I am working on Expedia hotel API.All the function are working except booking.All the other request using GET method for requesting.But in booking we have to use the POST method with different URL.So i changed the URL for request but still getting the error.
My codes are
HotelServicesImplService client = new HotelServicesImplService();
HotelRoomReservationRequest bookreq = new HotelRoomReservationRequest();
HotelRoomReservationResponse bookres = new HotelRoomReservationResponse();
addressInfo bookad = new addressInfo();
reservationInfo bookinfo = new reservationInfo();
client.Url = "https://book.api.ean.com/ean-services/rs/hotel/v3";
//bookreq.minorRevSpecified = true;
//bookreq.minorRev = 25;
bookreq.hotelId = 106347;
bookreq.apiKey = "api";
bookreq.cid = "cid";
bookreq.arrivalDate = "12/11/2013";
bookreq.departureDate = "12/13/2013";
bookreq.supplierType = SupplierType.E;
bookreq.rateKey = "af00b688-acf4-409e-8bdc-fcfc3d1cb80c";
bookreq.roomTypeCode = "198058";
bookreq.rateCode = "484072";
bookreq.RoomGroup = new[] { new Room
childAges=new int[] {} ,
firstName="Test Booking",
lastName="Test Booking",
float i = float.Parse("231.18");
bookreq.currencyCode = "USD";
bookreq.chargeableRate = i;
bookinfo.email = "ranaabhi007#yahoo.com";
bookinfo.firstName = "TestBooking";
bookinfo.lastName = "TestBooking";
bookinfo.homePhone = "2145370159";
bookinfo.workPhone = "2145370159";
bookinfo.creditCardType = "CA";
bookinfo.creditCardNumber = "5401999999999999";
bookinfo.creditCardIdentifier = "TestBooking";
bookinfo.creditCardExpirationMonth = "12";
bookinfo.creditCardExpirationYear = "2015";
bookad.city = "Seattle";
bookad.stateProvinceCode = "WA";
bookad.countryCode = "US";
bookad.postalCode = "98004";
bookreq.ReservationInfo = bookinfo;
bookad.address1 = "travelnow";
//bookad.city = txtCity.Text;
//bookad.stateProvinceCode = txtState.Text;
//bookad.countryCode = txtCountry.Text;
//bookad.postalCode = txtPostal.Text;
bookreq.AddressInfo = bookad;
bookres = client.getReservation(bookreq);
// HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(client);
but i am still getting the error
The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
Are you sure your URL is correct? According to the documentation, it should be
I'm trying to generate a checkbox from C#.net using google sheets API but I'm encountering the oneof field kind is already set error. I tried combining extendedValue and DataValidation. Please see code snippet below:
ConditionValue conditionValueTrue = new ConditionValue();
conditionValueTrue.UserEnteredValue = "TRUE";
ConditionValue conditionValueFalse = new ConditionValue();
conditionValueFalse.UserEnteredValue = "FALSE";
ConditionValue[] validValues = { conditionValueTrue, conditionValueFalse };
BooleanCondition bc = new BooleanCondition();
bc.Type = "BOOLEAN";
bc.Values = validValues;
DataValidationRule dataValidationRule = new DataValidationRule();
dataValidationRule.Condition = bc;
dataValidationRule.ShowCustomUi = true;
GridRange validationRange = new GridRange();
validationRange.StartColumnIndex = 7;
validationRange.EndColumnIndex = 7;
validationRange.SheetId = 0;
SetDataValidationRequest setDataValidationRequest = new SetDataValidationRequest();
setDataValidationRequest.Rule = dataValidationRule;
setDataValidationRequest.Range = validationRange;
ExtendedValue extendedValue = new ExtendedValue();
extendedValue.BoolValue = true;
BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest busr = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest();
busr.Requests = new List<Request>();
Request r = new Request();
r.UpdateCells = new UpdateCellsRequest();
r.SetDataValidation = setDataValidationRequest;
var gc = new GridCoordinate();
gc.ColumnIndex = 7;
gc.RowIndex = row;
gc.SheetId = 0;
r.UpdateCells.Start = gc;
r.UpdateCells.Fields = "*";
r.UpdateCells.Rows = new List<RowData>();
var rd = new RowData();
rd.Values = new List<CellData>();
var cd = new CellData();
cd.UserEnteredValue = extendedValue;
SpreadsheetsResource.BatchUpdateRequest bur = _sheetsService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(busr, SpreadsheetId);
I am trying to get the UPS Rating API that now supports Time In Transit to work. I have the latest WSDL (UPS API). I keep getting an exception error "An exception has been raised as a result of client data." and I can not figure out what is the problem. Note: The "Rate" requestOption works with no issues - when TimeinTransit and DeliveryInformation data is commented out.
