buffer, 0, _buffer.Length - i);
// decrease the current position also.
currentPosition -= i;
// return true because you have data.
return true;
// no complete packet was found.
value = String.Empty;
return false;
string data;
if(ReadNext(reader, (char)0x03, out data))
Like I said untested, this is just a brainfart... You might need to add the check of the start of packet.

IThreadPoolWorkItem not collected by GC

I have got an embedded debian board with mono running an .NET 4.0 application with a fixed number of threads (no actions, no tasks). Because of memory issues I used CLR-Profiler in Windows to analyse memory heap.
Following diagram shows now, that IThreadPoolWorkItems are not (at least not in generation 0) collected:
Now, I really dont have any idea where this objects are possibly used and why they arent collected.
Where could the issue be for this behaviour and where would the IThreadPoolWorkItem being used?
What can I do to find out where they are being used (I couldnt find them through searching the code or looking in CLR-Profiler yet).
private Dictionary<byte, Telegram> _incoming = new Dictionary<byte, Telegram>();
private Queue<byte> _serialDataQueue;
private byte[] _receiveBuffer = new byte[2048];
private Dictionary<Telegram, Telegram> _resultQueue = new Dictionary<Telegram, Telegram>();
private static Telegram _currentTelegram;
ManualResetEvent _manualReset = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// Called from other thread (class) to send new telegrams
public bool Send(Dictionary<byte, Telegram> telegrams, out IDictionary<Telegram, Telegram> received)
_incoming.Clear(); // clear all prev sending telegrams
_resultQueue.Clear(); // clear the receive queue
using (token = new CancellationTokenSource())
foreach (KeyValuePair<byte, Telegram> pair in telegrams)
_incoming.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
int result = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new[] { token.Token.WaitHandle, _manualReset });
received = _resultQueue.Clone<Telegram, Telegram>();
return result == 1;
catch (Exception err)
return false;
// Communication-Thread
public void Run()
GetNextTelegram(); // _currentTelegram is set there and _incoming Queue is dequeued
byte[] telegramArray = GenerateTelegram(_currentTelegram, ... );
bool telegramReceived = SendReceiveTelegram(3000, telegramArray);
// Helper method to send and receive telegrams
private bool SendReceiveTelegram(int timeOut, byte[] telegram)
// send telegram
// check if serial port is open
if (_serialPort != null && !_serialPort.IsOpen)
_serialPort.Write(telegram, 0, telegram.Length);
catch (Exception err)
log.ErrorFormat(err.Message, err);
return false;
// receive telegram
int offset = 0, bytesRead;
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = timeOut;
int bytesExpected = GetExpectedBytes(_currentTelegram);
if (bytesExpected == -1)
return false;
while (bytesExpected > 0 &&
(bytesRead = _serialPort.Read(_receiveBuffer, offset, bytesExpected)) > 0)
offset += bytesRead;
bytesExpected -= bytesRead;
for (int index = 0; index < offset; index++)
List<byte> resultList;
// looks if telegram is valid and removes bytes from _serialDataQueue
bool isValid = IsValid(_serialDataQueue, out resultList, currentTelegram);
if (isValid && resultList != null)
// only add to queue if its really needed!!
byte[] receiveArray = resultList.ToArray();
_resultQueue.Add((Telegram)currentTelegram.Clone(), respTelegram);
if (!isValid)
return isValid;
catch (TimeOutException err) // Timeout exception
log.ErrorFormat(err.Message, err);
return false;
} catch (Exception err)
log.ErrorFormat(err.Message, err);
return false;
Thx for you help!
I found out, like spender mentioned already, the "issue" is the communication over SerialPort. I found an interesting topic here:
SerialPort has a background thread that's waiting for events (via WaitCommEvent). Whenever an event arrives, it queues a threadpool work
item that may result in a call to your event handler. Let's focus on
one of these threadpool threads. It tries to take a lock (quick
reason: this exists to synchronize event raising with closing; for
more details see the end) and once it gets the lock it checks whether
the number of bytes available to read is above the threshold. If so,
it calls your handler.
So this lock is the reason your handler won't be called in separate
threadpool threads at the same time.
