How Math.Pow (and so on) actually works - c#

So I was googling for a long time and i found almost nothing. I found some info about possible implementation of Math.Pow from this url, but they are inaccurate, for example this code
public static double PowerA(double a, double b)
int tmp = (int)(BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(a) >> 32);
int tmp2 = (int)(b * (tmp - 1072632447) + 1072632447);
return BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(((long)tmp2) << 32);
static void Main(string[] args)
double x = 12.53, y = 16.45;
Console.WriteLine(Math.Pow(x, y));
Console.WriteLine(PowerA(x, y));
provides output:
So inaccurate...
I was thinking that it works like a sum of series but I don't know for certain.

pow is usually evaluated by this formula:
x^y = exp2(y*log2(x))
Functions exp2(x),log2(x) are directly implemented in FPU. If you want to implement bignums then they can also be evaluated by basic operators with use of precomputed table of sqrt-powers like:
2^1/2, 2^1/4, 2^1/8, 2^1/16, 2^1/32 ...
to speed up the process
In case you need to handle also rooting for negative bases see this:
real domain pow based on complex domain math


BesselK Function in C#

I am attempting to implement the BesselK method from Boost (a C++ library).
The Boost method accepts two doubles and returns a double. (I have it implemented below as cyl_bessel_k .)
The equation I modeled this off of comes from Boosts documention:
I have also been checking values against Wolfram:
I am able to match output from the Boost method when passing a positive non-integer value for "v". However, when an integer is passed, my output is severely off. So,there is an obvious discontinuity issue. From reading up on this, it seems that this issue arises from passing a negative integer to the gamma function. Somehow reflection comes into play here with the Bessel_I method, but I'm nearing the end of my math skillset.
1.) What needs to happen to the bessel_i method with reflection to make this work?
2.) I'm currently doing a partial sum approach. Boost uses a continuous fraction approach. How can I modify this to account for convergence?
Any input is appreciated! Thank you!
static double cyl_bessel_k(double v, double x)
if (v > 0)
double iNegativeV = cyl_bessel_i(-v, x);
double iPositiveV = cyl_bessel_i(v, x);
double besselSecondKind = (Math.PI / 2) * ((iNegativeV - iPositiveV ) / (Math.Sin(Math.PI * v)));
return besselSecondKind;
//error handling
static double cyl_bessel_i(double v, double x)
if (x == 0)
return 0;
double summed = 0;
double a = Math.Pow((0.5d * x), v);
for (double k = 0; k < 10; k++) //how to account for convergence? 10 is arbitrary
double b = Math.Pow(0.25d * Math.Pow(x, 2), k);
double kFactorial = SpecialFunctions.Factorial((int)k); //comes from MathNet.Numerics (Nuget)
double gamma = SpecialFunctions.Gamma(v + k + 1); //comes from MathNet.Numerics
summed += b / (kFactorial * gamma);
return a * summed;
After lots of refactoring and trying things that didn't work, this is what I came up with. It's mostly Boost logic that has been adapted and translated into C#.
It's not perfect though (likely due to rounding, precision,etc). Any improvements are welcome! Max error is 0.0000001926% between true Bessel_K value from Wolfram and my adapted method. This is occurs when parameter 'v' is an integer. For my purposes, this was close enough.
Link to fiddle:
Hopefully it saves someone some headache.

Computing Convergent series, C#

I have an upcoming exam the following question is very likely to come up. I'd really appreciate it if somebody could help me out. Thank you.
Using C# write a procedure to compute the following convergent series to an accuracy of 10^-10.
x^(2n-1) / (2n-1)!
I tried:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
double x, y, numerator, denominator, answer, e = Math.Pow(10,-10);
x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int n = 0;
numerator = Math.Pow(x, (2 * n - 1));
denominator = (2 * n - 1);
answer = (numerator / denominator);
while (answer < e);
My biggest problem I think, is trying to invoke the factorial function.
Notice that x^(2n+1) = x^(2n-1) * x^2 and (2n+1)! = (2n-1)! * 2n * (2n + 1). Using this formulas, you can just recalculate your numerator and denominator easily at each iteration of the loop from the previous numerator and denominator, respectively.
The rest is left for the reader.
I believe when they say "to an accuracy of 10^-10" it means the answer changes by less than that from one pass to another. Your loop looks good, but you're checking the answer itself, not the change from pass to pass. Try this change:
double lastAnswer = 0.0, delta; // couple more vars
// ... keep current code in loop, add these two lines below
delta = abs(answer - lastAnswer); // the change between passes is what's important
lastAnswer = answer; // and save last answer for next delta
while (delta < e); // change condition to check difference
You might also put in a "sanity check" test on n:
while ((delta < e) && (n < 10000000));
You can always increase the limit on n if your answer isn't close enough.
