Why does hyper-threading benefit my algorithm? - c#

I have a dual core machine with 4 logical processors thanks to hyper-threading. I am executing a SHA1 pre-image brute force test in C#. In each thread I basically have a for loop and compute a SHA1 hash and then compare the hash to what I am looking for. I made sure that all threads execute in complete separation. No memory is shared between them. (Except one variable: long count, which I increment in each thread using:
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
I get about 1 mln sha1/s with 2 threads and 1.3 mln sha1/s with 4 threads. I fail to see why do I get a 30% bonus from HT in this case. Both cores should be busy doing their stuff, so increasing the number of threads beyond 2 should not give me any benefit. Can anyone explain why?

Hyperthreading effectively gives you more cores, for integer operations - it allows two sets of integer operations to run in parallel on a single physical core. It doesn't help floating point operations as far as I'm aware, but presumably the SHA-1 code is primarily integer operations, hence the speed-up.
It's not as good as having 4 real physical cores, of course - but it does allow for a bit more parallelism.

Disable HT in BIOS and do the test again for 2 threads. HT gives a little speedup only when one virtual core uses CPU instruction set and second executes instructions which uses FPU registers.

SMT/Hyperthreading allows multiple threads (usually two), on the same physical core, to execute -- one is typically waiting for the other to encounter a stall, and then the thread which is executing will switch.
Stalls happen -- mostly with cache misses. Even if you are not traversing the same memory, there's no guarantee that said memory will already be in the cache (thus inducing a stall when it is accessed), or that it will not map to the same line of the cache that another thread is mapping memory to.
Thus, two threads will almost always benefit from SMT/hyperthreading, unless the data they traverse is already present in the cache. That's actually an unusual scenario -- an algorithm typically needs to prefetch its data, and additionally not use more than the cache can hold, or not overwrite memory other threads are trying to cache -- which requires knowledge of other threads on the core. That's not usually possible, because it's abstracted away by the OS.
Most algorithms are not tuned to that extent, particularly since its only usually console-exclusive games, or other hardware exclusive applications, which can guarantee a certain minimum spec for the cache, and more importantly, have intimate knowledge of other threads which are running concurrently on the same core. This is also one of the major reasons larger caches benefit modern CPU performance.


