Issues using MobileServiceClient and SingleSignOn authentication - c#

So I was just messing around with Azure and decided to look at doing some authentication in a simple Windows 8.1 Xaml based application. I was following the steps outlined in this document.
I Currently setup MobileServices, added an application to the Microsoft Store portal, and also configured the Live Services as outlined in the above link.
Where I am having issues, is when trying to use the Microsoft Account auth SingleSignOn. What's happening is that if I connect using this code:
var client = new MobileServiceClient(MobileAppUrl, MobileAppKey);
var user = await client.LoginAsync(
MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.MicrosoftAccount, false);
then I get the correct dialog asking for an email and password. When I type it in, it authenticates fine, and works as expected. The problem is when I set the useSingeSignOn flag from false to true, I get the dialog, it asks for permission, and then it gives the following error:
We can't connect to the service you need right now. Check your network connection or try this again later.
Then will then cause an exception when I exit the dialog:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified protocol is unknown. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800C000D)":null
I have quadruple checked my azure settings, and they are all correct, as far as I can tell. It's driving me nuts! I have Google and Googled and Googled and found nothing. So then I Binged (doesn't sound as good as Googled), with the same results.
Is there some super secret server setting I possibly missed? Any help/guidance would greatly be appreciated!

Turns out that I just needed to use a different style of signing on. I had to login using the Live SDK, then use the authentication token from that into a different overload of LoginAsync. Now it all works.


DocuSign C# API - USER_LACKS_MEMBERSHIP error for every token-authenticated request

We had a working application, we went through the go-live process, and everything was running live for several days. Then we started getting SSL errors, and we saw that the nuget package for the DocuSign package had an update (I believe this was all for the 11/13/2019 2019 certificates auto-update), so we updated our code, but now every request returns the USER_LACKS_MEMBERSHIP error for every token-authenticated request.
Things I can confirm are not the issue:
We have authenticated the app via and the oauth signature impersonation scope, and the testing and live paths are in the API approved Redirect URIs.
We have the correct base path in the configuration (, as shown on our Apps and Keys page)
The base path did not change after we get the token back (The BaseUri on the Account object matches what we started with)
We are using the correct user for the configuration (The value labeled "API Username" in the Apps and Keys page is entered as "IMPERSONATED_USER_GUID" in appsettings.json and successfully used in creating the token as parameter UserID, which also matches our user account's ID shown in the backend, so we are not confusing it with TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID or CLIENT_ID, and shuffling those around causes errors much earlier at the token generation step).
We only have one user: the administrator of the DocuSign account. Their ID appears in the API configuration labeled as "API Username". The DocuSign administration backend doesn't display a membership tab anywhere for us to correct any possible issues with a user lacking membership. As far as I can tell, Membership is a higher tier account option than what we're paying for, so I'm confused how we could be having problems with a feature we haven't bought.
We get this error for checking envelope status. We get this error for trying to create new envelopes. We get this error for trying to get Account information. The only thing we can do is get an authentication token, but then that token can't be used to make any further authenticated requests.
Is there anything I'm missing that could be causing this other than some database error on DocuSign that I can't correct through the tools available to me? The package update changed the order of which class constructor accepts the ApiClient object, and there's a new AccessToken field on the Configuration class (which I filled out, but doesn't seem to have any effect, since we're still adding the Authorization/Bearer header manually). I'm out of ideas on what to try next.
Are you using the production environment or the demo environment?
I suspect that what's happening is that you are getting them mixed. As the baseUrl should not be etc. if you're using production (as indicated by your address) but you must ensure that the same account/user from production is also used.
So, the 4 things to check:
authURI ( vs.
All of these should match and be for the same account in the same env.

My AzureAD - registered application doesn't have the rights to do anything ...?

