wpf webview html page splitter
I am doing a eReader application in wpf.I have to display html content as pages.Using the following style I can split html content into columns in webkitBrowsers.
"var jsPagenate = "function a() {"
+ "var d = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];"
+ "var ourH = window.innerHeight; "
+ "var ourW = window.innerWidth; " + "var fullH = this.clientHeight; "
+ "var pageCount = Math.floor(fullH/ourH)+1;"
+ "var currentPage = 0; " + "var newW = pageCount*ourW; "
+ "d.style.height = ourH+'px';" + "d.style.width = newW+'px';"
+ "d.style.webkitColumnGap = '0px'; " + "d.style.margin = 0; "
+ "d.style.webkitColumnCount = pageCount;}";"
But it is not working in wpf webbrowsers.
How can I implement in IE?
Is there a way to add a pause (preferably 1 second) in Amazon Alexa without using SSML? Perhaps there is a trick I can do with the Outputspeech.Text and I just don't know it.
Below, I am saying "Here are works of art by {artist name}" but the name and the start of the works of art become mixed together - in spite of the period - so I end up with things like "Here are the works of art by Pablo Picasso Harlequin..."
I am using C# and my own https endpoint, not AWS Lambda.
Any suggestions? Otherwise I will add it as SSML. Thanks.
var output = new StringBuilder();
var outputCard = new StringBuilder();
string m_location;
string m_current_location;
string m_artist = dt_artist.Rows[0]["DisplayName"].ToString();
output.Append("here are works of art for " + m_artist + ". ");
outputCard.Append("Here are works of art for " + m_artist + ".\n\n");
foreach (DataRow dr in dt_artist_objs.Rows)
m_current_location = dr["CurrentLocation"].ToString();
if (m_current_location == " ")
m_location = "The location is not available.";
m_location = "It is located on the " + m_current_location;
output.Append(dr["Title"].ToString() + " is a " + dr["Classification"].ToString() + ". The medium is " + dr["Medium"].ToString() + ". " + m_location);
outputCard.Append(dr["Title"].ToString() + ", " + dr["Dated"].ToString() + " is a " + dr["Classification"].ToString() + ". The medium is " + dr["Medium"].ToString() + ". " + dr["Creditline"].ToString() + ". " + m_location + ".\n"); // It is located on the " + dr["CurrentLocation"].ToString());
response.Response.OutputSpeech.Text = output.ToString();
response.Response.Card.Title = "Art";
response.Response.Card.Type = "Standard";
response.Response.Card.Text = outputCard.ToString();
response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;
return response;
OK. Ended up going the SSML route which looks like this:
var output = new StringBuilder();
var outputCard = new StringBuilder();
string m_location;
string m_current_location;
string m_location_card;
string m_artist = dt_artist.Rows[0]["DisplayName"].ToString();
output.Append("here are works of art for " + m_artist + ". <break time='1s'/> ");
outputCard.Append("Here are works of art for " + m_artist + ".\n\n");
foreach (DataRow dr in dt_artist_objs.Rows)
m_current_location = dr["CurrentLocation"].ToString();
if (m_current_location == " ")
m_location = "The location is not available. <break time='1s' />";
m_location_card = "The location is not available. ";
m_location = "It is located on the " + m_current_location + "<break time = '1s' />";
m_location_card = "It is located on the " + m_current_location;
output.Append(dr["Title"].ToString() + " is a " + dr["Classification"].ToString() + ". The medium is " + dr["Medium"].ToString() + ". " + m_location);
outputCard.Append(dr["Title"].ToString() + ", " + dr["Dated"].ToString() + " is a " + dr["Classification"].ToString() + ". The medium is " + dr["Medium"].ToString() + ". " + dr["Creditline"].ToString() + ". " + m_location_card + ". \n");
response.Response.OutputSpeech.Ssml = output.ToString();
response.Response.OutputSpeech.Type = "SSML";
response.Response.Card.Title = "Art";
response.Response.Card.Type = "Standard";
response.Response.Card.Text = outputCard.ToString();
response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;
return response;
There is not a way to introduce a pause in Alexa without SSML. You will need to build the ssml string and return it back to Alexa using the pause, or the cadence strings.
