Generic extension method for retrieving 'default' value? - c#

I'm playing around a bit with determining the default values of objects, based on the example here:
This particular extension method was created for System.Type. What I was trying to accomplish was to make this even more generic, where I could do something like this:
int i = 3;
bool amIaDefaultValue = i.IsDefaultValue();
I would expect this to return true if i == 0 (the default value for an int), and false for all other instances.
Here is my initial attempt:
public static bool IsDefaultValue<T>(this T value)
var t = typeof(T); // always comes back as object..?
if (t.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t) == null)
return value.Equals(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
var defaultValue = default(T);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue == null;
return value.Equals(defaultValue);
On the plus side, I'm able to attach .IsDefaultValue() to any object. Unfortunately, the type of T always comes back as System.Object. I can get the correct type if I set it up this way:
var t = typeof(value);
But if the value happens to be null, I'll get an error straight away. Is there a good workaround for implementing an extension method like this? Or should I stick to the tried and tested route from the example?
As pointed out by comments, it seems I oversimplified this a bit and missed the root of the problem. Here's what was actually calling my IsDefaultValue():
foreach (var imprintProperty in deltas.GetType().GetProperties())
var value = imprintProperty.GetValue(deltas);
if (!value.IsDefaultValue())
// get corresponding prop in programmable area
var programmableProp = progarea.GetType().GetProperty(imprintProperty.Name);
if (programmableProp != null)
programmableProp.SetValue(progarea, value);
And now it becomes obvious that .GetValue is always returning as System.Object. Uff.
Is it still possible to treat the object as its underlying type in the extension method? Sorry for the confusion with this.

Take a look at this:
static class Program
static void Main()
int a = 1;
Console.WriteLine("a.IsDefaultValue() : " + a.IsDefaultValue());
a = 0;
Console.WriteLine("a.IsDefaultValue() : " + a.IsDefaultValue());
object obj = new object();
Console.WriteLine("obj.IsDefaultValue() : " + obj.IsDefaultValue());
obj = null;
Console.WriteLine("obj.IsDefaultValue() : " + obj.IsDefaultValue());
int? b = 1;
Console.WriteLine("b.IsDefaultValue() : " + b.IsDefaultValue());
b = null;
Console.WriteLine("b.IsDefaultValue() : " + b.IsDefaultValue());
static bool IsDefaultValue<T>(this T value)
if (ReferenceEquals(value, null))
return true;
var t = value.GetType();
if (t.IsValueType)
return value.Equals(Activator.CreateInstance(value.GetType()));
return false;
Apparently works (I've to say that I was convinced that the other way should have worked but not)


