Javascript timer initializes on each postback - c#

This is my script on aspx page which is used to initialize timer on page load.
<script type="text/javascript">
function display() {
var hours = document.getElementById('<%=HidH.ClientID %>');
var minutes = document.getElementById('<%=HidM.ClientID %>');
var seconds = document.getElementById('<%=HidS.ClientID %>');
if (hours.value == 00 && minutes.value == 00 && seconds.value == 00) {
alert("Time Given For this Test is Over");
var newwindow = window.location.replace("frmResultCheck.aspx");
if (window.focus) { newwindow.focus() }
return false;
if (minutes.value < 10) {
minutes.value = minutes.value;
if (seconds.value <= 00) {
if ((hours.value == 00) && (minutes.value == 00))
seconds.value = 00;
else {
seconds.value = 60;
minutes.value -= 01;
if (minutes.value <= 00) {
if ((hours.value < 00) && (seconds.value < 00)) {
hours.value = minutes.value = seconds.value = 00;
else {
if ((hours.value == 00) && (seconds.value == 00))
hours.value = seconds.value = 00;
if ((hours.value > 00) && (minutes.value < 00)) {
minutes.value = 59;
hours.value -= 01;
if ((minutes.value <= -01) || (hours.value <= -01)) {
if (hours.value <= -01) {
minutes.value = 00;
hours.value += 01;
minutes.value -= 01;
seconds.value = 00;
minutes.value += 01;
if (seconds.value > 00)
seconds.value -= 01;
if (hours.value.length < 2) {
hours.value = "0" + hours.value;
if (minutes.value.length < 2) {
minutes.value = "0" + minutes.value;
if (seconds.value.length < 2) {
seconds.value = "0" + seconds.value;
document.getElementById('counter').value = hours.value + ":" + minutes.value +
":" + seconds.value;
setTimeout("display()", 1000);
if (document.getElementById('btnSubmit').onclick == true)
document.getElementById('counter').value = "";
This is my aspx.cs page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int factor;
if (factor >= 60)
int b = factor / 60;
factor = factor % 60;
string time = Convert.ToString(b + ":" + factor);
if (factor < 10)
timer = TimeSpan.ParseExact(time, #"h\:m", null);
timer = TimeSpan.ParseExact(time, #"h\:mm", null);
else if (factor > 9 && factor < 60)
timer = TimeSpan.ParseExact(factor.ToString(), "mm", null);
timer = TimeSpan.ParseExact("0" + factor.ToString(), "mm", null);
HidH.Value = Convert.ToString(timer.Hours);
HidM.Value = Convert.ToString(timer.Minutes);
HidS.Value = Convert.ToString(timer.Seconds);
Everytime i click next button on page, timer goes back to the same time at which i clicked the next button. I want my timer to go on continuously even on postbacks.

In your C# Page_Load code, check if it is post-back before initializing the values. Initialize only if it is a first time load (i.e. !IsPostBack).
Like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Your initializing code here


Why Is This Code Running Longer Character Combinations Than Necessary?

