how to assert if a method has been called using nunit - c#

is it possible to assert whether a method has been called? I'm testing the following method and I want to assert that the _tokenManager.GetToken() has been called. I just want to know if the method has been called as the method does not return a value. I am using Moq.
Code snippet
public void Subscribe(string code, string emailAddress, string columnKey)
// Request authentication token
var token = _tokenManager.GetToken(code, false);
if (!_tokenValidator.Validate(token))
// Token has expired or invalid - refresh the token
token = _tokenManager.GetToken(code, true);
// Subscribe email
_silverpopRepository.Subscribe(token.AccessToken, emailAddress, columnKey);

You should mock TokenManager and TokenValidator, and then create two unit test cases:
Case 1: token is validated and GetToken is called exactly once
Case 2: token is not validated and GetToken is called exactly twice
Case 1:
public void Subscribe_TokenIsValidated_GetTokenIsCalledOnce()
// Arrange:
var tokenManagerMock = Mock.Of<TokenManager>();
var tokenValidatorMock = Mock.Of<TokenValidator>(x =>
x.Validate(It.IsAny<Token>()) == true);
var subscriber = new Subscriber
TokenManager = tokenManagerMock,
TokenValidator = tokenValidatorMock
// Act:
subscriber.Subscribe(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(),
// Assert:
Mock.Get(tokenManagerMock).Verify(x =>
x.GetToken(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<bool>()), Times.Once);
Case 2:
public void Subscribe_TokenIsExpiredOrInvalid_GetTokenIsCalledTwice()
// Arrange:
var tokenManagerMock = Mock.Of<TokenManager>();
var tokenValidatorMock = Mock.Of<TokenValidator>(x =>
x.Validate(It.IsAny<Token>()) == false);
var subscriber = new Subscriber
TokenManager = tokenManagerMock,
TokenValidator = tokenValidatorMock
// Act:
subscriber.Subscribe(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(),
// Assert:
Mock.Get(tokenManagerMock).Verify(x =>
x.GetToken(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<bool>()), Times.Exactly(2));
Alternatively, you can create an unit test without mocking TokenValidator and verify if GetToken() has been called at least once. However, creating two cases as in the first example is preferred as we are testing all code paths.
// Arrange:
var tokenManagerMock = Mock.Of<TokenManager>();
var subscriber = new Subscriber {TokenManager = tokenManagerMock};
// Act:
// Assert:
Mock.Get(tokenManagerMock).Verify(x =>
x.GetToken(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<bool>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);
Read more about verification in Moq at:
Moq quick start at official website
Verifying the Number of Calls to a Mocked Method at BlackWasp

You can verify using MOQ using the Verify method. Like this:
var tokenManagerMock = new Mock<ITokenManager>();
var sut = new WhateverItIsCalled(tokenManagerMock.Object);
sut.Subscribe("ssss", "", "XXX");
tokenManagerMock.Verify(m => m.GetToken(It.Is<string>(c => c == "ssss", It.Is<bool>(x => x == false)), Times.Once);
You need to be able to pass the token manager into your system under test somehow. Usually via the ctor or maybe a property.
I would suggest you use something like AutoFixture to remove the ugliness that is "ssss" and make things a bit more DRY.
You may need to make the token manager mock return something appropriate too that will pass the validation. Something like this:
var tokenManagerMock = new Mock<ITokenManager>();
tokenManagerMock.Setup(m => m.GetToken(It.Is<string>(x => x == "ssss", It.IsAny<bool>()).Returns("XXXXXX");


