I'm trying to parse a xml file in an object
This is my xml file named Changelog.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
This is my Changelog object I want to cast the xml to
public class Changelog
private List<Release> releases;
public List<Release> Releases
get { return releases; }
set { releases = value; }
public class Release
private string version;
private string date;
private List<ChangeItem> changes;
public string Version
get { return version; }
set { version = value; }
public string Date
get { return date; }
set { date = value; }
public List<ChangeItem> Changes
get { return changes; }
set { changes = value; }
public class ChangeItem
private string change;
public string Change
get { return change; }
set { change = value; }
Here I read the file
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Changelog));
Changelog changelog = (Changelog)serializer.Deserialize(new StreamReader(#"changelog.xml"));
Releases = changelog.Releases;
foreach (Release release in Releases)
string version = release.Version;
string date = release.Date;
List<ChangeItem> changes = release.Changes; // Has only 1 item
The problem is that there is only 1 object in the Changes list, altough I expect 4 for the 1507 release.
What am I doing wrong?
You have ChangeItem.Change property decorated with an XmlElement attribute. This means it becomes another element.
Thus the xml would need to look different.
To make it work, mark the property with the [XmlText] attribute.
Also, your Release.Changes needed to be decorated with a XmlArray and a XmlArrayItem attribute.
public class Changelog
private List releases;
public List Releases
get { return releases; }
set { releases = value; }
public class Release
private string version;
private string date;
private List changes;
public string Version
get { return version; }
set { version = value; }
public string Date
get { return date; }
set { date = value; }
public List Changes
get { return changes; }
set { changes = value; }
public class ChangeItem
private string change;
public string Change
get { return change; }
set { change = value; }
I marked in bold what my changes were.
public List<ChangeItem> Changes
get { return changes; }
set { changes = value; }
public List<ChangeItem> Changes
get { return changes; }
set { changes = value; }
I have a Dictionary with Key-Value pair where Value is a complex Object.
Becaouse of a speed I have used AsParalle().
Problem that occures is that in some of my return objects are placed multiple results of other Key-Value pair.
For examle:
ResutDict has multiple Key-Value pairs.
public IDictionary<string, IOutboundResult> ResultDict
get { return m_ResultDict; }
set { m_ResultDict = value; }
All of them should return one Object. That later will be serialized into XML.
public class S_Out : ISerializable
private List<details> detailField;
public List<details> details
get { return detailField; }
set { detailField = value; }
public class details
private string idField;
private string countryField;
private string town_cityField;
private string postcodeField;
private List<extract> extractField;
public string id
get { return idField; }
set { idField = value; }
public string country
get { return countryField; }
set { countryField = value; }
public string town_city
get { return town_cityField; }
set { town_cityField = value; }
public string postcode
get { return postcodeField; }
set { postcodeField = value; }
public List<extract> extract
get { return extractField; }
set { extractField = value; }
This list of details is there only for some other cases, but in this particular case should contain only one detail.
During Parallel different Threads write in there so in some files I have no detail object, and in some of them whole list of details.
It should be one detail for one xml file.
Have anyone Idea why is this happening?
I'm using DataContractJsonSerializer to deserialize JSON from a Webservice.
{"id":2945,"type":"ImageDocument","name":"test.jpg", "color": "green"}]
Based on their type, JSON entities can have different properties (for example a color). Currently i use a single model Document for deserialization and PagedCollectionViews to filter what i need to show in the UI.
public class Document : EntityBase
private string name;
private string type;
private string color;
public Document()
[DataMember(Name = "name")]
public string Name
return this.name;
if (this.name != value)
this.name = value;
[DataMember(Name = "type")]
public string Type
return this.type;
if (this.type != value)
this.type = value;
[DataMember(Name = "color")]
public string Color
return this.color;
if (this.color != value)
this.color= value;
public class DocumentsViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ObservableCollection<Document> Documents { get; set; }
public PagedCollectionView ImageDocuments;
public PrintProjectDetailsViewModel()
this.Documents = new ObservableCollection<Document>();
this.ImageDocuments = new PagedCollectionView(Documents);
this.ImageDocuments.Filter = (o) => ((Document)o).Type == "ImageDocument";
However, that feels "smelly" to me. Is it possible to automatically deserialize to a subclass of Document depending of the JSON value of type?
Let me take it straight. Is it possible to not serialize an XMLArray elements if it null? As in following XML "Details" is used. Is it possible to not to have it in XML if it is null. Please check my code and will appreciate some thoughts on it.
