I'm trying to save two lists of my custom objects the first list of type List<Vechicle>.
XmlSerializer SerializerObjVechicle = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Vechicle>));
Then I get the error
"An unhandled exception of type
'System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' occurred in
This is my vechicle class
public class Vechicle
private int _Id;
private String _Registration;
public Vechicle(int id,String registration)
Id = id;
Registration = registration;
public override string ToString()
return Id.ToString() + " " + Registration;
#region getters/setters
public int Id{
get { return _Id; }
set { _Id = value; }
public String Registration
get { return _Registration; }
set { _Registration = value; }
bogza.anton's answer is right, you need to provide a constructor without parameters, I give a sample like this:
public class Vechicle
private int _Id;
private String _Registration;
public Vechicle()
_Id = 1;
_Registration = "default name";
public Vechicle(int id, String registration)
Id = id;
Registration = registration;
public override string ToString()
return Id.ToString() + " " + Registration;
#region getters/setters
public int Id
get { return _Id; }
set { _Id = value; }
public String Registration
get { return _Registration; }
set { _Registration = value; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<Vechicle> vList = new List<Vechicle>()
new Vechicle(),
new Vechicle(),
new Vechicle{Id=2, Registration="hello"},
new Vechicle{Id = 100, Registration="world"}
XmlSerializer SerializerObjVechicle = new XmlSerializer(vList.GetType());
FileStream fs = new FileStream("d:\\test.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
SerializerObjVechicle.Serialize(fs, vList);
result of my test is below:
Need to add a constructor without parameters.
Or inherit class from interface ISerializable.
In the code below I hope that I specify correctly whats wrong. I need to be able to call item.departments.dept_Type and that should be possible because of the association that I have made. I don't need to create inner joins on a query to get the data if I understand correctly.
This is my PersonClass
namespace DATALAYER.DataHandler
[Table(Name = "People")]
public class Person
private int _DepartmentID;
public EntityRef<Department> _Department;
public Person() { this._Department = new EntityRef<Department>(); }
private int _ID;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey =true, Storage ="_ID")]
public int ID
get { return this._ID; }
set { this._ID = value; }
private string _p_FirstName;
[Column(Storage = "_p_FirstName")]
public string p_FirstName
get { return this._p_FirstName; }
set { this._p_FirstName = value; }
private string _LastName;
[Column(Storage = "_LastName")]
public string p_LastName
get { return this._LastName; }
set { this._LastName = value; }
private string _EmailAddress;
[Column(Storage = "_EmailAddress")]
public string p_EmailAddress
get { return this._EmailAddress; }
set { this._EmailAddress = value; }
private string _Password;
[Column(Storage = "_Password")]
public string p_Password
get { return this._Password; }
set { this._Password = value; }
private string _SSID;
[Column(Storage = "_SSID")]
public string p_SSID
get { return this._SSID; }
set { this._SSID = value; }
private string _DOB;
[Column(Storage = "_DOB")]
public string p_DOB
get { return this._DOB; }
set { this._DOB = value; }
private string _CellNumber;
[Column(Storage = "_CellNumber")]
public string p_CellNumber
get { return this._CellNumber; }
set { this._CellNumber = value; }
[Column(Storage = "_DepartmentID", DbType = "Int")]
public int p_Department_dept_ID
get { return this._DepartmentID; }
set { this._DepartmentID = value; }
[Association(Storage = "_DepartmentID", ThisKey = "p_Department_dept_ID")]
public Department Department
get { return this._Department.Entity; }
set { this._Department.Entity = value; }
This is my Department code
namespace DATALAYER.DataHandler
[Table(Name = "Departments")]
public class Department
//private EntitySet<Person> _Person;
//public Department()
// this._Person = new EntitySet<Person>();
private int _DepartmentID;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_DepartmentID")]
public int dept_ID
get { return this._DepartmentID; }
set { this._DepartmentID = value; }
private string _deptType;
[Column(Storage = "_deptType")]
public string dept_Type
get { return this._deptType; }
set { this._deptType = value; }
//[Association(Storage = "_Person", OtherKey = "ID")]
//public EntitySet<Person> Persons
// get { return this._Person; }
// set { this._Person.Assign(value); }
Now the problem I'm thinking is that there is a problem with datatypes between the primary key of the person and a foreign key the departments. But Since they are both int I don't see how that can be a problem.
If someone can just explain my problem to cleary if Im wrong or something or help me with a solution pls.