How to correctly assert MustHaveHappend(object) in fake it easy

I am having a test method that asserts if the CreateClient method of the client account repository has been called. Please See the test bellow.
public void CreateNewBasicClientAccount_NewBasicClient_CreatesNewClientBasicClient()
// Arrange
var clientAccountToCreate = new ClientAccount
Name = "Name",
var clientAccountToCreateDto = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ClientAccount, ClientAccountDto>(clientAccountToCreate);
var clientAccountRepository = A.Fake<IClientAccountRepository>();
var clientAccountManager = new ClientAccountManager(clientAccountRepository);
// Act
// Assert
() => clientAccountRepository.CreateClient(A<ClientAccountDto>.That.IsNotNull<ClientAccountDto>()))
() => clientAccountRepository.CreateClient(A<ClientAccountDto>.Ignored))
() => clientAccountRepository.CreateClient(clientAccountToCreateDto))
The Act portion of my ClientAccountManager class in the test is calling the CreateClient method of the repository
public void CreateClient(ClientAccount client)
var clientDto = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ClientAccount, ClientAccountDto>(client);
The first two asserts in the test pass, but the more specific 3rd assert fails with result message
InterfaceNameSpace.IClientAccountRepository.CreateClient(clientDto: DtoNameSpace.ClientAccountDto)
Expected to find it at least once but found it #0 times among the calls:
Both the ClientAccount and ClientAccountDto classes have the exact same properties. Input in getting the failed assert to pass would be appreciated as the code is wired up for it to pass but it fails.
This is because the actual ClientAccountDto that is passed to the method is not the same instance as the one you create in your test, so they're not considered equal.
There are several options to solve this:
override the Equals method in ClientAccountDto (not ideal, since you normally wouldn't need this for a DTO)
inject an IMapper into ClientAccountManager, instead of using the static Mapper class, and configure the IMapper to return a specific instance of ClientAccountDto
test specific properties of the ClientAccountDto, like this:
() => clientAccountRepository.CreateClient(A<ClientAccountDto>.That.Matches(x => x.Name == "Name")))
Unrelated note: you don't need to specify the type again in A<ClientAccountDto>.That.IsNotNull<ClientAccountDto>(), you can just write A<ClientAccountDto>.That.IsNotNull().

How to change the dependency at runtime using simple injector

I am new to simple injector. I have data access layer that has dependency on Force Client. I have register the ForceClient dependency. I want to replace the default value of ForceClient once user login into the application.
Please let me know, how i can change the default values at run time.
Ioc.ServiceContainer.Register(() => new ForceClient(
Here is the complete detail about the requirement. I have DAL in our Xamarin project that retrieve data from sales force using Developerforce.Force apis. I am writing unit test cases using MOQ to test the DAL.
DAL Code.
public CustomerRepository(IForceClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<long> GetTotalContacts()
string totalContactCountQry = "some query"
var customerCount = await _client.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(totalContactCountQry);
var firstOrDefault = customerCount.Records.FirstOrDefault();
return firstOrDefault != null ? firstOrDefault.Total : 0;
Unit Test Case Code.
public void Init()
forceClientMock = new Mock<IForceClient>();
forceClientMock.Setup(x => x.ForceClient(It.IsAny<string>(),
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<HttpClient>()))
.Return(new ForceClient(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(),
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<HttpClient>()));
forceClientMock.Setup(x => x.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(It.IsAny<string>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new QueryResult<ContactsTotal>());
forceClientMock.Setup(x => x.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(It.IsAny<string>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new QueryResult<ContactsTotal>() { Records=new List<ContactsTotal>() });
public void GetTotalContacts()
ICustomerRepository customerRepostory = new CustomerRepository(forceClientMock.Object);
Simple Injector Registry on application initialization
container.Register<IForceClient>((() => new ForceClient(
UserState.Current.ApiVersion)), Lifestyle.Transient);
The instance of ForceClient that i am creating during the registry is being created with all default valued of UserState. The actual value gets assigned once user login into the application.
I except ForceClient instance to have the updated value after login to access the sales force to retrieve the data but the program is giving error on below line DAL
var customerCount = await _client.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(totalContactCountQry);
The reason is that the forceClient still contain default values. How can i make sure that the FoceClient instance get created after login to use the actual value of UserState
You can accomplish what you want by using Func<T>.
Rather than IForceClient in your classe, you can inject a Func<IForceClient> :
public CustomerRepository(Func<IForceClient> clientFunc)
_clientFunc = clientFunc;
public async Task<long> GetTotalContacts()
string totalContactCountQry = "some query"
// calling _clientFunc() will provide you a new instance of IForceClient
var customerCount = await _clientFunc().QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(totalContactCountQry);
var firstOrDefault = customerCount.Records.FirstOrDefault();
return firstOrDefault != null ? firstOrDefault.Total : 0;
The simple injector registration:
// Your function
Func<IForceClient> fonceClientFunc = () => new ForceClient(
// the registration
container.Register<Func<IForceClient>>( () => fonceClientFunc, Lifestyle.Transient);

