Method import using Mono.Cecil - c#

Help me please with method import.
I want to weave assembly and inject method call reference from base class defined in the other assembly (in fact it's the assembly where weaving code is defined).
private void InsertCallSetReference()
//Get the load instruction to replace
var ilProcessor = Property.SetMethod.Body.GetILProcessor();
var argumentLoadInstructions = ilProcessor.Body.Instructions.ToList();
MethodReference methodReference = ImportMethod("SetReference");
foreach (var instruction in argumentLoadInstructions)
if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Stfld)
ilProcessor.InsertAfter(instruction, ilProcessor.Create(OpCodes.Call, methodReference));
ilProcessor.InsertAfter(instruction, ilProcessor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_1));
ilProcessor.InsertAfter(instruction, ilProcessor.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, DBFieldName));
ilProcessor.InsertAfter(instruction, ilProcessor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_0));
Method import code works just fine and returns method reference
private MethodReference ImportMethod(string name)
var type = MongoConnectModule.Import(typeof(BaseDataObject));
return MongoConnectModule.Import(type.Resolve().Methods.First(m => m.Name == name));
But after AssemblyDefinition Write call it throws me an error:
error MSB4018: System.ArgumentException: Member 'System.Void
is declared in another module and needs to be imported
_assemblyDefinition.Write(_assemblyPath, new WriterParameters() { WriteSymbols = true, SymbolWriterProvider = debugWriterProvider });
Any idea how I could do that?

I've found the solution.
The reason was really funny.
Module.Import() method must be called from current module we want to modify, not the module where method is defined. It is not clear from original docs.
For example, we want to add some method defined in the Referenced.dll assembly to our Main.dll assembly. Then we have to find main module of our Main.dll assembly and then call MainModule.Import(methodFromReferencedAssembly);


Cannot get types from assembly after ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom

I have consulted code on the website with the title "Loading Assemblies from Anywhere into a New AppDomain" of Marius Bancila, but I tested the error as in the attached picture, currently, I don't know resolve, hope you help, thank you.
Link Code
public class Program
public static void Main()
var project = #"D:\Github\BeyConsPlugin\BeyConsProject\bin\x64\Debug\BeyConsRevitProject.dll";//Path to assembly
var manager = new AssemblyReflectionManager();
var success = manager.LoadAssembly(project, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
if (success)
var result = manager.Reflect(project, (a) =>
return a.GetTypes();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", result.Select(x => x.Name)));
Assembly Resolver not Set
Marius's code has a bug in AssemblyReflectionProxy with regards that the Assembly Resolver is not set if you call LoadAssembly unlike Reflect<> which does.
Depending on how a child app domain is created, when loading assemblies it might only have access to the folder as specified during creation. If you need to assembly probe elsewhere for the assembly or its dependencies you need a Assembly Resolver. When .NET is looking for an assembly for a domain, it will call your handler as specified in the assemblie's ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve event. If not specified or if the resolver fails to locate the assembly, it will bubble up and throw a load fail exception.
I suggest you change the code from:
public class AssemblyReflectionProxy : MarshalByRefObject
private string _assemblyPath;
public void LoadAssembly(String assemblyPath)
_assemblyPath = assemblyPath;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
// Continue loading assemblies even if an assembly
// cannot be loaded in the new AppDomain.
public class AssemblyReflectionProxy : MarshalByRefObject
private string _assemblyPath;
public void LoadAssembly(String assemblyPath)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve // <---- add me
+= OnReflectionOnlyResolve;
_assemblyPath = assemblyPath;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
// Continue loading assemblies even if an assembly
// cannot be loaded in the new AppDomain.
You can see this in Sacha's original code that on which Marius based his.
Add Provision for Resolve Paths
The other problem with the code is that both assume that when loading one assembly, any dependent assemblies are in the same folder something that may not always be the case.
Alter AssemblyReflectionProxy to include a list of paths in which to probe:
public List<string> ResolvePaths { get; set; }
Then modify OnReflectionOnlyResolve to resemble the following:
private Assembly OnReflectionOnlyResolve(ResolveEventArgs args, DirectoryInfo directory)
Assembly loadedAssembly =
asm => string.Equals(asm.FullName, args.Name,
if (loadedAssembly != null)
return loadedAssembly;
foreach (var tryFolder in ResolvePaths)
var asmName = args.Name.Split(',');
var assemblyPath = Path.Combine(tryFolder, asmName[0] + ".dll");
if (!File.Exists(assemblyPath))
return null;
return Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(assemblyPath);
What's in a name?
Both articles neglected to point out the fine print when using ReflectionOnlyLoad. Though Sacha did at least mention his code was for a "code generator" I can't help but wonder that both articles with their "Loading Assemblies....into a New AppDomain" are perhaps somewhat subject to interpretation.
The aim of ReflectionOnlyLoad is just that - for reflection. If you load an assembly via this method you cannot execute any code in it. Additionally and somewhat surprising at first to most assembly reflector programmers including me is that calling GetCustomAttributes will also fail (because it attempts to "instantiate" types in the assembly).
If you are writng your own plug-in system in which each plug-in has its own App Domain, the Assembly reflection and load methods are useful for different stages of the plug-in system loading pipeline:
first pass - use ReflectionOnlyLoad as a way to inspect the plug-in to see if it is valid; perhaps you want to run some security checks safe in the knowledge that none of the plug-ins code can run during this phase
second pass - after verifying the plug-in, you can safely Load/LoadFrom the assembly and execute the code