I'm a math student with little to no experience programming, but I wrote this to act like a brute force algorithm. It seems to run fine except that it runs all the password combinations out to 3 characters for passwords as short as 2. Also I'm sure there's a way to refactor the for and if statements as well. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I've already been testing to see if some of the if statements aren't executing, and it looks like the statements with "console.writeln(Is this executing)" aren't executing but I'm not really sure.
public Form1()
static char[] Match ={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j' ,'k','l','m','n','o','p',
'Q','R','S','T','U','V','X','Y','Z','!','?',' ','*','-','+'};
private string[] tempPass;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string tempPass1 = "lm";
string result = String.Empty;
int passLength = 1;
int maxLength = 17;
tempPass = new string[passLength];
for (int i = 0; i < Match.Length; i++)
if (tempPass1 != result)
tempPass[0] = Match[i].ToString();
result = String.Concat(tempPass);
if (passLength > 1)
for (int j = 0; j < Match.Length; j++)
if (tempPass1 != result)
tempPass[1] = Match[j].ToString();
result = String.Concat(tempPass);
if (passLength > 2)
for (int k = 0; k < Match.Length; k++)
if (tempPass1 != result)
tempPass[2] = Match[k].ToString();
result = String.Concat(tempPass);
if (tempPass[0] == "+" && tempPass[1] == "+" && tempPass[2] == "+" && tempPass1 != result)
Console.WriteLine("This will execute?");
tempPass = new string[passLength];
k = 0;
j = 0;
i = 0;
else if (result == tempPass1)
Console.WriteLine("This is big gay: " + result);
if (tempPass[0] == "+" && tempPass[1] == "+" && tempPass1 != result)
Console.WriteLine("Did this execute?");
tempPass = new string[passLength];
j = 0;
i = 0;
else if (result == tempPass1)
Console.WriteLine("This is bigger gay: " + result);
//tempPass[1] = "World!";
if (tempPass[tempPass.Length - 1] == "+" && tempPass1 != result)
tempPass = new string[passLength];
Console.WriteLine(tempPass.Length + " " + result + " " + "Success");
i = 0; /**update
j = 0;
k = 0;
l = 0;
m = 0;*/
else if (result == tempPass1)
Console.WriteLine("This is biggest gay: " + result);
Play with this; modified from my answer here. It'll show you all the 2 and 3 length combinations. Clicking the button will start/stop the generation process. You need a button, label, and a timer:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Revision rev;
public Form1()
rev = new Revision("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!? *-+", "00");
label1.Text = rev.CurrentRevision;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
timer1.Enabled = !timer1.Enabled;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rev.CurrentRevision.Length == 4)
MessageBox.Show("Sequence Complete");
// make it start back at the beginning?
rev = new Revision("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!? *-+", "00");
label1.Text = rev.CurrentRevision;
label1.Text = rev.CurrentRevision;
public class Revision
private string chars;
private char[] values;
private System.Text.StringBuilder curRevision;
public Revision()
public Revision(string validChars)
if (validChars.Length > 0)
chars = validChars;
values = validChars.ToCharArray();
curRevision = new System.Text.StringBuilder(values[0]);
public Revision(string validChars, string startingRevision)
: this(validChars)
curRevision = new System.Text.StringBuilder(startingRevision.ToUpper());
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= curRevision.Length - 1; i++)
if (Array.IndexOf(values, curRevision[i]) == -1)
curRevision = new System.Text.StringBuilder(values[0]);
private void DefaultRevision()
values = chars.ToCharArray();
curRevision = new System.Text.StringBuilder(values[0]);
public string ValidChars
get { return chars; }
public string CurrentRevision
get { return curRevision.ToString(); }
public string NextRevision(int numRevisions = 1)
bool forward = (numRevisions > 0);
numRevisions = Math.Abs(numRevisions);
int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= numRevisions; i++)
if (forward)
return this.CurrentRevision;
private void Increment()
char curChar = curRevision[curRevision.Length - 1];
int index = Array.IndexOf(values, curChar);
if (index < (chars.Length - 1))
index = index + 1;
curRevision[curRevision.Length - 1] = values[index];
curRevision[curRevision.Length - 1] = values[0];
int i = 0;
int startPosition = curRevision.Length - 2;
for (i = startPosition; i >= 0; i += -1)
curChar = curRevision[i];
index = Array.IndexOf(values, curChar);
if (index < (values.Length - 1))
index = index + 1;
curRevision[i] = values[index];
curRevision[i] = values[0];
curRevision.Insert(0, values[0]);
private void Decrement()
char curChar = curRevision[curRevision.Length - 1];
int index = Array.IndexOf(values, curChar);
if (index > 0)
index = index - 1;
curRevision[curRevision.Length - 1] = values[index];
curRevision[curRevision.Length - 1] = values[values.Length - 1];
int i = 0;
int startPosition = curRevision.Length - 2;
for (i = startPosition; i >= 0; i += -1)
curChar = curRevision[i];
index = Array.IndexOf(values, curChar);
if (index > 0)
index = index - 1;
curRevision[i] = values[index];
curRevision[i] = values[values.Length - 1];
curRevision.Remove(0, 1);
if (curRevision.Length == 0)
curRevision.Insert(0, values[0]);

