CPU Usage Display - c#

There are a couple of questions here about how to monitor CPU usage, but I cannot get my code to display anything other than 0.
Can someone please take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong?
PerformanceCounter perform = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total");
public string cpuTime()
return perform.NextValue() + "%";
public void cpuUtilization()
public String getCPUUtilization()
return cpuTime();

A processor only ever does two things. It either executes code, running at full bore. Or it is halted by the operating system when it can't find any work to do, by far the most common case.
So to arrive at a % utilization, you need to find out what it is doing over an interval. One second is the common choice. Utilization is now the amount of time within that second that it was running vs the amount of time it was halted.
The interval is what is missing from your code. After you call your cpuTime() method, you have to wait until you call it again. So enough historical data was gathered. That requires a timer. The shorter you make the interval, the less reliable your measurement gets. Make it too short and you'll only ever get either 0 or 100%. Your current problem.


High cpu when using PerformanceCounter.NextValue

We have created a monitoring application for our enterprise app that will monitor our applications Performance counters. We monitor a couple system counters (memory, cpu) and 10 or so of our own custom performance counters. We have 7 or 8 exes that we monitor, so we check 80 counters every couple seconds.
Everything works great except when we loop over the counters the cpu takes a hit, 15% or so on my pretty good machine but on other machines we have seen it much higher. We are wanting our monitoring app to run discretely in the background looking for issues, not eating up a significant amount of the cpu.
This can easily be reproduced by this simple c# class. This loads all processes and gets Private Bytes for each. My machine has 150 processes. CallNextValue Takes 1.4 seconds or so and 16% cpu
class test
List<PerformanceCounter> m_counters = new List<PerformanceCounter>();
public void Load()
var processes = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses();
foreach (var p in processes)
var Counter = new PerformanceCounter();
Counter.CategoryName = "Process";
Counter.CounterName = "Private Bytes";
Counter.InstanceName = p.ProcessName;
private void CallNextValue()
foreach (var c in m_counters)
var x = c.NextValue();
Doing this same thing in Perfmon.exe in windows and adding the counter Process - Private Bytes with all processes selected I see virtually NO cpu taken up and it's also graphing all processes.
So how is Perfmon getting the values? Is there a better/different way to get these performance counters in c#?
I've tried using RawValue instead of NextValue and i don't see any difference.
I've played around with Pdh call in c++ (PdhOpenQuery, PdhCollectQueryData, ...). My first tests don't seem like these are any easier on the cpu but i haven't created a good sample yet.
I'm not very familiar with the .NET performance counter API, but I have a guess about the issue.
The Windows kernel doesn't actually have an API to get detailed information about just one process. Instead, it has an API that can be called to "get all the information about all the processes". It's a fairly expensive API call. Every time you do c.NextValue() for one of your counters, the system makes that API call, throws away 99% of the data, and returns the data about the single process you asked about.
PerfMon.exe uses the same PDH APIs, but it uses a wildcard query -- it creates a single query that gets data for all of the processes at once, so it essentially only calls c.NextValue() once every second instead of calling it N times (where N is the number of processes). It gets a huge chunk of data back (data for all of the processes), but it's relatively cheap to scan through that data.
I'm not sure that the .NET performance counter API supports wildcard queries. The PDH API does, and it would be much cheaper to perform one wildcard query than to perform a whole bunch of single-instance queries.
Sorry for a long response, but I've found your question only now. Anyway, if anyone will need additional help, I have a solution:
I've made a little research on my custom process and I've understood that when we have a code snippet like
PerformanceCounter ourPC = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor time", "processname", true);
Then our performance counter's NextValue() will show you the (number of logical cores * task manager cpu load of the process) value which is kind of logical thing, I suppose.
So, your problem may be that you have a slight CPU load in the task manager because it understands that you have a multiple core CPU, although the performance counter counts it by the formula above.
I see a one (kind of crutchy) possible solution for your problem so your code should be rewritten like this:
private void CallNextValue()
foreach (var c in m_counters)
var x = c.NextValue() / Environment.ProcessorCount;
Anyway, I do not recommend you to use Environment.ProcessorCount although I've used it: I just didn't want to add too much code to my short snippet.
You can see a good way to find out how much logical cores (yeah, if you have core i7, for example, you'll have to count logical cores, not physical) do you have in a system if you'll follow this link:
How to find the Number of CPU Cores via .NET/C#?
Good luck!