C# load Dll dynamically without finding its dependencies

I read this article, but it doesn't help me.
My goal is to find the class that has custom attributes.
since I don't need any instance or use codes, is there a way to load DLL file and search what I want in code, without solving dependencies problem? to lookup codes.
if you going to get all app domain assemblies types you can avoid that issue by catching the ReflectionTypeLoadException:
public static class AssemblyExtension
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetLoadableTypes(this Assembly assembly)
if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));
return assembly.GetTypes();
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
return e.Types.Where(t => t != null);
you can use it like so:
var types = (from domainAssembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(x => !x.IsDynamic)
from assemblyType in domainAssembly.GetLoadableTypes()
select assemblyType);
if you targeting an assembly you want to load it without loading its dependencies use one of overloads:
as documented here: How to: Load Assemblies into the Reflection-Only Context
Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(/*your appropriate parameter assembly name or something else*/);

How to figure out dynamically all methods with custom attribute

I have a simple challenge. I dynamically need to figure out all methods with a specific attribute in C#. I'm going to load the assemblies dynamically from another application and need to find out the exact methods. The assemblies look like the followings:
Class Base
public void method1()
Class Derived:Base
public void method2()
Now in 3rd application I dynamically like to load the above mentioned dlls and find out testmethods.
If I load Base.dll, I need to get testmethod1. If I load Drived.dll, should I get testmethod1 and testmethod2.
I found some code online which helped me to load dlls dynamically:
List<Assembly> a = new List<Assembly>();
string bin = #"Bin-Folder";
DirectoryInfo oDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(bin);
//Check the directory exists
if (oDirectoryInfo.Exists)
//Foreach Assembly with dll as the extension
foreach (FileInfo oFileInfo in oDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
Assembly tempAssembly = null;
//Before loading the assembly, check all current loaded assemblies in case talready loaded
//has already been loaded as a reference to another assembly
//Loading the assembly twice can cause major issues
foreach (Assembly loadedAssembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
//Check the assembly is not dynamically generated as we are not interested in these
if (loadedAssembly.ManifestModule.GetType().Namespace != "System.Reflection.Emit")
//Get the loaded assembly filename
string sLoadedFilename =
loadedAssembly.CodeBase.Substring(loadedAssembly.CodeBase.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
//If the filenames match, set the assembly to the one that is already loaded
if (sLoadedFilename.ToUpper() == oFileInfo.Name.ToUpper())
tempAssembly = loadedAssembly;
//If the assembly is not aleady loaded, load it manually
if (tempAssembly == null)
tempAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(oFileInfo.FullName);
The above code is working fine and I can load the DLLs. However when I use the following code to find out the right method, it doesn't return any desired results. I'm wondering which part is not correct. The following code lists about 145 methods but non of them is one which I'm looking for.
public static List<string> GetTests(Type testClass)
MethodInfo[] methodInfos = testClass.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
delegate(MethodInfo methodInfo1, MethodInfo methodInfo2)
{ return methodInfo1.Name.CompareTo(methodInfo2.Name); });
foreach (MethodInfo mi in methodInfos)
foreach (var item in mi.GetCustomAttributes(false))
(item.ToString().CompareTo("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute") == 0)
return result;
Can any one help me with this issue?
I'm not sure why but I tried to instantiate objects from above mentioned classes (Base and Derived) and the above mentioned code returns the right results. However as mentioned above if I don't have an object from base and derived classes and try to figure out the methods based on the types, it doesn't return the desired results.
The simplest approach is to use MethodInfo.IsDefined - quite possibly with LINQ as well:
var testMethods = from assembly in assemblies
from type in assembly.GetTypes()
from method in type.GetMethods()
where method.IsDefined(typeof(TestMethodAttribute))
select method;
foreach (var method in testMethods)
(I'd do all the sorting with LINQ as well. Obviously you can tune the GetMethods call etc to only return instance methods, for example.)
It's not entirely clear to me why your current approach doesn't work or why it does work when you've created instances - but without a short but complete example demonstrating the problem, it would be hard to diagnose it further. I'd definitely start with the code above :)