What could be wrong? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Here is my C# code:
UPSRateWS.RequestType request = new UPSRateWS.RequestType();
String[] requestOption = { "ratetimeintransit" };
request.RequestOption = requestOption;
request.SubVersion = "1601";
rateRequest.Request = request;
UPSRateWS.ShipmentType shipment = new UPSRateWS.ShipmentType();
UPSRateWS.ShipperType shipper = new UPSRateWS.ShipperType();
UPSRateWS.ShipmentRatingOptionsType shipmentRatingOptions = new
shipmentRatingOptions.NegotiatedRatesIndicator = "";
shipmentRatingOptions.RateChartIndicator = "";
shipment.ShipmentRatingOptions = shipmentRatingOptions;
UPSRateWS.TimeInTransitRequestType timeInTransit = new
UPSRateWS.PickupType pickupInTransitType = new UPSRateWS.PickupType();
pickupInTransitType.Date = "20170414";
pickupInTransitType.Time = "1630";
timeInTransit.Pickup = pickupInTransitType;
timeInTransit.PackageBillType = "02";
shipment.NumOfPieces = "1";
shipment.DeliveryTimeInformation = timeInTransit;
UPSRateWS.ShipmentWeightType shipWeightType = new
shipWeightType.Weight = "10.80";
UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType shipWeightUOM = new
shipWeightUOM.Code = "LBS";
shipWeightUOM.Description = "pounds";
shipWeightType.UnitOfMeasurement = shipWeightUOM;
shipment.ShipmentTotalWeight = shipWeightType;
shipper.ShipperNumber = "XXXXXX";
UPSRateWS.AddressType shipperAddress = new UPSRateWS.AddressType();
string testAddr = "7650 Tyler Blvd";
String[] addressLine = { testAddr };
shipperAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipperAddress.City = "Mentor";
shipperAddress.PostalCode = "44060";
shipperAddress.StateProvinceCode = "OH";
shipperAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipperAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipper.Address = shipperAddress;
shipment.Shipper = shipper;
UPSRateWS.ShipFromType shipFrom = new UPSRateWS.ShipFromType();
UPSRateWS.ShipAddressType shipFromAddress = new UPSRateWS.ShipAddressType();
string testAddr2 = "";
String[] addressLine1 = { testAddr2 };
shipFromAddress.AddressLine = addressLine1;
shipFromAddress.City = "";
shipFromAddress.PostalCode = "45069";
shipFromAddress.StateProvinceCode = "OH";
shipFromAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipFrom.Address = shipFromAddress;
shipment.ShipFrom = shipFrom;
UPSRateWS.ShipToType shipTo = new UPSRateWS.ShipToType();
UPSRateWS.ShipToAddressType shipToAddress = new UPSRateWS.ShipToAddressType();
string testAddr3 = "7650 Tyler Blvd";
String[] addressLine2 = { testAddr3 };
shipToAddress.AddressLine = addressLine2;
shipToAddress.City = "Mentor";
shipToAddress.PostalCode = "44060";
shipToAddress.StateProvinceCode = "OH";
shipToAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipToAddress.ResidentialAddressIndicator = "1";
shipTo.Address = shipToAddress;
shipment.ShipTo = shipTo;
UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType service = new UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType();
service.Code = "03";
shipment.Service = service;
UPSRateWS.PackageType package = new UPSRateWS.PackageType();
UPSRateWS.PackageWeightType packageWeight = new UPSRateWS.PackageWeightType();
packageWeight.Weight = "10.80";
UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType uom = new UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType();
uom.Code = "LBS";
uom.Description = "pounds";
packageWeight.UnitOfMeasurement = uom;
package.PackageWeight = packageWeight;
UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType packType = new UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType();
packType.Code = "02";
package.PackagingType = packType;
UPSRateWS.PackageServiceOptionsType packServType = new
UPSRateWS.InsuredValueType insuredValueType = new UPSRateWS.InsuredValueType();
insuredValueType.CurrencyCode = "USD";
insuredValueType.MonetaryValue = "65.75";
packServType.DeclaredValue = insuredValueType;
UPSRateWS.ShipperDeclaredValueType shipperDeclaredValueType = new
shipperDeclaredValueType.CurrencyCode = "USD";
shipperDeclaredValueType.MonetaryValue = "65.75";
packServType.ShipperDeclaredValue = shipperDeclaredValueType;
package.PackageServiceOptions = packServType;
UPSRateWS.PackageType[] pkgArray = { package };
shipment.Package = pkgArray;
rateRequest.Shipment = shipment;
UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType pickupType = new UPSRateWS.CodeDescriptionType();
pickupType.Code = "01";
pickupType.Description = "Daily Pickup";
rateRequest.PickupType = pickupType;
UPSRateWS.RateResponse rateResponse = myRatePortTypeClient.ProcessRate(upss,
You need to include both the "rate" option and the "ratetimeintransit" options:
String[] requestOption = { "rate","ratetimeintransit" };
I'm building an android app with Xamarin which communicates with an ASP.net server's API. I'm trying to upload a file to the server using the following lines of code:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile(byte[] file)
var progress = new System.Net.Http.Handlers.ProgressMessageHandler();
//progress.HttpSendProgress += progress_HttpSendProgress;
using (var client = HttpClientFactory.Create(progress))
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(GlobalVariables.host);
// Set the Accept header for BSON.
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/bson"));
var request = new uploadFileModel { data = file, dateCreated = DateTime.Now, fileName = "myvideooo.mp4", username = "psyoptica" };
// POST using the BSON formatter.
MediaTypeFormatter bsonFormatter = new BsonMediaTypeFormatter();
var m = client.MaxResponseContentBufferSize;
var result = await client.PostAsync("api/media/upload", request, bsonFormatter);
return result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();
The app crashes before the server receives the request. The file I'm trying to upload could be a video or an audio file. The server receives the request after the app has crashed. This works fine on the local server but the crash happens with the live server. My server side code looks like this:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Upload(uploadFileModel model)
var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
string thumbname = "";
string resizedthumbname = Guid.NewGuid() + "_yt.jpg";
string FfmpegPath = Encoding_Settings.FFMPEGPATH;
string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/tempuploads"), model.fileName);
string pathToFiles = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/tempuploads");
string pathToThumbs = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/contents/member/" + model.username + "/thumbs");
string finalPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/contents/member/" + model.username + "/flv");
string resizedthumb = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, resizedthumbname);
var outputPathVid = new MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(finalPath, model.fileName) };
var inputPathVid = new MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(pathToFiles, model.fileName) };
int maxWidth = 380;
int maxHeight = 360;
var namewithoutext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.Combine(pathToFiles, model.fileName));
thumbname = model.VideoThumbName;
string oldthumbpath = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname);
var fileName = model.fileName;
File.WriteAllBytes(tempFilePath, model.data);
if (model.fileName.Contains("audio"))
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(finalPath, model.fileName), model.data);
string audio_thumb = "mic_thumb.jpg";
string destination = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, audio_thumb);
string source = Path.Combine(pathToFiles, audio_thumb);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(destination))
System.IO.File.Copy(source, destination, true);
Video_Struct vd = new Video_Struct();
vd.CategoryID = 0; // store categoryname or term instead of category id
vd.Categories = "";
vd.UserName = model.username;
vd.Title = "";
vd.Description = "";
vd.Tags = "";
vd.OriginalVideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.VideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.ThumbFileName = "mic_thumb.jpg";
vd.isPrivate = 0;
vd.AuthKey = "";
vd.isEnabled = 1;
vd.Response_VideoID = 0; // video responses
vd.isResponse = 0;
vd.isPublished = 1;
vd.isReviewed = 1;
vd.Thumb_Url = "none";
//vd.FLV_Url = flv_url;
vd.Embed_Script = "";
vd.isExternal = 0; // website own video, 1: embed video
vd.Type = 0;
vd.YoutubeID = "";
vd.isTagsreViewed = 1;
vd.Mode = 0; // filter videos based on website sections
long videoid = VideoBLL.Process_Info(vd, false);
using (var engine = new Engine())
// Saves the frame located on the 15th second of the video.