If your only issue is how to do a factorial, this article may help:
He makes a good point about not needing to re-calculate these values every time.
I think this is what you want:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const double tol=1e-10;
double x = 1;
double.TryParse(args[0], out x);
int n=1;
const int n_max=100;
double y=x;
while(n<n_max && y>tol)
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format( "x={0:R}, y={1:R}, n={2}", x, y, n));
Why? Well this is the part you can figure out on your own.

Questions on a Haskell -> C# conversion

I was "dragged" into seeing this question:
Fibonacci's Closed-form expression in Haskell
when the author initially tagged with many other languages but later focused to a Haskell question. Unfortunately I have no experience whatsoever with Haskell so I couldn't really participate in the question. However one of the answers caught my eye where the answerer turned it into a pure integer math problem. That sounded awesome to me so I had to figure out how it worked and compare this to a recursive Fibonacci implementation to see how accurate it was. I have a feeling that if I just remembered the relevant math involving irrational numbers, I might be able to work everything out myself (but I don't). So the first step for me was to port it to a language I am familiar with. In this case, I am doing C#.
I am not completely in the dark fortunately. I have plenty experience in another functional language (OCaml) so a lot of it looked somewhat familiar to me. Starting out with the conversion, everything seemed straightforward since it basically defined a new numeric type to help with the calculations. However I've hit a couple of roadblocks in the translation and am having trouble finishing it. I'm getting completely wrong results.
Here's the code that I'm translating:
data Ext = Ext !Integer !Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Num Ext where
fromInteger a = Ext a 0
negate (Ext a b) = Ext (-a) (-b)
(Ext a b) + (Ext c d) = Ext (a+c) (b+d)
(Ext a b) * (Ext c d) = Ext (a*c + 5*b*d) (a*d + b*c) -- easy to work out on paper
-- remaining instance methods are not needed
fib n = divide $ twoPhi^n - (2-twoPhi)^n
where twoPhi = Ext 1 1
divide (Ext 0 b) = b `div` 2^n -- effectively divides by 2^n * sqrt 5
So based on my research and what I can deduce (correct me if I'm wrong anywhere), the first part declares type Ext with a constructor that will have two Integer parameters (and I guess will inherit the Eq and Show types/modules).
Next is the implementation of Ext which "derives" from Num. fromInteger performs a conversion from an Integer. negate is the unary negation and then there's the binary addition and multiplication operators.
The last part is the actual Fibonacci implementation.
In the answer, hammar (the answerer) mentions that exponentiation is handled by the default implementation in Num. But what does that mean and how is that actually applied to this type? Is there an implicit number "field" that I'm missing? Does it just apply the exponentiation to each corresponding number it contains? I assume it does the latter and end up with this C# code:
public static Ext operator ^(Ext x, int p) // "exponent"
// just apply across both parts of Ext?
return new Ext(BigInt.Pow(x.a, p), BigInt.Pow(x.b, p));
// Ext (a^p) (b^p)
However this conflicts with how I perceive why negate is needed, it wouldn't need it if this actually happens.
Now the meat of the code. I read the first part divide $ twoPhi^n - (2-twoPhi)^n as:
divide the result of the following expression: twoPhi^n - (2-twoPhi)^n.
Pretty simple. Raise twoPhi to the nth power. Subtract from that the result of the rest. Here we're doing binary subtraction but we only implemented unary negation. Or did we not? Or can binary subtraction be implied because it could be made up combining addition and negation (which we have)? I assume the latter. And this eases my uncertainty about the negation.
The last part is the actual division: divide (Ext 0 b) = b `div` 2^n. Two concerns here. From what I've found, there is no division operator, only a `div` function. So I would just have to divide the numbers here. Is this correct? Or is there a division operator but a separate `div` function that does something else special?
I'm not sure how to interpret the beginning of the line. Is it just a simple pattern match? In other words, would this only apply if the first parameter was a 0? What would the result be if it didn't match (the first was non-zero)? Or should I be interpreting it as we don't care about the first parameter and apply the function unconditionally? This seems to be the biggest hurdle and using either interpretation still yields the incorrect results.
Did I make any wrong assumptions anywhere? Or is it all right and I just implemented the C# incorrectly?
Here's the (non-working) translation and the full source (including tests) so far just in case anyone is interested.