Parallel code bad scalability

Recently I've been analyzing how my parallel computations actually speed up on 16-core processor. And the general formula that I concluded - the more threads you have the less speed per core you get - is embarassing me. Here are the diagrams of my cpu load and processing speed:
So, you can see that processor load increases, but speed increases much slower. I want to know why such an effect takes place and how to get the reason of unscalable behaviour.
I've made sure to use Server GC mode.
I've made sure that I'm parallelizing appropriate code as soon as code does nothing more than
Loads data from RAM (server has 96 GB of RAM, swap file shouldn't be hit)
Performs not complex calculations
Stores data in RAM
I've profiled my application carefully and found no bottlenecks - looks like each operation becomes slower as thread number grows.
I'm stuck, what's wrong with my scenario?
I use .Net 4 Task Parallel Library.
You will always get this kind of curve, it's called Amdahl's law.
The question is how soon it will level off.
You say you checked your code for bottlenecks, let's assume that's correct. Then there is still the memory bandwidth and other hardware factors.
The key to a linear scalability - in the context of where going from one to two cores doubles the throughput - is to use shared resources as little as possible. This means:
don't use hyperthreading (because the two threads share the same core resource)
tie every thread to a specific core (otherwise the OS will juggle the
threads between cores)
don't use more threads than there are cores (the OS will swap in and
stay inside the core's own caches - nowadays the L1 & L2 caches
don't venture into the L3 cache or RAM unless it is absolutely
minimize/economize on critical section/synchronization usage
If you've come this far you've probably profiled and hand-tuned your code too.
Thread pools are a compromise and not suited for uncompromising, high-performance applications. Total thread control is.
Don't worry about the OS scheduler. If your application is CPU-bound with long computations that mostly does local L1 & L2 memory accesses it's a better performance bet to tie each thread to its own core. Sure the OS will come in but compared to the work being performed by your threads the OS work is negligible.
Also I should say that my threading experience is mostly from Windows NT-engine machines.
Not all memory accesses have to do with data reads and writes (see comment above). An often overlooked memory access is that of fetching code to be executed. So my statement about staying inside the core's own caches implies making sure that ALL necessary data AND code reside in these caches. Remember also that even quite simple OO code may generate hidden calls to library routines. In this respect (the code generation department), OO and interpreted code is a lot less WYSIWYG than perhaps C (generally WYSIWYG) or, of course, assembly (totally WYSIWYG).
A general decrease in return with more threads could indicate some kind of bottle neck.
Are there ANY shared resources, like a collection or queue or something or are you using some external functions that might be dependent on some limited resource?
The sharp break at 8 threads is interesting and in my comment I asked if the CPU is a true 16 core or an 8 core with hyper threading, where each core appears as 2 cores to the OS.
If it is hyper threading, you either have so much work that the hyper threading cannot double the performance of the core, or the memory pipe to the core cannot handle twice the data through put.
Are the work performed by the threads even or are some threads doing more than others, that could also indicate resource starvation.
Since your added that threads query for data very often, that indicates a very large risk of waiting.
Is there any way to let the threads get more data each time? Like reading 10 items instead of one?
If you are doing memory intensive stuff, you could be hitting cache capacity.
You could maybe test this with mock algorithm which just processes same small bit if data over and over so it all should fit in cache.
If it indeed is cache, possible solutions could be making the threads work on same data somehow (like different parts of small data window), or just tweaking the algorithm to be more local (like in sorting, merge sort is generally slower than quick sort, but it is more cache friendly which still makes it better in some cases).
Are your threads reading and writing to items close together in memory? Then you're probably running into false sharing. If thread 1 works with data[1] and thread2 works with data[2], then even though in an ideal world we know that two consecutive reads of data[2] by thread2 will always produce the same result, in the actual world, if thread1 updates data[1] sometime between those two reads, then the CPU will mark the cache as dirty and update it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc872851.aspx. To solve it, make sure the data each thread is working with is adequately far away in memory from the data the other threads are working with.
That could give you a performance boost, but likely won't get you to 16x—there are lots of things going on under the hood and you'll just have to knock them out one-by-one. And really it's not that your algorithm is running at 30% speed when multithreaded; it's more that your single-threaded algorithm is running at 300% speed, enabled by all sorts of CPU and caching awesomeness that running multithreaded has a harder time taking advantage of. So there's nothing to be "embarrassed" about. But with some diligence, you can perhaps get the multithreaded version working at nearly 300% speed as well.
Also, if you're counting hyperthreaded cores as real cores, well, they're not. They only allow threads to swap really fast when one is blocked. But they'll never let you run at double speed unless your threads are getting blocked half the time anyway, in which case that already means you have opportunity for speedup.