I am trying to set the innerhtml of an html select tag but I cannot set this feature;therefor,I need to use the outerhtml feature.This way,not only is my code HARDCODE ,but also it is preposterous.I have already read 'InnerHTML IE 8 doesn't work properly? Resetting form',it did not help though.
I would really appreciate it if you tell me how to set the innerhtml feature of an html select tag.
My C# code:
public void SetDefaultValue(string ControlID, string ControlValue)
System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument doc = webBrowser1.Document;
HtmlElement HTMLControl = doc.GetElementById(ControlID);
string ListResult;
string ListInnerHTML = "";
ListInnerHTML += "<OPTION value = " + LstString + ">" + LstString + "</OPTION>";
ListResult = "<SELECT id = " + '"' + HTMLControl.Id + '"' + " type = " + '"' + HTMLControl.GetAttribute("type") + '"' + " title = " + '"' +
HTMLControl.GetAttribute("title") + '"' + " name = " + '"' + HTMLControl.Name + '"' + " value = " + '"' + HTMLControl.GetAttribute("value") +
'"' + " size = \"" + HTMLControl.GetAttribute("size") + '"' + HTMLControl.GetAttribute("multiple").ToString() + "\">" + ListInnerHTML + "</SELECT>";
HTMLControl.OuterHtml = ListResult;
string _lsthtml = _htmlel.OuterHtml;
string[] _parts = ControlValue.Split(new char[] { ',' });
string _lstinner = "";
foreach (string _lst in _parts)
_lstinner += "<option value=" + _lst + ">" + _lst + "</option>";
_lsthtml = _lsthtml.Insert(_lsthtml.IndexOf(">") + 1, _lstinner);
_htmlel.OuterHtml = _lsthtml;
This code works but I need something efficient and clean.
The ReturnControlType function returns the type of an html tag.
This is an official Internet Explorer bug:
BUG: Internet Explorer Fails to Set the innerHTML Property of the Select Object.
One workaround
You may try adding one of the following meta tags in your document's head:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" />
You should also properly format the option tag's value attribute (enclose LstString in '):
ListInnerHTML += "<OPTION value='" + LstString + "'>" + LstString + "</OPTION>";
A more reliable solution
As the fixes above might be a workaround for your code, I would suggest to use a more reliable approach. Consider adding a reference to Microsoft.mshtml to your project and modifying your method like this:
// add this to the top of the file containing your class
using mshtml;
public void SetDefaultValue(string ControlID, string ControlValue)
System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument doc = webBrowser1.Document;
IHTMLDocument2 document = doc.DomDocument as IHTMLDocument2;
var sel = doc.GetElementById(ControlID);
HTMLSelectElement domSelect = (HTMLSelectElement)sel.DomElement;
domSelect.options.length = 0;
HTMLOptionElement option;
// here you can dynamically add the options to the select element
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
option = (HTMLOptionElement)document.createElement("option");
option.text = String.Format("text{0}", i);
option.value = String.Format("value{0}", i);
domSelect.options.add(option, 0);
I really don't know why innerHTML is not working for you.