Getting expression text

I want to pass the name of a property of a model to a method. Instead of using the name as string, I am using lambda expression as it is easy to make a typo, and also property names may be changed. Now if the property is a simple property (e.g: model.Name) I can get the name from the expression. But if it is a nested property (e.g: model.AnotherModel.Name) then how can I get full text ("AnotherModel.Name") from the expression. For example, I have the following classes:
public class BaseModel
public ChildModel Child { get; set; }
public List<ChildModel> ChildList { get; set; }
public BaseModel()
Child = new ChildModel();
ChildList = new List<ChildModel>();
public class ChildModel
public string Name { get;set; }
public void GetExpressionText<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
string expText;
//what to do??
return expText;
GetExpressionText<BaseModel>(b => b.Child); //should return "Child"
GetExpressionText<BaseModel>(b => b.Child.Name); //should return "Child.Name"
GetExpressionText<BaseModel>(b => b.ChildList[0].Name); //should return "ChildList[0].Name"
My first thought was to use expression.Body.ToString() and tweak that a bit, but you would still need to deal with Unary (convert) etc. Assuming this is for logging and you want more control, the below can be used for formatting as wanted (e.g. if you want Child->Name for display purposes, string.Join("->",..) can be used). It may not be complete, but should you find any unsupported types, they should be easy to add.
PS: this post was generated before the question was closed. Just noticed it was reopend and submitting it now, but I haven't checked if particulars have been changed.
public string GetName(Expression e, out Expression parent)
if(e is MemberExpression m){ //property or field
parent = m.Expression;
return m.Member.Name;
else if(e is MethodCallExpression mc){
string args = string.Join(",", mc.Arguments.SelectMany(GetExpressionParts));
if(mc.Method.IsSpecialName){ //for indexers, not sure this is a safe check...
return $"{GetName(mc.Object, out parent)}[{args}]";
else{ //other method calls
parent = mc.Object;
return $"{mc.Method.Name}({args})";
else if(e is ConstantExpression c){ //constant value
parent = null;
return c.Value?.ToString() ?? "null";
else if(e is UnaryExpression u){ //convert
parent= u.Operand;
return null;
parent =null;
return e.ToString();
public IEnumerable<string> GetExpressionParts(Expression e){
var list = new List<string>();
while(e!=null && !(e is ParameterExpression)){
var name = GetName(e,out e);
return list;
public string GetExpressionText<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression) => string.Join(".", GetExpressionParts(expression.Body));
You could use the C# 6.0 feature: nameof(b.Child) "Used to obtain the simple (unqualified) string name of a variable, type, or member."
which will also change on renaming. But this will only return the propertyname and not the complete path. Returning a complete path will be difficult, because only one instance is passed.
Closest i know right now is by simply using expression.Body.ToString() which would result in b.ChildList.get_Item(0).Name as a result.
You would still have to remove the first b. from the string if not wanted, and you could go even further to your intended output with Regex by replacing the get_Item(0) with the typical Index-Accessor.
(Also i had to make the ChildList and the Name-Property of ChildModel public to get it to work)
This Should get you most of the way there:
public static string GetFullPath<T>(Expression<Func<T>> action)
var removeBodyPath = new Regex(#"value\((.*)\).");
var result = action.Body.ToString();
var replaced = removeBodyPath.Replace(result, String.Empty);
var seperatedFiltered = replaced.Split('.').Skip(1).ToArray();
return string.Join(".", seperatedFiltered);
It gets ugly quite quickly...
public static string GetExpressionText<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
bool needDot = false;
Expression exp = expression.Body;
string descr = string.Empty;
while (exp != null)
if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
// Property or field
var ma = (MemberExpression)exp;
descr = ma.Member.Name + (needDot ? "." : string.Empty) + descr;
exp = ma.Expression;
needDot = true;
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.ArrayIndex)
// Array indexer
var be = (BinaryExpression)exp;
descr = GetParameters(new ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>(new[] { be.Right })) + (needDot ? "." : string.Empty) + descr;
exp = be.Left;
needDot = false;
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Index)
// Object indexer (not used by C#. See ExpressionType.Call)
var ie = (IndexExpression)exp;
descr = GetParameters(ie.Arguments) + (needDot ? "." : string.Empty) + descr;
exp = ie.Object;
needDot = false;
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
var ca = (MethodCallExpression)exp;
if (ca.Method.IsSpecialName)
// Object indexer
bool isIndexer = ca.Method.DeclaringType.GetDefaultMembers().OfType<PropertyInfo>().Where(x => x.GetGetMethod() == ca.Method).Any();
if (!isIndexer)
throw new Exception();
else if (ca.Object.Type.IsArray && ca.Method.Name == "Get")
// Multidimensiona array indexer
throw new Exception();
descr = GetParameters(ca.Arguments) + (needDot ? "." : string.Empty) + descr;
exp = ca.Object;
needDot = false;
return descr;
private static string GetParameters(ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> exps)
var values = new string[exps.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < exps.Count; i++)
if (exps[i].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant)
throw new Exception();
var ce = (ConstantExpression)exps[i];
// Quite wrong here... We should escape string values (\n written as \n and so on)
values[i] = ce.Value == null ? "null" :
ce.Type == typeof(string) ? "\"" + ce.Value + "\"" :
ce.Type == typeof(char) ? "'" + ce.Value + "\'" :
return "[" + string.Join(", ", values) + "]";
The code is quite easy to read, but it is quite long... There are 4 main cases: MemberAccess, that is accessing a property/field, ArrayIndex that is using the indexer of a single-dimensional array, Index that is unused by the C# compiler, but that should be using the indexer of an object (like the [...] of the List<> you are using), and Call that is used by C# for using an indexer or for accessing multi-dimensional arrays (new int[5, 4]) (and for other method calls, but we disregard them).
I support multidimensional arrays, jagged array s(arrays of arrays, new int[5][]) or arrays of indexable objects (new List<int>[5]) or indexable objects of indexable objects (new List<List<int>>). There is even support for multi-property indexers (indexers that use more than one key value, like obj[1, 2]). Small problem: printing the "value" of the indexers: I support only null, integers of various types, chars and strings (but I don't escape them... ugly... if there is a \n then it won't be printed as \n). Other types are not really supported... They will print what they will print (see GetParameters() if you want)

