Create expression function from MethodInfo with unknown signature - c#

I am looking to create a cachable lambda expression just from a methodinfo object retrieved via Type.GetMethod() without coding a typed cast of the function.
I have gotten everthing to work except for the cast from an compiled expression to an typed invokable function.
var parameters = Array.ConvertAll(method.GetParameters(), input => Expression.Parameter(input.ParameterType));
var instanceExp = Expression.Constant(_implementation);
var call = Expression.Call(instanceExp, method, parameters);
var exp = Expression.Lambda(call, parameters).Compile();
What is missing is:
Func<T1,T2,T3> castExp = (Func<T1,T2,T3>)exp;
What I would like to do is cast to a function with a specific number of parameters without specifying the specic type:
Func<object,object,object> castExp = (Func<object,object,object>)exp;
This way I could call exp(o1, o2, o3) without ever coding the types of o1 etc.
But there is a runtime error casting a function of type Func to Func.
How can I cast the function to some form of func<,,> that allows for passing parameters of unspecified type?
(Btw.: It is not an option to change the signature of the methods which are to be called.)

-1I have partially solved the issue I had.
What I was able to do is create expressions for methods of unknown signature if the method does not use in/out/ref parameters. In that case I had to fall back to the MethodInfo.Invoke call.
private object CallMethod(MethodInfo method, object obj, object[] parameters) {
// Methods with void as return must be cast to Action instead of Function
var voidMethod = voidMethod = method.ReturnType == typeof(void);
// Methods with ref parameters can be called but the parameters won't work.
var refMethod = Array.FindAll(method.GetParameters(), info => info.ParameterType.IsByRef;
var paramExprs = getParamExpr(method);
var paramTypes = getParamTypes(method, paramExprs);
var instanceExp = Expression.Convert(paramExprs[0], method.DeclaringType);
Expression call = null;
if (voidMethod) {
call = Expression.Call(instanceExp, method, paramTypes);
} else {
call = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(instanceExp, method, paramTypes), typeof(object));
exp = Expression.Lambda(call, paramExprs).Compile();
if (voidMethod) {
switch (method.GetParameters().Length) {
case 0:
case 1:
((Action<object, object>)exp)(_obj, parameters[0]);
// Continue here with more case statements.
} else {
switch (method.GetParameters().Length) {
case 0:
result = ((Func<object, object>)exp)(_obj);
case 1:
result = ((Func<object, object, object>)exp)(_obj, parameters[0]);
// Continue here with more case statements
// Error handling omited
return result;
private List<ParameterExpression> getParamExpr(MethodInfo method) {
var list = new List<ParameterExpression>();
list.Add(Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "obj"));
list.AddRange(Array.ConvertAll(method.GetParameters(), input => Expression.Parameter(typeof(object))));
return list;
private List<Expression> getParamTypes(MethodInfo method, List<ParameterExpression> inList) {
var list = new List<Expression>();
var methParams = method.GetParameters();
// Skip the first item as this is the object on which the method is called.
input => Expression.Convert(
methParams[inList.IndexOf(input)-1].ParameterType.FullName.Replace("&", string.Empty)))));
return list;
I hope it is complete as I have left out a lot of boilerplate for error handling etc.
The expression object can be cached but have to go through the casting everytime you want to call them.

I'm not 100% sure what you want to do but you could create a function that will return your altered function:
Func<T1, T2, T3> GetAlteredFunction<T1, T2, T3>(Func<T1, T2, T3> func)
//execute your logic and return the result
so then you can call
Func<object,object,object> castExp = GetAlteredFunction(exp);