Added this class
namespace DATALAYER.DataHandler
public class SHSdb2 : DataContext
public Table<Person> People;
public Table<Department> Department;
//public Table<Address> Address;
public SHSdb2(string connection) : base(connection) { }
Person table
Department table
Without this code it works but then I can only call stuff inside the table
[Column(Storage = "_DepartmentID", DbType = "Int")]
public int p_Department_dept_ID
get { return this._DepartmentID; }
set { this._DepartmentID = value; }
[Association(Storage = "_DepartmentID", ThisKey = "p_Department_dept_ID")]
public Department Department
get { return this._Department.Entity; }
set { this._Department.Entity = value; }
Seems like I fixed it with this not sure if its a fix or I just lucky if someone can still maybe explain this to me it would be much appreciated.
var personQuery =
from per in db.People
where per.p_FirstName == "Christian"
select per.Department;
I'm thinking by specifying that it needs to get the data from department it would allow it in the foreach.
I have been working on a program that requires two class definitions (clsCustomer and clsOrder) and a driver that is used for simulating an order form that calculates totals and prints a mailing label. The instructor provided partial code and I got rid of the previous errors that it had, but when I run the program and enter the information (name, address, quantity, price, etc.) only a "." shows up as the mailing label and both the extension and total price appear as "0.00". I tried playing with it and cannot seem to fix the issue. Here is the code:
namespace CS8
public partial class frmCS8 : Form
public frmCS8()
private void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strMailingLabel;
//Create an instance of clsCustomer using the overloaded constructor
clsCustomer cobjCustomer = new clsCustomer(txtName.Text, txtStreet.Text,
txtCity.Text, txtState.Text, txtZip.Text);
//Build mailing label using the Get methods for Customer.
strMailingLabel = cobjCustomer.Name + "\n" +
cobjCustomer.Street + "\n" +
cobjCustomer.City + ", " +
cobjCustomer.State + " " + cobjCustomer.Zip;
//Display mailing address
lblMailingLabel.Text = strMailingLabel;
//Create an instance of clsOrder using the overloaded constructor
clsOrder cobjOrder = new clsOrder
//Test the calculate Extended Price method
//Update the totals in shared variables.
//Test the Get property method of extended priced
lblExtension.Text = cobjOrder.ExtendedPrice.ToString("C");
//Shared properties are accessed using class name
//Test the Get Property methods of ReadOnly Shared properties
lblTotalCount.Text = clsOrder.TotalCount.ToString("N0");
lblTotalPrice.Text = clsOrder.TotalPrice.ToString("C");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error :" + ex.Message
+ "\n" + ex.StackTrace,
"Try/Catch - Unexpected Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
}//end try
private void btnNextItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//clear the item fields
lblExtension.Text = "";
private void btnResetSummary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Reset totals using the class name to access the shared method
lblTotalPrice.Text = "";
lblTotalCount.Text = "";
lblMailingLabel.Text = "";
//Clear the rest of the form using next item method
btnNextItem_Click(sender, e);
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
namespace CS8
public class clsOrder
//declare class variables
protected string cstrDescription;
protected int cintQuantity;
protected decimal cdecPrice;
protected decimal cdecExtendedPrice;
//shared variables
static decimal cdecTotalPrice;
static int cintTotalCount;
//declare constructors
public clsOrder()
public clsOrder(string strDescription,
int intQuantity, decimal decPrice)
//declare property methods
this.Description = cstrDescription;
this.Quantity = cintQuantity;
this.Price = cdecPrice;
//declare read-only properties
public decimal ExtendedPrice
return cdecExtendedPrice;
cdecExtendedPrice = value;
public string Description
return cstrDescription;
cstrDescription = value;
public int Quantity
return cintQuantity;
cintQuantity = value;
public decimal Price
return cdecPrice;
cdecPrice = value;
//declare Shared (static) ReadOnly Properites
public static decimal TotalPrice
return cdecTotalPrice;
public static int TotalCount
return cintTotalCount;
cintTotalCount = value;
//declare supporting methods
public void calcExtendedPrice()
cdecExtendedPrice = cintQuantity * cdecPrice;
public void accumulateTotals()
cdecTotalPrice += cdecExtendedPrice;
cintTotalCount += 1;
public static void resetTotals()
cdecTotalPrice = 0;
cintTotalCount = 0;
}//end of Class
}//end of namespace
namespace CS8
public class clsCustomer
//declare class variables
private string cstrName;
private string cstrStreet;
private string cstrCity;
private string cstrState;
private string cstrZip;
//declare constructors
public clsCustomer()
public clsCustomer(string strName,
string strStreet, string strCity,
string strState, string strZip)
this.Name = cstrName;
this.Street = cstrStreet;
this.City = cstrCity;
this.State = cstrState;
this.Zip = cstrZip;
public string Name
return cstrName;
cstrName = value;
public string Street
return cstrStreet;
cstrStreet = value;
public string City
return cstrCity;
cstrCity = value;
public string State
return cstrState;
cstrState = value;
public string Zip
return cstrZip;
cstrZip = value;
Any assistance would be very much appreciated...