If it just dosen't you could try an alternative:
In this thread it is sugested you use the items collection of a control
How to add items to dynamically created select (html) Control
refer to this page for a complete example:
How to show annotation present in an entity in popup window by using html web resource. My requirement is to display annotation present in an entity in a popup window and in popup window user should be able to delete , upload and convert the annotation to pdf (if he wants). Can you suggest a best method to achieve this in crm 2011.
function retann() {
var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
var GUIDvalue = Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId();
// Creating the Odata Endpoint
var oDataPath = "http://url/organization/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/";
var retrieveReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
var Odata = oDataPath + "/AnnotationSet?$select=DocumentBody,FileName,MimeType,ObjectId&$filter=ObjectId/Id eq guid'" + GUIDvalue + "'";
retrieveReq.open("GET", Odata, false);
retrieveReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
retrieveReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
retrieveReq.onreadystatechange = function () { retrieveReqCallBack(this); };
function retrieveReqCallBack(retrieveReq) {
if (retrieveReq.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
var retrieved = this.parent.JSON.parse(retrieveReq.responseText).d;
var message = "";
var fun_var =
"<script type=text/javascript>" +
"function result_value()" +
"{" +
"var rad_val;" +
"for (var i=0; i < document.orderform.test.length; ++i){if (document.orderform.test[i].checked){rad_val = document.orderform.test[i].value;}}" +
"if(rad_val==null || rad_val=='')" +
"{" +
"window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('new_radiovalue').setValue('0');" +
"}" +
"else" +
"{" +
"window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('new_radiovalue').setValue(rad_val);" +
"}" +
" window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('new_fireplugin').setValue(1);" +
"window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.save();" +
"this.window.close();" +
"}" +
"function result_value1()" +
"{" +
"var rad_val1;" +
"for (var i=0; i < document.orderform.test.length; ++i){if (document.orderform.test[i].checked){rad_val1 = document.orderform.test[i].value;}}" +
"if(rad_val1==null || rad_val1=='')" +
"{" +
"window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('new_radiovalue').setValue('0');" +
"}" +
"else" +
"{" +
"window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('new_radiovalue').setValue(rad_val1);" +
"}" +
" window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('new_delete').setValue(1);" +
"window.top.opener.Xrm.Page.data.entity.save();" +
"this.window.close();" +
"}" +
var n = retrieved.results.length;
for (var i = 0; i < retrieved.results.length; i++) {
message += " <input type='radio' name='test' value=' " + i + "' />" + retrieved.results[i].FileName + "<br />";
myWindow = window.open('', '', 'width=500,height=150,left=250,top=250,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,directories=yes');
myWindow.document.write(fun_var + "<body bgcolor=GhostWhite style='font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;'><form name='orderform' style='font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;'>" + message + "</br><center ><input type='button' onclick='result_value()' style='font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;' value='Convert To PDF'/></center>" + "</form>");
function SetField() {
var AddressType = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("new_radiovalue");
function save_form() {
// var MainPhone = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("new_name").getValue();
retrieveReqCallBack(this) function displays the popup with annoatation. Using the above code i'm able to convert doc to pdf. Since i want to add multiple functionalities like upload , delete and convert to pdf. If annotation is present then popup should have option to upload and if annotation is present then it has to show delete and convert to pdf buttons.
I found this as solution to my question,
You'll need to create a custom web resource (html) with javascript to pull the data out of the sub-grid, parse the rows, query the crm data via REST or SOAP to see if there is an annotation, then put an icon of the 'paperclip' which'll allow users to upload attachments against that record.
i am having problem that this following script generates Email address when page is loaded and i want to parse that email how can i do that?