c# Call delegate with runtime generic types

I have a delegate that I have created in runtime because I don't know its parameter types in design time. The code is the following:
var delegMethodType = typeof(Func<,,,>).MakeGenericType(type1, type2, type3, returnType);
As you can see I'm using Func<,,,> to represent Func<T1, T2, T3, TReturn>. It works perfectly.
After that, I create my delegate in this way:
var deleg = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegMethodType, obj, methodInfo);
Where "delegMethodType" is the type for the delegate that I created before, "obj" is the object that receives the call, and "methodInfo" is the reflection method for "obj". This works perfectly.
Now, I need to call the delegate but due to "Delegate.CreateDelegate" returns a basic delegate, I cannot call it with the parameters:
// due to this delegate was created in runtime VS.NET doesn't recognize
// that the delegate allows three parameters and returns a value
var result = deleg(val1, val2, val3);
I can use the delegate with "deleg.DynamicInvoke()" but it's slow than calling the delegate with its parameters.
How I can call this delegate with three parameters and get its return value?
It's possible to just invoke the methodInfo directly, or somewhat more complicatedly use the Linq Expressions library to create a Func<object,object,...> that can be invoked that does all of the required casts.
Note that I am assuming that you do know the number of parameters at compile time, as your question indicates with the Func<,,,> usage.
It's a bit involved, but basically comes down to using Expression.Lambda(...).Compile() to create the final func that will be invoked, Expression.Convert() to cast from objects to the actual types so that Expression.Call() can be used to call the method on objects with the correct types from our object Expression.Parameters
This example shows how to implement both approaches.
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace SO
class SO69847110
public TR fn<T1,T2,T3,TR>(T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3)
if(typeof(TR) == typeof(string))
return (TR)(object)"Hello World";
return default(TR);
static void Main(string[] args)
var returnType = typeof(string);
var paramType = typeof(int);
var delegMethodType = typeof(Func<,,,>).
var methodInfo = typeof(SO69847110).GetMethod("fn")
var obj = new SO69847110();
//var deleg = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegMethodType, obj, methodInfo);
var methodInfoInvoke = methodInfo.Invoke(obj, new object[] { 0, 1, 2 });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var param3 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var convertedParameterExpressions =
new Expression[]
var expressed = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object, object>>(
Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(obj), obj.GetType()),
parameters: new[]
var expressedInvoked = expressed.Invoke(obj, 0, 1, 2);
If you want to call the same function for multiple objects, then you can also make the subject a Func parameter too - just make it a separate Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)) at the start, include that parameter instead of the Expression.Constant and also include in the list of parameters for Expression.Lambda. Then also pass in the subject as a parameter when invoking.

How to create FUNC Action List with Parameters and Return Values

I am trying to create my first list of actions that I will be able to check a status within the passed object.
But I can't get it to work - its giving me an error on the return type. But if I change the return type to what it wants - then I can't pass values down.
Sample code:
public class Class1
public Main()
var decisionObject = new DecisionObject();
var decisionList = new List<Func<DecisionObject, DecisionObject>>
var exitLoop = false;
foreach (var method in decisionList)
decisionObject = method(decisionObject);
switch (decisionObject.Status)
case Status1:
exitLoop = true;
case Status2:
case Status3:
case Status4:
if (exitLoop) break;
public Func<DecisionObject, DecisionObject> Method1(DecisionObject
decisionObject = SomeOtherMethod(decisionObject);
return decisionObject;
What am I missing here?
If I'm not mistaken, Method1,Method2, and Method3 are simply supposed to accept a decision object and return a different one. So they would be defined like this (hopefully this is straightforward to you):
DecisionObject Method1(DecisionObject input)
var output = SomeMethod(input);
return output;
You then want to put all these methods into a list and execute them. To put them into a list, put the method names in the code without parentheses. That tells C# that you want a reference to the method itself, rather than the result of invoking the method.
var decisionList = new List<Func<DecisionObject, DecisionObject>>
Method1, //Do not invoke-- just store a reference to the method
You can then invoke them by passing the decision object in:
foreach (var func in decisionList)
var result = func(decisionObject);
The key thing here to remember is that when you put parentheses after a symbol, it tells C# to invoke it. So don't put parentheses if all you want is a reference to the method itself.
decisionObject = SomeOtherMethod(decisionObject)
Isn't probably returning a func but a value.
You could do this:
public Func<DecisionObject, DecisionObject> Method1()
var myFunc = (myObject) => SomeOtherMethod(myObject);
return myFunc;
That will create and returns a new func that expects one parameter and invokes SomeOtherMethod.
Please note that the parameter of Method1 isn't needed in this approach and so I removed it.

Linq.Expression TryCatch - Pass exception to Catch Block?

