I have an async service
The service contract defined like:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContext.PerCall]
My client is defined like:
MyServiceClient task= null;
InstanceContext instanceContext = new InstanceContext(this);
task = new MyServiceClient(instanceContext);
And the client class implements the call back methods (finish, progress etc...).
It's works fine, but if I call to the method, and she start running on the server and I shut down the server,I can't know the status of my call, and the client still think that the methods still running.
So, how can I check if this call is still running?
Thanks for helpers :)
CallBack Interface:
public interface IServiceCallback
void NotifyFinished();
void NotifyProgress(int x);
void NotifyFailed(Exception exception);
Service Interface:
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof (IServiceCallback)]
public interface IAsyncService
void AsyncRunning();
Service Class:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public class AsyncService : IAsyncService
private IServiceCallback ServiceCallback {get; set;}
public void AsyncRunningProxy ()
for(int x=0; x<100 ; x++)
private void EndMethod(IAsyncResult res)
AsyncResult result = (AsyncResult)res;
catch (Exception e)
public void AsyncRunning ()
ServiceCallback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallBackChannel<IServiceCallback>();
Action action = AsyncRunningProxy;
action.BeginInvoke(EndMethod, null);
Client Class:
public class ServiceRunner : IServiceCallback
private ManualResetEvent reset {get; set;}
public ServiceRunner()
reset = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public void Run()
AsyncServiceClient client = null;
InstanceContext instanceContext = new InstanceContext(this);
client = new AsyncServiceClient(instanceContext);
public void NotifyProgress(int x)
public void NotifyFinished()
public void NotifyFailed(Exception e)
Edit: new client Class:
Client Class:
public class ServiceRunner : IServiceCallback
private ManualResetEvent reset { get; set; }
private string IsRunning { get; set; }
public ServiceRunner()
reset = new ManualResetEvent(false);
IsRunning = true;
public void Run()
AsyncServiceClient client = null;
InstanceContext instanceContext = new InstanceContext(this);
client = new AsyncServiceClient(instanceContext);
new Thread(()=>
Thrad.Sleep(60 * 1000);
catch (Exception e) // The server is not responding.
public void NotifyProgress(int x)
public void NotifyFinished()
IsRunning = false;
public void NotifyFailed(Exception e)
IsRunning = false;
In order to have more control of your clients request to the service, you should be able to use the inbuilt Task and Async support to monitor and if necessary handle connection delays.
The support for generating Task-based operations on the client side will be available to users who rely on proxies generated by our client generation tools (svcutil.exe or Add Service Reference), as well as to users who prefer to directly use ChannelFactory
The following code provides a rough example:
Task<string> task = new MyServiceClient().MyMethod();
if (task == await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(1000)))
Console.WriteLine(await task);
// handle delay …
Refer to the following MSDN blog entry for more information:
As #adkSerenity mention you may implement timeout logic, but I guess your question not about that.
The callback method will be(and should be) called in case of exception for example connection lose or internal connection time out.
private static void CallbackSample(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
// State of request is asynchronous.
RequestState myRequestState=(RequestState) asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest2=myRequestState.request;
myRequestState.response = (HttpWebResponse);
//next line may throw exception
catch(WebException e)
So async communication looks like fire and forget. Your callback method will be called when you get the result(exception too), but if you decide not handle it(custom time out logic) you must "foret" about callback processing. No way to check is alive(except of course custom api).
I have a situation where there is a synchronous call to a method and based on a parameter we switch the response for sync /async and inside async we start a task as below. The problem is tracer works until its outside the Task() but not inside. Is it happening that Task cannot access the parent thread data ?
RequestProcessor.cs file code:
public classA_Res GetListbyUserRequest(ApiRequest<object> request)
LocalTracer.TraceInformation(AVEventType.Info, "Async call started"); // this works/ gets logged in db
var taskProcessEventsResponseAsync = new Task(() =>
ProcessResponseAsync(validatedInputs, options, grids, userInfo, traceRequest, exportAs, userRequestId, sessionId));
response=DataManager.Instance.GetListbyUserRequest(); // this gets paginated data for UI
//some code for response that request has been put down for export async.
private void ProcessResponseAsync(validatedInputs, options, grids, userInfo, traceRequest, exportAs, userRequestId, sessionId)
LocalTracer.TraceInformation(AVEventType.Info, "Async call in progress"); // this doesnt works/ doesnt gets logged in db but also doesnt throws any error
//some code for processing data in chunks and creating files on server
public interface ILocalTracer
void TraceInformation(AVEventType eventType, DummyParameter dummy = null);
public sealed class LocalTracer:ILocalTracer
static ILocalTracer _instance = new LocalTracer();
public static ILocalTracer Instance
get { return _instance; }
set { _instance = value; }
private LocalTracer()
public static void TraceInformation(AVEventType eventType, string sMessage = "", string
userName = "", string ipAddress = "",.....)