<agr:Accountable />
<agrlib:BacsId />
<agrlib:Description />
<Details /> <!-- this one -->
public class Invoice
private Header _header = new Header();
private Summary _summary = new Summary();
private List<Detail> _details = new List<Detail>();
public string InvoiceNo { get; set; }
public Header Header
get { return _header; }
set { _header = value; }
[XmlArray("Details"), XmlArrayItem("Detail", typeof(Detail), IsNullable=false)]
public List<Detail> Details
get { return _details; }
set { _details = value; }
public Summary Summary
get { return _summary; }
set { _summary = value; }
[XmlType(TypeName = "Detail"), Serializable]
public class Detail
private Product _product = new Product();
static CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
private float _lineTotExclTax = 0;
public int LineNo { get; set; }
public float LineTotExclTax
get { return _lineTotExclTax; }
set { _lineTotExclTax = value; }
public string CustomLineTotExclTax
get { return LineTotExclTax.ToString("#0.00", ci); }
set { float.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Float, ci, out _lineTotExclTax); }
public Product Product
get { return _product; }
set { _product = value; }
If the list truly is null it is ignored. To get the output you show, it must be an empty non-null list, probably due to the field-initializer:
private List<Detail> _details = new List<Detail>();
If you can't make it null, then consider ShouldSerialize*:
[Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public bool ShouldSerializeDetails()
return _details != null && _details.Count != 0;
This defines a custom rule for when the property Details should / should not be serialized.
I've got class in WCF. Inside this class - there are 2 classes, 1 interface and several variables. It adds as service reference without errors.
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class XmlService
private string filename;
private XmlTextReader xmlreader;
List<IWeather> returner=new List<IWeather>();
public void DoWork()
// Add your operation implementation here
interface IWeather
string GetCondition { get; set; }
DateTime GetDate { get; set; }
public class Current_Weather:IWeather
private string condition, humidity, wind_condition;
private int temp_f, temp_c;
private DateTime day;
public string GetCondition
get { return condition; }
set { condition = value; }
public string GetHumidity
get { return humidity; }
set { humidity = value; }
public string GetWindCondition
get { return wind_condition; }
set { wind_condition = value; }
public int TEMP_F
get { return temp_f; }
set { temp_f = value; }
public int TEMP_C
get { return temp_c; }
set { temp_c = value; }
public DateTime GetDate
get { return day; }
set { day = value; }
public class Forecast_Weather:IWeather
public string condition;
public int lowT, highT;
public DateTime day;
public string GetCondition
get { return condition; }
set { condition = value; }
public int GetLowT
get { return lowT; }
set { lowT = value; }
public int HighT
get { return highT; }
set { highT = value; }
public DateTime GetDate
get { return day; }
set { day = value; }
Should I add contracts to variables,interface IWeather, for inner classes and its methods and variables?
If you want them serialzied and visible on the client they need to be marked with contract attributes.
Internal classes aren't really a good practice, instead put all your operations in one interface marked up as a service contract, then all your data contracts in their own class libraries so you can reference that assemply frmo your client. This facilitates writing your own proxies and other good habits.
Your internal classes will not be exposed to callers of your service, since your service doesn't use them either as parameters or as return values.
I have a XML document with a node like this.
<channel id="3102" platform = "1" activation="30/11/2010" desactivation="">
And I want to deserialize it using DataContract and Data Member attributes, which are working well with its properties but are not deserializing the attributes.
public abstract class Channel
#region variables privadas
public abstract class Channel
#region variables privadas
private DateTime _desactivation;
private DateTime _activation;
private int _platform;
private int _id;
#region Propiedades públicas
public DateTime Desactivation
get { return _desactivation; }
set { _desactivation = value; }
public DateTime Activation
get { return _activation; }
set { _activation = value; }
public int Platform
get { return _platform; }
set { _platform = value; }
#region Propiedades públicas
public DateTime Desactivation
get { return _desactivation; }
set { _desactivation = value; }
public DateTime Activation
get { return _activation; }
set { _activation = value; }
public int Platform
get { return _platform; }
set { _platform = value; }
} ...
My properties associated to these attributes are not filled, what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
Repeated question. How can you control .NET DataContract serialization so it uses XML attributes instead of elements? You can't do that with a DataContractSerializer, but you should achieve what you ask for using the XmlSerializer.