Labeling checkTypes for biometric attendance

I have a table named Attendancelogs where I am saving the records that I fetch from a biometric device, the table structure is;
LogType defines the type of log i.e. Biometric/Manual
CheckType defines the type of entry i.e. I or O
VerifyMode defines the type of punch i.e. Fingerprint/Password
isIgnore is used to exclude an entry from the logs.
Now, what I am trying to do is to write a function called sortFunc(); that will process on the already stored records in the Attendancelogs table. what this is suppose to do is;
Mark the checkType of each employee as I for the first entry, then O for their second entry of the date and so on.
If an employee has a last I at the end of the day, meaning no check out, then the next day's first punch of that employee (with in 12 AM - 7 AM) is considered check out for the previous day (marking as a nighter case for that employee) the rest entries are considered as sequential I and O.
any multiple entries within 10 seconds (or defined time) is ignored and marked CheckType as "Auto Ignored for x seconds"
If an employee is not allowed to use Card/Password then his CheckTypes are marked as Card not allowed or Password not allowed
Here is the function that I wrote;
public static bool inn = true;
public void sortLogs(int machineNum)
DateTime prevDate = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime prevDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
TimeSpan lowerBound = TimeSpan.Zero;
TimeSpan upperBound = TimeSpan.Zero;
var time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:00:00", "HH:mm:ss", null).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
lowerBound = Convert.ToDateTime(time).TimeOfDay;
var time2 = DateTime.ParseExact("07:00:00", "HH:mm:ss", null).ToString("hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
upperBound = Convert.ToDateTime(time2).TimeOfDay;
upperBound = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0);
var CheckType = "N/S";
bool isNighter = false;
List<AttendanceLog> firstDates = new List<AttendanceLog>();
AttendanceLog lastEmp = new AttendanceLog();
var empList = db.AttendanceLogs.OrderBy(x => x.EmpID).ThenBy(x => x.DateTime).ToList();
var countEmps = empList.DistinctBy(p => p.EmpID).Count();
string[,] array = new string[countEmps, 2];
var checkDevice = db.DeviceInformations.Where(xy => xy.DeviceID == machineNum && xy.IsActive == 1.ToString()).ToList();
AttendanceLog firstObj = new AttendanceLog();
int counter = 0;
int tempEmp = -1;
foreach (var emp in empList)
if (emp.EmpID == 0)
var cardAcceptance = db.Roles.Where(x => x.EmpID == emp.EmpID && x.Card_Acceptance == true).ToList();
var passwordAcceptance = db.Roles.Where(x => x.EmpID == emp.EmpID && x.Password_Acceptance == true).ToList();
currentDate = emp.Date;
currentDateTime = emp.DateTime;
if (emp.EmpID != tempEmp)
inn = true;
if (prevDateTime != DateTime.MinValue)
var seconds = (emp.DateTime - prevDateTime).TotalSeconds;
var settings = db.settings.Where(xy => xy.Constant_Name == "Entry Delay").FirstOrDefault();
if (settings.Constant_Value <= 0)
settings.Constant_Value = 10;
if (seconds > 0 && seconds < settings.Constant_Value)
//store prevDateTime in deleted table
emp.CheckType = "Auto Ignored: " + seconds + " seconds interval.";
// prevDateTime = emp.DateTime;
if (passwordAcceptance.Count <= 0)
if (emp.VerifyMode == "3")
emp.CheckType = "Password not allowed";
catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
if (cardAcceptance.Count <= 0)
if (emp.VerifyMode == "4")
emp.CheckType = "Card not allowed";
// db.SaveChanges();
catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
if (counter != countEmps)
if (emp.EmpID != firstObj.EmpID)
array[counter, 0] = emp.EmpID.ToString();
firstObj.EmpID = emp.EmpID;
firstObj.Date = emp.Date;
if (currentDate == firstObj.Date)
//check for entry delay
//get emp datetime here
//comapre with the slots
//if the datetime exsits in between
//otherwise store it with boolean flag for the first entry only, the rest should not be flagged
if (emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay > lowerBound && emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay < upperBound)
//consider the first check as nighter and then ignore the rest
else {
//checks after the upperBound means, no nighter
if (inn)
inn = false;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "O";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
array[i, 1] = emp.CheckType;
//CheckType = emp.CheckType;
prevDate = currentDate;
prevDateTime = currentDateTime;
if (prevDate != currentDate)
if (emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay > lowerBound && emp.DateTime.TimeOfDay < upperBound)
//consider the first check as nighter and then ignore the rest
if (inn)
inn = false;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "O";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
array[i, 1] = emp.CheckType;
//CheckType = emp.CheckType;
prevDate = currentDate;
prevDateTime = currentDateTime;
//checks after the upperBound means, no nighter
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
if (array[i, 1] == "I")
emp.CheckType = "O";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = false;
if (inn)
inn = false;
emp.CheckType = "I";
inn = true;
emp.CheckType = "O";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
if (array[i, 0] == emp.EmpID.ToString())
array[i, 1] = emp.CheckType;
prevDate = currentDate;
tempEmp = emp.EmpID.Value;
This did run but it messes up the "12 AM to 7 AM" checks and the password checks, i.e. not the accurate results.
As one of the example seen ^ consecutive O should not be there. I have been going crazy over this!