Using multiple threads to bruteforce passwords

I'm working on my 10th grade science fair project right now and I've kind of hit a wall. My project is testing the effect of parallelism on the efficiency of brute forcing md5 password hashes. I'll be calculating the # of password combinations/second it tests to see how efficient it is, using 1, 4,16,32,64,128,512,and 1024 threads. I'm not sure if I'll do dictionary brute force or pure brute force. I figure that dictionary would be easier to parallelize; just split the list up into equal parts for each thread. I haven't written much code yet; I'm just trying to plan it out before I start coding.
My questions are:
Is calculating the password combinations tested/second the best way to determine the performance based on # of threads?
Dictionary or pure brute force? If pure brute force, how would you split up the task into a variable number of threads?
Any other suggestions?
I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm, but this is already quite a well understood problem. I'll try to explain what to expect below. But maybe it would be better to do your project in another area. How's about "Maximising MD5 hashing throughput" then you wouldn't be restricted to just looking at threading.
I think that when you write up your project, you'll need to offer some kind of analysis as to when parallel processing is appropriate and when it isn't.
Each time that your CPU changes to another thread, it has to persist the current thread context and load the new thread context. This overhead does not occur in a single-threaded process (except for managed services like garbage collection). So all else equal, adding threads won't improve performance because it must do the original workload plus all of the context switching.
But if you have multiple CPUs (cores) at your disposal, creating one thread per CPU will mean that you can parallelize your calculations without incurring context switching costs. If you have more threads than CPUs then context switching will become an issue.
There are 2 classes of computation: IO-bound and compute-bound. An IO-bound computation can spend large amounts of CPU cycles waiting for a response from some hardware like a network card or a hard disk. Because of this overhead, you can increase the number of threads to the point where the CPU is maxed out again, and this can cancel out the cost of context switching. However there is a limit to the number of threads, beyond which context switching will take up more time than the threads spend blocking for IO.
Compute-bound computations simply require CPU time for number crunching. This is the kind of computation used by a password cracker. Compute-bound operations do not get blocked, so adding more threads than CPUs will slow down your overall throughput.
The C# ThreadPool already takes care of all of this for you - you just add tasks, and it queues them until a Thread is available. New Threads are only created when a thread is blocked. That way, context switches are minimised.
I have a quad-core machine - breaking the problem into 4 threads, each executing on its own core, will be more or less as fast as my machine can brute force passwords.
To seriously parallelize this problem, you're going to need a lot of CPUs. I've read about using the GPU of a graphics card to attack this problem.
There's an analysis of attack vectors that I wrote up here if it's any use to you. Rainbow tables and the processor/memory trade offs would be another interesting area to do a project in.
To answer your question:
1) There is nothing like the best way to test thread performance. Different problems scale differently with threads, depending on how independent each operation in the target problem is. So you can try the dictionary thing. But, when you analyse the results, the results that you get might not be applicable on all problems. One very popular example however, is that people try a shared counter, where the counter is increased by a fixed number of times by each thread.
2) Brute force will cover a large number of cases. In fact, by brute force, there can be an infinite number of possibilities. So, you might have to limit your password by some constraints like the maximum length of the password and so on. One way to distribute brute force is to assign each thread a different starting character for the password. The thread then tests all possible passwords for that starting character. Once the thread finishes its work, it gets another starting character till you use all possible starting symbols.
3) One suggestion that I would like to give you is to test on a little smaller number of threads. You are going upto 1024 threads. That is not a good idead. The number of cores on a machine is generally 4 to 10. So, try not to exceed the number of threads by a huge number than the number of cores. Because, a processor cannot run multiple threads at the same time. Its one thread per processor at any given time. Instead, try to measure performace for different schemes for assigning the problem to different threads.
Let me know if this helps!
One solution that will work for both a dictionary and a brute-force of all possible passwords is to use a approach based around dividing the job up into work units. Have a shared object responsible for dividing the problem space up into units of work - ideally, something like 100ms to 5 seconds worth of work each - and give a reference to this object to each thread you start. Each thread then operates in a loop like this:
for work_block in work_block_generator.get():
for item in work_block:
# Do work
The advantage of this over just parcelling up the whole workspace into one chunk per thread up-front is that if one thread works faster than others, it won't run out of work and just sit idle - it'll pick up more chunks.
Ideally your work item generator would have an interface that, when called, returns an iterator, which itself returns individual passwords to test. The dictionary-based one, then, selects a range from the dictionary, while the brute force one selects a prefix to test for each batch. You'll need to use synchronization primitives to stop races between different threads trying to grab work units, of course.
In both the dictionary and brute force methods, the problem is Embarrassingly Parallel.
To divide the problem for brute force with n threads, just say, the first two (or three) letters (the "prefix") into n pieces. Then, each thread has a set of assigned prefixes, like "aa - fz" where it is responsible only for testing everything that follows its prefixes.
Dictionary is usually statistically slightly better in practice for cracking more passwords, but brute force, since it covers everything, cannot miss a password within the target length.

Is hyperthreading working?

I'm running some fairly processor-intensive stuff on my PC, and notice my CPU usage looks pretty odd. My PC is a quad-core i7-870, which supposedly has eight virtual cores.
I'm using the Task Parallel library in .NET 4, so expect all cores to be nicely utilised, but am getting information like this from Process Monitor:
Cores 6 and 8 are hardly getting touched, and apart from a brief burst, 4 isn't either.
Is this what I should expect?
For the most part, yes, I think this looks reasonable. Keep in mind that hyperthreading really just fakes two cores. Each physical core is given two frontends, so it can read two streams of instructions in parallel. But they still share the same execution units. So when one HT core is busy, the execution units are taken, and so its "twin" core will be able to do very little work.
That seems to be what you're seeing on the first two cores (the second in particular makes it very obvious)
Apart from this, you'll almost never be able to get perfect CPU utilization. Sometimes, a core just has to stall waiting for memory. Sometimes it's executing a costly non-pipelined instruction, effectively blocking the execution units on that physical core for perhaps tens or even hundreds of cycles.
And sometimes, dependencies between instructions might just mean that you don't have anything for one or more cores to execute.
Apart from that, you see 8 graphs, and you only have 4 cores, so yes, of course hyperthreading is working. ;)
In short
yes it works (of course)
profile it
YMMV - hyperthreading is not multi-coring and as such depends heavily on the type of instruction load and cache saturation etc. Not knowing anything about your code (except that it is C#, really) you might look for collections of 'small objects' that could be made into straight System.Array's of structs (A generic List<> will also use an Array internally and optimize for struct element types)
It all depends on your algorithm implementation. TPL will use proper number of cores depending upon the data dependency in your algorithm