How to check if boxed value is empty in .NET

For example,
I have input parameter of type object. And I know that this parameter can store one of value type int, float, double(boxed value) etc. But I don't know which value type will come to this method. And I want check if boxed value type empty or not.
Like this piece of code:
bool IsEmpty(object boxedProperty)
return boxedProperty == default(typeof(boxedProperty))
I understand, I can do this:
bool IsEmpty(object boxedProperty)
return boxedProperty is int && boxedProperty == default(int)
|| boxedProperty is float ....
But it looks like dirty solution. How do this better?
I guess something like this can give you a result for reference + boxed value types.
public bool IsDefaultValue(object o)
if (o == null)
return true;
var type = o.GetType();
return type.IsValueType && o.Equals(Activator.CreateInstance(type));
object i = default(int);
object j = default(float);
object k = default(double);
object s = default(string);
object i2 = (int)2;
object s2 = (string)"asas";
var bi = IsDefaultValue(i); // true
var bj = IsDefaultValue(j); // true
var bk = IsDefaultValue(k); // true
var bs = IsDefaultValue(s); // true
var bi2 = IsDefaultValue(i2); // false
var bs2 = IsDefaultValue(s2); // false
If you are shure you have a value type, then use this method:
public bool IsDefaultBoxedValueType(object o)
return o.Equals(Activator.CreateInstance(o.GetType()));
As others have pointed out the only real way to do it is to create an instance of the type and then compare it. (see also how to get the default value of a type if the type is only known as System.Type? and Default value of a type at Runtime)
You can cache the results so you only have to create a default instance 1x type. This can increase efficiency if you have to call the check many times. I used a static method and dictionary (its not thread safe) but you could change it to instance level if you wanted.
static IDictionary<Type, object> DefaultValues = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
static bool IsBoxedDefault(object boxedProperty)
if (boxedProperty == null)
return true;
Type objectType = boxedProperty.GetType();
if (!objectType.IsValueType)
// throw exception or something else?? Up to how you want this to behave
return false;
object defaultValue = null;
if (!DefaultValues.TryGetValue(objectType, out defaultValue))
defaultValue = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);
DefaultValues[objectType] = defaultValue;
return defaultValue.Equals(boxedProperty);
Test code
static void Test()
Console.WriteLine(IsBoxedDefault(0)); // true
Console.WriteLine(IsBoxedDefault("")); // false (reference type)
Console.WriteLine(IsBoxedDefault(1));// false
Console.WriteLine(IsBoxedDefault(DateTime.Now)); // false
Console.WriteLine(IsBoxedDefault(new DateTime())); // true
Looks to my like a generic function is a fine way to go. Something similar to:
static void Main(string[] args)
object obj1 = null;
object obj2 = "Assigned value";
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEmpty(obj1) --> {0}", IsEmpty(obj1)));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("IsEmpty(obj2) --> {0}", IsEmpty(obj2)));
private static bool IsEmpty<T>(T boxedProperty)
T defaultProperty = default(T);
return ReferenceEquals(boxedProperty, defaultProperty);
IsEmpty(obj1) --> True
IsEmpty(obj1) --> False

How do I pass in an Enum as a parameter such that it can be used to perform a cast?