Button unable to click when Thread.Sleep

I understand that when Thread.Sleep is being executed, the buttons on my GUI are not able to be clicked on.
Is there any other ways to delay my codes from flowing yet still able to click on my buttons on the GUI?
For example right now after my codes execute Thread.Sleep(10000); and within this 10 seconds i'm not able to click on my button1 event, is there anyway that I can still click on my button1 event within these 10 seconds?
private void displaydata_event2(object sender, EventArgs e)
txt_data.AppendText(in_data + "\n");
string inStr;
inStr = in_data;
if (inStr.Length == 12)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(' ');
string Patient = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
int rx = 0;
int selected = 0;
txtData1.Text = Patient;
rx = Convert.ToInt16(Patient);
selected = Convert.ToInt16(txt_pnorec.Text);
if (rx != selected)
MessageBox.Show("Please check patient settings");
else if (inStr.Length == 24)
label2.Text = "Patient is not selected!";
label2.BackColor = Color.Red;
else if (inStr.Length == 10)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(':');
string Temp = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
txtData2.Text = Temp;
double tempflo;
tempflo = Convert.ToDouble(Temp);
if (tempflo > 20)
lbl_temp.Text = "Fever";
lbl_temp.BackColor = Color.Red;
else if (inStr.Length == 9)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(':');
string ECG = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
txtData3.Text = ECG;
else if (inStr.Length == 19 || inStr.Length == 20)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(':');
string Systolic = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
txtData4.Text = Systolic;
else if (inStr.Length == 21 || inStr.Length == 22)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(':');
string Diastolic = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
txtData5.Text = Diastolic;
else if (inStr.Length == 16)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(':');
string Pulse = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
txtData6.Text = Pulse;
else if (inStr.Length == 23 || inStr.Length == 17 || inStr.Length == 27 || inStr.Length == 30 || inStr.Length == 35 || inStr.Length == 29)
lbl_bp.Text = inStr;//to display status of BP (Normal,prehypotension etc)
string bp;
bp = inStr;
if (bp.Length == 23 || bp.Length == 27 || bp.Length == 31 || bp.Length == 35 || bp.Length == 30)
lbl_bp.BackColor = Color.Red;
else if (bp.Length == 17)
lbl_bp.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
else if (inStr.Length == 32 || inStr.Length == 25 || inStr.Length == 34 || inStr.Length == 33 || inStr.Length == 26 || inStr.Length == 31)
int indexOfSpace = inStr.IndexOf(':');
string Acc = inStr.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1);
txtData7.Text = Acc;
string test = inStr;
if (test.Length == 25 || test.Length == 34 || test.Length == 33 || test.Length == 26)
label21.Text = "Check on patient!";
label21.BackColor = Color.Red;
else if (test.Length == 32)
label21.Text = "";
label21.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
if (txtData1.Text != "" && txtData2.Text != "" && txtData3.Text != "" && txtData4.Text != "" && txtData5.Text != "" && txtData6.Text != "" && txtData7.Text != "")
OleDbCommand command2 = new OleDbCommand();
command2.Connection = connection2;
command2.CommandText = "insert into MedicalRecord (PatientNumber,FirstName,LastName,IC,Temperature,ECG,Systolic,Diastolic,Pulse) values('" + txt_pnorec.Text + "','" + txt_fnamerec.Text + "','" + txt_lnamerec.Text + "','" + txt_icrec.Text + "','" + txtData2.Text + "','" + txtData3.Text + "','" + txtData4.Text + "','" + txtData5.Text + "','" + txtData6.Text + "')";
MessageBox.Show("Info Stored");
txtData1.Text = "";
txtData2.Text = "";
txtData3.Text = "";
txtData4.Text = "";
txtData5.Text = "";
txtData6.Text = "";
txtData7.Text = "";
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex);
txtData1.Text = "";
txtData2.Text = "";
txtData3.Text = "";
txtData4.Text = "";
txtData5.Text = "";
txtData6.Text = "";
txtData7.Text = "";
Thanks in advance.
There are multiple ways to achieve this. One example is to use a task with a delay:
Task.Delay(10000).ContinueWith(x =>
//Place the code you want delayed here.
Another example could be to use a BackgroundWorker which is made for this exact purpose.
you can use Async and Await
here is a good tutorial in combination with an GUI:
you need to declare your function as async
public async void Foo()
than you can use:
await Task.Delay(10000);
it will release you GUI for the whole Delay and you can use your GUI while the Delay is waiting.
Task.Delay(10000).ContinueWith(x =>
Have a look at Task.Delay and ContinueWith.
You can use Windows.Forms.Timer to execute something after delay... (with no UI thread freezing). Split your code on two parts. 1. Before delay 2. After delay
public partial class form1 : Form
// i used namespace to ensure that we use 'correct' Timer and we do not
// confuse it with System.Timers.Timer or System.Threading.Timer
System.Windows.Forms.Timer tmrDelay;
void SomeMethodWithDelay()
// code before delay here
tmrDelay.Enabled = true;
tmrDelay.Tick += Timer_Tick;
private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// your code here
// disables timer to stop it
tmrDelay.Enabled = false;
Benefit from using Timer is that it is a native windows forms tool that was specially designed to help with this kind of problems.
However you can still use modern things like Tasks, for example : Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); // your method logic here });

