How to get full url from dotnetnuke - c#

If I use this:
I get full url like:
But I don't want this thing with TabID I need friendly url so if I use:
I get
But with this I don't get parameters :(
How to get full friendly complete url from dnn with all parameters?

Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to get the current URL within DNN, because the URL gets rewritten before it gets to your module.
What we'll typically do is regenerate the URL, using Globals.NavigateURL. You can use DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.UrlUtils.GetQSParamsForNavigateURL to get all of the query string parameters from the current URL.
So, you'd end up with something like this:
var currentUrl = Globals.NavigateURL(

I think this will get you what you want
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority + HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl;

`string url = TabController.CurrentPage.FullUrl;`
this should give you the user friendly url


How to maintain the right URL in C#/ASP.NET?

I am given a code and on one of its pages which shows a "search result" after showing different items, it allows user to click on one of records and it is expected to bring up a page so that specific selected record can be modified.
However, when it is trying to bring up the page I get (by IE) "This page cannot be displayed".
It is obvious the URL is wrong because first I see something then it turns into http://localhost:61123/ProductPage.aspx
I did search in the code and found the following line which I think it is the cause. Now, question I have to ask:
What should I do to avoid using a static URL and make it dynamic so it always would be pointing to the right domain?
string url = string.Format("http://localhost:61123/ProductPage.aspx?BC={0}&From={1}", barCode, "Search");
Use HttpContext.Current.Request.Url in your controller to see the URL. Url contains many things including Host which is what you're looking for.
By the way, if you're using the latest .Net 4.6+ you can create the string like so:
string url = $"{HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host}/ProductPage.aspx?BC={barCode}&From={"Search"}";
Or you can use string.Format
string host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
string url = string.Format("{0}/ProductPage.aspx?BC={1}&From={2}"), host, barCode, "Search";
You can store the Host segment in your AppSettings section of your Web.Config file (per config / environment like so)
Debug / Development Web.Config
Production / Release Web.Config (with config override to replace the localhost value with host)
and then use it in your code like so.
// Creates a URI using the HostUrlSegment set in the current web.config
Uri hostUri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("HostUrlSegment"));
// does something like Path.Combine(..) to construct a proper Url with the hostName
// and the other url segments. The $ is a new C# construct to do string interpolation
// (makes for readable code)
Uri fullUri = new Uri(hostUri, $"ProductPage.aspx?BC={barCode}&From=Search");
// fullUrl.AbosoluteUri will contain the proper Url
The Uri class has a lot of useful properties and methods to give you Relative Url, AbsoluteUrl, your Url Fragments, Host name etc etc.
This should do it.
string url = string.Format("ProductPage.aspx?BC={0}&From={1}", barCode, "Search");
If you are using .Net 4.6+ you can also use this string interpolation version
string url = $"ProductPage.aspx?BC={barcode}&From=Search";
You should just be able to omit the hostname to stay on the current domain.

what is the best way to get the Page URL inside Custom attribute

Inside my custom action filter how would i get the Page URL.
for example, if my url is:
I want to have a function that returns :
Where Myfolder is the virtual directory in which my website is hosted.
Try this:
string relativeAppUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsolutePath);
And if you need to remove the leading ~ (tilde):
string relativeAppUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsolutePath).Trim('~');

Getting full URL from URL with tilde(~) sign

I am trying to get a typical url starting with the tilde sign ('~') to parse into a full exact url starting with "http:"
I have this string "~/PageB.aspx"
And i want to make it become ""
I know there is several methods to parse urls and get different paths of server and application and such. I have tried several but not gotten the result i want.
Try out
There are various ways that are available in ASP.NET that we can use to resolve relative paths to a resource on the server-side and making it available on the client-side. I know of 4 ways -
1) Request.ApplicationPath
2) System.Web.VirtualPathUtility
3) Page.ResolveUrl
4) Page.ResolveClientUrl
Good article : Different approaches for resolving URLs in ASP.NET
If you're in a page handler you could always use the ResolveUrl method to convert the relative path to a server specific path. But if you want the "" part aswell, you'll have to prepend the Request.Url.Scheme and Request.Url.Authority to it.
string.Format("http://{0}{1}", Request.Url.Host, Page.ResolveUrl(relativeUrl));
This method looks the nicest to me. No string manipulation, it can tolerate both relative or absolute URLs as input, and it uses the exact same scheme, authority, port, and root path as whatever the current request is using:
private Uri GetAbsoluteUri(string redirectUrl)
var redirectUri = new Uri(redirectUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
if (!redirectUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
redirectUri = new Uri(new Uri(Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath), redirectUri);
return redirectUri;