// code removed to keep post size down
// full source still available through link above
Ok so looking at the answers and comments so far, I think I know where to go from here and why.
The exponentiation just needed to do what it normally does, multiply p times given that we've implemented the multiply operation. It never crossed my mind that we should do what math class has always told us to do. The implied subtraction from having addition and negation is a pretty handy feature too.
Also spotted a typo in my implementation. I added when I should have multiplied.
// (Ext a b) * (Ext c d) = Ext (a*c + 5*b*d) (a*d + b*c)
public static Ext operator *(Ext x, Ext y)
return new Ext(x.a * y.a + 5*x.b*y.b, x.a*y.b + x.b*y.a);
// ^ oops!
So now it's completed. I only implemented to essential operators and renamed it a bit. Named in a similar manner as complex numbers. So far, consistent with the recursive implementation, even at really large inputs. Here's the final code.
static readonly Complicated TWO_PHI = new Complicated(1, 1);
static BigInt Fib_x(int n)
var x = Complicated.Pow(TWO_PHI, n) - Complicated.Pow(2 - TWO_PHI, n);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(x.Real == 0);
return x.Bogus / BigInt.Pow(2, n);
struct Complicated
private BigInt real;
private BigInt bogus;
public Complicated(BigInt real, BigInt bogus)
this.real = real;
this.bogus = bogus;
public BigInt Real { get { return real; } }
public BigInt Bogus { get { return bogus; } }
public static Complicated Pow(Complicated value, int exponent)
if (exponent < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
"only non-negative exponents supported",
Complicated result = 1;
Complicated factor = value;
for (int mask = exponent; mask != 0; mask >>= 1)
if ((mask & 0x1) != 0)
result *= factor;
factor *= factor;
return result;
public static implicit operator Complicated(int real)
return new Complicated(real, 0);
public static Complicated operator -(Complicated l, Complicated r)
var real = l.real - r.real;
var bogus = l.bogus - r.bogus;
return new Complicated(real, bogus);
public static Complicated operator *(Complicated l, Complicated r)
var real = l.real * r.real + 5 * l.bogus * r.bogus;
var bogus = l.real * r.bogus + l.bogus * r.real;
return new Complicated(real, bogus);
And here's the fully updated source.
[...], the first part declares type Ext with a constructor that will have two Integer parameters (and I guess will inherit the Eq and Show types/modules).
Eq and Show are type classes. You can think of them as similar to interfaces in C#, only more powerful. deriving is a construct that can be used to automatically generate implementations for a handful of standard type classes, including Eq, Show, Ord and others. This reduces the amount of boilerplate you have to write.
The instance Num Ext part provides an explicit implementation of the Num type class. You got most of this part right.
[the answerer] mentions that exponentiation is handled by the default implementation in Num. But what does that mean and how is that actually applied to this type? Is there an implicit number "field" that I'm missing? Does it just apply the exponentiation to each corresponding number it contains?
This was a bit unclear on my part. ^ is not in the type class Num, but it is an auxilliary function defined entirely in terms of the Num methods, sort of like an extension method. It implements exponentiation to positive integral powers through binary exponentiation. This is the main "trick" of the code.
[...] we're doing binary subtraction but we only implemented unary negation. Or did we not? Or can binary subtraction be implied because it could be made up combinding addition and negation (which we have)?
Correct. The default implementation of binary minus is x - y = x + (negate y).
The last part is the actual division: divide (Ext 0 b) = b `div` 2^n. Two concerns here. From what I've found, there is no division operator, only a div function. So I would just have to divide the numbers here. Is this correct? Or is there a division operator but a separate div function that does something else special?
There is only a syntactic difference between operators and functions in Haskell. One can treat an operator as a function by writing it parenthesis (+), or treat a function as a binary operator by writing it in `backticks`.
div is integer division and belongs to the type class Integral, so it is defined for all integer-like types, including Int (machine-sized integers) and Integer (arbitrary-size integers).
I'm not sure how to interpret the beginning of the line. Is it just a simple pattern match? In other words, would this only apply if the first parameter was a 0? What would the result be if it didn't match (the first was non-zero)? Or should I be interpreting it as we don't care about the first parameter and apply the function unconditionally?
It is indeed just a simple pattern match to extract the coefficient of √5. The integral part is matched against a zero to express to readers that we indeed expect it to always be zero, and to make the program crash if some bug in the code was causing it not to be.