Will Multi threading increase the speed of the calculation on Single Processor

On a single processor, Will multi-threading increse the speed of the calculation. As we all know that, multi-threading is used for Increasing the User responsiveness and achieved by sepating UI thread and calculation thread. But lets talk about only console application. Will multi-threading increases the speed of the calculation. Do we get culculation result faster when we calculate through multi-threading.
what about on multi cores, will multi threading increse the speed or not.
Please help me. If you have any material to learn more about threading. please post.
I have been asked a question, At any given time, only one thread is allowed to run on a single core. If so, why people use multithreading in a console application.
Thanks in advance,
In general terms, no it won't speed up anything.
Presumably the same work overall is being done, but now there is the overhead of additional threads and context switches.
On a single processor with HyperThreading (two virtual processors) then the answer becomes "maybe".
Finally, even though there is only one CPU perhaps some of the threads can be pushed to the GPU or other hardware? This is kinda getting away from the "single processor" scenario but could technically be way of achieving a speed increase from multithreading on a single core PC.
Edit: your question now mentions multithreaded apps on a multicore machine.
Again, in very general terms, this will provide an overall speed increase to your calculation.
However, the increase (or lack thereof) will depend on how parallelizable the algorithm is, the contention for memory and cache, and the skill of the programmer when it comes to writing parallel code without locking or starvation issues.
Few threads on 1 CPU:
may increase performance in case you continue with another thread instead of waiting for I/O bound operation
may decrease performance if let say there are too many threads and work is wasted on context switching
Few threads on N CPUs:
may increase performance if you are able to cut job in independent chunks and process them in independent manner
may decrease performance if you rely heavily on communication between threads and bus becomes a bottleneck.
So actually it's very task specific - you can parallel one things very easy while it's almost impossible for others. Perhaps it's a bit advanced reading for new person but there are 2 great resources on this topic in C# world:
Joe Duffy's web log
PFX team blog - they have a very good set of articles for parallel programming in .NET world including patterns and practices.
What is your calculation doing? You won't be able to speed it up by using multithreading if it a processor bound, but if for some reason your calculation writes to disk or waits for some other sort of IO you may be able to improve performance using threading. However, when you say "calculation" I assume you mean some sort of processor intensive algorithm, so adding threads is unlikely to help, and could even slow you down as the context switch between threads adds extra work.
If the task is compute bound, threading will not make it faster unless the calculation can be split in multiple independent parts. Even so you will only be able to achieve any performance gains if you have multiple cores available. From the background in your question it will just add overhead.
However, you may still want to run any complex and long running calculations on a separate thread in order to keep the application responsive.
No, no and no.
Unless you write parallelizing code to take advantage of multicores, it will always be slower if you have no other blocking functions.
Exactly like the user input example, one thread might be waiting for a disk operation to complete, and other threads can take that CPU time.
As described in the other answers, multi-threading on a single core won't give you any extra performance (hyperthreading notwithstanding). However, if your machine sports an Nvidia GPU you should be able to use the CUDA to push calculations to the GPU. See http://www.hoopoe-cloud.com/Solutions/CUDA.NET/Default.aspx and C#: Perform Operations on GPU, not CPU (Calculate Pi).
Above mention most.
Running multiple threads on one processor can increase performance, if you can manage to get more work done at the same time, instead of let the processor wait between different operations. However, it could also be a severe loss of performance due to for example synchronization or that the processor is overloaded and cant step up to the requirements.
As for multiple cores, threading can improve the performance significantly. However, much depends on finding the hotspots and not overdo it. Using threads everywhere and the need of synchronization can even lower the performance. Optimizing using threads with multiple cores takes a lot of pre-studies and planning to get a good result. You need for example to think about how many threads to be use in different situations. You do not want the threads to sit and wait for information used by another thread.
I have been doing some intensive C++ mathematical simulation runs using 24 core servers. If I run 24 separate simulations in parallel on the 24 cores of a single server, then I get a runtime for each of my simulations of say X seconds.
The bizarre thing I have noticed is that, when running only 12 simulations, using 12 of the 24 cores, with the other 12 cores idle, then each of the simulations runs at a runtime of Y seconds, where Y is much greater than X! When viewing the task manager graph of the processor usage, it is obvious that a process does not stick to only one core, but alternates between a number of cores. That is to say, the switching between cores to use all the cores slows down the calculation process.
The way I maintained the runtime when running only 12 simulations, is to run another 12 "junk" simulations on the side, using the remaining 12 cores!
Conclusion: When using multi-cores, use them all at 100%, for lower utilisation, the runtime increases!
For single core CPU,
Actually the performance depends on the job you are referring.
In your case, for calculation done by CPU, in that case OverClocking would help if your parentBoard supports it. Otherwise there is no way for CPU to do calculations that are faster than the speed of CPU.
For the sake of Multicore CPU
As the above answers say, if properly designed the performance may increase, if all cores are fully used.
In single core CPU, if the threads are implemented in User Level then multithreading wont matter if there are blocking system calls in the thread, like an I/O operation. Because kernel won't know about the userlevel threads.
So if the process does I/O then you can implement the threads in Kernel space and then you can implement different threads for different job.
(The answer here is on theory based.)
Even a CPU bound task might run faster multi-threaded if properly designed to take advantage of cache memory and pipelineing done by the processor. Modern processors spend a lot of time
twiddling their thumbs, even when nominally fully "busy".
Imagine a process that used a small chunk of memory very intensively. Processing
the same chunk of memory 1000 times would be much faster than processing 1000 chunks
of similar memory.
You could certainly design a multi threaded program that would be faster than a single thread.
Treads don't increase performance. Threads sacrifice performance in favor of keeping parts of the code responsive.
The only exception is if you are doing a computation that is so parallelizeable that you can run different threads on different cores (which is the exception, not the rule).