Thats most certainly the reason why they arent collected immediatly. I also tried not using the blocking Read in my SendReceiveTelegram method, but using SerialDataReceivedEventHandler instead led to the same result.
So for me, I will leave things now as they are, unless you bring me a better solution, where these ThreadPoolWorkitems arent kept that long in the Queue anymore.
Thx for your help and also your negative assessment :-D

Circular log TextBox for raw serial characters

The problem
From the serial port I receive a stream of characters. The stream I receive will be terminated by \n. I receive the serial port data in parts like this:
Serial port Event 1: "123\n456\n789"
Serial port Event 2: "\n0123\n456\n789\n"
Serial port Event 3: "0123\n456\n789\n"
As you can see my stream fluctuates, and this is very normal since I read the serial port with "what is available currently".
My problem is that I want to log this to the UI with a RichTextBox. I cannot use ListBox because I need color and font formatting.
First approach
Before I tried this below and that works very well till the time the messages exceed around 30.000 lines of text. The UI gets unresponsive. This was the code:
uiTextActivity.SelectionFont = new Font(uiTextActivity.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Bold);
uiTextActivity.SelectionColor = LogMsgTypeColor[(int)msgtype];
Later on I used this as a quick fix that clears the box after 2000 lines:
if ((int.Parse(uiLabelCounterActivity.Text) + 1) > 2000)
I want to keep a history of around 500lines.
But with this quick fix above I lose my log completely when the counter hits 2000.
I think what I need is a circular FIFO TextBox. So I can remove after 500 lines the oldest logs and append the new one.
Second approach
I also tried this (note that in this case below the newest logs entries are on top and the oldest below in the textbox)
msg = msgToPasteWhenComplete + msg;
int c = 0; // c=zero if no newline, 1 for single newline, 2 for 2times newline and so on
int latestTermination = 0;// store the point where \n is found
for (int e = 0; e < msg.Length; e++)
if (msg[e] == '\n')
latestTermination = e+1;
// contains strings all terminated with \n
string msgToPaste = msg.Substring(0, latestTermination);
// contains string that is not complete (not yet terminated with \n)
msgToPasteWhenComplete = msg.Substring(latestTermination, msg.Length - latestTermination);
string previous = msgToPaste + uiTextActivity.Text;
if (previous.Length > maxDisplayTextLength)
string debugInfo3 = previous.Substring(0, maxDisplayTextLength);
uiTextActivity.Text = debugInfo3;
uiTextActivity.Text = previous;
This works almost very well. The problem with this approach is that the line that comes from the serial port will not be pasted to the UI until the \n is received. This means that whenever communication is slow, I will have to wait for the serial stream to complete the whole line including \n before I can see it... What I want is to see every character directly.
info about serialport
The serial data am I getting from the SerialDataReceivedEvent, in that event I use comport.ReadExisting() to have a non-blocking event.
The serial data comes from my embedded programming board that has analog readings. The analog readings supply me with 20 lines per second, each line containing 20 chars.
I need the raw data to be read in a user interface where it has to be filtered to other textboxes depending on the prefix of the serial message (like err goes to error , warn goes to warning textbox, but they all go to the activity log. The activity log is what this question is about.
I wish I could give you a specific chunk of code to work off of, but I haven't had to do this kind of input processing in a while.
That being said, you might get better performance by buffering your inputs into a Queue (MSDN reference) object, and then polling the queue on a timer or by responding to some other event (maybe OnChanged?).