A small improvement
Replacing Integer with Rational in the original code, you can write fib n even closer to Binet's formula:
fib n = divSq5 $ phi^n - (1-phi)^n
where divSq5 (Ext 0 b) = numerator b
phi = Ext (1/2) (1/2)
This performs the divisions throughout the computation, instead of saving it all up for the end. This results in smaller intermediate numbers and about 20% speedup when calculating fib (10^6).
First, Num, Show, Eq are type classes, not types nor modules. They are a bit similar to interfaces in C#, but are resolved statically rather than dynamically.
Second, exponentiation is performed via multiplication with the implementation of ^, which is not a member of the Num typeclass, but a separate function.
The implementation is the following:
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
x0 ^ y0 | y0 < 0 = error "Negative exponent"
| y0 == 0 = 1
| otherwise = f x0 y0
where -- f : x0 ^ y0 = x ^ y
f x y | even y = f (x * x) (y `quot` 2)
| y == 1 = x
| otherwise = g (x * x) ((y - 1) `quot` 2) x
-- g : x0 ^ y0 = (x ^ y) * z
g x y z | even y = g (x * x) (y `quot` 2) z
| y == 1 = x * z
| otherwise = g (x * x) ((y - 1) `quot` 2) (x * z)
This seems to be the missing part of solution.
You are right about subtraction. It is implemented via addition and negation.
Now, the divide function divides only if a equals to 0. Otherwise we get a pattern match failure, indicating a bug in the program.
The div function is a simple integer division, equivalent to / applied to integral types in C#. There is also an operator / in Haskell, but it indicates real number division.
A quick implementation in C#. I implemented exponentiation using the square-and-multiply algorithm.
It is enlightening to compare this type which has the form a+b*Sqrt(5) with the complex numbers which take the form a+b*Sqrt(-1). Addition and subtraction work just the same. Multiplication is slightly different, because i^2 isn't -1 but +5 here. Division is slightly more complicated, but shouldn't be too hard either.
Exponentiation is defined as multiplying a number with itself n times. But of course that's slow. So we use the fact that ((a*a)*a)*a is identical to (a*a)*(a*a) and rewrite using the square-and-multiply algorithm. So we just need log(n) multiplications instead of n multiplications.
Just calculating the exponential of the individual components doesn't work. That's because the matrix underlying your type isn't diagonal. Compare this to the property of complex numbers. You can't simply calculate the exponential of the real and imaginary part separately.
struct MyNumber
public readonly BigInteger Real;
public readonly BigInteger Sqrt5;
public MyNumber(BigInteger real,BigInteger sqrt5)
public static MyNumber operator -(MyNumber left,MyNumber right)
return new MyNumber(left.Real-right.Real, left.Sqrt5-right.Sqrt5);
public static MyNumber operator*(MyNumber left,MyNumber right)
BigInteger real=left.Real*right.Real + left.Sqrt5*right.Sqrt5*5;
BigInteger sqrt5=left.Real*right.Sqrt5 + right.Real*left.Sqrt5;
return new MyNumber(real,sqrt5);
public static MyNumber Power(MyNumber b,int exponent)
throw new ArgumentException();
MyNumber result=new MyNumber(1,0);
MyNumber multiplier=b;
if((exponent&1)==1)//exponent is odd
return result;
public override string ToString()
return Real.ToString()+"+"+Sqrt5.ToString()+"*Sqrt(5)";
BigInteger Fibo(int n)
MyNumber num = MyNumber.Power(new MyNumber(1,1),n)-MyNumber.Power(new MyNumber(1,-1),n);
throw new Exception("Asser failed");
return num.Sqrt5/BigInteger.Pow(2,n);
void Main()
MyNumber num=new MyNumber(1,2);

How would you refactor this code?

How would you refactor this code?
double p = (Convert.ToDouble(inta) / Convert.ToDouble(intb)) * 100;
double v = (p / 100) * Convert.ToDouble(intc);
return (int)v;
It seems very messy to me, I know I could squeeze it onto one line but i'd be interested to know what others would do.
Assuming that inta, intb and intc are typed as int/Int32 then Convert.ToDouble is basically the same as a simple cast to double.
return (int)((inta / (double)intb) * intc);
Whether this is actually a worthwhile refactoring is another matter. It often makes more sense to keep intermediate calculations as separate statements to improve readability, even if you don't need those intermediate results. And, of course, having meaningful variable names makes a big difference.
Seriously, don't. What's wrong with the code as it is - ignoring possible mathematical problems and just looking at the code structure itself?