Multiprocessor and Performance

I'm facing a really strange problem with a .Net service.
I developed a multithreaded x64 windows service.
I tested this service in a x64 server with 8 cores. The performance was great!
Now I moved the service to a production server (x64 - 32 cores). During the tests I found out the performance is, at least, 10 times worst than in the test server.
I've checked loads of performance counters trying to find some reason for this poor performance, but I couldn't find a point.
Could be a GC problem? Have you ever faced a problem like this?
Thank you in advance!
This is a common problem which people are generally unaware of, because very few people have experience on many-CPU machines.
The basic problem is contention.
As the CPU count increases, contention increases in all shared data structures. For low CPU counts, contention is low and the fact you have multiple CPUs improves performance. As the CPU count becomes significantly larger, contention begins to drown out your performance improvements; as the CPU count becomes large, contention actually starts reducing performance below that of a lower number of CPUs.
You are basically facing one of the aspects of the scalability problem.
I'm not sure however where this problem lies; in your data structures, or in the operating systems data structures. The former you can address - lock-free data structures are an excellent, highly scalable approach. The latter is difficult, since it essentially requires avoiding certain OS functionality.
There are way too many variables to know why one machine is slower than the other. 32 core machines are usually more specialized where an eight core could just be a dual proc quad core machine. Are there vm's or other things running at the same time? Usually with that many cores, IO bandwidth becomes the limiting factor (even if the cpu's still have plenty of bandwidth).
To start off, you should probably add lots of timers in your code (or profiling or whatever) to figure out what part of your code is taking up the most time.
Performance troublshooting 101: what is the bottleneck ( where in the code and what subsystem (memory, disk, cpu) )
There are so many factors here:
are you actually using the cores?
are your extra threads causing locking issues to be more obvious?
do you not have enough memory to support all the extra stacks / data you can process?
can your IO (disk/network/database) stack keep up with the throughput?
Could it be down to differences in memory or the disk? If there were the bottleneck, you'd not get the value for the additional processing power. Can't really tell without more details of your application/configuration.
With that many threads running concurrently, you're going to have to be really careful to get around issues of threads fighting with each other to access your data. Read up on Non-blocking synchronization.
How many threads are you using? Using to many thread pool threads could cause thread starvation which would make your program slower.
Some articles:
(search for thread starvation in them)
You could use a .net profiler to find your bottle necks, here are a good free one:
I agree with Blank, it's likely to be some form of contention. It's likely to be very hard to track down, unfortunately. It could be in your application code, the framework, the OS, or some combination thereof. Your application code is the most likely culprit, since Microsoft has expended significant effort on making the CLR and the OS scale on 32P boxes.
The contention could be in some hot locks, but it could be that some processor cache lines are sloshing back and forth between CPUs.
What's your metric for 10x worse? Throughput?
Have you tried booting the 32-proc box with fewer CPUs? Use the /NUMPROC option in boot.ini or BCDedit.
Do you achieve 100% CPU utilization? What's your context switch rate like? And how does this compare to the 8P box?