var outputPathThumb = new MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname+".jpg") };
var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), CustomHeight = 360, CustomWidth = 380 };
engine.GetThumbnail(inputPathVid, outputPathThumb, options);
Image image = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname+".jpg"));
//var ratioX = (double)maxWidth / image.Width;
//var ratioY = (double)maxHeight / image.Height;
//var ratio = Math.Min(ratioX, ratioY);
var newWidth = (int)(maxWidth);
var newHeight = (int)(maxHeight);
var newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
Graphics.FromImage(newImage).DrawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(newImage);
bmp.Save(Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname+"_resized.jpg"));
//File.Delete(Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname));
using (var engine = new Engine())
var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
VideoSize = VideoSize.Hd720,
AudioSampleRate = AudioSampleRate.Hz44100,
VideoAspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.Default
engine.Convert(inputPathVid, outputPathVid, conversionOptions);
Video_Struct vd = new Video_Struct();
vd.CategoryID = 0; // store categoryname or term instead of category id
vd.Categories = "";
vd.UserName = model.username;
vd.Title = "";
vd.Description = "";
vd.Tags = "";
vd.Duration = inputPathVid.Metadata.Duration.ToString();
vd.Duration_Sec = Convert.ToInt32(inputPathVid.Metadata.Duration.Seconds.ToString());
vd.OriginalVideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.VideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.ThumbFileName = thumbname+"_resized.jpg";
vd.isPrivate = 0;
vd.AuthKey = "";
vd.isEnabled = 1;
vd.Response_VideoID = 0; // video responses
vd.isResponse = 0;
vd.isPublished = 1;
vd.isReviewed = 1;
vd.Thumb_Url = "none";
//vd.FLV_Url = flv_url;
vd.Embed_Script = "";
vd.isExternal = 0; // website own video, 1: embed video
vd.Type = 0;
vd.YoutubeID = "";
vd.isTagsreViewed = 1;
vd.Mode = 0; // filter videos based on website sections
//vd.ContentLength = f_contentlength;
vd.GalleryID = 0;
long videoid = VideoBLL.Process_Info(vd, false);
return result;
throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "This request is not properly formatted"));
What am I doing wrong here that's making the app crash. Is there a better way to do this?
Any help is appreciated.
I am able to successfully create an invoice, and a payment, but don't seem to be able to properly link the payment to the invoice. I have tried several variations, but it either does not link at all, or I get a "Business Validation Error: Unexpected Internal Error." error in my error logs. Below is my c# code. Is there a simplified way (example) of linking a payment to an invoice?