I wouldn't refactor. Squeezing it all on to one line would make it a lot harder to read. If I absolutely had to do something, I'd create new variables for the double versions of a, b, and c like this:
//set up variables
double doubleA = Convert.ToDouble(inta);
double doubleB = Convert.ToDouble(intb);
double doubleC = Convert.ToDouble(intc);
//do calculations
double p = (doubleA / doubleB) * 100
double v = (p / 100) * doubleC; //why did we divide by 100 when we multiplied by it on the line above?
return (int)v; //why are we casting back to int after all the fuss and bother with doubles?
but really I'd rather just leave it alone!
Well, for a start I'd use more meaningful names, and at a guess this is taking a ratio of integers, converting it to a percentage, applying that percentage to another original value, and returning a new value, which is the result truncated to an integer.
double percent = (Convert.ToDouble( numer ) / Convert.ToDouble( denom )) * 100;
double value = (percent / 100) * Convert.ToDouble( originalValue );
return (int)value;
One difference between using Convert and a cast is that Convert will throw an exception for out of bounds, but casting won't, and casting to int results in Int32.MinValue. So if value is too big or too little for an int, or Infinity or NaN, you will get Int32.MinValue rather than an exception at the end. The other converts can't fail, as any int can be represented as a double.
So you could write it using casts with no change in meaning, and exploit the fact that in an expression involving ints and doubles the ints are cast to doubles automatically:
double percent = ((double) numer ) / denom ) * 100;
double value = (percent / 100) * originalValue;
return (int)value;
Now, C# truncates double results on assignment to 15-16 but it's implementation defined whether intermediates are operated at higher precision. I don't think that will change the output within the range that can be cast to an int, but I don't know, and the value space is too large for an exhaustive test. So without having a specification for exactly what the function is intended to do, there is very little else you can change and be sure that you will not change the output.
If you compare these refactorings, each of which are naively mathematical equivalent, and run a range of values through them:
static int test0(int numer, int denom, int initialValue)
double percent = (Convert.ToDouble(numer) / Convert.ToDouble(denom)) * 100;
double value = (percent / 100) * Convert.ToDouble(initialValue);
return (int)value;
static int test1(int numer, int denom, int initialValue)
return (int)((((((double)numer) / denom) * 100 ) / 100 ) * initialValue);
static int test2(int numer, int denom, int initialValue)
return (int)((((double)numer) / denom) * initialValue);
static int test3(int numer, int denom, int initialValue)
return (int)((((double)numer) * initialValue) / denom);
static int test4(int numer, int denom, int initialValue)
if (denom == 0) return int.MinValue;
return (numer * initialValue / denom);
Then you get the following result of counting the number of times testN does not equal test0 and letting it run a few hours:
numer in [-10000,10000]
denom in [-10000,0) (0,10000]
initialValue in [-10000,-8709] # will get to +10000 eventually
test1 fails = 0 of 515428330128 tests, 100% accuracy.
test2 fails = 110365664 of 515428330128 tests, 99.9785875828803% accuracy.
test3 fails = 150082166 of 515428330128 tests, 99.9708820495057% accuracy.
test4 fails = 150082166 of 515428330128 tests, 99.9708820495057% accuracy.
So if you want an exactly equivalent function, then it seems that you can get to test1. Although the 100s should cancel out in test2, in reality they do effect the result in a few edge cases - the rounding of the intermediate values pushes value one side or the other of an integer. For this test, the input values were in the range -10000 to +10000, so the integer multiplication in test4 doesn't overflow, so test3 and test4 are the same. For wider input ranges, test4 will deviate more often.
Always verify your refactoring against automated tests. And don't assume that the values worked on by computers behave like the numbers in high-school mathematics.
First I will give p, v, inta, intb etc. meaningful names.
First two lines can be combined:
double pv = ((double)inta/intb)*intc;
return (int)pv;
return (int)(Convert.ToDouble(inta * intc) / Convert.ToDouble(intb));
return (int)(((double)inta / intb) * intc);
A variation on #FrustratedWithFormsDes's answer:
double doubleA = (double) (inta * intc);
double doubleB = (double) intb;
return (int) (doubleA / doubleB);
There are a few interesting points that nobody else seems to have covered, so I'll add to the mix...
The first refactoring I'd do is to use good naming. Three lines of code is fine, but "p", "v", and "inta" are terrible names.
Convert.ToXXX could throw exceptions if "inta" et al are not convertible to double. In that case, you'd use double.TryParse() or a try...catch to make this code robust for any type. (Of course, as mentioned by many, if the values are just ints, then a (double) cast will suffice).
If intb has the value 0, then you will get a divide by zero exception. So you might wish to to check if intb is nonzero before using it.