How to get Moq to verify method that has an out parameter

I have an interface definition where the method has an out parameter defined
public interface IRestCommunicationService
TResult PerformPost<TResult, TData>(string url, TData dataToSend, out StandardErrorResult errors);
I have the following class that is using the above interface
public TripCreateDispatchService(IRestCommunicationAuthService restCommunicationService, ISettings settings)
_restCommunicationService = restCommunicationService;
_settings = settings;
public FlightAlert CreateTrip(string consumerNumber, PostAlertModel tripModel, out StandardErrorResult apiErrors)
url = .. code ommited
var result = _restCommunicationService.PerformPost<FlightAlert, PostAlertModel>(url), tripModel, out apiErrors);
return result;
In my unit tests I am trying to verify that the PerformPost Method of the RestCommunication object is called.
But no matter what I do, I cannot get Moq to verify that the method was called
public void DispatchService_PerformPost()
var consumerNumber = ...
var trip = ...
var result = ...
var apiErrors = new StandardErrorResult();
... code to setup mock data
_mockRestCommunicationService = new Mock<IRestCommunicationAuthService>();
_mockEestCommunicationService.Setup(x => x.PerformPost<string, PostAlertModel>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors)).Verifiable();
_systemUnderTest.CreateTrip(consumerNumber, trip, out apiErrors);
_mockRestCommunicationService.Verify(m =>
m.PerformPost<StandardErrorResult, PostAlertModel>(
It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors
), Times.Once);
But I am receiving the following error
Moq.MockException :
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times:
m => m.PerformPost<StandardErrorResult,PostAlertModel>(It.IsAny<String>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), .apiErrors)
No setups configured.
How do I go about verifying that the method was called.
I am using Moq and NUnit
As per the comment from Sunny, I have modified the test to use a callback as follows
var consumerNumber = ...
var trip = ...
var result = ...
StandardErrorResult apiErrors;
_mockRestCommunicationService.Setup(x => x.PerformPost<string, PostAlertModel>(
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors))
.Callback<string, PostAlertModel, StandardErrorResult>
((s, m, e) => e.Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List<StandardError>()
new StandardError { ErrorCode = "Code", ErrorMessage = "Message" }
_systemUnderTest.CreateTrip(consumerNumber, trip, out apiErrors);
Assert.That(apiErrors.Errors, Is.Not.Null);
This is the error that is now being thrown when executing the test.
System.ArgumentException : Invalid callback. Setup on method with
parameters (String,PostAlertModel,StandardErrorResult&)
cannot invoke callback with parameters (String,PostAlertModel,StandardErrorResult).
at Moq.MethodCall.ThrowParameterMismatch(ParameterInfo[] expected, ParameterInfo[] actual)
at Moq.MethodCall.SetCallbackWithArguments(Delegate callback)
at Moq.MethodCallReturn`2.Callback(Action`3 callback)
This error is thrown at the Setup statement.
FYI. I am using Resharper 8 and using their test runner to execute my tests.
If I try to add the out parameter to the callback, the code will not compile.
I get the same error if I modify the setup to
_mockRestCommunicationService.Setup(x => x.PerformPost<string, PostAlertModel>(
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors))
((string s, PostAlertModel m, StandardErrorResult e) => e.Errors = new System.Collections.Generic.List<StandardError>()
new StandardError { ErrorCode = "Code", ErrorMessage = "Message" }
In the project I am working on we have used out It.Ref<T>.IsAny where T is the out parameter type (Moq version 4.14). This is because out is used as a parameter modifier, such that the value are passed by reference instead of by value.
In your case the verify method could look like this:
_ => _.PerformPost<StandardErrorResult, PostAlertModel>(
out It.Ref<StandardErrorResult>.IsAny
To make sure no other unexpected invocations happened, you can also add:
It's better to actually use AAA and not verify the mock. Setup your method to return some specific result and assert that the result have been returned:
var myCommResult = new PostAlertModel();
.Setup(x => x.PerformPost<string, PostAlertModel>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors)
var response = _systemUnderTest.CreateTrip(consumerNumber, trip, out apiErrors);
Assert.AreSame(myCommResult, response);
The above will validate that the method was called, based on the example code.
If for some reason, the code in the question is not really representative of the real code, and there is no way to assert on the return of the method, than you can use Callback instead, and put something in the errors so you can verify.
Something like:
.Setup(x => x.PerformPost<string, PostAlertModel>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<PostAlertModel>(), out apiErrors))
.Callback( (string s, PostAlertModel m, StandardErrorResult e) => e.Add("Some error to test");
And later verify that apiErrors has the error you inserted in the callback.