Prevent context-switching in timed section of code (or measure then subtract time not actually spent in thread)

I have a multi-threaded application, and in a certain section of code I use a Stopwatch to measure the time of an operation:
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(text); //lazy evaluation
Int32 matchCount;
//inside this bracket program should not context switch
//start timer
MyStopwatch matchDuration = MyStopwatch.StartNew();
//actually evaluate regex
matchCount = matches.Count;
//adds the time regex took to a list
Now, the problem is if the program switches control to another thread somewhere else while the stopwatch is started, then the timed duration will be wrong. The other thread could have done any amount of work before the context switches back to this section.
Note that I am not asking about locking, these are all local variables so there is no need for that. I just want the timed section to execute continuously.
edit: another solution could be to subtract the context-switched time to get the actual time done doing work in the timed section. Don't know if that's possible.
You can't do that. Otherwise it would be very easy for any application to get complete control over the CPU timeslices assigned to it.
You can, however, give your process a high priority to reduce the probability of a context-switch.
Here is another thought:
Assuming that you don't measure the execution time of a regular expression just once but multiple times, you should not see the average execution time as an absolute value but as a relative value compared to the average execution times of other regular expressions.
With this thinking you can compare the average execution times of different regular expressions without knowing the times lost to context switches. The time lost to context switches would be about the same in every average, assuming the environment is relatively stable with regards to CPU utilization.
I don't think you can do that.
A "best effort", for me, would be to put your method in a separate thread, and use
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
to avoid as much as possible context switching.
If I may ask, why do you need such a precise measurement, and why can't you extract the function, and benchmark it in its own program if that's the point ?
Edit : Depending on the use case it may be useful to use
Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr(2); // Or whatever core you want to stick to
to avoid switch between cores.

PerformanceCounter in while loop

I am currently trying to write an application that runs the same code exactly 100 times a second. I have done some testing using the built-in timers of the .NET framework. I've tested the System.Threading.Timer class, the System.Windows.Forms.Timer class and the System.Timers.Timer class. None of them seem to be accurate enough for what I am trying to do.
I've found out about PerformanceCounters and am currently trying to implement such in my application.
However, I am having a bit of trouble with my program taking up a whole core of my CPU when idling.
I only need it to be active 100 times a second. My loop looks like this:
long nextTick, nextMeasure;
QueryPerformanceCounter(out start);
nextTick = start + countsPerTick;
nextMeasure = start + performanceFrequency;
long currentCount;
while (true)
QueryPerformanceCounter(out currentCount);
if (currentCount >= nextMeasure)
Debug.Print("Ticks this second: " + tickCount);
tickCount = 0;
nextMeasure += performanceFrequency;
if (currentCount >= nextTick)
nextTick += countsPerTick;
As you can see, most of the time the program will be waiting to run Calculations() again by running through the while loop constantly. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I don't want to slow the computers my program will be run on down.
System.Thread.Thread.Sleep unfortunately is also pretty "inaccurate", but I would be okay with using it if there is no other solution.
What I am basically asking is this: Is there a way to make an infinite loop less CPU-intensive? Is there any other way of accurately waiting for a specific amount of time?
As I'm sure you're aware, Windows is not a real-time O/S, so there can never be any guarantee that your code will run as often as you want.
Having said that, the most efficient in terms of yielding to other threads is probably to use Thread.Sleep() as the timer. If you want higher accuracy than the default you can issue a timeBeginPeriod with the desired resolution down to a millisecond. The function must be DLLImported from winmm.dll.
timeBeginPeriod(1) together with a normal timer or Thread.Sleep should work decently.
Note that this has a global effect. There are claims that it increases power consumption, since it forces the windows timer to run more often, shortening the CPU sleeping periods. This means you should generally avoid it. But if you need highly accurate timing, it's certainly a better choice than a busy-wait.