So to the maths... The *100 and /100 will cancel out so are pointless. Assuming the inputs are integers (and not huge), then if you premultiply inta by intc before doing the divide, you can eliminate one (double) operation, as (int * intc) can be safely done at integer precision.
So (assuming non-huge int values, and accepting that we might throw a div-by-zero exception) the end result (without renaming for clarity) could be:
return((int) ((inta * intc) / (double) intb));
It's not a lot different from the accepted answer, but on some platforms could perform slightly better (by using an integer multiply instead of a double one).
Surely this is just
inta * intc / intb
If you don't need the value of p explicitly, you don't need to do any casting at all.

How do I calculate PI in C#?

How can I calculate the value of PI using C#?
I was thinking it would be through a recursive function, if so, what would it look like and are there any math equations to back it up?
I'm not too fussy about performance, mainly how to go about it from a learning point of view.
If you want recursion:
PI = 2 * (1 + 1/3 * (1 + 2/5 * (1 + 3/7 * (...))))
This would become, after some rewriting:
PI = 2 * F(1);
with F(i):
double F (int i) {
return 1 + i / (2.0 * i + 1) * F(i + 1);
Isaac Newton (you may have heard of him before ;) ) came up with this trick.
Note that I left out the end condition, to keep it simple. In real life, you kind of need one.
How about using:
double pi = Math.PI;
If you want better precision than that, you will need to use an algorithmic system and the Decimal type.
If you take a close look into this really good guide:
Patterns for Parallel Programming: Understanding and Applying Parallel Patterns with the .NET Framework 4
You'll find at Page 70 this cute implementation (with minor changes from my side):
static decimal ParallelPartitionerPi(int steps)
decimal sum = 0.0;
decimal step = 1.0 / (decimal)steps;
object obj = new object();
Partitioner.Create(0, steps),
() => 0.0,
(range, state, partial) =>
for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
decimal x = (i - 0.5) * step;
partial += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
return partial;
partial => { lock (obj) sum += partial; });
return step * sum;
There are a couple of really, really old tricks I'm surprised to not see here.
atan(1) == PI/4, so an old chestnut when a trustworthy arc-tangent function is
present is 4*atan(1).
A very cute, fixed-ratio estimate that makes the old Western 22/7 look like dirt
is 355/113, which is good to several decimal places (at least three or four, I think).
In some cases, this is even good enough for integer arithmetic: multiply by 355 then divide by 113.
355/113 is also easy to commit to memory (for some people anyway): count one, one, three, three, five, five and remember that you're naming the digits in the denominator and numerator (if you forget which triplet goes on top, a microsecond's thought is usually going to straighten it out).
Note that 22/7 gives you: 3.14285714, which is wrong at the thousandths.
355/113 gives you 3.14159292 which isn't wrong until the ten-millionths.
Acc. to /usr/include/math.h on my box, M_PI is #define'd as:
which is probably good out as far as it goes.
The lesson you get from estimating PI is that there are lots of ways of doing it,
none will ever be perfect, and you have to sort them out by intended use.
355/113 is an old Chinese estimate, and I believe it pre-dates 22/7 by many years. It was taught me by a physics professor when I was an undergrad.
Good overview of different algorithms:
Computing pi;
I'm not sure about the complexity claimed for the Gauss-Legendre-Salamin algorithm in the first link (I'd say O(N log^2(N) log(log(N)))).
I do encourage you to try it, though, the convergence is really fast.
Also, I'm not really sure about why trying to convert a quite simple procedural algorithm into a recursive one?
Note that if you are interested in performance, then working at a bounded precision (typically, requiring a 'double', 'float',... output) does not really make sense, as the obvious answer in such a case is just to hardcode the value.
What is PI? The circumference of a circle divided by its diameter.
In computer graphics you can plot/draw a circle with its centre at 0,0 from a initial point x,y, the next point x',y' can be found using a simple formula:
x' = x + y / h : y' = y - x' / h
h is usually a power of 2 so that the divide can be done easily with a shift (or subtracting from the exponent on a double). h also wants to be the radius r of your circle. An easy start point would be x = r, y = 0, and then to count c the number of steps until x <= 0 to plot a quater of a circle. PI is 4 * c / r or PI is 4 * c / h
Recursion to any great depth, is usually impractical for a commercial program, but tail recursion allows an algorithm to be expressed recursively, while implemented as a loop. Recursive search algorithms can sometimes be implemented using a queue rather than the process's stack, the search has to backtrack from a deadend and take another path - these backtrack points can be put in a queue, and multiple processes can un-queue the points and try other paths.
