Read a file 2 by 2 lines using Linq - c#

I try to read a simple TXT file using Linq, but, my dificult is. read a file in 2 by 2 lines, for this, I made a simple function, but, I belive I can read the TXT separating 2 by 2 lines...
My code to read the text lines is:
private struct Test
public string Line1, Line2;
static List<Test> teste_func(string[] args)
List<Test> exemplo = new List<Test>();
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]).Where(x => x.StartsWith("1") || x.StartsWith("7")).ToArray();
for(int i=0;i<lines.Length;i++)
Test aux = new Test();
aux.Line1 = lines[i];
aux.Line2 = lines[i];
return exemplo;
Before I create this function, I tried to do this:
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]). .Where(x=>x.StartsWith("1") || x.StartsWith("7")).Select(x =>
new Test
Line1 = x.Substring(0, 10),
Line2 = x.Substring(0, 10)
But, it's obvious, that system will be get line by line and create a new struct for the line...
So, how I can make to get 2 by 2 lines with linq ?
--- Edit
Maybe is possible to create a new 'linq' function, to make that ???
Func<T> Get2Lines<T>(this Func<T> obj....) { ... }

Something like this?
public static IEnumerable<B> MapPairs<A, B>(this IEnumerable<A> sequence,
Func<A, A, B> mapper)
var enumerator = sequence.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var first = enumerator.Current;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
var second = enumerator.Current;
yield return mapper(first, second);
//What should we do with left over?
.MapPairs((a1,a2) => new Test() { Line1 = a1, Line2 = a2 })

.Where(x => x.StartsWith("1") || x.StartsWith("7"))
.Select((l, i) => new {Index = i, Line = l})
.GroupBy(o => o.Index / 2, o => o.Line)
.Select(g => new Test(g));
public struct Test
public Test(IEnumerable<string> src)
var tmp = src.ToArray();
Line1 = tmp.Length > 0 ? tmp[0] : null;
Line2 = tmp.Length > 1 ? tmp[1] : null;
public string Line1 { get; set; }
public string Line2 { get; set; }