In the stub below how do I pass in (MyEnum) as a parameter such that I can use this procedure with any enum?
public static Enum Proc(this Enum e)
Int32 i = (Int32)(MyEnum)e;
Here is the solution I have come up with that works:
public static Enum Next(this Enum e, Type eT)
Int32 i = (Int32)(Object)e;
return (Enum)Enum.Parse(eT, Enum.GetName(eT, Enum.GetName(eT, ++i) == null? i = 0 : i));
This solution isn't ideal because I have to do this to get the next value:
MyEnum e = (MyEnum)e.Next(typeof(MyEnum));
I'd rather just do
MyEnum e = e.Next(typeof(MyEnum));
Or even better:
MyEnum e = e.Next();
Anyone who can provide the simple solution can have the point.
Also the code I've written above runs fine in LinqPad but only compiles in WP7 and then throws an exception when I run it (InvalidProgramException).
Here's a function that will cycle through the values of any enum:
static public Enum Cycle(this Enum e)
bool found = false;
Enum first = null;
foreach (Enum i in Enum.GetValues(e.GetType()))
if (first == null)
first = i;
if (found)
return i;
found = e.Equals(i);
if (found)
return first;
return null;
For versions of C# that don't have Enum.GetValues, you'll have to use a method like this which only works for enums whose values start at 0 and increment by 1:
static public Enum Cycle(this Enum e)
var i = ((IConvertible)e).ToInt64(null) + 1;
var eT = e.GetType();
var next = Enum.GetName(eT, i);
return (Enum)Enum.Parse(eT, next ?? Enum.GetName(eT, 0), false);
Use it like:
var nextEnum = (MyEnum)curEnum.Cycle();
Edit: I updated this to return the next enum in the list, strongly typed, regardless of what the numbering of the enum values may be. I'm able to compile and run this under .NET 4 and haven't tried it on WP7, but I don't think I'm using anything that's missing/disabled in SL/WP7.
public static T Next<T>(this T e) where T : struct
var t = typeof(T);
if (!t.IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type");
if (!Enum.IsDefined(t, e)) throw new ArgumentException();
var intValue = (int)t.GetField(e.ToString()).GetValue(null);
var enumValues = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).Select(x => x.GetValue(null));
var next = (T?)enumValues.Where(x => (int)x > intValue).Min();
if (next.HasValue)
return next.Value;
return (T)enumValues.Min();
It can be used as simply as:
var nextE = e.Next();