C# System CPU Usage and syncing with Windows Task Manager

this is a two part question, I wanted to post my code here on stack to help others with the same task.
Question 1:
I have a subset of code, which I believe, is correctly measuring CPU usage (across as many cores in the system, as per times retrieved) as per the measurement interval - I use 1 second in the thread call.
I had to decipher this from the very few articles on the web and from C++ code. My question is, for question 1, is this correct what I have done?
Sometimes the value returned is a minus figure which is why I multiply by -1. Again, I am assuming, since there is very little documentation, that this is what I should be doing.
I have the following code:
public static class Processor
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool GetSystemTimes(out ComTypes.FILETIME lpIdleTime, out ComTypes.FILETIME lpKernelTime, out ComTypes.FILETIME lpUserTime);
private static TimeSpan _sysIdleOldTs;
private static TimeSpan _sysKernelOldTs;
private static TimeSpan _sysUserOldTs;
static Processor()
public static void Test()
ComTypes.FILETIME sysIdle, sysKernel, sysUser;
if(GetSystemTimes(out sysIdle, out sysKernel, out sysUser))
TimeSpan sysIdleTs = GetTimeSpanFromFileTime(sysIdle);
TimeSpan sysKernelTs = GetTimeSpanFromFileTime(sysKernel);
TimeSpan sysUserTs = GetTimeSpanFromFileTime(sysUser);
TimeSpan sysIdleDiffenceTs = sysIdleTs.Subtract(_sysIdleOldTs);
TimeSpan sysKernelDiffenceTs = sysKernelTs.Subtract(_sysKernelOldTs);
TimeSpan sysUserDiffenceTs = sysUserTs.Subtract(_sysUserOldTs);
_sysIdleOldTs = sysIdleTs;
_sysKernelOldTs = sysKernelTs;
_sysUserOldTs = sysUserTs;
TimeSpan system = sysKernelDiffenceTs.Add(sysUserDiffenceTs);
Double cpuUsage = (((system.Subtract(sysIdleDiffenceTs).TotalMilliseconds) * 100) / system.TotalMilliseconds);
if (cpuUsage < 0)
Console.WriteLine("CPU: " + ((int) (cpuUsage)*-1) + "%");
Console.WriteLine("CPU: " + (int) (cpuUsage) + "%");
Console.WriteLine("Couldn't get CPU usage!");
private static TimeSpan GetTimeSpanFromFileTime(ComTypes.FILETIME time)
return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((((ulong)time.dwHighDateTime << 32) + (uint)time.dwLowDateTime) * 0.000001);
Question 2:
Is there anyway for me to sync a thread, in my program, with that of the Windows Task Manager, for the purpose of matching measurement figure e.g CPU Usage with the above code?
What I mean is, if you open Windows Task Manager, you will notice that it polls every second - which in reality it doesn't need to be less than that. What I want to do is match the timing with my thread.
So when Windows Task Manager polls, my thread polls.
Some notes:
I didn't want to use Performance Counters or .NET built in methods. In fact, I believe - from what I have read, .NET doesn't have methods for calculating the CPU usage on a machine, that Performance counters are required for this otherwise.
Performance counters have overhead and in addition make the GC grow, not to mention the delay in calling the next result. While my software does not need to be real-time performance I do need it to be as responsive and use as little CPU time as possible. The above code can be called and returned in less than a millisecond. In fact on my development machine, the time-span difference shows 0ms. I don't believe Performance Counters are as responsive.
In case you are curious, my software is gathering a number of items, CPU, Memory, Event Log items etc. of which these all need to be gathered and stored, in SQL CE, before the next poll, 1 second away. Each task, item, however is on its own thread to facilitate this.
Also, the code above is not optimized in anyway and you will notice I have yet to comment it also. The reason being is I want to make sure it is correct before optimization etc.
Update 1
As per a coment I made down the way, I removed the extra "System" timespan as it is not required and modified the line that retrieves the "CPU Usage" and cast it appropriately.
int cpuUsage = (int)(((sysKernelDifferenceTs.Add(sysUserDifferenceTs).Subtract(sysIdleDifferenceTs).TotalMilliseconds) * 100.00) / sysKernelDifferenceTs.Add(sysUserDifferenceTs).TotalMilliseconds);