How to find dll files containing nunit tests

I have a folder with many dlls. One of them contains nunit tests (functions marked with [Test] attribute). I want to run nunit test from c# code. Is there any way to locate the right dll?
thank you
You can use Assembly.LoadFile method to load a DLL into an Assembly object. Then use the Assembly.GetTypes method to get all the types defined in the assembly. Then using the GetCustomAttributes method you can check if the type is decorated with the [TestFixture] attribute. If you want it quick 'n dirty, you could just call .GetType().ToString() on each attribute and check if the string contains "TestFixtureAttribute".
You can also check for the methods inside each type. Use the method Type.GetMethods to retrieve them, and use GetCustomAttributes on each of them, this time searching for "TestAttribute".
Just in case somebody needs working solution. As you can't unload assemblies, which were loaded this way, it's better to load them in another AppDomain.
public class ProxyDomain : MarshalByRefObject
public bool IsTestAssembly(string assemblyPath)
Assembly testDLL = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath);
foreach (Type type in testDLL.GetTypes())
if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute), true).Length > 0)
return true;
return false;
AppDomainSetup ads = new AppDomainSetup();
ads.PrivateBinPath = Path.GetDirectoryName("C:\\some.dll");
AppDomain ad2 = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AD2", null, ads);
ProxyDomain proxy = (ProxyDomain)ad2.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(ProxyDomain).Assembly.FullName, typeof(ProxyDomain).FullName);
bool isTdll = proxy.IsTestAssembly("C:\\some.dll");

Invoking Method on Object Instantiated From DLL

I am having some trouble with assemblies and DLL's.
instrument_ is declared as an object and I'm creating an instance of "PP150" from the dll whose path is specified by path_.
string className = ContineoProperties.getSingleton().getClassName(path_);
assembly_ = Assembly.LoadFrom(path_);
Type classType = assembly_.GetType("Instrument." + className);
instrument_ = Activator.CreateInstance(classType);
Later I to call the method isntrument_.instrumentCommand(cmd.getCommandName())
The error I get is with when i call the method.
'object' does not contain a definition for 'instrumentCommand'
The isntrument_ is created fine. its just the method call that's giving me a problem. The method does exist in the "PP150.dll". Do I need some DLLImport to allow it to recognize it as a function?
If object type is not known in compile time,
To call a method defined on an object, you must use Reflection.
MethodInfo mInfo = classType.GetMethod("instrumentCommand");
mInfo.Invoke(instrument_, new Object[] { _parameters});
The compiler is never going to recognize the methods on a type that you are loading via reflection (e.g. using Assembly.GetType() and Activator.CreateInstance()). Unless you have the type metadata available at build time, you will always get that error if you try to call methods that are not defined on Object itself.
You have two options for making that kind of method call. Both of them require you to give up type safety, the only difference is the amount of work required. In both cases, if you make a mistake, the compiler will not tell you -- you will get a runtime exception instead.
Declare instrument_ as dynamic instead of object. This, obviously, only works in .NET 4.0, but it accomplishes exactly what you're trying to do. The method call will be dispatched at runtime, so as long as the instance that instrument_ references actually has a method call with the appropriate name, it will work.
Use reflection to call the method. You're already using reflection to load the type, so you are halfway there. You would need to add something like this:
// The array of types is the parameter list; assuming instrumentCommand takes
// a string it would look like this:
MethodInfo method = classType.GetMethod("instrumentCommand", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
method.Invoke(instrument_, new object[] { cmd.getCommandName() });
This happens because Activator.CreateInstance returns an object. I would create a separate DLL for the interface which is implemented by the class you want to instantiate. Both the DLL containing this class, and the executable should reference the DLL containing the interface. This way you could cast the object returned by Activator.CreateInstance to the interface, and call its methods:
interface IInstrument
void instrumentCommand(string cmd);
Instrument.dll (add IInstrument.dll as reference):
class Instrument : IInstrument
public void instrumentCommand(string cmd)
// ... implementation ...
InstrumentApp.exe (add IInstrument.dll as reference):
class Program
public static void Main()
// ... load Instrument.dll into assembly object ...
// ... load the type from the assembly ...
IInstrument instrument_ = (IInstrument)Activator.CreateInstance(classType);
The most simple thing would be to link agains PP150.
If you did link against the dll you must use Assembly.LoadFile or Assembly.Load and not LoadFrom because the last one will cause the assembly load to load your assembly in the LoadFrom loader context which will alter type identity.
Suppose you load the Type T from Assembly A via LoadFrom and you link against A as well.
object CreateTypeFrom()
var A = Assembly.LoadFrom(#"xxxx");
return A.CreateInstance("T");
void Test()
object t = CreateTypeFrom();
T RealT = new T(); // no prob
T Castedt = (T)t; // this will throw an InvalidCastException
T isNull = t as T; // this will result in a null instance
As you can see although you did create two times an instance of T they cannot be casted to due to different loader context which will make the type pretty useless.
To get rid of these things you could simply use Reflection to create a proxy type which will forward your calls to the proxy type. If you are using .NET 4 you can take advantage of the DLR to find the best matching methods at runtime. The code below creats a Version object and returns it as dynamic object. Then I do call the Major property to an integer and print it out to console. This does work with no exceptions nor compile time errors if you are using .NET 4 or later.
dynamic CreateTypeFrom()
var assembly = typeof(string).Assembly;
return assembly.CreateInstance("System.Version", true, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, null, null);
public void Test()
var t = CreateTypeFrom();
int major = t.Major;