How to UnitTest a Function in a mocked method

How can I test the DeleteAppointmentById here?
Func<IDataAdapterRW, IEnumerable<uint>> function = db => DeleteAppointmentById(db, appointmentId);
return _dataContextProvider.GetContextRW().Run(function);
_dataContextProvider is mocked with moq. If I run the test it never enters DeleteAppointmentById of course
The method to test:
public IEnumerable<uint> DeleteAppointment(uint appointmentId)
Func<IDataAdapterRW, IEnumerable<uint>> function = db => DeleteAppointmentById(db, appointmentId);
return _dataContextProvider.GetContextRW().Run(function);
DeleteAppointmentById is the inner method (private) I am really interested in.
my test:
public void DeleteAppointment_Valid_DeletedRecordId()
var dbContextMock = new Mock<IDataContextProvider>();
var dataAdapterMock = new Mock<IDataContext<IDataAdapterRW>>();
dbContextMock.Setup(d => d.GetContextRW())
dataAdapterMock.Setup(a => a.Run(It.IsAny<Action<IDataAdapterRW>>()));
var calendarService = new CalendarService(dbContextMock.Object);
var result = calendarService.DeleteAppointment(1);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result);
You can access the result of the Func passed as parameter in Run method, and to Assert the result like below.
Why to return the result? Because it's a mock and don't know how Run method is behaving.
public void DeleteAppointment_Valid_DeletedRecordId()
var dbContextMock = new Mock<IDataContextProvider>();
var dataAdapterMock = new Mock<IDataContext<IDataAdapterRW>>();
dbContextMock.Setup(d => d.GetContextRW())
dataAdapterMock.Setup(a => a.Run(It.IsAny<Func<IDataAdapterRW, IEnumerable<uint>>>()))
.Returns((Func<IDataAdapterRW, IEnumerable<uint>> func) => { return func(dataAdapterMock.Object);}); // configure the mock to return the list
var calendarService = new CalendarService(dbContextMock.Object);
int id = 1;
var result = calendarService.DeleteAppointment(id);
var isInList = result.Contains(id); // verify the result if contains the
Assert.AreEqual(isInList, true);
Unit tests tend to take the following structure:
Arrange: set up the context. In this case, you'd probably create an appointment and save it to the database.
Act: call the unit you're testing. In this case, DeleteAppointmentById(db, appointment).
Assert: check if side effects and returns were correct. In this case, you may attempt to load this appointment from the database, and assert that you were unable (because it should have been deleted).

How do I verify a method was called?

I have a ICreateService class that has dependency on ITicketApiAdapter. I've tried registering a mock ITicketAdaper so that it gets injected when I create an anonymous create service.
So, in setup, I have this register for the ticket adapter:
Fixture.Register(() =>
var ticketApiAdapter = new Mock<ITicketApiAdapter>();
.Setup( x => x.AddTicketComment(
.Returns(new SaveResult
Success = true,
Id = Fixture.CreateAnonymous<Guid>().ToString()
return ticketApiAdapter;
Fixture.Register(() => new CreateService(Fixture.CreateAnonymous<Mock<ITicketApiAdapter>>().Object));
From my understanding, that should "freeze" both the ICreateService and Mock<ITicketApiAdapter> so that when I request an anonymous instance, it's the one I registered.
I have a test that looks like this:
public void CreateServiceCallsAddTicketComment()
var apiTicketAdapter = Fixture.CreateAnonymous<Mock<ITicketApiAdapter>>();
var createTicketRequest = Fixture.CreateAnonymous<CreateTicketComment>();
var createService = Fixture.CreateAnonymous<CreateService>();
var results = createService.CreateTicketComment(createTicketRequest);
.Verify(x => x.AddTicketComment(
Assert.IsTrue(results.All(x => x.Success));
Assert.IsTrue(results.All(x => x.Errors.Count == 0));
I expect the apiTicketAdapter to be the one I registered so that I can verify the method is called. If I step through, the TicketApiAdapter is called, but Moq says it wasn't.
This is the error I get:
CreateServiceCallsAddTicketComment threw exception:
Moq.MockException: Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0
times: x => x.AddTicketComment(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny(),
Configured setups: x => x.AddTicketComment(It.IsAny(),
It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()), Times.Never No
invocations performed.
When you Register a code block, that code block is going to be invoked every time the Fixture instance resolves the requested type. This means that it's not frozen. If you want to Freeze something, one of the Freeze overloads are often easier to use.
Better yet, since you seem to be using Moq, may I suggest using the AutoMoq extension?
That would enable you to rewrite the test to something like this:
public void CreateServiceCallsAddTicketComment(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize()
var apiTicketAdapter = fixture.Freeze<Mock<ITicketApiAdapter>>();
.Setup( x => x.AddTicketComment(
.Returns(new SaveResult
Success = true,
Id = Fixture.CreateAnonymous<Guid>().ToString()
var createTicketRequest = fixture.Freeze<CreateTicketComment>();
var createService = fixture.CreateAnonymous<CreateService>();
var results = createService.CreateTicketComment(createTicketRequest);
.Verify(x => x.AddTicketComment(
Assert.IsTrue(results.All(x => x.Success));
Assert.IsTrue(results.All(x => x.Errors.Count == 0));
That's assuming that CreateTicketRequest uses Constructor Injection or Property Injection.