Though I am still unsure of the formula. While it seems to be highly accurate it does on occasion return a minus figure which is why I multiply it by -1 if that is the case. After all, there is no such thing a -2% CPU usage etc.
Update 2
So I did a simple test using "System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter". While incredibly handy and does exactly what it is intended to do it does create overhead.
Here are my observations:
It took the Performance Counter that much longer to initialize. In the order of roughly three seconds longer on my i7 2.6 Ghz.
The performance counter also seemed to add on another approx 5MB of RAM usage simply by using it. What I mean by this is: With the code above ,my app maxes out at 7.5MB ram. With the performance counter it "starts" at 12.5MB.
Over the space of 5 seconds, where my thread ran 5 times - once per second, the memory of my app had grown by 1 MB and this increase is consistent with time, although it does level out, in my case anyway, 3-4MB above starting. So where my app is usually 7.5MB ram with the code above, the PC code leveled out at 16.5 MB ram - an increase of 9MB over the code above. Note: The code above does not cause this increase.
So, if your application was built in a manner where resource usage and timing is key I would suggest against using Performance counters because of these reasons. Otherwise go ahead as it works without all the mess.
As for my app, performance counters will be detrimental to my software's purpose.
I think you have a bug in your formula. You want to basically compute CPU usage as this:
CPU Usage = KernelTimeDiff + UserTimeDiff
KernelTimeDiff + UserTimeDiff + IdleTimeDiff
Thus, a quick mod to your code as follows:
// TimeSpan system = sysKernelDiffenceTs.Add(sysUserDiffenceTs);
//Double cpuUsage = (((system.Subtract(sysIdleDiffenceTs).TotalMilliseconds) * 100) / system.TotalMilliseconds);
TimeSpan totaltime = sysKernelDiffenceTs.Add(sysUserDiffenceTs);
totaltime = totaltime.Add(sysIdleDifferenceTs);
int cpuUsage = 100 - (sysIdleDifferenceTs.TotalMilliseconds * 100) / totaltime.TotalMilliseconds;
Console.WriteLine("CPU: " + cpuUsage + "%");
You originally declared cpuUsage as "Double". I'm not sure if you wanted floating point precision, but in your code, you definitely weren't getting anything other than integer precision because the assignment statement was just doing integer math. If you need higher precision from the computation, you could easily get it by mixing in some floating point:
Double cpuUsage = 100.0 - (sysIdleDifferenceTs.TotalMilliseconds * 100.0) /totaltime.TotalMilliseconds;
Also, in regards to being in sync with Task Manager. Task Manager, as I understand it, uses perf counters. (And I would suspect that GetSystemTimes is making perf counter calls under the hood, but perhaps not). And I'm not sure why you wouldn't use perf counters either. The "% Process Time" counter is an instant sample counter that doesn't require computing a diff with a previous result. (There's one per logical cpu). Use the PDH helper functions instead of the legacy registry key apis to get at it. You can do this from an unmanaged C/C++ DLL that exports a "GetCpuUsage" function back to your C# code. But I don't know why you couldn't just PInvoke the PDH functions from C# either. I don't know about this overhead that you speak of. I'm not sure I understand your reference to " the delay in calling the next result" either.

CPU/GPU Monitering. (Tempature, current speed, etc) in C#

I'm looking for a way to monitor system statistics.
Here are my main points of interest:
CPU Tempature
CPU speed (Cycles per second)
CPU Load (Idle percent)
GPU Tempature
Some other points of interest:
Memory usage
Network Load (Traffic Up/Down)
My ultimate goal is to write an application that can be used for easily running in the backround, and allow setting many events for certain actions, example: When processer temp gets to 56C -> Do _Blank_ etc.
So this leaves me two main points.
Is there a framework already out there for this sort of thing?
If No to #1, How can I go about doing this?
If the code is in another .net language it's okay.
Well, I figured out how to get my usage! 1 down, 3 to go.
CPU Usage:
using (PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total"))
while (true)
You probably need WMI