Elastic Search MoreLikeThis Query Never Returns Results

I must be doing something fundamentally wrong here. I'm trying to get a "More Like This" query working in a search engine project we have that uses Elastic Search. The idea is that the CMS can write tags (like categories) to the page in a Meta tag or something, and we would read those into Elastic and use them to drive a "more like this" search based upon an input document id.
So if the input document has tags of catfish, chicken, goat I would expect Elastic Search to find other documents that share those tags and not return ones for racecar and airplane.
I've built a proof of concept console app by:
Getting a local Elastic Search 6.6.1 instance running in Docker by following the instructions on
Creating a new .NET Framework 4.6.1 Console App
Adding the NuGet packages for NEST 6.5.0 and ElasticSearch.Net 6.5.0
Then I created a new elastic index that contains objects (Type "MyThing") that have a "Tags" property. This tag is a random comma-delimited set of words from a set of possible values. I've inserted anywhere from 100 to 5000 items in the index in testing. I've tried more and fewer possible words in the set.
No matter what I try the MoreLikeThis query never returns anything, and I don't understand why.
Query that isn't returning results:
var result = EsClient.Search<MyThing>(s => s
.Query(esQuery =>
var mainQuery = esQuery
.MoreLikeThis(mlt => mlt
.Fields(f => f.Field(ff => ff.Tags, 5))
.Like(l => l.Document(d => d.Id(id)))
return mainQuery;
Full "program.cs" source:
using Nest;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Test_MoreLikeThis_ES6
class Program
public class MyThing
public string Tags { get; set; }
const string ELASTIC_SERVER = "http://localhost:9200";
const string DEFAULT_INDEX = "my_index";
const int NUM_RECORDS = 1000;
private static Uri es_node = new Uri(ELASTIC_SERVER);
private static ConnectionSettings settings = new ConnectionSettings(es_node).DefaultIndex(DEFAULT_INDEX);
private static ElasticClient EsClient = new ElasticClient(settings);
private static Random rnd = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Rebuild index? (y):");
var answer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
if (answer == "y")
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Getting a Thing...");
var aThingId = GetARandomThingId();
Console.WriteLine("Looking for something similar to document with id " + aThingId);
private static string GetARandomThingId()
var firstdocQuery = EsClient
.Search<MyThing>(s =>
.Query(q => {
return q.FunctionScore(fs => fs.Functions(fn => fn.RandomScore(rs => rs.Seed(DateTime.Now.Ticks).Field("_seq_no"))));
if (!firstdocQuery.IsValid || firstdocQuery.Hits.Count == 0) return null;
var hit = firstdocQuery.Hits.First();
Console.WriteLine("Found a thing with id '" + hit.Id + "' and tags: " + hit.Source.Tags);
return hit.Id;
private static void GetMoreLikeAThing(string id)
var result = EsClient.Search<MyThing>(s => s
.Query(esQuery =>
var mainQuery = esQuery
.MoreLikeThis(mlt => mlt
.Fields(f => f.Field(ff => ff.Tags, 5))
.Like(l => l.Document(d => d.Id(id)))
return mainQuery;
if (result.IsValid)
if (result.Hits.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("These things are similar:");
foreach (var hit in result.Hits)
Console.WriteLine(" " + hit.Id + " : " + hit.Source.Tags);
Console.WriteLine("No similar things found.");
Console.WriteLine("There was an error running the ES query.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter (y) to get another thing, or anything else to exit");
var y = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
if (y == "y")
var aThingId = GetARandomThingId();
Console.WriteLine("Any key to exit...");
private static void RebuildIndex()
var existsResponse = EsClient.IndexExists(DEFAULT_INDEX);
if (existsResponse.Exists) //delete existing mapping (and data)
var rebuildResponse = EsClient.CreateIndex(DEFAULT_INDEX, c => c.Settings(s => s.NumberOfReplicas(1).NumberOfShards(5)));
var response2 = EsClient.Map<MyThing>(m => m.AutoMap());
private static void AddToIndex()
var myThing = new MyThing();
var tags = new List<string> {
var randNum = rnd.Next(0, tags.Count);
//get randNum random tags
var rand = tags.OrderBy(o => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Take(randNum);
myThing.Tags = string.Join(", ", rand);
var ir = new IndexRequest<MyThing>(myThing);
var indexResponse = EsClient.Index(ir);
Console.WriteLine("Index response: " + indexResponse.Id + " : " + string.Join(" " , myThing.Tags));
The issue here is that the default min_term_freq value of 2 will never be satisfied for any of the terms of the prototype document because all documents contain only each tag (term) once. If you drop min_term_freq to 1, you'll get results. Might also want to set min_doc_freq to 1 too, and combine with a query that excludes the prototype document.
Here's an example to play with
const string ELASTIC_SERVER = "http://localhost:9200";
const string DEFAULT_INDEX = "my_index";
const int NUM_RECORDS = 1000;
private static readonly Random _random = new Random();
private static readonly IReadOnlyList<string> Tags =
new List<string>
private static ElasticClient _client;
private static void Main()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(ELASTIC_SERVER));
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
_client = new ElasticClient(settings);
Console.WriteLine("Rebuild index? (y):");
var answer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
if (answer == "y")
Console.WriteLine("Getting a Thing...");
var aThingId = GetARandomThingId();
Console.WriteLine("Looking for something similar to document with id " + aThingId);
public class MyThing
public List<string> Tags { get; set; }
private static string GetARandomThingId()
var firstdocQuery = _client
.Search<MyThing>(s =>
.Query(q => q
.FunctionScore(fs => fs
.Functions(fn => fn
.RandomScore(rs => rs
if (!firstdocQuery.IsValid || firstdocQuery.Hits.Count == 0) return null;
var hit = firstdocQuery.Hits.First();
Console.WriteLine($"Found a thing with id '{hit.Id}' and tags: {string.Join(", ", hit.Source.Tags)}");
return hit.Id;
private static void GetMoreLikeAThing(string id)
var result = _client.Search<MyThing>(s => s
.Query(esQuery => esQuery
.MoreLikeThis(mlt => mlt
.Fields(f => f.Field(ff => ff.Tags))
.Like(l => l.Document(d => d.Id(id)))
) && !esQuery
.Ids(ids => ids
if (result.IsValid)
if (result.Hits.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("These things are similar:");
foreach (var hit in result.Hits)
Console.WriteLine($" {hit.Id}: {string.Join(", ", hit.Source.Tags)}");
Console.WriteLine("No similar things found.");
Console.WriteLine("There was an error running the ES query.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter (y) to get another thing, or anything else to exit");
var y = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
if (y == "y")
var aThingId = GetARandomThingId();
Console.WriteLine("Any key to exit...");
private static void RebuildIndex()
var existsResponse = _client.IndexExists(DEFAULT_INDEX);
if (existsResponse.Exists) //delete existing mapping (and data)
var rebuildResponse = _client.CreateIndex(DEFAULT_INDEX, c => c
.Settings(s => s
.Mappings(m => m
.Map<MyThing>(mm => mm.AutoMap())
private static void AddToIndex()
var bulkAllObservable = _client.BulkAll(GetMyThings(), b => b
var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Exception exception = null;
var bulkAllObserver = new BulkAllObserver(
onNext: r =>
Console.WriteLine($"Indexed page {r.Page}");
onError: e =>
exception = e;
onCompleted: () => waitHandle.Set());
if (exception != null)
throw exception;
private static IEnumerable<MyThing> GetMyThings()
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS; i++)
var randomTags = Tags.OrderBy(o => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
.Take(_random.Next(0, Tags.Count))
.OrderBy(t => t)
yield return new MyThing { Tags = randomTags };
And here's an example output
Found a thing with id 'Ugg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1d5' and tags: airplane, goat
These things are similar:
4wg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1l5: airplane, goat
9Ag9LGkBPK3n91HQD1l5: airplane, goat
Vgg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1d5: airplane, goat, goose
sQg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1d5: airplane, duck, goat
lQg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1h5: airplane, catfish, goat
9gg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1l5: airplane, catfish, goat
FQg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1p5: airplane, goat, goose
Jwg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1p5: airplane, goat, goose
Fwg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1d5: airplane, duck, goat, tractor
Kwg9LGkBPK3n91HQD1d5: airplane, goat, goose, horse