Invoice i = QBGet_InvoiceByMDVInvoiceNum(MDVInvoiceNum);
Payment p = new Payment();
Customer customer = QBGet_CustomerByName(ClientName, "CompanyName");
Account acc = QBGet_AccountsReceivableAccount();
p.TxnDate = DateTime.Now;
p.TxnDateSpecified = true;
List<Line> lineList1 = new List<Line>();
Line pmtLine = new Line();
pmtLine.Amount = ReceivedPaymentAmt;
pmtLine.AmountSpecified = true;
List<LinkedTxn> linkedTxnList = new List<LinkedTxn>();
LinkedTxn linkedtxn = new LinkedTxn();
linkedtxn.TxnId = i.Id;
linkedtxn.TxnType = "invoice";
pmtLine.LinkedTxn = linkedTxnList.ToArray();
//p.LinkedTxn = linkedTxnList.ToArray();
p.Line = lineList1.ToArray();
p.CustomerRef = new ReferenceType()
Value = customer.Id
p.DepositToAccountRef = new ReferenceType() { Value = acc.Id };
p.PaymentRefNum = ReceiptCheckNo;
p.TotalAmt = ReceivedPaymentAmt;
p.TotalAmtSpecified = true;
DataService service = new DataService(context);
var result = service.Add<Payment>(p);
I have also tried this approach:
p.CustomerRef = new ReferenceType()
Value = customer.Id
p.PrivateNote ="ReferralID: " + ReferralId + "\r\n" + "PaymentDetailID: " + PaymentDetailID + "\r\n" + Comments;
p.PaymentRefNum = ReceiptCheckNo;
p.PaymentType = PaymentTypeEnum.Check;
p.PaymentTypeSpecified = true;
p.DocNumber = MDVInvoiceNum;
p.TotalAmt = ReceivedPaymentAmt;
p.TotalAmtSpecified = true;
p.TxnDate = PaymentReceivedDate;
p.TxnDateSpecified = true;
LinkedTxn[] lt = {new LinkedTxn()
Line l = new Line()
Amount = ReceivedPaymentAmt,
LinkedTxn = lt
Line[] aryL = {l};
DataService service = new DataService(context);
Payment pmt = service.Add(p);
p.Line = aryL;
p.LinkedTxn = lt;
Payment pmt2 = service.Update(p);
Sharing the Java code and corresponding working JSON payload. It might help.
private void paymentAgainstInvoice() {
Payment payment = new Payment();
Date currentDateTime = null;
try {
currentDateTime = DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime();
} catch (ParseException e) {
Line line = new Line();
line.setAmount(new BigDecimal("100"));
LinkedTxn linkedTxn = new LinkedTxn();
List<LinkedTxn> linkedTxnList = new ArrayList<LinkedTxn>();
List<Line> lineList = new ArrayList<Line>();
ReferenceType custReferenceType = new ReferenceType();
payment.setTotalAmt(new BigDecimal("100"));
ReferenceType accountRefType = new ReferenceType();
payment.setDepositToAccountRef(accountRefType );
try {
} catch (FMSException e) {
JSON payload ( Payment )
I'm trying to work with the UPS api to create a shipping label. The UPS api uses a webservice to send an XML request to UPS. UPS then sends a response back. Here is my question.
Is there a way to view the XML that is outputted when I call the "shipmentRequest" method?
This is the first time I've used an API and a webservice so if you need me to provide more information just let me know.
EDIT: Here is my C# code
ShipService shpSvc = new ShipService();
ShipmentRequest shipmentRequest = new ShipmentRequest();
UPSSecurity upss = new UPSSecurity();
//shpSvc.Url = "https://onlinetools.ups.com/webservices/Ship";
UPSSecurityServiceAccessToken upssSvcAccessToken = new UPSSecurityServiceAccessToken();
upssSvcAccessToken.AccessLicenseNumber = apiCode;
upss.ServiceAccessToken = upssSvcAccessToken;
UPSSecurityUsernameToken upssUsrNameToken = new UPSSecurityUsernameToken();
upssUsrNameToken.Username = userName;
upssUsrNameToken.Password = password;
upss.UsernameToken = upssUsrNameToken;
shpSvc.UPSSecurityValue = upss;
RequestType request = new RequestType();
String[] requestOption = { "nonvalidate" };
request.RequestOption = requestOption;
shipmentRequest.Request = request;
ShipmentType shipment = new ShipmentType();
shipment.Description = "Ship webservice example";
ShipperType shipper = new ShipperType();
shipper.ShipperNumber = accountNumber;
PaymentInfoType paymentInfo = new PaymentInfoType();