//tracer code
public void TraceInformation(AVEventType eventType, DummyParameter dummy = null)
TraceInformation(eventType, "");
Please assume all this code in proper try catch blocks.
I want to write some Unittests with NUnit for our wpf application.
The application downloads some data with System.Net.WebClient in the background using the observer pattern.
Here is an example:
public class Download : IObservable<string>
private string url { get; }
private List<IObserver<string>> observers = new List<IObserver<string>>();
private bool closed = false;
private string data = null;
public Download(string url)
this.url = url;
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<string> observer)
if (!observers.Contains(observer))
if (!closed)
return new Unsubscriber(observer, observers);
private void startDownload()
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler((object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) => {
if (e.Error != null)
data = e.Result;
closed = true;
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url));
private void sendAndComplete()
foreach (var observer in observers)
private void sendAndComplete(IObserver<string> observer)
if (data != null)
observer.OnError(new Exception("Download failed!"));
private class Unsubscriber : IDisposable
private IObserver<string> _observer { get; }
private List<IObserver<string>> _observers { get; }
public Unsubscriber(IObserver<string> _observer, List<IObserver<string>> _observers)
this._observer = _observer;
this._observers = _observers;
public void Dispose()
if (_observer != null && _observers.Contains(_observer))
public class DownloadInspector : IObserver<string>
private Action<string> onSuccessAction { get; }
private Action<Exception> onErrorAction { get; }
private Action onCompleteAction { get; }
public DownloadInspector(Action<string> onSuccessAction, Action<Exception> onErrorAction, Action onCompleteAction)
this.onSuccessAction = onSuccessAction;
this.onErrorAction = onErrorAction;
this.onCompleteAction = onCompleteAction;
public void OnCompleted()
public void OnError(Exception error)
public void OnNext(string value)
example (usage)
Download download = new Download("http://stackoverflow.com");
DownloadInspector inspector = new DownloadInspector(
(string data) =>
Debug.WriteLine("HANDLE DATA");
(Exception error) =>
Debug.WriteLine("HANDLE ERROR");
() =>
Debug.WriteLine("HANDLE COMPLETE");
I'm still new in c# and not very familiar with asynchronous programming in that language. I know the await and async keywords and know that they work with NUnit, but the current construct don't use this keywords.
Can you help me creating a unit test for this case? Its okay to change/remove the observer pattern.
The constructor for the Download class starts the download, which means that I can't subscribe an observer until after the download has started. That's a race condition. It's possible (although unlikely) that observers will be notified before they can be subscribed.
public Download(string url)
this.url = url;
But I can go ahead and test because I'm subscribing an observer before that can happen. If you can I'd recommend not doing that. Allow the caller to construct the class in one step and then start the download with a method call.
I also had to change this method. I figured that testing for an error would be the easiest first step, but it needs to do data = e.Result if there is no error, not if there is an error.
private void StartDownload()
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler((object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) =>
if (e.Error == null) // <== because of this
data = e.Result;
closed = true;
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url));
What I didn't see coming is that WebClient.DownloadStringAsync isn't actually async. It doesn't return a Task. It just takes a callback. What that means is that there's no sure way to know whether it's done except to wait for it to notify the observer that the download is complete.
My NUnit test runner wasn't running, so I used MsTest. It's the same thing.
The basic approach is that I'm creating some flags, and the inspector responds to notifications by setting the flags. That way I can see which notifications were raised.
The last problem is that because DownloadStringComplete is a callback, the test exits before the Assert. That means it will always pass. So in order to fix it I had to do something I've never seen before, which I found here:
public void download_raises_error_notification()
var success = false;
bool error = false;
bool complete = false;
var pause = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var download = new Download("http://NoSuchUrlAnywhere.com");
var inspector = new DownloadInspector(
onSuccessAction: s => success = true,
onCompleteAction: () =>
complete = true;
onErrorAction: s => error = true
// allow 500ms for the download to fail. This is a race condition.
Assert.IsTrue(error,"onErrorAction was not called.");
This is technically an integration test since it must actually attempt a download in order to run. That could be remedied by mocking WebClient.