Use parameters, not class fields:
public clsOrder(string strDescription,
int intQuantity, decimal decPrice)
this.Description = strDescription;
this.Quantity = intQuantity;
this.Price = decPrice;
public clsCustomer(string strName,
string strStreet, string strCity,
string strState, string strZip)
this.Name = strName;
this.Street = strStreet;
this.City = strCity;
this.State = strState;
this.Zip = strZip;
I have a customer object class:
public class customerObject
private string _address1;
private string _address2;
private string _address3;
private string _category;
private string _country;
private string _county;
private string _custcode;
private string _fullname;
private string _int_rep_hou;
private string _int_rep_key;
private double _lat;
private double _lng;
private string _postcode;
private string _rep_code;
private string _telephone;
public customerObject()
public string Address1
get { return _address1; }
set { _address1 = value; }
public string Address2
return _address2;
set { _address2 = value; }
public string Address3 { get { return _address3; } set { _address3 = value; } }
public string Category
get { return _category; }
set { _category = value; }
public string Country { get { return _country; } set { _country = value; } }
public string County { get { return _county; } set { _county = value; } }
public string Custcode
get { return _custcode; }
set { _custcode = value; }
public string Fullname
get { return _fullname; }
set { _fullname = value; }
public string Int_rep_hou
get { return _int_rep_hou; }
set { _int_rep_hou = value; }
public string Int_rep_key
get { return _int_rep_key; }
set { _int_rep_key = value; }
public double Lat { get { return _lat; } set { _lat = value; } }
public double Lng { get { return _lng; } set { _lng = value; } }
public string Postcode { get { return _postcode; } set { _postcode = value; } }
public string Rep_code
get { return _rep_code; }
set { Rep_code = value; }
public string Telephone { get { return _telephone; } set { _telephone = value; }
I have a CustomCollections class
public class CustomerCollection
public List<customerObject> Customers { get; set; }
My method that loops through dt rows and converts to a customer object
public List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection> dolist(DataTable temptablename)
//Create Collection Object
Valueobjects.CustomerCollection Collection = new Valueobjects.CustomerCollection();
foreach (DataRow row in temptablename.Rows)
//Create Customer Object
Valueobjects.customerObject Customer = new Valueobjects.customerObject();
//set values of customer object
Customer.Rep_code = "";
Customer.Int_rep_key = "";
Customer.Int_rep_hou = "";
Customer.Fullname = row["Fullname"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Custcode = row["Custcode"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Category = row["Category"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Address1 = row["Address1"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Address2 = row["Address2"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Address3 = row["Address3"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Postcode = row["Postcode"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Country = row["Country"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Telephone = row["Telephone"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(row["Lat"]);
Customer.Lng = Convert.ToDouble(row["Lng"]);
Customer.County = row["County"].ToString().Trim();
//add to the collection (list)
temptablename = null;
return Collection;
However when I create a new Customer object and a new CustomerCollection object I am getting an error when adding the customer to the collection list.
Error 32 Cannot implicitly convert type
'Classes.Valueobjects.CustomerCollection' to
Your method is returning a List<CustomerCollection>:
public List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection> dolist(DataTable temptablename)
But the code is trying to return a CustomerCollection:
return Collection;
Just as the error says, these two types are different.
If a CustomerCollection is already a collection of customers, then semantically what is a List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection>? A collection of collections? It seems like you're over-pluralizing your objects :)
There are two approaches here. Either return a CustomerCollection from the method:
public CustomerCollection dolist(DataTable temptablename)
Or use a List<Customer> if you want to use generic lists as your collection containers:
public List<Customer> dolist(DataTable temptablename)
var Collection = new List<Customer>();
return Collection;
Side note: You may want to stick to C# conventions for variable naming. As you can see from the code highlighting here on Stack Overflow, your variable names can easily be mistaken for classes/types, which can cause confusion when supporting the code.
Return a CustomerCollection instead of a List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection>:
public Valueobjects.CustomerCollection Dolist(DataTable temptablename)
// ...
Your object has a list, it is not a list.
MSDN: Inheritance
Here is the thing, I have a problem creating a new object using the remote mechanism "marshal by value".
Here is my class:
internal class Empleado_MBV
public Empleado_MBV()
Id = 123456789;
Nombres = "NotEntry";
Apellidos = "NotEntry";
FechaNacimiento = DateTime.MinValue;
Direccion = "NotEntry";
Metapreferencias = "NotEntry";
private List<Multas> _multas;
internal List<Multas> Multas
get { return _multas; }
set { _multas = value; }
private int _id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }
private string _nombres;
public string Nombres
get { return _nombres; }
set { _nombres = value; }
private string _apellidos;
public string Apellidos
get { return _apellidos; }
set { _apellidos = value; }
private DateTime _FecNac;
public DateTime FechaNacimiento
get { return _FecNac; }
set { _FecNac = value; }
private string _direccion;
public string Direccion
get { return _direccion; }
set { _direccion = value; }
private string _metapreferencias;
public string Metapreferencias
get { return _metapreferencias; }
set { _metapreferencias = value; }
public string _AppDomainHost
get { return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName.ToString(); }
But when I try to create an object in another "appdomain", the property "_AppDomainHost" of "Empleado" does not show the "appdomain" I had created, but show the "appdomain" by default. Some ideas?