I found a solution that works, here is my code:
private const int maxDisplayTextLength = 5000;
private string splitString = "";
private int activityCount = 0;
private string errorMessageBox = "";
private bool errorMessageBoxNeedUpdate = true;
private int errorMessageBoxCount = 0;
private string filteredMessageBox = "";
private int filteredMessageCount = 0;
private bool filteredMessageBoxNeedUpdate = true;
private string activityLogFilterKeyword = "Warning";
string logHelperStringMaxSizeLimiter(string input)
// check if our buffer isn't getting bigger than our specified max. length
if (input.Length > maxDisplayTextLength)
// discard the oldest data in our buffer (FIFO) so we have room for our newest values
input = input.Substring(input.Length - maxDisplayTextLength);
return input;
private void logHelperIncoming(string msg)
msg = msg.Replace('\0', '\n'); // remove \0 NULL characters as they have special meanings in C# RichTextBox
// add the new received string to our buffer
splitString += msg;
// filter out special strings
int searchIndexStart = splitString.Length - msg.Length;
for (int e = searchIndexStart; e < splitString.Length; e++)
if (splitString[e] == '\n')
string subString = splitString.Substring(searchIndexStart, e - searchIndexStart) + "\n";
searchIndexStart += e - searchIndexStart + 1; // update searchindex for next search
string filterError = "error";
// filter messages that start with error
if (subString.Length > filterError.Length) // for this filter, the length should be at least length of error
if (String.Compare(subString, 0, filterError, 0, 4, true) == 0)
errorMessageBox += subString;
errorMessageBoxNeedUpdate = true;
// filter messages that start with XXX
if (subString.Length > activityLogFilterKeyword.Length && activityLogFilterKeyword.Length != 0) // for this filter, the length should be at least length of error
if (String.Compare(subString, 0, activityLogFilterKeyword, 0, activityLogFilterKeyword.Length, true) == 0)
filteredMessageBox += subString;
filteredMessageBoxNeedUpdate = true;
// outputs to main activity textbox
private void Log(LogMsgType msgtype, string msg)
if (msgtype == LogMsgType.Incoming || msgtype == LogMsgType.Normal)
else if (msgtype == LogMsgType.Outgoing)
splitString = logHelperStringMaxSizeLimiter(splitString);
filteredMessageBox = logHelperStringMaxSizeLimiter(filteredMessageBox);
errorMessageBox = logHelperStringMaxSizeLimiter(errorMessageBox);
uiTextActivity.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
// time to post our updated buffer to the UI
uiTextActivity.Text = splitString;
// scroll to the newest data only if user has no focus on the
uiTextActivity.SelectionStart = uiTextActivity.TextLength; // make sure view is to the latest
uiLabelCounterActivity.Text = activityCount.ToString();
if (errorMessageBoxNeedUpdate)
errorMessageBoxNeedUpdate = false;
uiTextActivity.SelectionColor = Color.Red;
// time to post our updated buffer to the UI
uiTextboxErrorLog.Text = errorMessageBox;
// scroll to the newest data only if user has no focus on the
uiTextboxErrorLog.SelectionStart = uiTextboxErrorLog.TextLength; // make sure view is to the latest
uiLabelCounterError.Text = errorMessageBoxCount.ToString();
if (filteredMessageBoxNeedUpdate)
filteredMessageBoxNeedUpdate = false;
// time to post our updated buffer to the UI
uiTextboxFilteredLog.Text = filteredMessageBox;
// scroll to the newest data only if user has no focus on the
uiTextboxFilteredLog.SelectionStart = uiTextboxFilteredLog.TextLength; // make sure view is to the latest
uiLabelCounterFiltered.Text = filteredMessageCount.ToString();
// extract value from filter and store to filter
activityLogFilterKeyword = uiTextboxFilterKeyword.Text;

C# Async Ping: How to avoid an out of memory exception?

Question: I want to search the subnet for all computers in it.
So I send a ping to all IP addresses in the subnet.
The problem is it works fine if I only scan 192.168.0.".
But if I scan 192.168..*", then I get an "Out of memory" exception.
Why ? Do I have to limit the threads, or is the problem the memory consumed by new ping which doesn't get destructed once finished, or do I need to call gc.collect() ?
static void Main(string[] args)
string strFromIP = "";
string strToIP = "";
Oyster.Math.IntX omiFromIP = 0;
Oyster.Math.IntX omiToIP = 0;
IsValidIP(strFromIP, ref omiFromIP);
IsValidIP(strToIP, ref omiToIP);
for (Oyster.Math.IntX omiThisIP = omiFromIP; omiThisIP <= omiToIP; ++omiThisIP)
System.Net.IPAddress sniIPaddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IPn2IPv4(omiThisIP));
Console.WriteLine(" --- Press any key to continue --- ");
} // Main
public static void SendPingAsync(System.Net.IPAddress sniIPaddress)
int iTimeout = 5000;
System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping myPing = new System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping();
System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions parmPing = new System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions();
System.Threading.AutoResetEvent waiter = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
myPing.PingCompleted += new System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler(AsyncPingCompleted);
string data = "ABC";
byte[] dataBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
parmPing.DontFragment = true;
parmPing.Ttl = 32;
myPing.SendAsync(sniIPaddress, iTimeout, dataBuffer, parmPing, waiter);
private static void AsyncPingCompleted(Object sender, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventArgs e)
System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply reply = e.Reply;
if (reply.Status == System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Roundtrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime);
According to this thread, System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping seems to allocate one thread per async request, and "ping-sweeping a class-B network creates 100's of threads and eventually results in an out-of-memory error."