Wait 20 Seconds In Timer Before Executing Next Line Without Thread.Sleep.C#

I'm trying to wait for 20 seconds before adding + 1 value to i (Int), But i want to do it without Thread.Sleep.
This is my code, By the way I'm not a Pro programmer.
private void Refresh_App_TimerNH_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
label18.Text = "Timer Activated";
int i = 0;
i = i + 1;
if (i == 16)
i = 0;
if (i == 1)
userIdLabel1.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+1";
//**i want to add 20 second gap here**
i = i + 1;
if (i == 2)
userIdLabel2.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+2";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 3)
userIdLabel3.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+3";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 4)
userIdLabel4.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+4";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 5)
userIdLabel5.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+5";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 6)
userIdLabel6.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+6";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 7)
userIdLabel7.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+7";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 8)
userIdLabel8.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+8";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 9)
userIdLabel9.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+9";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 10)
userIdLabel10.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+10";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 11)
userIdLabel11.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+11";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 12)
userIdLabel12.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+12";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 13)
userIdLabel13.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+13";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 14)
userIdLabel14.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+14";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 15)
userIdLabel15.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+15";
i = i + 1;
if (i == 16)
userIdLabel16.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+16";
i = i + 1;
label18.Text = "Timer De-Activated";
I think it might be easy but not for me, Because i'm new to c#
First off, Tim S's answer -- break up your logic into smaller chunks and simplify the timer logic -- is good. But to answer your specific question, which was "how do I delay between statements without Sleep", is: make the method async and then use await Task.Delay(...).
You are right to avoid Sleep; using it is a bad programming practice, and will hang your application. await Task.Delay does an asynchronous wait -- that is, the method returns immediately, the app keeps on processing UI messages, and when the delay is done, the program schedules the remainder of the method to execute later.
Note that during an asynchronous wait, by design messages keep on getting processed. If one of those messages causes your event handler to run again then you can get into the very confusing situation of having multiple control points in the same non-recursive method. Try to avoid that.
Right now your logic is convoluted, and probably very different from what you want it to do.
Your code will be much simpler if you put your webBrowserX and userIdLabelX items in some sort of list together.
public class MyPair
public WebBrowser WebBrowser { get; set; }
public Label UserIdLabel { get; set; }
private List<MyPair> pairs;
private int refreshIndex = 0;
private void StartTimer()
pairs = // populate pairs somehow
refreshIndex = 0;
var timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
timer.Interval = 20000
timer.Tick += MyTickHandler;
label18.Text = "Timer Activated";
private void MyTickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
pairs[refreshIndex].UserIdLabel.BackColor = Color.Red;
label20.Text = "+" + (refreshIndex + 1);
refreshIndex = (refreshIndex + 1) % pairs.Count;
Note that this timer never deactivates, it loops through the list of pairs repeatedly.