<td align='right' class='generalinfo_left' >Email Address:</td>
<td class='generalinfo_right'><script type="text/javascript">
var o3752aaa9bb29d904adeb88838117fd7c = String.fromCharCode(109);var f03de7e643c296e211edddbc3197b33f6 = String.fromCharCode(97);var k7c3bf82468602c0f8dff4950e4b6ff1e = String.fromCharCode(105);var b3eaa633e44451be8df1fa47d75149934 = 'l';var ma2fa16c3a3f532b780aaf0fa5a5b75c6 = 't';var re0c13fc69c03925782867a0540f8c084 = 'o';var j335f1365672123d1fcaf9a83b76f1b7b = String.fromCharCode(58);var f32820e1c54cbc3fa0d418cd1c195eaec = String.fromCharCode(105);var y8c24ea00a7a1edf1c01f794d487697e3 = String.fromCharCode(110);var bcc0ad4f628e703f9ff6e25b87b77ec34 = 'f';var c985c961c7ee85fe6a25d5a66fb421745 = String.fromCharCode(111);var z5ab4e3bdc353d621cea5babcc5dca417 = String.fromCharCode(64);var s4e087167cd0bac466344e72016511172 = String.fromCharCode(97);var re26f6ae180723793af62bc36d5ab2530 = String.fromCharCode(108);var ye1b53d01de118079a38de5e951586731 = 'c';var g9fc5710c9266ce08afbe4da24702dfdd = String.fromCharCode(105);var k5cd5ea1bac40fdbb8b133b7e356809c6 = String.fromCharCode(118);var fcd6e4771e956e270c6897d24ca51c256 = String.fromCharCode(97);var y9d7854a5921fa2be88c8cd72c7e2884e = String.fromCharCode(114);var xa58bea1ecad6fe7d2c736aab1df2df44 = '.';var e4569f6c98804675f7117a84abb0b8d5c = 'c';var o4d2081e2344020922dcb924690c9972e = 'o';var af150185e5eef8ecd8dc1b0a4977c7d55 = String.fromCharCode(109);document.write("<a href='" + o3752aaa9bb29d904adeb88838117fd7c + f03de7e643c296e211edddbc3197b33f6 + k7c3bf82468602c0f8dff4950e4b6ff1e + b3eaa633e44451be8df1fa47d75149934 + ma2fa16c3a3f532b780aaf0fa5a5b75c6 + re0c13fc69c03925782867a0540f8c084 + j335f1365672123d1fcaf9a83b76f1b7b + f32820e1c54cbc3fa0d418cd1c195eaec + y8c24ea00a7a1edf1c01f794d487697e3 + bcc0ad4f628e703f9ff6e25b87b77ec34 + c985c961c7ee85fe6a25d5a66fb421745 + z5ab4e3bdc353d621cea5babcc5dca417 + s4e087167cd0bac466344e72016511172 + re26f6ae180723793af62bc36d5ab2530 + ye1b53d01de118079a38de5e951586731 + g9fc5710c9266ce08afbe4da24702dfdd + k5cd5ea1bac40fdbb8b133b7e356809c6 + fcd6e4771e956e270c6897d24ca51c256 + y9d7854a5921fa2be88c8cd72c7e2884e + xa58bea1ecad6fe7d2c736aab1df2df44 + e4569f6c98804675f7117a84abb0b8d5c + o4d2081e2344020922dcb924690c9972e + af150185e5eef8ecd8dc1b0a4977c7d55 + "'>" + f32820e1c54cbc3fa0d418cd1c195eaec + y8c24ea00a7a1edf1c01f794d487697e3 + bcc0ad4f628e703f9ff6e25b87b77ec34 + c985c961c7ee85fe6a25d5a66fb421745 + z5ab4e3bdc353d621cea5babcc5dca417 + s4e087167cd0bac466344e72016511172 + re26f6ae180723793af62bc36d5ab2530 + ye1b53d01de118079a38de5e951586731 + g9fc5710c9266ce08afbe4da24702dfdd + k5cd5ea1bac40fdbb8b133b7e356809c6 + fcd6e4771e956e270c6897d24ca51c256 + y9d7854a5921fa2be88c8cd72c7e2884e + xa58bea1ecad6fe7d2c736aab1df2df44 + e4569f6c98804675f7117a84abb0b8d5c + o4d2081e2344020922dcb924690c9972e + af150185e5eef8ecd8dc1b0a4977c7d55 + "</a>")
out put is like this
<td class="generalinfo_right">
<script type="text/javascript">
same above script plus following Line
I wrote my own custom parser that will read the script and parse Email from it.here goes the code
If this code can be optimized or can be written more neatly please let me know
private string ReadEmail(string EmailScript)
string EncriptedEmail = "";
string dataPart = "";
dataPart = EmailScript.Substring(0, EmailScript.IndexOf("document.write")).Replace("//<![CDATA[\r", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("\r\n","");
EncriptedEmail = EmailScript.Replace("\"","");
EncriptedEmail = EncriptedEmail.Substring(EncriptedEmail.IndexOf("'> + "), EncriptedEmail.IndexOf(" + </a>") - EncriptedEmail.IndexOf("'> +")).Replace("'> +", "").Trim();