So I've been tinkering with Linq.Expressions (and if anyone can suggest a more proper or more elegant way to do what I'm doing please feel free to chime in) and have hit a wall in trying to do something.
Let's imagine we have a simple math class:
public class SimpleMath {
public int AddNumbers(int number1, int number2) {
return number1 + number2;
I decide I want to convert our AddNumbers method to a simple Func<object, object, object> delegate.
To do this I do the following:
// Two collections, one for Type Object paramaters and one for converting to Type int.
List<ParameterExpression> parameters = new List<ParameterExpression>();
List<Expression> convertedParameters = new List<Expression>();
// Populate collections with Parameter and conversion
ParameterExpression parameter1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
convertedParameters.Add(Expression.Convert(parameter1, typeof(int)));
ParameterExpression parameter2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
convertedParameters.Add(Expression.Convert(parameter2, typeof(int)));
// Create instance of SimpleMath
SimpleMath simpleMath = new SimpleMath();
// Get the MethodInfo for the AddNumbers method
MethodInfo addNumebrsMethodInfo = simpleMath.GetType().GetMethods().Where(x => x.Name == "AddNumbers").ToArray()[0];
// Create MethodCallExpression using the SimpleMath object, the MethodInfo of the method we want and the converted parameters
MethodCallExpression returnMethodWithParameters = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(simpleMath), addNumebrsMethodInfo, convertedParameters);
// Convert the MethodCallExpression to return an Object rather than int
UnaryExpression returnMethodWithParametersAsObject = Expression.Convert(returnMethodWithParameters, typeof(object));
// Create the Func<object, object, object> with our converted Expression and Parameters of Type Object
Func<object, object, object> func = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object>>(returnMethodWithParametersAsObject, parameters).Compile();
object result = func(20, 40); // result = 60
So if you run that code func should return simple calculations. However, it accepts parameters of Type Object, which obviously leaves it open to problems at runtime, for example:
object result1 = func(20, "f"); // Throws InvalidCastException
So I want to wrap the method in a Try...Catch (obviously this exact problem would be picked up at compile time if we were dealing with a straight call to AddNumbers and passing a string as a parameter).
So to catch this exception I can do the following:
TryExpression tryCatchMethod = TryExpression.TryCatch(returnMethodWithParametersAsObject, Expression.Catch(typeof(InvalidCastException), Expression.Constant(55, typeof(object))));
Func<object, object, object> func = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object>>(tryCatchMethod, parameters).Compile();
object result = func(20, "f"); // result = 55
The TryExpression.TryCatch takes an Expression body and then a collection of CatchBlock handlers. returnMethodWithParametersAsObject is the expression we wish to wrap, Expression.Catch defines that the Exception we want to catch is of Type InvalidCastException and its Expression body is a constant, 55.
So the exception is handled, but it's not much use unless I want to always return a static value when the exception is thrown. So returning to the SimpleMath class I add a new method HandleException:
public class SimpleMath {
public int AddNumbers(int number1, int number2) {
return number1 + number2;
public int HandleException() {
return 100;
And following the same process above I convert the new method to an Expression:
MethodInfo handleExceptionMethodInfo = simpleMath.GetType().GetMethods().Where(x => x.Name == "HandleException").ToArray()[0];
MethodCallExpression returnMethodWithParameters2 = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(simpleMath), handleExceptionMethodInfo);
UnaryExpression returnMethodWithParametersAsObject2 = Expression.Convert(returnMethodWithParameters2, typeof(object));
Then using it when creating the TryCatch block:
TryExpression tryCatchMethod2 = TryExpression.TryCatch(returnMethodWithParametersAsObject, Expression.Catch(typeof(InvalidCastException), returnMethodWithParametersAsObject2));
Func<object, object, object> func = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object>>(tryCatchMethod2, parameters).Compile();
object result = func(20, "f"); // result = 100
So this time when the InvalidCastException is thrown the SimpleMath.HandleException method will be executed. So far so good, I can now execute some code when there is an exception.
My problem now is, in a normal inline Try...Catch block you actually have the exception object at your disposal. E.g.
try {
// Do stuff that causes an exception
} catch (InvalidCastException ex) {
// Do stuff with InvalidCastException ex
I can execute code when an exception is thrown but I can't seem to figure out how to actually get my hands on the exception object like you would in a normal Try...Catch block.
Any help would be appreciated!
p.s. I know that you wouldn't actually organise anything in the way I've done above but I thought it was necessary for example purposes to show the mechanics of what I want to do.
You need to pass your catched exception to CatchBlock expression as parameter.
For this you should do:
Change signature of HandleException. It will takes a exception as argument:
public int HandleException(InvalidCastException exp)
// Put here some real logic. I tested it using line below
return 100;
Use CatchBlock.Variable to pass your handled exception into catch block. You can set it use constructor. Read comment in the code below:
// Create parameter that will be passed to catch block
var excepParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(InvalidCastException));
MethodInfo handleExceptionMethodInfo = simpleMath.GetType().GetMethods().Where(x => x.Name == "HandleException").ToArray()[0];
MethodCallExpression returnMethodWithParameters2 = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(simpleMath), handleExceptionMethodInfo, excepParam);
UnaryExpression returnMethodWithParametersAsObject2 = Expression.Convert(returnMethodWithParameters2, typeof(object));
// Put created parameter before to CatchBlock.Variable using Expression.Catch
// that takes the first argument as ParameterExpression
TryExpression tryCatchMethod2 = TryExpression.TryCatch(returnMethodWithParametersAsObject, Expression.Catch(excepParam, returnMethodWithParametersAsObject2));
var exppp = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object>>(tryCatchMethod2, parameters);
Func<object, object, object> func2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object>>(tryCatchMethod2, parameters).Compile();
object result2 = func2(20, "f"); // result = 100
#GeorgeAlexandria's answer is fully correct. But I found it very hard work to decode it all when I came to do the same thing.
Perhaps the following code (written as 2 helper methods), will help the next person who needs to do something like this ...
private Expression WrapActionExpressionIn_Try_Catch_ThrowNewMessage(Expression coreExpression, string newMessage)
Expression.Constant(new Exception(newMessage))
private Expression WrapActionExpressionIn_Try_Catch_RethrowWithAdditionalMessage(Expression coreExpression, string additionalMessage)
var caughtExceptionParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Exception));
//We want to call `new Exception(additionalMessage, caughtException)`
var ctorForExceptionWithMessageAndInnerException = typeof(Exception).GetConstructor(new[] {typeof(string), typeof(Exception)});
var replacementExceptionExpresion = Expression.New(ctorForExceptionWithMessageAndInnerException, Expression.Constant(additionalMessage), caughtExceptionParameter);
Expression.Throw( replacementExceptionExpresion )
These two methods both start from a premise of "we already have an Expression representing an Action<TInstance> that we are about to invoke. And now we want to add a try-catch around that Action."
Without the Try-Catch, we would have done:
Action finalLamda = Expression.Lambda<Action<TInstance>>(actionExpression, instanceExpression).Compile();
now we do:
var actionWithTryCatchExpression = WrapActionExpressionIn_Try_Catch_RethrowWithAdditionalMessage(actionExpression);
Action finalLamda = Expression.Lambda<Action<TInstance>>(actionWithTryCatchExpression, instanceExpression).Compile();
Respectively the two helpers represent:
throw new Exception(newMessage);
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception(additionalMessage, e);