Routing RouteValueDictionary url as second item problem

I have a problem with send URL as RouteValue item and get GetVirtualPath with one`s parameter.
var parameters = new RouteValueDictionary {
{ CommonUrl.UrlParameters.AnyString, "ItISAnyString"},
{CommonUrl.UrlParameters.ReturnUrl, "test/myPage/Index"}
And get URL with this parameters:
RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null, anyRouteName, **parameters**).VirtualPath
So I get URL like http://localhost/ItISAnyString/test/myPage/Index
System haven`t recognized this page and sad 404.
But if I manually do something like this
All work fine.
I think should exist better way to resolve this problem.
I found that for this Route dont exist any RouteValueDictionary. I think that routing dont undestend second parameter if there is more that one '/' symbol. So I will create it and see what hapens.
My college sad that I have to encode URL when send it as parameter.
Ok, I did it.
But now I have 400 error.
It`s a bit strange, as for me.
Problem was in the mapping pattern.
I have just added {*} pattern to the route maps.
Now my global.asax code:
"~/Web/Pages/Test/test.aspx", true);
public static string Test = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}",
"{" + CommonUrl.UrlParameters.FirstParam+ "}",
"{*****" + CommonUrl.UrlParameters.Url + "}");
This concept name is "Handling a Variable Number of Segments in a URL Pattern"

How to get the URL of the current page in C# [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get URL of ASP.Net Page in code-behind [duplicate]
(10 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Can anyone help out me in getting the URL of the current working page of ASP.NET in C#?
Try this :
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
// http://localhost:1302/TESTERS/Default6.aspx
string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
// /TESTERS/Default6.aspx
string host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
// localhost
You may at times need to get different values from URL.
Below example shows different ways of extracting different parts of URL
Response.Write("<br/>Host " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host);
Response.Write("<br/>Authority: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority);
Response.Write("<br/>Port: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port);
Response.Write("<br/>AbsolutePath: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath);
Response.Write("<br/>ApplicationPath: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);
Response.Write("<br/>AbsoluteUri: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
Response.Write("<br/>PathAndQuery: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery);
Host: localhost
Authority: localhost:60527
Port: 60527
AbsolutePath: /WebSite1test/Default2.aspx
ApplicationPath: /WebSite1test
AbsoluteUri: http://localhost:60527/WebSite1test/Default2.aspx?QueryString1=1&QueryString1=2
PathAndQuery: /WebSite1test/Default2.aspx?QueryString1=1&QueryString2=2
You can copy paste above sample code & run it in web form application with different URL.
I also recommend reading ASP.Net Routing in case you may use ASP Routing then you don't need to use traditional URL with query string.
Just sharing as this was my solution thanks to Canavar's post.
If you have something like this:
or like this:
and you only want the part that a user would type in then this will work:
String strPathAndQuery = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
String strUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(strPathAndQuery, "/");
which would result in these:
if you just want the part between http:// and the first slash
string url = Request.Url.Host;
would return if called from this page
Here's the complete breakdown
the request.rawurl will gives the content of current page
it gives the exact path that you required
use HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl
If you want to get
then use:
a tip for people who needs the path/url in global.asax file;
If you need to run this in global.asax > Application_Start and you app pool mode is integrated then you will receive the error below:
Request is not available in this context exception in
In that case you need to use this:
Hope will help others..
A search landed me at this page, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for. Posting here in case someone else looking for what I was lands at this page too.
There is two ways to do it if you only have a string value.
.NET way:
Same as #Canavar, but you can instantiate a new Uri Object
String URL = "http://localhost:1302/TESTERS/Default6.aspx";
System.Uri uri = new System.Uri(URL);
which means you can use the same methods, e.g.
string url = uri.AbsoluteUri;
// http://localhost:1302/TESTERS/Default6.aspx
string host =
// localhost
Regex way:
Getting parts of a URL (Regex)
I guess its enough to return absolute path..
Path.GetFileName( Request.Url.AbsolutePath )
using System.IO;