The workaround that person used was to write their own implementation using raw sockets. You don't have to do that in F#, of course, but there are a number of advantages in doing so.
First: Only start like 1000 pings the first time (in the loop in Main)
Second: Move the following parameters to Program class (member variables)
Oyster.Math.IntX omiFromIP = 0;
Oyster.Math.IntX omiToIP = 0;
Oyster.Math.IntX omiCurrentIp = 0;
object syncLock = new object();
Third: In AsyncPingCompleted do something like this in the bottom:
public void AsyncPingCompleted (bla bla bla)
//[..other code..]
lock (syncLock)
if (omiToIP < omiCurrentIp)
System.Net.IPAddress sniIPaddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IPn2IPv4(omiCurrentIp));
Update with complete code example
public class Example
// Number of pings that can be pending at the same time
private const int InitalRequests = 10000;
// variables from your Main method
private Oyster.Math.IntX _omiFromIP = 0;
private Oyster.Math.IntX _omiToIP = 0;
private Oyster.Math.IntX _omiCurrentIp = 0;
// synchronoize so that two threads
// cannot ping the same IP.
private object _syncLock = new object();
static void Main(string[] args)
string strFromIP = "";
string strToIP = "";
IsValidIP(strFromIP, ref _omiFromIP);
IsValidIP(strToIP, ref _omiToIP);
for (_omiCurrentIp = _omiFromIP; _omiCurrentIp <= _omiFromIP + InitalRequests; ++_omiCurrentIp)
System.Net.IPAddress sniIPaddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IPn2IPv4(_omiCurrentIp));
Console.WriteLine(" --- Press any key to continue --- ");
} // Main
public void SendPingAsync(System.Net.IPAddress sniIPaddress)
int iTimeout = 5000;
System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping myPing = new System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping();
System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions parmPing = new System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions();
System.Threading.AutoResetEvent waiter = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
myPing.PingCompleted += new System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler(AsyncPingCompleted);
string data = "ABC";
byte[] dataBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
parmPing.DontFragment = true;
parmPing.Ttl = 32;
myPing.SendAsync(sniIPaddress, iTimeout, dataBuffer, parmPing, waiter);
private void AsyncPingCompleted(Object sender, System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventArgs e)
System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply reply = e.Reply;
if (reply.Status == System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Roundtrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime);
// Keep starting those async pings until all ips have been invoked.
lock (_syncLock)
if (_omiToIP < _omiCurrentIp)
System.Net.IPAddress sniIPaddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IPn2IPv4(_omiCurrentIp));
I guess the problem is that you are spawning roughly 63K ping requests near-simultaneously. Without further memory profiling it is hard to say which parts consume the memory. You are working with network resources, which probably are limited. Throttling the number of active pings will ease the use of local resources, and also network traffic.
Again I would look into the Task Parallel Library, the Parallel.For construct combined with the Task<T> should make it easy for you.
Note: for .Net 3.5 users, there is hope.
I did something similar to this. The way I solved the problem on my project was to cast the ping instance to IDisposable:
(myPing as IDisposable).Dispose()
So get a list of say 254 ping instances running asynchronously (X.X.X.1/254) and keep track of when all of them have reported in. When they have, iterate through your list of ping instances, run the above code on each instance, and then dump the list.
Works like a charm.
if pings_running > 100 then
sleep 100ms.
start ping
loop while morepings
Finally... No ping requried at all...
All I needed to do is to make it thread-safe for debugging.
Changing Add to:
void Add( string m )
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(
//add.Items.Add( m );
Private Sub Add(m As String)
Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Function() Do
End Function))
End Sub