Conditionally binding dropdownlist in

I have a string in this particular format
string LogInIDs = 124,345, 876 | 765,322, 98 | 565,99
All the numbers in the string are Unique LogIn ID. Using the Pipe symbol, the grouping is done of id's. Now, Suppose the LogInID is 345, then i need to bind other numbers (in this case 124 & 876) which are in the group in a dropdown. The below function is what i have made to retrieve the other numbers.
Can anybody come up with any better idea or suggestion
public static List<string> RetrieveAffCodes(string LogInIDs , string LogInID)
List<string> _finale = new List<string>();
string[] sep1 = new string[1];
sep1[0] = "|";
int count = LogInIDs.Count(x => x == '|');
string[] groups = new string[count + 1];
groups = LogInIDs.Split(sep1, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string g in groups)
string p = g;
string[] sep2 = new string[1];
sep2[0] = ",";
int counter = p.Count(x => x == ',');
string[] final_list = new string[counter + 1];
final_list = p.Split(sep2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string _f in final_list)
if (_f.Trim() == LogInID)
_finale = AddLogInIDs(final_list, final_list.Count());
return _finale;
private static List<string> AddLogInIDs(string[] final_list, int p)
List<string> _finale = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in final_list)
return _finale;
Any suggestions will be embraced.
Thanks for your time and patience.
Note: The string will be expanding up to 200 groups
try this..
public static List<string> RetrieveAffCodes(string logInIDs, string logInID)
return logInIDs
.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Where(a => a.Split(',').Any(c => c.Trim().Equals(logInID)))
.Select(a => a.Split(',').ToList()).FirstOrDefault();
Would this work for you?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string LogInIDs = "124,345,876|765,322,98 |565,99";
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", RetrieveAffCodes(LogInIDs, "322")));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", RetrieveAffCodes(LogInIDs, "565")));
public static IEnumerable<string> RetrieveAffCodes(string logInIDs , string logInID)
//We split the list
var list = logInIDs.Split('|');
//We look for an item with the logInID, if found (?) we split using ',' and then we remove the item
var match = list
.Select(i => i.Split(',').Select(item => item.Trim()))
.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Contains(logInID))?
.Where(i => i != logInID);
if(match != null)
return match;
return new List<string>();
Source code:

Sort Array on on Value Difference

I Have An Array,for example
string[] stArr= new string[5] { "1#3", "19#24", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
i want to sort this array on
and the sorting result should be like
string[] stArr= new string[5] { "20#21", "1#3", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
I have to find the solution for all possible cases.
1>length of the array is not fixed(element in the array)
2>y always greater than x e.g x#y
3> i can not use list
You can use LINQ:
var sorted = stArr.OrderBy(s => s.Split('#')
.Select(n => Int32.Parse(n))
.Aggregate((first,second) => first - second));
For Your Case:
stArr = stArr.OrderBy(s => s.Split('#')
.Select(n => Int32.Parse(n))
.Aggregate((first,second) => first - second)).ToArray();
try this
string[] stArr = new string[5] { "1#3", "19#24", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
Array.Sort(stArr, new Comparison<string>(compare));
int compare(string z, string t)
var xarr = z.Split('#');
var yarr = t.Split('#');
var x1 = int.Parse(xarr[0]);
var y1 = int.Parse(xarr[1]);
var x2 = int.Parse(yarr[0]);
var y2 = int.Parse(yarr[1]);
return (y1 - x1).CompareTo(y2 - x2);
Solving this problem is identical to solving any other sorting problem where the order is to be specified by your code - you have to write a custom comparison method, and pass it to the built-in sorter.
In your situation, it means writing something like this:
private static int FindDiff(string s) {
// Split the string at #
// Parse both sides as int
// return rightSide-leftSide
private static int CompareDiff(string a, string b) {
return FindDiff(a).CompareTo(FindDiff(b));
public static void Main() {
... // Prepare your array
string[] stArr = ...
Array.Sort(stArr, CompareDiff);
This approach uses Array.Sort overload with the Comparison<T> delegate implemented in the CompareDiff method. The heart of the solution is the FindDiff method, which takes a string, and produces a numeric value which must be used for comparison.
you can try the following ( using traditional way)
public class Program
public static void Main()
string[] strArr= new string[5] { "1#3", "19#24", "10#12", "13#18", "20#21" };
var list = new List<Item>();
foreach(var item in strArr){
list.Add(new Item(item));
strArr = list.OrderBy(t=>t.Sort).Select(t=>t.Value).ToArray();
foreach(var item in strArr)
public class Item
public Item(string str)
var split = str.Split('#');
A = Convert.ToInt32(split[0]);
B = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]);
public int A{get; set;}
public int B{get; set;}
public int Sort { get { return Math.Abs(B - A);}}
public string Value { get { return string.Format("{0}#{1}",B,A); }}
here a working demo
hope it will help you
Without LINQ and Lists :) Old School.
static void Sort(string [] strArray)
string[] order = new string[strArray.Length];
string[] sortedarray = new string[strArray.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
string[] values = strArray[i].ToString().Split('#');
int index=int.Parse(values[1].ToString()) - int.Parse(values[0].ToString());
order[i] = strArray[i].ToString() + "," + index;
for (int i = 0; i < order.Length; i++)
string[] values2 = order[i].ToString().Split(',');
if (sortedarray[int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1] == null)
sortedarray[int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1] = values2[0].ToString();
if ((int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())) >= sortedarray.Length)
sortedarray[(int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1) - 1] = values2[0].ToString();
else if ((int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())) < sortedarray.Length)
sortedarray[(int.Parse(values2[1].ToString())-1) + 1] = values2[0].ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < sortedarray.Length; i++)
catch (Exception ex)

How search triple elements (key_value pair Dictionary) by one of them

Here is my code:
public class PairedKeys
public byte Key_1 { get; set; }
public byte Key_2 { get; set; }
public PairedKeys(byte key_1, byte key_2)
Key_1 = key_1;
Key_2 = key_2;
public static class My_Class
static Dictionary<PairedKeys, char> CharactersMapper = new Dictionary<PairedKeys, char>()
{ new PairedKeys(128, 48), 'a' },
{ new PairedKeys(129, 49), 'b' }
How can I get value of CharactersMapper by searching Key_2?
Here's my attempt:
for (int j = 0; j < CharactersMapper.Count; j++)
char ch = CharactersMapper[new PairedKeys(????, Key_2)];
Using dictionary in this manner, there's not going to be an optimized (i.e. O(1)) way of achieving this. You can, however, just loop through, which will be O(n):
var result = dictionary.Where(d => d.Key.Key_2 == 3);
assuming you're looking for 3, of course.
Using LINQ, you can do the following to return a single item:
var ch = CharactersMapper.Single(cm => cm.Key.Key_2 == 49);
Or if you're expecting more than one item:
var chList = CharactersMapper.Where(cm => cm.Key.Key_2 == 49);
These will return a KeyValuePair<‌​Classes.PairedKeys,char> and IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<‌​Classes.PairedKeys,char>> as you've noted in the comments. If you want to get at just the char contents, you can use the Select method:
//Single char
char singleChar = CharactersMapper.Single(cm => cm.Key.Key_2 == 49).Select(c => c.Value);
//list of chars
IList<char> charList = CharactersMapper.Where(cm => cm.Key.Key_2 == 49).Select(c => c.Value).ToList();