ShipmentChargeType shpmentCharge = new ShipmentChargeType();
BillShipperType billShipper = new BillShipperType();
billShipper.AccountNumber = accountNumber;
shpmentCharge.BillShipper = billShipper;
shpmentCharge.Type = "01";
ShipmentChargeType[] shpmentChargeArray = { shpmentCharge };
paymentInfo.ShipmentCharge = shpmentChargeArray;
shipment.PaymentInformation = paymentInfo;
ShipWSSample.ShipWebReference.ShipAddressType shipperAddress = new ShipWSSample.ShipWebReference.ShipAddressType();
String[] addressLine = { "480 Parkton Plaza" };
shipperAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipperAddress.City = "Timonium";
shipperAddress.PostalCode = "21093";
shipperAddress.StateProvinceCode = "MD";
shipperAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipperAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipper.Address = shipperAddress;
shipper.Name = "ABC Associates";
shipper.AttentionName = "ABC Associates";
ShipPhoneType shipperPhone = new ShipPhoneType();
shipperPhone.Number = "1234567890";
shipper.Phone = shipperPhone;
shipment.Shipper = shipper;
ShipFromType shipFrom = new ShipFromType();
ShipWSSample.ShipWebReference.ShipAddressType shipFromAddress = new ShipWSSample.ShipWebReference.ShipAddressType();
String[] shipFromAddressLine = { "Ship From Street" };
shipFromAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipFromAddress.City = "Timonium";
shipFromAddress.PostalCode = "21093";
shipFromAddress.StateProvinceCode = "MD";
shipFromAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipFrom.Address = shipFromAddress;
shipFrom.AttentionName = "Mr.ABC";
shipFrom.Name = "ABC Associates";
shipment.ShipFrom = shipFrom;
ShipToType shipTo = new ShipToType();
ShipToAddressType shipToAddress = new ShipToAddressType();
String[] addressLine1 = { "Some Street" };
shipToAddress.AddressLine = addressLine1;
shipToAddress.City = "Roswell";
shipToAddress.PostalCode = "30076";
shipToAddress.StateProvinceCode = "GA";
shipToAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipTo.Address = shipToAddress;
shipTo.AttentionName = "DEF";
shipTo.Name = "DEF Associates";
ShipPhoneType shipToPhone = new ShipPhoneType();
shipToPhone.Number = "1234567890";
shipTo.Phone = shipToPhone;
shipment.ShipTo = shipTo;
ServiceType service = new ServiceType();
service.Code = "01";
shipment.Service = service;
PackageType package = new PackageType();
PackageWeightType packageWeight = new PackageWeightType();
packageWeight.Weight = "1";
ShipUnitOfMeasurementType uom = new ShipUnitOfMeasurementType();
uom.Code = "LBS";
packageWeight.UnitOfMeasurement = uom;
package.PackageWeight = packageWeight;
PackagingType packType = new PackagingType();
packType.Code = "02";
package.Packaging = packType;
PackageType[] pkgArray = { package };
shipment.Package = pkgArray;
LabelSpecificationType labelSpec = new LabelSpecificationType();
LabelStockSizeType labelStockSize = new LabelStockSizeType();
labelStockSize.Height = "6";
labelStockSize.Width = "4";
labelSpec.LabelStockSize = labelStockSize;
LabelImageFormatType labelImageFormat = new LabelImageFormatType();
labelImageFormat.Code = "SPL";
labelSpec.LabelImageFormat = labelImageFormat;
shipmentRequest.LabelSpecification = labelSpec;
shipmentRequest.Shipment = shipment;
ShipmentResponse shipmentResponse = shpSvc.ProcessShipment(shipmentRequest);
MessageBox.Show("The transaction was a " + shipmentResponse.Response.ResponseStatus.Description);
MessageBox.Show("The 1Z number of the new shipment is " + shipmentResponse.ShipmentResults.ShipmentIdentificationNumber);
You can inherit from the UPS service and read the response as xml by providing your own XmlWriter by overriding GetWriterForMessage(). You can see a working example here.
i am using this code display xml it may help you.
XDocument mySourceDoc = new XDocument();
mySourceDoc = XDocument.Load(shipmentResponse);
txtxml.Text = mySourceDoc.ToString();