Facebook post from winforms app - c#

I have setup a business account with Facebook and got my access token. Then I try and use the below code inside my WinForms App and it all passes through fine with now errors, but when I go to my Facebook page nothing has been posted to it, is there something simple I am missing here?
string acccessToken = <access token>;
FacebookClient appp = new FacebookClient(acccessToken);
new { message = "Good Morning To Me" });
catch (FacebookOAuthException)
Any pushes in the right direct would be great.


Google Data API Authorization Redirect URI Mismatch

I am wanting to write a small, personal web app in .NET Core 1.1 to interact with YouTube and make some things easier for me to do and I am following the tutorials/samples in Google's YouTube documentation. Sounds simple enough, right? ;)
Authenticating with Google's APIs seems impossible! I have done the following:
Created an account in the Google Developer Console
Created a new project in the Google Developer Console
Created a Web Application OAuth Client ID and added my Web App debug URI to the list of approved redirect URIs
Saved the json file provided after generating the OAuth Client ID to my system
In my application, my debug server url is set (and when my application launches in debug, it's using the url I set which is
However, when I attempt to authenticate with Google's APIs, I recieve the following error:
That’s an error.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request,,
does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client.
So now, for the problem. The only thing I can find when searching for a solution for this is people that say
just put the redirect URI in your approved redirect URIs
Unfortunately, the issue is that every single time my code attempts to authenticate with Google's APIs, the redirect URI it is using changes (the port changes even though I set a static port in the project's properties). I cannot seem to find a way to get it to use a static port. Any help or information would be awesome!
NOTE: Please don't say things like "why don't you just do it this other way that doesn't answer your question at all".
The code
"web": {
"client_id": "[MY_CLIENT_ID]",
"project_id": "[MY_PROJECT_ID]",
"auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
"token_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
"client_secret": "[MY_CLIENT_SECRET]",
"redirect_uris": [
Method That Is Attempting to Use API
public async Task<IActionResult> Test()
string ClientIdPath = #"C:\Path\To\My\client_id.json";
UserCredential credential;
using (var stream = new FileStream(ClientIdPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeReadonly },
new FileDataStore(this.GetType().ToString())
var youtubeService = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString()
var channelsListRequest = youtubeService.Channels.List("contentDetails");
channelsListRequest.Mine = true;
// Retrieve the contentDetails part of the channel resource for the authenticated user's channel.
var channelsListResponse = await channelsListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
return Ok(channelsListResponse);
Project Properties
The Original Answer works, but it is NOT the best way to do this for an ASP.NET Web Application. See the update below for a better way to handle the flow for an ASP.NET Web Application.
Original Answer
So, I figured this out. The issue is that Google thinks of a web app as a JavaScript based web application and NOT a web app with server side processing. Thus, you CANNOT create a Web Application OAuth Client ID in the Google Developer Console for a server based web application.
The solution is to select the type Other when creating an OAuth Client ID in the Google Developer Console. This will have Google treat it as an installed application and NOT a JavaScript application, thus not requiring a redirect URI to handle the callback.
It's somewhat confusing as Google's documentation for .NET tells you to create a Web App OAuth Client ID.
Feb 16, 2018 Updated Better Answer:
I wanted to provide an update to this answer. Though, what I said above works, this is NOT the best way to implement the OAuth workflow for a ASP.NET solution. There is a better way which actually uses a proper OAuth 2.0 flow. Google's documentation is terrible in regards to this (especially for .NET), so I'll provide a simple implementation example here. The sample is using ASP.NET core, but it's easily adapted to the full .NET framework :)
Note: Google does have a Google.Apis.Auth.MVC package to help simplifiy this OAuth 2.0 flow, but unfortunately it's coupled to a specific MVC implementation and does not work for ASP.NET Core or Web API. So, I wouldn't use it. The example I'll be giving will work for ALL ASP.NET applications. This same code flow can be used for any of the Google APIs you've enabled as it's dependent on the scopes you are requesting.
Also, I am assuming you have your application set up in your Google Developer dashboard. That is to say that you have created an application, enabled the necessary YouTube APIs, created a Web Application Client, and set your allowed redirect urls properly.
The flow will work like this:
The user clicks a button (e.g. Add YouTube)
The View calls a method on the Controller to obtain an Authorization URL
On the controller method, we ask Google to give us an Authorization URL based on our client credentials (the ones created in the Google Developer Dashboard) and provide Google with a Redirect URL for our application (this Redirect URL must be in your list of accepted Redirect URLs for your Google Application)
Google gives us back an Authorization URL
We redirect the user to that Authorization URL
User grants our application access
Google gives our application back a special access code using the Redirect URL we provided Google on the request
We use that access code to get the Oauth tokens for the user
We save the Oauth tokens for the user
You need the following NuGet Packages
The Model
public class ExampleModel
public bool UserHasYoutubeToken { get; set; }
The Controller
public class ExampleController : Controller
// I'm assuming you have some sort of service that can read users from and update users to your database
private IUserService userService;
public ExampleController(IUserService userService)
this.userService = userService;
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var userId = // Get your user's ID however you get it
// I'm assuming you have some way of knowing if a user has an access token for YouTube or not
var userHasToken = this.userService.UserHasYoutubeToken(userId);
var model = new ExampleModel { UserHasYoutubeToken = userHasToken }
return View(model);
// This is a method we'll use to obtain the authorization code flow
private AuthorizationCodeFlow GetGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(params string[] scopes)
var clientIdPath = #"C:\Path\To\My\client_id.json";
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(clientIdPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.Load(stream).Secrets;
var initializer = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer { ClientSecrets = clientSecrets, Scopes = scopes };
var googleAuthorizationCodeFlow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer);
return googleAuthorizationCodeFlow;
// This is a route that your View will call (we'll call it using JQuery)
public async Task<string> GetAuthorizationUrl()
// First, we need to build a redirect url that Google will use to redirect back to the application after the user grants access
var protocol = Request.IsHttps ? "https" : "http";
var redirectUrl = $"{protocol}://{Request.Host}/{Url.Action(nameof(this.GetYoutubeAuthenticationToken)).TrimStart('/')}";
// Next, let's define the scopes we'll be accessing. We are requesting YouTubeForceSsl so we can manage a user's YouTube account.
var scopes = new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeForceSsl };
// Now, let's grab the AuthorizationCodeFlow that will generate a unique authorization URL to redirect our user to
var googleAuthorizationCodeFlow = this.GetGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(scopes);
var codeRequestUrl = googleAuthorizationCodeFlow.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(redirectUrl);
codeRequestUrl.ResponseType = "code";
// Build the url
var authorizationUrl = codeRequestUrl.Build();
// Give it back to our caller for the redirect