Get types used inside a C# method body

Is there a way to get all types used inside C# method?
For example,
public int foo(string str)
Bar bar = new Bar();
string x = "test";
TEST t = bar.GetTEST();
would return: Bar, string and TEST.
All I can get now is the method body text using EnvDTE.CodeFunction. Maybe there is a better way to achieve it than trying to parse this code.
I'm going to take this opportunity to post up a proof of concept I did because somebody told me it couldn't be done - with a bit of tweaking here and there, it'd be relatively trivial to extend this to extract out all referenced Types in a method - apologies for the size of it and the lack of a preface, but it's somewhat commented:
void Main()
Func<int,int> addOne = i => i + 1;
Func<int,string> stuff = i =>
var m = 10312;
var j = i + m;
var k = j * j + i;
var foo = "Bar";
var asStr = k.ToString();
return foo + asStr;
public class Foo
public const string FooName = "Foo";
public static string GetFooName() { return typeof(Foo).Name + ":" + FooName; }
public static string DumpMethod(Delegate method)
// For aggregating our response
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// First we need to extract out the raw IL
var mb = method.Method.GetMethodBody();
var il = mb.GetILAsByteArray();
// We'll also need a full set of the IL opcodes so we
// can remap them over our method body
var opCodes = typeof(System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes)
.Select(fi => (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode)fi.GetValue(null));
// For each byte in our method body, try to match it to an opcode
var mappedIL = il.Select(op =>
opCodes.FirstOrDefault(opCode => opCode.Value == op));
// OpCode/Operand parsing:
// Some opcodes have no operands, some use ints, etc.
// let's try to cover all cases
var ilWalker = mappedIL.GetEnumerator();
var mappedOp = ilWalker.Current;
if(mappedOp.OperandType != OperandType.InlineNone)
// For operand inference:
// MOST operands are 32 bit,
// so we'll start there
var byteCount = 4;
long operand = 0;
string token = string.Empty;
// For metadata token resolution
var module = method.Method.Module;
Func<int, string> tokenResolver = tkn => string.Empty;
// These are all 32bit metadata tokens
case OperandType.InlineMethod:
tokenResolver = tkn =>
var resMethod = module.SafeResolveMethod((int)tkn);
return string.Format("({0}())", resMethod == null ? "unknown" : resMethod.Name);
case OperandType.InlineField:
tokenResolver = tkn =>
var field = module.SafeResolveField((int)tkn);
return string.Format("({0})", field == null ? "unknown" : field.Name);
case OperandType.InlineSig:
tokenResolver = tkn =>
var sigBytes = module.SafeResolveSignature((int)tkn);
var catSig = string
.Join(",", sigBytes);
return string.Format("(SIG:{0})", catSig == null ? "unknown" : catSig);
case OperandType.InlineString:
tokenResolver = tkn =>
var str = module.SafeResolveString((int)tkn);
return string.Format("('{0}')", str == null ? "unknown" : str);
case OperandType.InlineType:
tokenResolver = tkn =>
var type = module.SafeResolveType((int)tkn);
return string.Format("(typeof({0}))", type == null ? "unknown" : type.Name);
// These are plain old 32bit operands
case OperandType.InlineI:
case OperandType.InlineBrTarget:
case OperandType.InlineSwitch:
case OperandType.ShortInlineR:
// These are 64bit operands
case OperandType.InlineI8:
case OperandType.InlineR:
byteCount = 8;
// These are all 8bit values
case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget:
case OperandType.ShortInlineI:
case OperandType.ShortInlineVar:
byteCount = 1;
// Based on byte count, pull out the full operand
for(int i=0; i < byteCount; i++)
operand |= ((long)ilWalker.Current.Value) << (8 * i);
var resolved = tokenResolver((int)operand);
resolved = string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolved) ? operand.ToString() : resolved;
sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}",
return sb.ToString();
public static class Ext
public static FieldInfo SafeResolveField(this Module m, int token)
FieldInfo fi;
m.TryResolveField(token, out fi);
return fi;
public static bool TryResolveField(this Module m, int token, out FieldInfo fi)
var ok = false;
try { fi = m.ResolveField(token); ok = true; }
catch { fi = null; }
return ok;
public static MethodBase SafeResolveMethod(this Module m, int token)
MethodBase fi;
m.TryResolveMethod(token, out fi);
return fi;
public static bool TryResolveMethod(this Module m, int token, out MethodBase fi)
var ok = false;
try { fi = m.ResolveMethod(token); ok = true; }
catch { fi = null; }
return ok;
public static string SafeResolveString(this Module m, int token)
string fi;
m.TryResolveString(token, out fi);
return fi;
public static bool TryResolveString(this Module m, int token, out string fi)
var ok = false;
try { fi = m.ResolveString(token); ok = true; }
catch { fi = null; }
return ok;
public static byte[] SafeResolveSignature(this Module m, int token)
byte[] fi;
m.TryResolveSignature(token, out fi);
return fi;
public static bool TryResolveSignature(this Module m, int token, out byte[] fi)
var ok = false;
try { fi = m.ResolveSignature(token); ok = true; }
catch { fi = null; }
return ok;
public static Type SafeResolveType(this Module m, int token)
Type fi;
m.TryResolveType(token, out fi);
return fi;
public static bool TryResolveType(this Module m, int token, out Type fi)
var ok = false;
try { fi = m.ResolveType(token); ok = true; }
catch { fi = null; }
return ok;
If you can access the IL for this method, you might be able to do something suitable. Perhaps look at the open source project ILSpy and see whether you can leverage any of their work.
As others have mentioned, if you had the DLL you could use something similar to what ILSpy does in its Analyze feature (iterating over all the IL instructions in the assembly to find references to a specific type).
Otherwise, there is no way to do it without parsing the text into a C# Abstract Syntax Tree, AND employing a Resolver - something that can understand the semantics of the code well enough to know if "Bar" in your example is indeed a name of a type that is accessible from that method (in its "using" scope), or perhaps the name of a method, member field, etc... SharpDevelop contains a C# parser (called "NRefactory") and also contains such a Resolver, you can look into pursuing that option by looking at this thread, but beware that it is a fair amount of work to set it up to work right.
I just posted an extensive example of how to use Mono.Cecil to do static code analysis like this.
I also show a CallTreeSearch enumerator class that can statically analyze call trees, looking for certain interesting things and generating results using a custom supplied selector function, so you can plug it with your 'payload' logic, e.g.
static IEnumerable<TypeUsage> SearchMessages(TypeDefinition uiType, bool onlyConstructions)
return uiType.SearchCallTree(IsBusinessCall,
(instruction, stack) => DetectTypeUsage(instruction, stack, onlyConstructions));
internal class TypeUsage : IEquatable<TypeUsage>
public TypeReference Type;
public Stack<MethodReference> Stack;
#region equality
// ... omitted for brevity ...
private static TypeUsage DetectTypeUsage(
Instruction instruction, IEnumerable<MethodReference> stack, bool onlyConstructions)
TypeDefinition resolve = null;
TypeReference tr = null;
var methodReference = instruction.Operand as MethodReference;
if (methodReference != null)
tr = methodReference.DeclaringType;
tr = tr ?? instruction.Operand as TypeReference;
if ((tr == null) || !IsInterestingType(tr))
return null;
resolve = tr.GetOriginalType().TryResolve();
if (resolve == null)
throw new ApplicationException("Required assembly not loaded.");
if (resolve.IsSerializable)
if (!onlyConstructions || IsConstructorCall(instruction))
return new TypeUsage {Stack = new Stack<MethodReference>(stack.Reverse()), Type = resolve};
return null;
This leaves out a few details
implementation of IsBusinessCall, IsConstructorCall and TryResolve as these are trivial and serve as illustrative only
Hope that helps
The closest thing to that that I can think of are expression trees. Take a look at the documentation from Microsoft.
They are very limited however and only work on simple expressions and not full methods with statement bodies.
Edit: Since the intention of the poster was to find class couplings and used types, I would suggest using a commercial tool like NDepend to do the code analysis as an easy solution.
This definitely cannot be done from reflection (GetMethod(), Expression Trees, etc.). As you mentioned, using EnvDTE's CodeModel is an option since you get line-by-line C# there, but using it outside Visual Studio (that is, processing an already existing function, not in your editor window) is nigh-impossible, IMHO.
But I can recommend Mono.Cecil, which can process CIL code line-by-line (inside a method), and you can use it on any method from any assembly you have reference to. Then, you can check every line if it is a variable declaration (like string x = "test", or a methodCall, and you can get the types involved in those lines.
With reflection you can get the method. This returns a MethodInfo object, and with this object you cannot get the types which are used in the method. So I think the answer is that you cannot get this native in C#.