Getting NullReferenceException when calling expression with multiple parameters in C#

I am trying to construct function that accepts more that one parameter. Lambda function accepting one parameter works fine. Here is the code.
var value = 22.55;
var method = typeof(TextWriter).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { value.GetType() });
ParameterExpression inputParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TextWriter));
var block = Expression.Block(
Expression.Call(inputParameter, method, Expression.Constant(value)));
var function = Expression.Lambda<Action<TextWriter>>(block, inputParameter).Compile();
However when I add one more parameter that I do not even use then function throws null reference exception. I must be missing something but have no idea what. Here is the code that does not work:
var value = 22.55;
var method = typeof(TextWriter).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { value.GetType() });
ParameterExpression inputParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TextWriter));
// Additional parameter here
ParameterExpression inputParameter2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(double));
var block = Expression.Block(
// Function block accepts two parameters
new List<ParameterExpression>() { inputParameter, inputParameter2 },
Expression.Call(inputParameter, method, Expression.Constant(value)));
var function = Expression.Lambda<Action<TextWriter, double>>(block, inputParameter, inputParameter2).Compile();
// ....aaand null exception here. Why?
function(Console.Out, value);
What am I doing wrong here?
Judging by your comment, you're misunderstanding what you're passing to Block. The variables argument of Block is to define local variables, rather than parameters.
var block = Expression.Block(
// Function block accepts two parameters
new List<ParameterExpression>() { inputParameter, inputParameter2 },
Expression.Call(inputParameter, method, Expression.Constant(value)));
Should be simply
var block = Expression.Block(Expression.Call(inputParameter, method, Expression.Constant(value)));
What you're currently doing is equivelant to:
void function(TextWriter tw, double d) {
TextWriter tw = default(TextWriter);
double d = default(double);
While you actually just want:
void function(TextWriter tw, double d) {
Also, you're not actually using your second parameter. The complete working code is:
var method = typeof(TextWriter).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { typeof(double) });
ParameterExpression inputParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TextWriter));
ParameterExpression inputParameter2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(double));
var block = Expression.Block(Expression.Call(inputParameter, method, inputParameter2));
var function = Expression.Lambda<Action<TextWriter, double>>(block, inputParameter, inputParameter2).Compile();
function(Console.Out, 35.5);
Your first code worked because you used a different overload of block. Instead of declaring a local variable for inputParameter, you passed it as an expression itself. So, the code looked like this:
void function(TextWriter tw, double d) {
tw; //Illegal for the C# compiler, but not illegal as an expression. This will do nothing.