I have a receiver method in an ASP.NET Core web app:
public void ReceiveMessage()
using (var connection = CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "QueueName",durable: false,exclusive: false,autoDelete: false,arguments: null);
channel.BasicQos(prefetchSize: 0, prefetchCount: 1, global: false);
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
consumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
//Do something
channel.BasicAck(deliveryTag: ea.DeliveryTag,multiple: false);
channel.BasicConsume(queue: "QueueName",autoAck: false,consumer: consumer);
while (true)
You'll notice I am using while(true) which smells bad. I basically need to keep this method alive and wonder how have other people done it?
This method should stay alive all the time and automatically process messages 1 by 1
You can create a Hosted service and consume your message inside it. This Hosted service is always alive and can receive all the messages.
public class ProductTopicConsumerService : ConsumerBase, IHostedService
public ProductTopicConsumerService(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
: base(connectionFactory, ExchangeTypes.topic)
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error => {ex?.Message}");
protected override string Exchange => "ProductExchangeTopic5";
protected override string Queue => "Product.Updated5";
protected override string AppId => "ProductCreatedConsumer";
protected override string QueueAndExchangeRoutingKey => "Product.*";
public virtual Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => Task.CompletedTask;
public virtual Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.CompletedTask;
and ConsumerBase could be like this :
public abstract class ConsumerBase : RabbitMqClientBase
public ConsumerBase(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, ExchangeTypes exchangeType)
: base(connectionFactory, exchangeType,false)
protected void Consume<TMessage>()
var consumer = new AsyncEventingBasicConsumer(Channel);
consumer.Received += OnEventReceived<TMessage>;
Channel.BasicConsume(queue: RefinedQueueName, autoAck: false, consumer: consumer);
private Task OnEventReceived<TMessage>(object sender, BasicDeliverEventArgs #event)
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(#event.Body.ToArray());
var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TMessage>(body);
Channel.BasicAck(#event.DeliveryTag, false);
return Task.CompletedTask;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error occurred in OnEventReceived. Message: {ex?.Message}");
Channel.BasicNack(#event.DeliveryTag, false, true);
protected virtual void ReceiveAction<TMessage>(TMessage message)
and finally, rabbitMQBase could be something like this :
public abstract class RabbitMqClientBase : IDisposable
protected const string VirtualHost = "MQ";
protected abstract string Exchange { get; }
protected abstract string Queue { get; }
protected abstract string AppId { get; }
protected abstract string QueueAndExchangeRoutingKey { get; }
protected IModel Channel { get; private set; }
private IConnection _connection;
private readonly ConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
private readonly ExchangeTypes _exchangeType;
private readonly bool _isPublisher;
protected RabbitMqClientBase(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, ExchangeTypes exchangeType, bool isPublisher)
_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
this._exchangeType = exchangeType;
this._isPublisher = isPublisher;
protected internal string RefinedExchangeName => $"{VirtualHost}.{Exchange}";
protected internal string RefinedQueueName => $"{VirtualHost}.{Queue}";
protected internal string RefinedRoutingKey => $"{VirtualHost}.{QueueAndExchangeRoutingKey}";
private void ConnectToRabbitMq()
if (_connection == null || _connection.IsOpen == false)
_connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
if (Channel == null || Channel.IsOpen == false)
Channel = _connection.CreateModel();
Channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: RefinedExchangeName, type: _exchangeType.ToString(), durable: true, autoDelete: false);
if (!_isPublisher)
Channel.QueueDeclare(queue: RefinedQueueName, durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false);
Channel.QueueBind(queue: RefinedQueueName, exchange: RefinedExchangeName, routingKey: RefinedRoutingKey);
public void Dispose()
Channel = null;
_connection = null;
and this is Publisher|Prodcuer class for RabbitMQ :
public interface IRabbitMqProducer<in T>
PublishResult Publish(T #event);
public abstract class ProducerBase<T> : RabbitMqClientBase, IRabbitMqProducer<T>
protected ProducerBase(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, ExchangeTypes exchangeType)
: base(connectionFactory, exchangeType, true) { }
public PublishResult Publish(T #event)
var result = new PublishResult();
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(#event));
var properties = Channel.CreateBasicProperties();
properties.AppId = AppId;
properties.ContentType = "application/json";
properties.DeliveryMode = 2; //persist mode
properties.Timestamp = new AmqpTimestamp(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds());
Channel.BasicPublish(exchange: RefinedExchangeName, routingKey: RefinedRoutingKey, basicProperties: properties, body: body);
catch (Exception ex)
return result;
and for publishing your publisher should be like this:
public class ProductTopicProducerService : ProducerBase<ProductCreatedIntegrationEvent>
public ProductTopicProducerService(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
: base(connectionFactory,ExchangeTypes.topic)
protected override string Exchange => "ProductExchangeTopic5";
protected override string Queue => "";
protected override string AppId => "ProductCreatedConsumer";
protected override string QueueAndExchangeRoutingKey => "Product.*";
and for publish a new message follow the below code:
var result = _producer.Publish(#event);
if (!result.IsSuccess)
Console.WriteLine($"Error => {result.Description}");
Offsource you can simplify your consumer. but this is my experience to create a base class for rabbitMQBase and now both Publisher and consumer could use it.