Calculate like this:
x = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 (... etc as far as possible.)
PI = x * 4
You have got Pi !!!
This is the simplest method I know of.
The value of PI slowly converges to the actual value of Pi (3.141592165......). If you iterate more times, the better.
Here's a nice approach (from the main Wikipedia entry on pi); it converges much faster than the simple formula discussed above, and is quite amenable to a recursive solution if your intent is to pursue recursion as a learning exercise. (Assuming that you're after the learning experience, I'm not giving any actual code.)
The underlying formula is the same as above, but this approach averages the partial sums to accelerate the convergence.
Define a two parameter function, pie(h, w), such that:
pie(0,1) = 4/1
pie(0,2) = 4/1 - 4/3
pie(0,3) = 4/1 - 4/3 + 4/5
pie(0,4) = 4/1 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7
... and so on
So your first opportunity to explore recursion is to code that "horizontal" computation as the "width" parameter increases (for "height" of zero).
Then add the second dimension with this formula:
pie(h, w) = (pie(h-1,w) + pie(h-1,w+1)) / 2
which is used, of course, only for values of h greater than zero.
The nice thing about this algorithm is that you can easily mock it up with a spreadsheet to check your code as you explore the results produced by progressively larger parameters. By the time you compute pie(10,10), you'll have an approximate value for pi that's good enough for most engineering purposes.
Enumerable.Range(0, 100000000).Aggregate(0d, (tot, next) => tot += Math.Pow(-1d, next)/(2*next + 1)*4)
using System;
namespace Strings
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/* decimal pie = 1;
decimal e = -1;
var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
stopwatch.Start(); //added this nice stopwatch start routine
//leibniz formula in C# - code written completely by Todd Mandell 2014
for (decimal f = (e += 2); f < 1000001; f++)
e += 2;
pie -= 1 / e;
e += 2;
pie += 1 / e;
Console.WriteLine(pie * 4);
decimal finalDisplayString = (pie * 4);
Console.WriteLine("pie = {0}", finalDisplayString);
Console.WriteLine("Accuracy resulting from approximately {0} steps", e/4);
// Nilakantha formula - code written completely by Todd Mandell 2014
// π = 3 + 4/(2*3*4) - 4/(4*5*6) + 4/(6*7*8) - 4/(8*9*10) + 4/(10*11*12) - (4/(12*13*14) etc
decimal pie = 0;
decimal a = 2;
decimal b = 3;
decimal c = 4;
decimal e = 1;
for (decimal f = (e += 1); f < 100000; f++)
// Increase f where "f < 100000" to increase number of steps
pie += 4 / (a * b * c);
a += 2;
b += 2;
c += 2;
pie -= 4 / (a * b * c);
a += 2;
b += 2;
c += 2;
e += 1;
decimal finalDisplayString = (pie + 3);
Console.WriteLine("pie = {0}", finalDisplayString);
Console.WriteLine("Accuracy resulting from {0} steps", e);
TimeSpan ts = stopwatch.Elapsed;
Console.WriteLine("Calc Time {0}", ts);
public static string PiNumberFinder(int digitNumber)
string piNumber = "3,";
int dividedBy = 11080585;
int divisor = 78256779;
int result;
for (int i = 0; i < digitNumber; i++)
if (dividedBy < divisor)
dividedBy *= 10;
result = dividedBy / divisor;
string resultString = result.ToString();
piNumber += resultString;
dividedBy = dividedBy - divisor * result;
return piNumber;
In any production scenario, I would compel you to look up the value, to the desired number of decimal points, and store it as a 'const' somewhere your classes can get to it.
(unless you're writing scientific 'Pi' specific software...)
... how to go about it from a learning point of view.
Are you trying to learning to program scientific methods? or to produce production software? I hope the community sees this as a valid question and not a nitpick.
In either case, I think writing your own Pi is a solved problem. Dmitry showed the 'Math.PI' constant already. Attack another problem in the same space! Go for generic Newton approximations or something slick.
#Thomas Kammeyer:
Note that Atan(1.0) is quite often hardcoded, so 4*Atan(1.0) is not really an 'algorithm' if you're calling a library Atan function (an quite a few already suggested indeed proceed by replacing Atan(x) by a series (or infinite product) for it, then evaluating it at x=1.