I'm writing a c# program right now that tries to authenticate with Azure to make a generic http request. I finally got the code working and I wanted to test the features but for every request I make I get the following error code in response:
{"error":{"code": "AuthorizationFailed", "message":"The client "(id of the app I registered in AzureAD)" with object id "(same value as before)" does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read' over scope '/subscriptions/(mysubscriptionid)'."}}.
The thing is ... The account I use to set everything up is a global admin. I checked every permission box in AzureAD I could find...
(that's 8 Application Permissions and 9 Delegated permissions in the Windows Azure Active Directory API and 1 delegated Permission in the Windows Azure Service Management API, though I don't know why there aren't more possible permissions for Azure Service Management)
the relevant code is rather basic but it works so I don't feel like I need post it, I'll just say that I obtain the Token using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AcquireTokenAsync() with
authorityUri = "",
string resourceUri = "";
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);
var res = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUri, new
return res.Result;
and make the Request to{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2016-03-01&$filter=atScope()
(as an example, this one is supposed to call the roles).
Tried several different types of GET Requests to different URIs, all give similar errors.
I'm thinking it might not be an issue with the code but a setting in the AzurePortal but everything I found there seems set up right (or rather "universal access").
According to your description, you forget to grant your service principal. You could add it on Azure Portal. You could grant Contributor or Owner role to it.
Please refer to this link:Assign application to role.

Azure AD Graph call for User creation failing with some obscure error

I have been told to raise a question about Azure AD Graph Api here instead of raising it as an issue for the corresponding GitHub sample repository, I hope Azure Graph API team monitors SO and can help us with this github sample issue
Some extra context for the problem:
We are using Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient nuget to create and manage users in our Azure AD test tenant. Following this sample application
we can create and update users in Azure AD via Graph API. That was fine until some moment which happened about 2-3 days ago (not sure about the exact moment, we discovered the problem on Tuesday morning AU time. Last successful run was on Friday last week). It was 100% working code and to confirm that it's not our code - I ran through sample application again - it's broken now too. I've tested it with the latest GraphClient v2.1.0 and original one from sample app which is - v2.0.6
To simplify testing of the problem I've made a LINQ based sample with some secrets redacted ( you need to follow console app sample guide to put in your values if you want to run it, instead of original sample app)
Also here is the Fiddle captures (redacted) of
Authentication request-response (client-request-id: 88b2bbbd-94cd-498d-a147-caad05e16eb7)
User Creation failing Attempt
Few things to note in the fiddler captures - Azure AD Graph API doesn't return refresh token along with access token:
"access_token":"TOKEN WAS HERE"}
I can see the issue with the scope string here, but we are not setting any explict scope in GraphClient when calling for token as per Sample app ( and this code was fine before, as I mentioned early)
User creation response is clear in terms of what happens and why it happens
{"lang":"en","value":"Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."}
But it's not clear how to ask for extra permission scopes through any of these AuthenticationContext.AcquireToken Method overloads
Also it's strange that the very same code was fully functional before and is broken now, after some mysterious change?
So I have few questions:
How to add extra scope permissions in GraphClient library to get Graph API token with User Modification enabled. This is probably a band aid fix of the problem.
It looks like Azure AD tries to manage permissions for client apps in the portal. But there is no extra permissions for Native Client type of application. How can I explicitly update app permissions so the existing code can work again. Is it possible at all ?
Can anyone recommend other libraries to interact with GraphAPI, which allow the consumer to explicitly specify scope for the requested token ?
Yes, I saw that consent flow documentation. Chasing the issue I've created new Azure AD tenant, added brand new application and added all possible rights, including all available application and delegation ones:
now it looks like this. I also
I can get a token with long list of scopes, e.g.
--cut unrelated scopes--
But it still gives me 403 :
{"lang":"en","value":"Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."}
One thing worth to note - in the scope list there is no Directory.ReadWrite.All
But here docs says :
Directory.ReadWrite.All : Read and write directory data
PS: Some technical request info for Azure AD engineers:
Authentication request-response has client-request-id: 88b2bbbd-94cd-498d-a147-caad05e16eb7.
Failed Graph call has client-request-id: 882f3918-0ddd-40fe-a558-866997e32b46 in response only
The issue here is that you have not properly configured your application to request the correct permissions to the Graph API.
To do this, you must go into the Azure Management Portal and configure your 'permissions to other applications' to include the scopes your app needs to be able to read/write to the directory.
We have some documentation here which should help you: (Describes the consent flow) (describes the specific permissions that the graph API exposes that your application will need to request)
I hope this helps!