Take a look at the OWIN package - available in NuGet: Microsoft.Owin.Hosting
When you use it you are self-hosting the web service and your app would start with a call to:
WebApp.Start(queryServiceUrl, Startup);
Where "Startup" is a method to do all your initialization. Your app/service stays running and will accept queries on the specified URL.
Without a loop, the instant after you call channel.BasicConsume, the whole thing (connection/channel) will go out of scope and be immediately disposed/destroyed via the using statement. So, without the loop, your consumer doesn't actually consume anything.
To ensure the consumer operates, you need to have an infinite loop, with appropriate logic to exit when you shut down the program. This is an unfortunate design of the .NET library for RabbitMQ, but it is what it is.
while (_isRunning & channel.IsOpen) {
// Other application logic here; e.g. periodically break out of the
// loop to prevent unacknowledged messages from accumulating in the system
// (if you don't, random effects will guarantee that they eventually build up)
I have a problem, and I am not quite sure how to solve this, except for making my Akka Actor not have async methods.
Here is my Actor Code:
public class AggregatorActor : ActorBase, IWithUnboundedStash
public IStash Stash { get; set; }
private AggregatorTimer _aggregatorTimer;
private IActorSystemSettings _settings;
private AccountSummary _accountResponse;
private ContactDetails _contactResponse;
private AnalyticDetails _analyticsResponse;
private FinancialDetails _financialResponse;
private ActorSelection _accountActor;
private ActorSelection _contactActor;
private ActorSelection _analyticsActor;
private ActorSelection _financialActor;
public AggregatorActor(IActorSystemSettings settings) : base(settings)
_accountActor = Context.System.ActorSelection(ActorPaths.AccountActorPath);
_contactActor = Context.System.ActorSelection(ActorPaths.ContactActorPath);
_analyticsActor = Context.System.ActorSelection(ActorPaths.AnalyticsActorPath);
_financialActor = Context.System.ActorSelection(ActorPaths.FinancialActorPath);
_settings = settings;
#region Public Methods
public override void Listening()
ReceiveAsync<ProfilerMessages.ProfilerBase>(async x => await HandleMessageAsync(x));
private void Busy()
Receive<ProfilerMessages.ProfilerBase>(x => Stash.Stash());
private void Aggregate()
Context.Sender.Tell(AggregatedSummaryResponse.Instance(_accountResponse, _contactResponse, _analyticsResponse, _financialResponse));
catch (Exception ex)
public override async Task HandleMessageAsync(object msg)
//if is summary, generate new isntance of AggregatorTimer in _eventHandlerCollection.
if (msg is ProfilerMessages.GetSummary)
//Become busy. Stash
//Handle different requests
var clientId = (msg as ProfilerMessages.GetSummary).ClientId;
await HandleSummaryRequest(clientId);
private async Task HandleSummaryRequest(string clientId)
var accountMsg = new AccountMessages.GetAggregatedData(clientId);
_accountResponse = (await _accountActor.Ask<Messages.AccountMessages.AccountResponseAll>(accountMsg, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.NumberOfSecondsToWaitForResponse))).AccountDetails;
//Need to uncomment this
var contactMsg = new ContactMessages.GetAggregatedContactDetails(clientId);
_contactResponse = (await _contactActor.Ask<Messages.ContactMessages.ContactResponse>(contactMsg, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.NumberOfSecondsToWaitForResponse))).ContactDetails;
var analyticMsg = new AnalyticsMessages.GetAggregatedAnalytics(clientId);
_analyticsResponse = (await _analyticsActor.Ask<Messages.AnalyticsMessages.AnalyticsResponse>(analyticMsg, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.NumberOfSecondsToWaitForResponse))).AnalyticDetails;
var financialMsg = new FinancialMessages.GetAggregatedFinancialDetails(clientId);
_financialResponse = (await _financialActor.Ask<Messages.FinancialMessages.FinancialResponse>(financialMsg, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.NumberOfSecondsToWaitForResponse))).FinancialDetails;
//Start new timer
_aggregatorTimer = new AggregatorTimer(_settings.NumberOfSecondsToWaitForResponse);
_aggregatorTimer.TimeElapsed += _aggregatorTimer_TimeElapsed;
catch (Exception ex)
//Event that is raised when an external timers time elapsed.
private async void _aggregatorTimer_TimeElapsed(object sender, ElapsedTimeHandlerArg e)
_aggregatorTimer = null;
_accountResponse = null;
_contactResponse = null;
_analyticsResponse = null;
_financialResponse = null;
//Start listening again
Inside the _aggregatorTimer_TimeElapsed event, I call the await Aggregate function, but the following exception is thrown.