Also, there are very few cases where you'd need pi at more precision than a few tens of bits (which can be easily hardcoded!). I've worked on applications in mathematics where, to compute some (quite complicated) mathematical objects (which were polynomial with integer coefficients), I had to do arithmetic on real and complex numbers (including computing pi) with a precision of up to a few million bits... but this is not very frequent 'in real life' :)
You can look up the following example code.
I like this paper, which explains how to calculate π based on a Taylor series expansion for Arctangent.
The paper starts with the simple assumption that
Atan(1) = π/4 radians
Atan(x) can be iteratively estimated with the Taylor series
atan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + x^9/9...
The paper points out why this is not particularly efficient and goes on to make a number of logical refinements in the technique. They also provide a sample program that computes π to a few thousand digits, complete with source code, including the infinite-precision math routines required.
The following link shows how to calculate the pi constant based on its definition as an integral, that can be written as a limit of a summation, it's very interesting:
The file "Pi as an integral" explains this method used in this post.
First, note that C# can use the Math.PI field of the .NET framework:
The nice feature here is that it's a full-precision double that you can either use, or compare with computed results. The tabs at that URL have similar constants for C++, F# and Visual Basic.
To calculate more places, you can write your own extended-precision code. One that is quick to code and reasonably fast and easy to program is:
Pi = 4 * [4 * arctan (1/5) - arctan (1/239)]
This formula and many others, including some that converge at amazingly fast rates, such as 50 digits per term, are at Wolfram:
Wolfram Pi Formulas
PI (π) can be calculated by using infinite series. Here are two examples:
Gregory-Leibniz Series:
π/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - ...
C# method :
public static decimal GregoryLeibnizGetPI(int n)
decimal sum = 0;
decimal temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
temp = 4m / (1 + 2 * i);
sum += i % 2 == 0 ? temp : -temp;
return sum;
Nilakantha Series:
π = 3 + 4 / (2x3x4) - 4 / (4x5x6) + 4 / (6x7x8) - 4 / (8x9x10) + ...
C# method:
public static decimal NilakanthaGetPI(int n)
decimal sum = 0;
decimal temp = 0;
decimal a = 2, b = 3, c = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
temp = 4 / (a * b * c);
sum += i % 2 == 0 ? temp : -temp;
a += 2; b += 2; c += 2;
return 3 + sum;
The input parameter n for both functions represents the number of iteration.
The Nilakantha Series in comparison with Gregory-Leibniz Series converges more quickly. The methods can be tested with the following code:
static void Main(string[] args)
const decimal pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832m;
Console.WriteLine($"PI = {pi}");
//Nilakantha Series
int iterationsN = 100;
decimal nilakanthaPI = NilakanthaGetPI(iterationsN);
decimal CalcErrorNilakantha = pi - nilakanthaPI;
Console.WriteLine($"\nNilakantha Series -> PI = {nilakanthaPI}");
Console.WriteLine($"Calculation error = {CalcErrorNilakantha}");
int numDecNilakantha = pi.ToString().Zip(nilakanthaPI.ToString(), (x, y) => x == y).TakeWhile(x => x).Count() - 2;
Console.WriteLine($"Number of correct decimals = {numDecNilakantha}");
Console.WriteLine($"Number of iterations = {iterationsN}");
//Gregory-Leibniz Series
int iterationsGL = 1000000;
decimal GregoryLeibnizPI = GregoryLeibnizGetPI(iterationsGL);
decimal CalcErrorGregoryLeibniz = pi - GregoryLeibnizPI;
Console.WriteLine($"\nGregory-Leibniz Series -> PI = {GregoryLeibnizPI}");
Console.WriteLine($"Calculation error = {CalcErrorGregoryLeibniz}");
int numDecGregoryLeibniz = pi.ToString().Zip(GregoryLeibnizPI.ToString(), (x, y) => x == y).TakeWhile(x => x).Count() - 2;
Console.WriteLine($"Number of correct decimals = {numDecGregoryLeibniz}");
Console.WriteLine($"Number of iterations = {iterationsGL}");
The following output shows that Nilakantha Series returns six correct decimals of PI with one hundred iterations whereas Gregory-Leibniz Series returns five correct decimals of PI with one million iterations:
My code can be tested >> here
Here is a nice way:
Calculate a series of 1/x^2 for x from 1 to what ever you want- the bigger number- the better pie result. Multiply the result by 6 and to sqrt().
Here is the code in c# (main only):
static void Main(string[] args)
double counter = 0;
for (double i = 1; i < 1000000; i++)
counter = counter + (1 / (Math.Pow(i, 2)));
counter = counter * 6;
counter = Math.Sqrt(counter);
public double PI = 22.0 / 7.0;