return authorizationUrl;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetYoutubeAuthenticationToken([FromQuery] string code)
This means the user canceled and did not grant us access. In this case, there will be a query parameter
on the request URL called 'error' that will have the error message. You can handle this case however.
Here, we'll just not do anything, but you should write code to handle this case however your application
needs to.
// The userId is the ID of the user as it relates to YOUR application (NOT their Youtube Id).
// This is the User ID that you assigned them whenever they signed up or however you uniquely identify people using your application
var userId = // Get your user's ID however you do (whether it's on a claim or you have it stored in session or somewhere else)
// We need to build the same redirect url again. Google uses this for validaiton I think...? Not sure what it's used for
// at this stage, I just know we need it :)
var protocol = Request.IsHttps ? "https" : "http";
var redirectUrl = $"{protocol}://{Request.Host}/{Url.Action(nameof(this.GetYoutubeAuthenticationToken)).TrimStart('/')}";
// Now, let's ask Youtube for our OAuth token that will let us do awesome things for the user
var scopes = new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeForceSsl };
var googleAuthorizationCodeFlow = this.GetYoutubeAuthorizationCodeFlow(scopes);
var token = await googleAuthorizationCodeFlow.ExchangeCodeForTokenAsync(userId, code, redirectUrl, CancellationToken.None);
// Now, you need to store this token in rlation to your user. So, however you save your user data, just make sure you
// save the token for your user. This is the token you'll use to build up the UserCredentials needed to act on behalf
// of the user.
var tokenJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token);
await this.userService.SaveUserToken(userId, tokenJson);
// Now that we've got access to the user's YouTube account, let's get back
// to our application :)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(this.Index));
The View
#using YourApplication.Controllers
#model YourApplication.Models.ExampleModel
<p>YAY! We have access to your YouTube account!</p>
<button id="addYoutube">Add YouTube</button>
$(document).ready(function () {
var addYoutubeUrl = '#Url.Action(nameof(ExampleController.GetAuthorizationUrl))';
// When the user clicks the 'Add YouTube' button, we'll call the server
// to get the Authorization URL Google built for us, then redirect the
// user to it.
$('#addYoutube').click(function () {
$.post(addYoutubeUrl, function (result) {
if (result) {
window.location.href = result;
As referred here, you need to specify a fix port for the ASP.NET development server like How to fix a port number in asp.NET development server and add this url with the fix port to the allowed urls. Also as stated in this thread, when your browser redirects the user to Google's oAuth page, you should be passing as a parameter the redirect URI you want Google's server to return to with the token response.
I noticed that there is easy non-programmatic way around.
If you have typical monotlith application built in typical MS convention(so not compatible with 12factor and typical DDD) there is an option to tell your Proxy WWW server to rewrite all requests from HTTP to HTTPS so even if you have set up Web App on http://localhost:5000 and then added in Google API url like: http://your.domain.net/sigin-google, it will work perfectly and it is not that bas because it is much safer to set up main WWW to rewrite all to HTTPS.
It is not very good practice I guess however it makes sense and does the job.
I've struggled with this issue for hours in a .net Core application. What finally fixed it for me was, in the Google developers console, to create and use a credential for "Desktop app" instead of a "Web application".
Yeah!! Using credentials of desktop app instead of web app worked for me fine. It took me more than 2 days to figure out this problem. The main problem is that google auth library dose not adding or supporting http://localhost:8000 as redirect uri for web app creds but credentials of desktop app fixed that issue. Cause its supporting http://___ connection instead of https: connection for redirect uri