There is no active ActorContext, this is most likely due to use of async operations from within this actor
I think this is caused by the fact that the Aggregate function tries to Tell() the Sender about the responses that are aggregated, but those Tasksare not yet completed? I might be completely wrong, but I have no idea why this is thrown.
I'm not sure what do you even need an AggregatorTimer for - in akka you have a Context.System.Scheduler object, which can be used to schedule events going to happen in the future.
Another thing is that you probably shouldn't execute logic inside event handlers. If you really need them in your code, it's better to limit them only to send a message, once an event gets triggered i.e.:
Receive<TimedOut>(_ => /* handle timeout message */);
var self = Self; // bind current self to a variable, so it won't change
_aggregatorTimer.TimeElapsed += (sender, e) => self.Tell(new TimedOut(), self);
I'm facing difficulties understanding how to handle program control during asynchronous flow.
I have a SessionManager class which calls the initiates the session and we need to register
for the event OnStartApplicationSessionResponse and my control will return to the calling point. I will get the session id in the eventhandler after sometime or the error code if there is an error.
class SessionManager
public bool startUp(Object params)
serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider();
serviceProvider.OnStartApplicationSessionResponse += new StartApplicationSessionResponseHandler(ServiceProvider_OnStartApplicationSessionResponse);
public void ServiceProvider_OnStartApplicationSessionResponse(object sender, ServiceProvider.StartApplicationSessionResponseArgs e)
//I will get the session Id here or error code
How do I get sessionId or the error as my control is now at the calling position?
You could use TaskCompletionSource to make the Event awaitable.
class SessionManager
private ServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public int SessionId
private set;
public Task<bool> StartUp(Object param)
_serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider();
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
_serviceProvider.OnStartApplicationSessionResponse += (sender, args) =>
// do your stuff
// e.g.
SessionId = 0xB00B5;
return tcs.Task;
The call would look like:
private static async void SomeButtonClick()
var mgr = new SessionManager();
var success = await mgr.StartUp("string");
if (success)
// update ui or whatever
note: This Feature is available in .Net 4.5.
With the C# feature async and await you are able to rewrite an asynchronous flow into something that is like a synchronous flow. You have only provided some fragments of your code so to provide a complete example I have created some code that resembles your code:
class StartEventArgs : EventArgs {
public StartEventArgs(Int32 sessionId, Int32 errorCode) {
SessionId = sessionId;
ErrorCode = errorCode;
public Int32 SessionId { get; private set; }
public Int32 ErrorCode { get; private set; }
delegate void StartEventHandler(Object sender, StartEventArgs e);
class ServiceProvider {
public event StartEventHandler Start;
public void Startup(Boolean succeed) {
if (succeed)
OnStart(new StartEventArgs(321, 0));
OnStart(new StartEventArgs(0, 123));
protected void OnStart(StartEventArgs e) {
var handler = Start;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
The ServiceProvider.Startup method will delay for a second before firing an event that either signals success or failure depending on the succeed parameter provided. The method is rather silly but hopefully is similar to the behavior of your ServiceProvider.Startup method.
You can convert the asynchronous startup into a task using a TaskCompletionSource:
Task<Int32> PerformStartup(ServiceProvider serviceProvider, Boolean succeed) {
var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<Int32>();
serviceProvider.Start += (sender, e) => {
if (e.ErrorCode > 0)
throw new Exception(e.ErrorCode.ToString());
return taskCompletionSource.Task;
Notice how an error signaled by the Start event is converted into an Exception (in production code you should use a custom exception type instead).
Using the async and await feature of C# you can now write code that looks very much like synchronous code even though it actually is asynchronous:
async void Startup(Boolean succeed) {
var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider();
try {
var sessionId = await PerformStartup(serviceProvider, succeed);
catch (Exception ex) {
If an error is reported by the Start event you can now deal with in the catch block. Also the session ID is simply a return value of the function. The "magic" is that using await on a Task will return the result of the task when it completes and if an exception is thrown in the task it can be caught on the thread awaiting the task.