How can I convince Internet Explorer to allow authentication as another user?

Thanks for reading and for your thoughts; this is a hairy problem, so I thought I'd share to see if it is actually a fair challenge for more seasoned developers than ourselves.
We're developing a web application for a corporate Microsoft Active Directory environment, and we use Windows Authentication provided by IIS to authenticate users for single-sign-on, alongside Forms Authentication. I know IIS complains when both are enabled, but it works very well, and every site we've deployed at has had no weird quirks to work around - until now.
The new site has "shared" machines, logged in permanently with a generic account that has read-only access to the applications they need to use. This means that we can't differentiate between users who should have different permissions to the application; we need some way of prompting the user for authentication details.
First try was some serious googling; nobody else in the world seemed to have our problem except for a few misguided souls who had asked questions into the ether and received no response.
After a bit of brainstorming and nutting out the way IIS's authentication works, it seemed that the most straightforward way to approach the problem was to issue a 401 Unauthorized in response to a user known to be a shared account. Initial tests here seemed fruitful, yielding successful changes of username inside the browser, however a prototype at the site did not prompt for credentials, and the browser kept the same account details. We also hit on the IE-specific javascript
which, again, worked in the lab but not onsite. Further experiments with IE security settings onsite revealed that the browser would automatically reauthenticate if the webapp site was excluded from the Intranet Zone, regardless of the method used to trick the browser into prompting the user for new account details.
Now we're stuck. We've got workaround options for getting it going on time, but they're definitely not the "right" answers:
require users to log out of the shared account before logging into our app (...yuck)
exclude our webapp from Intranet Zone on all machines
provide a non-SSO login service for users
I'm convinced that there's a canonical way to do this - a known pattern, a common base problem that's already been solved, something like that - and I'm very interested to hear what sort of inventive methods there are to solve this sort of problem, and if anyone else has actually ever experienced anything remotely like it.
We ended up settling on a solution that submits a query to the LDAP directory the server knows about. It means having to accept the user's password, but no other solution was solid enough to run in a production environment.
Hopefully this helps someone. .NET Framework 3.5+ required.
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
private static bool IsLdapAuthenticated(string username, string password)
PrincipalContext context;
UserPrincipal principal;
context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
principal = Principal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccountName, username) as UserPrincipal;
catch (Exception ex)
// handle server failure / user not found / etc
return context.ValidateCredentials(principal.UserPrincipalName, password);
Could you not create a page to which the shared accounts are denied access. Then do a redirect to that page, with a return URL encoded in the query string, at any point where you need the user to reauthenticate with a non-shared account? This should trigger the browser to put up the usual login dialog.
After the user reauthenticates, the new page should just redirect back to the return URL in the query string.

Publish content to Facebook

I apologize if this has already been answered, but all the information out there on Facebook publishing is so confusing and conflicting, I haven't been able to get anything to work yet. I'm trying to set up an application that runs on my local server to publish content to my organization's fan page (this will tie in with my WCMS to cross-post content). I believe I want a Facebook Connect application to do this which I've set up properly in Facebook and gotten an application key and secret. Here's the code I'm trying to execute, but each time it's run I get "User has not authorized access" even if I'm just trying to publish to the application wall.
ConnectSession fbSession = new ConnectSession("APP_KEY", "APP_SECRET");
Api fbAPI = new Api(fbSession);
fbAPI.Stream.Publish("hello world");
I've also tried:
fbAPI.Stream.Publish("hello world", null, null, FAN_PAGE_ID, APP_ID);
I've granted my application access to publish on the fan page.
I've tried turning this into a Desktop application instead because it appears as though Javascript needs to be involved in order for it to be a Connect application. Here's the updated session initialization line. This now gives me a "Incorrect signature error."
DesktopSession fbSession = new DesktopSession("APP_KEY", false);
There is a similar question titled "How can I post to a facebook wall from a c# web service?" for which I provided a very lengthy answer, specifically indicating how to post to a page.
casperOne's solution works, however, I found this article to be the best solution.
This authorizes the application to post directly to the Fan Page without having to go through an admin account.