AppDomain ad1 = AppDomain.CreateDomain("NewAppDomain");
//Crear new object in my new AD.
Empleado_MBV mbv_emp = (Empleado_MBV)ad1.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap("DEMO_MBV_MBR.exe", "DEMO_MBV_MBR.Empleado_MBV");
Console.WriteLine("MBV : {0}",mbv_emp._AppDomainHost.ToString());
MBV : DEMO_MBV_MBR.vshost.exe
The result that I want:
MBV : NewAppDomain
You need to store AppDomain in Empleado_MBV's constructor.
What you are doing right now is displaying current AppDomain using its Current static property. It will return the AppDomain where current code is being executed.
private string _appDomainHost;
public string _AppDomainHost
get { return _appDomainHost; }
and in constructor:
_appDomainHost = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName.ToString();
I've been trying for hours to get many-to-many relationship to save with Castle ActiveRecord. What am I doing wrong? I can't find anything in the documentation or on google. There is data in the database.
Courses have a many to many relationship with Books.
Test code.
Database.Course c = new Database.Course();
c.Number = "CS 433";
c.Name = "Databases";
c.Size = 34;
c.Books = Database.Book.FindAll();
Also doesn't work
foreach(Database.Book b in Database.Book.FindAll()){
Database Classes
public class Course : ActiveRecordValidationBase<Course>
private int? id;
private string number;
private string name;
private string description;
private int size; //number of students in class
private IList books = new ArrayList();
public override string ToString()
return FormattedName;
public string FormattedName
return string.Format("{0} - {1}", Number, Name);
public int? Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
[Property, ValidateNonEmpty]
public string Number
get { return number; }
set { number = value; }
[Property, ValidateNonEmpty]
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public string Description
get { return description; }
set { description = value; }
public int Size
get { return size; }
set { size = value; }
Table = "BookCourse", ColumnKey = "course_id", ColumnRef = "book_id", Inverse = true)]
public IList Books
get { return books; }
set { books = value; }
public class Book : ActiveRecordValidationBase<Book>
private int? id;
private string title;
private string edition;
private string isbn;
private bool is_available_for_order;
private IList authors = new ArrayList();
private IList bookordercount = new ArrayList();
private IList courses = new ArrayList();
private Inventory inventory;
public override string ToString()
return FormattedName;
public string FormattedName
get {
string str;
if (Edition == null || Edition == "")
str = Title;
str = string.Format("{0} ({1})", Title, Edition);
if (Authors.Count != 0)
return string.Format("{0} by {1}", str, FormattedAuthors);
return str;
return Title;
public string FormattedAuthors
if (Authors.Count == 0) return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0, end = Authors.Count;
foreach (Author a in Authors)
if (i != end) sb.Append("; ");
return sb.ToString();
public int? Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
[Property, ValidateNonEmpty]
public string Title
get { return title; }
set { title = value; }
public string Edition
get { return edition; }
set { edition = value; }
[Property, ValidateNonEmpty]
public string Isbn
get { return isbn; }
set { isbn = value; }
public bool IsAvailableForOrder
get { return is_available_for_order; }
set { is_available_for_order = value; }
Table = "BookAuthor", ColumnKey = "book_id", ColumnRef = "author_id")]
public IList Authors
get { return authors; }
set { authors = value; }
[HasMany(typeof(BookOrderCount), Table = "BookOrderCounts", ColumnKey = "BookId")]
public IList BookOrderCount
get { return bookordercount; }
set { bookordercount = value; }
Table = "BookCourse", ColumnKey = "book_id", ColumnRef = "course_id")]
public IList Courses
get { return courses; }
set { courses = value; }
public Inventory Inventory
get { return inventory; }
set { inventory = value; }
Make sure you put the Inverse = true where you want it. From the Castle AR docs,
It is wise to choose one side of the
relation as the owner. The other side,
the non-writable, need to use
Put the Inverse = true on the other side of the relationship, like this:
Table = "BookCourse", ColumnKey = "course_id", ColumnRef = "book_id")]
public IList<Book> Books
Table = "BookCourse", ColumnKey = "book_id", ColumnRef = "course_id", Inverse = true)]
public IList<Course> Courses
You also have to add attributes to the top of both classes - at the moment they don't know what tables they're mapped to. Currently you have this:
public class Course : ActiveRecordBase<Course>
Add this (where "course" is the name of your Course table):
public class Course : ActiveRecordBase<Course>