Determining value jumps in List<T>

I have a class:
public class ShipmentInformation
public string OuterNo { get; set; }
public long Start { get; set; }
public long End { get; set; }
I have a List<ShipmentInformation> variable called Results.
I then do:
List<ShipmentInformation> FinalResults = new List<ShipmentInformation>();
var OuterNumbers = Results.GroupBy(x => x.OuterNo);
foreach(var item in OuterNumbers)
var orderedData = item.OrderBy(x => x.Start);
ShipmentInformation shipment = new ShipmentInformation();
shipment.OuterNo = item.Key;
shipment.Start = orderedData.First().Start;
shipment.End = orderedData.Last().End;
The issue I have now is that within each grouped item I have various ShipmentInformation but the Start number may not be sequential by x. x can be 300 or 200 based on a incoming parameter. To illustrate I could have
Start = 1, End = 300
Start = 301, End = 600
Start = 601, End = 900
Start = 1201, End = 1500
Start = 1501, End = 1800
Because I have this jump I cannot use the above loop to create an instance of ShipmentInformation and take the first and last item in orderedData to use their data to populate that instance.
I would like some way of identifying a jump by 300 or 200 and creating an instance of ShipmentInformation to add to FinalResults where the data is sequnetial.
Using the above example I would have 2 instances of ShipmentInformation with a Start of 1 and an End of 900 and another with a Start of 1201 and End of 1800
Try the following:
private static IEnumerable<ShipmentInformation> Compress(IEnumerable<ShipmentInformation> shipments)
var orderedData = shipments.OrderBy(s => s.OuterNo).ThenBy(s => s.Start);
using (var enumerator = orderedData.GetEnumerator())
ShipmentInformation compressed = null;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var current = enumerator.Current;
if (compressed == null)
compressed = current;
if (compressed.OuterNo != current.OuterNo || compressed.End < current.Start - 1)
yield return compressed;
compressed = current;
compressed.End = current.End;
if (compressed != null)
yield return compressed;
Useable like so:
var finalResults = Results.SelectMany(Compress).ToList();
If you want something that probably has terrible performance and is impossible to understand, but only uses out-of-the box LINQ, I think this might do it.
var orderedData = item.OrderBy(x => x.Start);
.SelectMany(x =>
.Range(x.Start, 1 + x.End - x.Start)
.Select(n => new { time = n, info = x))
.Select((x, i) => new { index = i, time = x.time, info = } )
.GroupBy(t => t.time -
.Select(g => new ShipmentInformation {
OuterNo = g.First().Key,
Start = g.First().Start(),
End = g.Last().End });
My brain hurts.
(Edit for clarity: this just replaces what goes inside your foreach loop. You can make it even more horrible by putting this inside a Select statement to replace the foreach loop, like in rich's answer.)
How about this?
List<ShipmentInfo> si = new List<ShipmentInfo>();
si.Add(new ShipmentInfo(orderedData.First()));
for (int index = 1; index < orderedData.Count(); ++index)
if (orderedData.ElementAt(index).Start ==
(si.ElementAt(si.Count() - 1).End + 1))
si[si.Count() - 1].End = orderedData.ElementAt(index).End;
si.Add(new ShipmentInfo(orderedData.ElementAt(index)));
Another LINQ solution would be to use the Except extension method.
EDIT: Rewritten in C#, includes composing the missing points back into Ranges:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Range[] l_ranges = new Range[] {
new Range() { Start = 10, End = 19 },
new Range() { Start = 20, End = 29 },
new Range() { Start = 40, End = 49 },
new Range() { Start = 50, End = 59 }
var l_flattenedRanges =
from l_range in l_ranges
from l_point in Enumerable.Range(l_range.Start, 1 + l_range.End - l_range.Start)
select l_point;
var l_min = 0;
var l_max = l_flattenedRanges.Max();
var l_allPoints =
Enumerable.Range(l_min, 1 + l_max - l_min);
var l_missingPoints =
var l_lastRange = new Range() { Start = l_missingPoints.Min(), End = l_missingPoints.Min() };
var l_missingRanges = new List<Range>();
l_missingPoints.ToList<int>().ForEach(delegate(int i)
if (i > l_lastRange.End + 1)
l_lastRange = new Range() { Start = i, End = i };
l_lastRange.End = i;
foreach (Range l_missingRange in l_missingRanges) {
Console.WriteLine("Start = " + l_missingRange.Start + " End = " + l_missingRange.End);
class Range
public int Start { get; set; }
public int End { get; set; }
