C# Duration or Length of a media file (Metro) - c#

I'm trying to create a media player for the Windows Store. I am using MediaElement to play the file, but I would also like to be able to load multiple songs/videos in a playlist and to display the title of the media file and the length of the file in seconds.
Something like that:
TimeSpan duration = GetFileDuration(mFile.PathToFile);
int durationOfFileInSeconds = GetFileDuration(mFile.PathToFile);
How can I do that ? I tried a lot of methods but they don't work because I'm trying do develop for Windows Store. I tried:
Shell() and GetDetailsOf()
many other solutions that I find online
I've also tried to create a new page with a MediaElement just to load files in the MediaElement but the MediaElement.MediaOpened or the MediaElement.MediaFailed events are never fired and while ((mPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan == new TimeSpan())) ; would run indefinitely.
Really need some help with this. I've seen media players on the Windows Store that can display the duration of the file, so it's possible. I just don't know how.


(c#) Playing and controlling multiple sound files using DirectShow

I have very little experience with DirectShow, so far I have managed paly a .wav file over a particular output device while being able to control its volume and get/set its track-position. Basically I’m able to create a very simple sound player application.
Here is the code I’m currently using:
//select an output device
DsDevice[] devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AudioRendererCategory
DsDevice device = (DsDevice)devices[xxx];
//define a source
Guid iid = typeof(IBaseFilter).GUID;
object source = null;
device.Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out source);
//build a basic graph to play the sound
IGraphBuilder player_gra = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph();
player_gra.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)source, "Audio Render");
player_gra.RenderFile(#"test.wav", "");
//start the sound
(player_gra as IMediaControl).Run();
//control the volume
(player_gra as IBasicAudio).put_Volume(volume);
//get/set position on the track
(player_gra as IMediaPosition).get_Duration(out out1);//how long the track is
(player_gra as IMediaPosition).get_CurrentPosition(out out2);
(player_gra as IMediaPosition).put_CurrentPosition(yyy);
What I would like to do now is to play several .wav files simultaneously while being able to control the volume and track-position of each file at runtime.
My first attempt was to create several IGraphBuilder instances and run them at the same time but it seem that only one can play at the same time while the others wait until the currently playing one is terminated via:
My second attempt was to give the IGraphBuilder several Files to render before starting it.
player_gra.RenderFile(#"testA.wav", "");
player_gra.RenderFile(#"testB.wav", "");
player_gra.RenderFile(#"testC.wav", "");
This way the files are played simultaneously but I see no way to control the volume of each individual sound, much less its position on the audio track.
Thank you in advance ;-)
In these lines
DsDevice[] devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AudioRendererCategory);
DsDevice device = (DsDevice)devices[0];
you enumerate audio output devices and pick the first "random" device which appears to be Default WaveOut Device or one of its instances.
It has a legacy behavior that only one active instance is actually sending data to playback. There is no fundamental limitation in the system to prevent from simultaneous plyback, it is just legacy behavior.
That is, you have both graph playing but audio from the second is muted.
Audio mixing is disabled in the waveOut Audio Renderer, so if you need to mix multiple audio streams during playback, use the DirectSound renderer.
If you use Default DirectSound Device instead (which you can quickly pick up by using different index in device[NNN] in code) you'll hear what you expect to hear.
DirectShow.NET does the enumeration somehow confusingly, Default DirectSound Device normally has highest merit and is listed first and you seem to be given devices in different order.

Modify the duration of a video in Windows Media Player

for a new project, I used the Windows Media Player component. It should play a Livestream and this works fine for me, but after 10s the stream loads again and begins at 0 seconds (just like a 10s video clip).
There are two solutions I can see, but I don't know a way for them. The code itself is pretty simple.
private void tbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tvplayer.currentPlaylist.name = "TV-Stream";
tvplayer.URL = (stream-url);
The first would be to "let the player know" that the video source is a stream and not a video, but I don't know how I should do that.
The second solution would be to modify the duration of the "video", the Media Player plays to... maybe two hours or 24 hours. I know this is somehow possible as I read about it in the Metafile Elements Reference (https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/dd564668(v=vs.85).aspx), anyway, I don't see how.
Can someone give me a hint how I could do that?
I tried both HLS and HDS versions of the livestream, there is no difference. The problem is the same. The stream itself has a H.264 MP4-format.
I guess the problem is that the livestream is loaded in 10s-segments.