string[] requiredVariables = EncriptedEmail.Split('+');
List<string> ExtractedDataFromRaw = new List<string>();
string email = "";
foreach (string variable in requiredVariables)
string temp = dataPart.Substring(dataPart.IndexOf(variable),dataPart.Length-dataPart.IndexOf(variable)).Replace(" ","");
string tempValueofVariable = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(";"));
tempValueofVariable = tempValueofVariable.Substring(tempValueofVariable.IndexOf("="), tempValueofVariable.Length - temp.IndexOf("=")).Replace("=","");
if (tempValueofVariable.Contains("String.fromCharCode"))
tempValueofVariable = GetCharacterFromASCII(tempValueofVariable.Replace("String.fromCharCode(", "").Replace(")", ""));
email += tempValueofVariable.Replace("'", "");
return email;
private string GetCharacterFromASCII(string value)
int result = 0;
int.TryParse(value, out result);
return char.ConvertFromUtf32(result);
That code is building the email address one character at a time from character codepoints and then assembling it later. I suppose this is an attempt to prevent email spam. Depending on what you need to do, it might be easiest to just pull the email address from the link using jQuery or something. $('a[href^=mailto]').attr('href').substring(7) or something ought to do it.
I'm currently working on an ASP.NET project where I'm using the Google Maps API to show a marker for every company that's registrated in the database.
Everything works just fine, but when I click on a marker the tooltip/dialogbox for the last company in my company list always shows up and not the actualy company mark that's been clicked on.
I can't really get my head around why it is always the last marker that shows up. Here's my updated code:
JavaScript.Text = #"<script type='text/javascript'>
function load() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map'));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(56.4, 10.57983), 9);
</script> ";
foreach (MemberProfile m in relatedMembers)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string address = m.Address;
string zip = m.Zip;
string city = m.City;
string navn = m.Name;
string tlf = m.Phone;
doc.Load("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=" + zip + "+" + city + "+" + address + "+DK&sensor=true&key=ABQIAAAAEaY4JLb9fZFGMlDKuMUlWBRSvyGIkBO7X03pzlT7Z30EPXHR8BS0rXL_ShFm2gc79lZTw2Zak88wng");
XmlNode latNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat/text()");
XmlNode lonNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng/text()");
if (latNode != null && lonNode != null)
JSAddMarkers.Text += #"<script type='text/javascript'>
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(" + latNode.Value + "," + lonNode.Value + ")); "
+ "var html = '<b>" + navn + "</b><br />" + address + "<br /> " + zip + " " + city + "<br />" + tlf + "'; " + "GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); });"
+ "map.addOverlay(marker);"
+ "</script>";
If any of you out there can spot the reason why, I would be happy to hear from you! Any help/hint is appreciated :-)
All the best,
try this
var point =new GLatLng(" + latNode.Value + "," + lonNode.Value + ");
var marker = createMarker(point, address,zip,city,navn);
function createMarker(point, address, zip,city, navn) {
var marker = new GMarker(point, customIcons[type]);
var html = "Address:<b style='padding-left:6px'>" + address+ "</b><br/>zip:<b style='padding-left:6px'>"+ zip+ "</b><br/>city:<b style='padding-left:6px'>"+ city+ "</b>";
GEvent.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', function() {
GEvent.addListener(marker, "mouseout", function() {
return marker;