link button click event is inaccessible due to its protection level

I am working on a project.I am creating an asp table dynamically and in table cell I am adding link button depending on condition.But while adding the Click event to link button it is giving an error saying-
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.OnClick(System.EventArgs)' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Following is my code of making the table
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void makeCalendar()
//for current month
DateTime startingdate = StartDateOfMonth(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(monthclickedno));
DateTime enddate = EndDateOfMonth(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(monthclickedno));
string startingday = startingdate.DayOfWeek.ToString();
int startingdayno = Convert.ToInt32(startingdate.DayOfWeek);
string endday = enddate.DayOfWeek.ToString();//like saturday is 6,stating is from monday with 1 and ending si sunday with 7
int enddayno = Convert.ToInt32(enddate.DayOfWeek);
//for prevoius month
DateTime enddateprevious = (EndDateOfMonth(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(monthclickedno)));
//for next month
DateTime startingdatenext = StartDateOfMonth(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1));
DateTime dtstart=startingdate.AddDays(-(startingdayno+1));
//sMonthName = "January";
//int iMonthNo = Convert.ToDateTime("01-" + sMonthName + "-2011").Month;
for (int i = 0; i <7;i++)
TableRow tr = new TableRow();
for (int j = 0; j < 7;j++ )
TableCell tc = new TableCell();
clickablecell ctCell = new clickablecell();
//tc.ID = idtc.ToString();
tr.CssClass = "firstrow";
tc.CssClass = "firstrowcell";
if (j == 0)
tc.Text = "Sun";
else if (j == 1)
tc.Text = "Mon";
else if (j == 2)
tc.Text = "Tue";
else if (j == 3)
tc.Text = "Wed";
else if (j == 4)
tc.Text = "Thu";
else if (j == 5)
tc.Text = "Fri";
else if (j == 6)
tc.Text = "Sat";
tc.CssClass = "othercells";
//if date is single digit like 1,2
if (dtstart.ToString("dd").Substring(0, (dtstart.ToString("dd").Length)-1) == "0")
ctCell.Text = (dtstart.ToString("dd").Substring(1));
ctCell.Text = (dtstart.ToString("dd"));
ctCell.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", ";'LightGray';");
ctCell.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", ";");
//ctCell.ID = k.ToString();
ctCell.Click += new clickablecell.ClickEventHandler(textcell_Click);
//check for events in this date
DataTable dtevents = checkEvents(dtstart.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"));
if (dtevents.Rows.Count != 0)
LinkButton lnkevent = new LinkButton();
if (dtevents.Rows.Count == 1)
if (dtevents.Rows[0]["eventtype"].ToString() == "Holiday")
lnkevent.Text = dtevents.Rows[0]["eventtype"].ToString();
lnkevent.CssClass = "tcholidaytext";
ctCell.CssClass = "tcholidaytext";
else if (dtevents.Rows[0]["eventtype"].ToString() == "Event")
lnkevent.Text = dtevents.Rows[0]["eventtype"].ToString();
lnkevent.CssClass = "tceventtext";
ctCell.CssClass = "tceventtext";
lnkevent.Text = dtevents.Rows[0]["eventtype"].ToString();
lnkevent.CssClass = "tcimpdaytext";
ctCell.CssClass = "tcimpdaytext";
ctCell.CssClass = "tcmixtext";
//lnkevent.Attributes.Add("onClick", "test();");
lnkevent.OnClick += new EventHandler(this,test);
public void test(object sender,EventArgs e)
Please help how I can solve this problem
Correct subscription should look like this:
lnkevent.Click += test;
OnClick is a method used internally inside the class to raise the event. On the contrary you should be subscribing to the event itself.
