What's the best way to do unit and performance tests against WCF in .net for different machines from a visual studio test client [closed] - c#

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need do some performance tests over a solution that uses: WCF services, serialization and a lot of stuff more (framework 4.0) deployed on several machines.
using a visual studio 2010 test project, would be possible configure any option to point at the different machines where the solution is installed?
would WCF cause any problem if I try to test agains it using a binding in particular?

I would create a test project, add references to the WCF services you want to test, and simply start testing. If you want something for complete end to end performance testing you can look at Microsofts Performance Testing suite (You can use this to load/stress test etc...)

What you are looking for is called "Lab Management". Those features are built in to Team Foundation Server on Visual Studio 2010 and newer.
Depending on how complicated of a a setup you want to do you may need a server running Hyper-V and a license for System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) (it is not cheep).


Installer for .NET Core project [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have developed a .NET Core console app. This app is not only targeted for Windows, but also for Linux.
What installer can I use to install the app to Linux? Preferably, I want a setup solution that handles both Windows and Linux.
I want some kind of installer because the app is intended for an offline Linux computer.
Off course, I know how to install it on Windows.
This is quite a broad question, but here goes.
In principle, installing a console app would likely mean pushing files around and maybe setting some values in a config file - operations that are trivial to accomplish from Powershell.
Given Powershell is now cross-platform, and you have chosen .NET Core for your console app, it could be a good choice for you as you'd only have one installer script codebase to maintain.

Is there any need to test c# winform in different OS version? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have made windows application in visual studio 2010 in windows 7.
Will it work properly in other OS version (like windows XP, windows 8, etc..)?
I have used third party DLL as reference for HID connection in application.
If there are c# controls which will behave differently depend on OS version, then please give list of them with details.
Thank you.
You should test on all the platforms you intend to support. Different O/S versions are, well, different (otherwise what's the point of them?), so you can't assume it will work the same way on each version. You may even find that things like the Service Pack version have an effect, or the version of other libraries available on the system (e.g. .NET framework in your case) can have an effect.
So, you should decide what platforms, with what minimum specs, you can support (from a technical point of view) and which of those platforms you are willing to put the time, effort and cost into supporting, for what period of time, and then plan to test thoroughly on all those platforms. And then repeat for each release of your software (so you might want to outline the support lifetime of each release in advance, so customers are prepared for when they need to upgrade).

Consuming my custom WCF LOB adapter [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My question is: Why is the consuming wcf adapter dialog is not updated, when I change my code and build new dll and put it into the GAC?
Details: I am developing my custom wcf lob adapter for Biztalk server 2013 r2. I have implemented needed interfaces and IMetadataBrowseHandler, then built it and put it into the GAC.
When consuming it in a Biztalk project, I can see my results when going through the "Add Generated Items=>ConsumeAdapterService". I change my code, so I must see new nodes in the tree but I did not see any new item until I restart Visual Studio.
Here is the picture of the dialog:
The first time your Visual Studio loads the DLL from the local GAC. The second time (after you have updated it), the DLL is already part of your application domain so it will not be updated unless you restart Visual Studio.
This is the default behavior which is pretty much standard within .NET.
You cannot say to Visual Studio something in the line of 'reload DLL from GAC', so you need to restart it manually.

Create Setup project for MVC4 Application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have MVC4 web application and I need to make an exe installer to deploy the application and the DB on the customer's server
also application should be available online
Update: I have completed web application now i have to start for setup project
Publishing online will depend on the host - what they support but a good place to start would be to see if you can use the publishing wizard - right click on the web project and select publish. This requires some configuration but will work for Azure for example.
The msi/exe creation is altogether a more complex problem there are a number of options including installshield - I believe there is an installshield (light) setup project in visual studio. If you need something more advanced then there is the option of the paid for installshield but there is also the wix toolset http://wixtoolset.org which enables you to build msbuild installation packages. The learning curve is steep and the last time I used wix you weren't able to build a web installer out of the box - there were configuration options and additional tasks require before it would do this. That said it is possible to use Wix to build a very slick and quite powerful installer.

BizTalk 2003 to AppFabric migration or move to BizTalk 2013 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We're a development dept that have 'inherited' a large BizTalk based middle-ware system (100+ orchestrations that run a large number of financial transactions).
The system is based on BizTalk 2003 which is now reaching end of life and our systems team want to can it.
Is is possible to migrate from BizTalk 2003/2004 to Appfabric?
I presume if we took this approach we'd have to re-develop the orchestrations to Windows Workflow (which we already use)
Or is a migration to BizTalk 2013 an better (easier) option?
Has anyone come across this situation before?
The two pieces of software have nothing in common, except that they both use the WF libraries.
AppFabric is a set of services, one of which is to host WF workflows. The workflows themselves are plain low-level WF4 workflows. No special activities or adapters to other systems like Biztalk.
BizTalk is a server product with rules, adapters to various systems, able to read various business process languages, define orchestrations at a high level,etc, etc
It's almost like comparing IL to LINQ. Yes, there is common ground but not much.