Facebook post on own steam not showing

So I'm having trouble with updating the facebook status.
Using the following code:
private const string FacebookPermissions = "user_about_me,publish_stream,read_stream";
dynamic fbPostTaskResult = await fbclient.PostTaskAsync("/me/feed", new { message = "" + text });
var responseresult = (IDictionary<string, object>)fbPostTaskResult;
fbclient.PostCompleted += fbclient_PostCompleted;
failed = true;
catch (Exception e)
The problem is that it's shared at all. Can only be viewed by me.
Have checked the facebook settings and it's set to friends.
Have anyone seen this before? Havent got any hits on google.
You need to flick the switch next to “Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?” on the Status&Review tab in your app dashboard to “Yes” …
Anything posted via an app will only be visible to the general public, if that is set. Otherwise only people with a role in the app (admin/developer/tester) will be able to see the created content.
You need to allow in settings to make it visible for other users.

What do i enter as for the "redirect Url" when creating a Facebook service?

I am trying to implement the Xamarin.Social component into my app. That requires a parameter named RedirectUrl that i can't find anywhere in the Facebook developers console, and google hardly returns results.
public static FacebookService Facebook
if (mFacebook == null)
mFacebook = new FacebookService() {
ClientId = "App ID here, that works fine",
RedirectUrl = new Uri (" ??? ")
return mFacebook;
Where can i find that parameter? I have tried various things so far but non of them seemed to work so i think its not worth posting here. I really need this for a project to get done. Thanks, i appreciate any help.
You can set this parameter on your application settings on facebook developer.
If you are developing a desktop or mobile app, you can use this url https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html as your redirect_url

Facebook C# SDK - Post to wall

I'm developing an asp.net MVC 3 Facebook app and I am trying to post a message to my wall. Here is my code:
FacebookWebClient client = new FacebookWebClient();
// Post to user's wall
var postparameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
postparameters["message"] = "Hello world!";
postparameters["name"] = "This is a name";
postparameters["link"] = "http://thisisalink.com;
postparameters["description"] = "This is a description";
var result = client.Post("/me/feed", postparameters);
I can get the access token using client.AccessToken, so I'm assuming I don't have to set it anywhere. This code produces no errors and for the result I get an ID. However, when I bring up my Facebook, I see nothing on my wall nor in my news feed. I'm not sure what I'm missing. I've looked at related questions here at StackOverflow, but I see no reports/questions similar to mine. I've also tried changing the code based on what I've seen in other posts, but to no avail. I also checked my Facebook account settings and I see my application listed with permission to post to my wall. I also tried posting a message to my wall via the Graph API explorer and I'm getting the same result. I get an ID in return, but when I check my Facebook account I see nothing. At been at this for a couple of days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I wonder if something is wrong with my app generated access_token. Using this access_token, as I mentioned in my post, I get the same result using the Graph API explorer. An ID is returned, but no message on my wall. However, if I give the Graph API explorer permission to post to my wall and use its own generated access_token, I can successfully post a message using the explorer. Here's the FB login button code:
<h1>Login using Facebook</h1>
<p><fb:login-button perms="user_location, publish_stream, email"></fb:login-button></p>
Basically you need to add an additional parameter into your post parameters.
args["access_token"] = account.access_token;
this is the token of the specific page.
I wont repeat the code, follow here for example: Post On Facebook Page As Page Not As Admin User Using Facebook C# SDK
(second answer)
Did you request right App permissions to Facebook in your action method?
Try: [CanvasAuthorize(Permissions = "user_location, publish_stream, email")]
Did you append the access_token to the URL? See example here. It's also documented here (see Using the Access Token).
with one small change, your code works fine for me. you have to pass the users auth token into the constructor like this...
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
// Post to user's wall
var postparameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
postparameters["message"] = "Hello world!";
postparameters["name"] = "This is a name";
postparameters["link"] = "http://thisisalink.com;
postparameters["description"] = "This is a description";
var result = client.Post("/me/feed", postparameters);
this method works for me, although i am not sure which facebook sdk you are using.
i'm using http://facebooksdk.net/ its quite good so if you're not using it i would recommend it

Authorizer.IsAuthorized is returning false after I have authenticated

I just started working with the Facebook SDK this weekend. I'm trying to integrate Facebook into a site. I followed the samples and documentation and got the Facebook Login button along with displaying "faces" fairly quickly (nice Toolkit).
<fb:login-button autologoutlink="true" perm="email" show-faces="true" width="200" max-rows="1"></fb:login-button>
I would like to check if the user has already been authenticated (via Facebook). This is no different than what I've seen in many of the samples. The issue, I'm having is that in my Page_Load, the authorizer.IsAuthorized is returning False even after I authenticate (my profile picture is displayed as well). Is there something that I'm missing?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Facebook.FacebookApp app = new Facebook.FacebookApp();
Facebook.Web.Authorizer authorizer = new Facebook.Web.Authorizer(app);
if (authorizer.IsAuthorized())
catch (Exception ex)
I used 4.1.1 version of Facebook C# SDK until I've got the same problem.
Then I downloaded Version 4.2.1 and removed any Authorizer.Perms.
FacebookApp fbApp = new FacebookApp(access_token);
Authorizer fbAuth = new Authorizer(fbApp);
fbAuth.IsAuthorized();// returns true
Problem was solved.
The reason is than somehow UserId becomes 0 even you authorized application in Facebook.
They resolved it. Now when you use FacebookApp(access_token) constructor, it gets UserId from