Xaml MediaElement does not play .mov video from internet

I want to play live video stream from internet providing an url to MediaElement xaml control. Everything work's fine if the video is .mp4. But if the video was taken on iphone and saved as .mov then MediaElement show's nothing and only loading event is fired. (~5min after download completed other events firing too)
Here MediaElement initialisation:
MediaElement media = new MediaElement();
media.MediaFailed += Media_MediaFailed;
media.PartialMediaFailureDetected += Media_PartialMediaFailureDetected;
media.MediaOpened += Media_MediaOpened;
media.DownloadProgressChanged += Media_DownloadProgressChanged;
media.Loading += Media_Loading;
media.MediaEnded += Media_MediaEnded;
media.Source = new Uri(URL);
If download video manually via HttpClient and then provide Stream.AsRamdomAccessStream() to MediaElement, video starts playing immediately. It seems like MediaElement does not support live streaming for .mov/quicktime videos. Is it true?
Unfortunately, mov is not supported by the built-in MediaElement control.
mov video type is proprietary format by Apple Inc. for the QuickTime player, which means it will probably never be supported natively.
The complete list of supported formats and codecs is here on MSDN.
Edit: It seems the MediaElement control can actually use installed codecs on the PC to play directly unsupported formats, including mov.
The real problem was in the order of container atoms. As explained here
In order to start playing a movie file right away its metadata contained in the "moov" atom is paramount to the player. If the movie file atoms are ordered as previously described everything work as expected...but most video editors (ffmpeg, quicktime, flash video) generate atoms in the wrong order (as seen on the right): With the "moov" atom last.
And provided solution:
The only solution is to fix those files and reorder the atoms inside. This can be done:
Oldskool way using some C code from FFMPEG's qt-faststart.c. The code moves the "moov" atom at the top of the file and update all the "stco" sub-atoms pointers by adding the proper offset.
Using iOS AV Foundation framework and a few lines of Objective-C (you can also convert from MOV to MP4 since Android cannot read MOV):
#import <AVFoundation/AVAsset.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVAssetExportSession.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVMediaFormat.h>
+ (void) convertVideoToMP4AndFixMooV: (NSString*)filename toPath:(NSString*)outputPath
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:finename];
AVAsset *avAsset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:url options:nil];
AVAssetExportSession *exportSession = [AVAssetExportSession
exportSession.outputURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:outputPath];
exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeAppleM4V;
// This should move the moov atom before the mdat atom,
// hence allow playback before the entire file is downloaded
exportSession.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = YES;
[exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:
if (AVAssetExportSessionStatusCompleted == exportSession.status) {}
else if (AVAssetExportSessionStatusFailed == exportSession.status) {
NSLog(#"Export Session Status: %d", exportSession.status);
As I also developing an iOS client, this solved my issue.

Playlist Create and PLay in C#

So I am trying to add a music player to my web browser so users can play music in it from a specific folder in it's app data folder ("\AppData\Roaming\MantouWeb360\MWP360")
I was looking around a came accross a solution here
The user can select files (multiple ones too) which is then added to a playlist and then played.
However I am not so experienced at C# and VS doesn't recognise the wmp.playlistCollection.newPlaylist("myplaylist"); part of the code (and the following code using the wmp. part). This must mean there was code outside the example defining wmp. but I do not know what it is. Any way to get this code to work so that users can play music from their selected files on my web browser or is there possibly a better way which copies the music to the folder I said above and plays them in order (loop at the end of the last file) so that the user does not need to keep selecting files?
WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist playlist = wmp.playlistCollection.newPlaylist("myplaylist");
WMPLib.IWMPMedia media;
if (ofdSong.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
foreach (string file in ofdSong.FileNames)
media = wmp.newMedia(file);
wmp.currentPlaylist = playlist;

Issue with getting the duration of an audio file using the MediaPlayer class

I'm working with some Audio files in my app (mp3, wav, ..etc)
I was using the MediaPlayer class from the System.Windows.Media namespace..
but I had some problems with computing the duration of the sound file,
my form is actually a small media player, it has a TrackBar a ComboBox
and the normal next, previous and play buttons ..
I used this code to get the duration of the sound file to determine the maximum value of the track bar:
private void MusicComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Windows.Duration duration = Player.NaturalDuration;
SeekBar.Value = 0;
Player.Open(new Uri(soundEffectPackage.GetMusicAt(MusicComboBox.SelectedIndex)));
SeekBar.Maximum = duration.TimeSpan.Seconds;
This is working fine with only some of the files,
while other files don't have a TimeSpan so the if isn't getting executed, and if i removed the if, I'll get an exception saying that I should check first to see if the HasTimeSpan is true, then moving on.
How can i fix this?
How can i get the duration of the audio file ?
And what do they mean by a time span ?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you :)
According This
You need to wait for MediaOpened event to fire, NaturalDuration will be available after that. To check if value is available, you can use NaturalDuration.HasTimeSpan property.
but the best chose for working with audio and video file is "Fmod.dll".this have a lot of Privilege to work with audio file