How can I improve the recursion capabilities of my ECMAScript implementation?

After some resent tests I have found my implementation cannot handle very much recursion. Although after I ran a few tests in Firefox I found that this may be more common than I originally thought. I believe the basic problem is that my implementation requires 3 calls to make a function call. The first call is made to a method named Call that makes sure the call is being made to a callable object and gets the value of any arguments that are references. The second call is made to a method named Call which is defined in the ICallable interface. This method creates the new execution context and builds the lambda expression if it has not been created. The final call is made to the lambda that the function object encapsulates. Clearly making a function call is quite heavy but I am sure that with a little bit of tweaking I can make recursion a viable tool when using this implementation.
public static object Call(ExecutionContext context, object value, object[] args)
var func = Reference.GetValue(value) as ICallable;
if (func == null)
throw new TypeException();
if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
args[i] = Reference.GetValue(args[i]);
var reference = value as Reference;
if (reference != null)
if (reference.IsProperty)
return func.Call(reference.Value, args);
return func.Call(((EnviromentRecord)reference.Value).ImplicitThisValue(), args);
return func.Call(Undefined.Value, args);
public object Call(object thisObject, object[] arguments)
var lexicalEnviroment = Scope.NewDeclarativeEnviroment();
var variableEnviroment = Scope.NewDeclarativeEnviroment();
var thisBinding = thisObject ?? Engine.GlobalEnviroment.GlobalObject;
var newContext = new ExecutionContext(Engine, lexicalEnviroment, variableEnviroment, thisBinding);
var result = Function.Value(newContext, arguments);
return result;
I cannot believe how easy this was to get working. Basically in my compiler I check to see if the function is returning the result of calling itself. If so I instead return the arguments that are being passed. Then I simply grab any reference values and re-invoke the backing lambda. With this in place I was able to make millions of recursive calls.
I would like to thank DrJokepu for inspiring this solution.
public object Call(object thisObject, object[] arguments)
var lexicalEnviroment = Scope.NewDeclarativeEnviroment();
var variableEnviroment = Scope.NewDeclarativeEnviroment();
var thisBinding = thisObject ?? Engine.GlobalEnviroment.GlobalObject;
var newContext = new ExecutionContext(Engine, lexicalEnviroment, variableEnviroment, thisBinding);
var result = default(object);
var callArgs = default(object[]);
while (true)
result = Function.Value(newContext, arguments);
callArgs = result as object[];
if (callArgs == null)
for (int i = 0; i < callArgs.Length; i++)
callArgs[i] = Reference.GetValue(callArgs[i]);
arguments = callArgs;
return result;