How do you call a generic method with out parameters by reflection?

Suppose I have a class like this, containing a generic method with an out parameter:
public class C
public static void M<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, out T result)
result = default(T);
From reading the answers to a couple of other questions (How to use reflection to call generic Method? and Reflection on a static overloaded method using an out parameter), I thought I might be able to invoke the method via reflection as follows:
// get the method
var types = new[] { typeof(IEnumerable<int>), typeof(int).MakeByRefType() };
MethodInfo mi = typeof(C).GetMethod(
"M", BindingFlags.Static, Type.DefaultBinder, types, null);
// convert it to a generic method
MethodInfo generic = mi.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(int) });
// call it
var parameters = new object[] { new[] { 1 }, null };
generic.Invoke(null, parameters);
But mi is coming back null. I've tried using object instead of int in the types array but that doesn't work either.
How can I specify the types (needed for the out parameter) for a generic method before the call to MakeGenericMethod?
This will let you call the method:
MethodInfo mi = typeof(C).GetMethod("M");
MethodInfo generic = mi.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(int) });
var parameters = new object[] { new[]{1},null};
generic.Invoke(null, parameters);
And to get the out parameter:
Console.WriteLine((int)parameters[1]); //will get you 0(default(int)).
I'm still interested to know what the syntax is for specifying an array of template types, or if it's not possible
I don't think it's possible to pass that kind of detailed type specification to GetMethod[s]. I think if you have a number of such Ms to look through, you have to get them all and then filter by the various properties of the MethodInfos and contained objects, eg as much of this as is necessary in your particular case:
var myMethodM =
// Get all the M methods
from mi in typeof(C).GetMethods()
where mi.Name == "M"
// that are generic with one type parameter
where mi.IsGenericMethod
where mi.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1
let methodTypeParameter = mi.GetGenericArguments()[0]
// that have two formal parameters
let ps = mi.GetParameters()
where ps.Length == 2
// the first of which is IEnumerable<the method type parameter>
where ps[0].ParameterType.IsGenericType
where ps[0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>)
where ps[0].ParameterType.GetGenericArguments()[0] == methodTypeParameter
// the second of which is ref <the method type parameter>
where ps[1].ParameterType.IsByRef
where ps[1].ParameterType.GetElementType() == methodTypeParameter
select mi;
You've passed parameters that will find M<T>(IEnumerable<int>, ref int).
You need to find M(IEnumerable<T>, ref T) (the distinction between ref and out exists only in the C# language; reflection only has ref).
I'm not sure how to pass that; you may need to loop through all methods to find it.
On an unrelated note, you need to pass more BindingFlags:
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static
This is a well known-problem; to find the method, you need to know its type parameter, but you can't know its type parameter without knowing the method first...
An obvious but inelegant solution is to loop through all methods until you find the right one.
Another option is to take advantage of the Linq Expression API:
public static MethodInfo GetMethod(Expression<Action> expr)
var methodCall = expr.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (methodCall == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Expression body must be a method call expression");
return methodCall.Method;
int dummy;
MethodInfo mi = GetMethod(() => C.M<int>(null, out dummy));
