Using expression trees to construct an object with unknown members - c#

I'm trying to create a generic function that will take 2 instances of a struct and create a new instance using the values of the passed-in instances. I'm mostly there but I'm having trouble figuring out how to build the expression tree to take the new values as parameters in the MemberInit (first time using expression trees).
I'm trying to avoid creating garbage (so no boxing) as much as possible.
Here's what I have so far:
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]> fieldInfoCache = new Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]>();
private static readonly Dictionary<FieldInfo, dynamic> compiledDelegates = new Dictionary<FieldInfo, dynamic>();
private static T Lerp<T>(T start, T end, float amount) where T : new()
FieldInfo[] fields;
var type = typeof(T);
if(!fieldInfoCache.TryGetValue(type, out fields))
fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
fieldInfoCache.Add(type, fields);
var binds = new List<MemberBinding>();
foreach(var fieldInfo in fields)
dynamic getter;
if(!compiledDelegates.TryGetValue(fieldInfo, out getter))
var targetExp = Expression.Parameter(type, type.Name);
var fieldExp = Expression.Field(targetExp, fieldInfo);
getter = Expression.Lambda(typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(type, fieldInfo.FieldType), fieldExp, targetExp).Compile();
compiledDelegates.Add(fieldInfo, getter);
var startVal = getter.Invoke(start);
var endVal = getter.Invoke(end);
//This needs to be assigned to something
var newVal = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(float)) ? LerpF(startVal, endVal, amount) : Lerp(startVal, endVal, amount);
var fieldParamExp = Expression.Parameter(fieldInfo.FieldType, "newVal");
var bind = Expression.Bind(fieldInfo, fieldParamExp);
//How do I fix these two lines?
var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(type), binds);
var result = Expression.Lambda<Func<T>>(memberInit).Compile().Invoke();
return result;
The part that I'm stumped on is how to feed the values into those last 2 lines without causing boxing

Instead of
var fieldParamExp = Expression.Parameter(fieldInfo.FieldType, "newVal");
try use
var fieldParamExp = Expression.Constant(newVal);
For efficient cache you could use something like
var startPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "start");
var endPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "end");
var amountPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof (float), "amount");
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
MethodInfo mi;
if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof (float)))
mi = typeof (Program).GetMethod("LerpF");
mi = typeof (Program).GetMethod("Lerp").MakeGenericMethod(fieldInfo.FieldType);
var makeMemberAccess = Expression.Call(mi, Expression.MakeMemberAccess(startPar, fieldInfo), Expression.MakeMemberAccess(endPar, fieldInfo), amountPar);
binds.Add(Expression.Bind(fieldInfo, makeMemberAccess));
var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(type), binds);
var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, float, T>>(memberInit, startPar, endPar, amountPar);
Func<T, T, float, T> resultFunc = expression.Compile();
// can cache resultFunc
var result = resultFunc(start, end, amount);
But I don't know how you decide to use start or end parameter, so there may be some more complex conditions in bindings.


Record 'Lenses' - expression tree for with expression

Is there a way to build an expression tree for the new with operator?
I am trying to implement a 'Lens' feature for records that will only need a selector and will auto generate the mutator
My goal is to convert from a 'selector':
Expression<Func<T, TMember>> expression (ie employee => employee.Name)
To a 'mutator':
(employee, newName) => employee with { Name = newName }
I did manage to do this for the simple case above, see my answer below, however that will not work for a nested case ie:
record Employee(string Name, int Age);
record Manager(String Name, Employee Employee);
Here I want to change ie from
manager => manager.Employee.Name
(manager, newEmployeeName) => manager with { Employee = manager.Employee with { Name = newEmployeeName}}
Any help ?
CalcMutator method that can deal with nested properties would look something like this
static Func<T, TMember, T> CalcMutator(Expression<Func<T, TMember>> expression)
var typeParam = expression.Parameters.First();
var valueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TMember), "v");
var variables = new List<ParameterExpression>();
var blockExpressions = new List<Expression>();
var property = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
Expression currentValue = valueParam;
var index = 0;
while (property != null)
var variable = Expression.Variable(property.Expression.Type, $"v_{index}");
var cloneMethod = property.Expression.Type.GetMethod("<Clone>$");
if (cloneMethod is null) throw new Exception($"CalcMutatorNo Clone method on {typeof(T)}");
var cloneCall = Expression.Call(property.Expression, cloneMethod);
var assignClonedToVariable = Expression.Assign(variable, cloneCall);
var accessVariableProperty = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(variable, property.Member);
var assignVariablePropertyValue = Expression.Assign(accessVariableProperty, currentValue);
property = property.Expression as MemberExpression;
currentValue = variable;
// Return root object
var block = Expression.Block(variables, blockExpressions);
var assignLambda = (Expression<Func<T, TMember, T>>)Expression.Lambda(block, typeParam, valueParam);
return assignLambda.Compile();
Please keep in mind that Cache implemented with ImmutableDictionary is not thread safe. If you want to ensure that the cached expressions can safely be used in multi-threaded environments, it's better to use ConcurrentDictionary for the cache instead or to apply some synchronization primitives around ImmutableDictionary.
Following the lead from #JL0PD I ended up converting:
t => t.Member (ie employee => employee.Name)
(t, v) => {
var c = t.<Clone>$();
c.Member = v;
return c;
(employee, newName) => {
var c = employee.<Clone>$();
return c;
Below is a full implemetation of a record Lens including caching of delegates
Note that this does not cover nested mutators so my question above still stands
static class RecLens<T, TMember> {
public static (Func<T, TMember> Selector, Func<T, TMember, T> Mutator) Get(Expression<Func<T, TMember>> expression) {
if (!IsExpressionValid(expression.Body)) throw new Exception($"Lens Invalid expression ({expression})");
// create unique cache key, calc same key for x=>x.p and y=>y.p
var exprStr = expression.Body.ToString();
var dotPos = exprStr.IndexOf(Type.Delimiter);
var cacheKey = typeof(T).FullName + '|' + (dotPos > 0 ? exprStr.Remove(0, exprStr.IndexOf(Type.Delimiter) + 1) : "root");
if (!Cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out var res)) {
res = (expression.Compile(), CalcMutator(expression));
Cache = Cache.Add(cacheKey, res);
return res;
// key: "{srcType.FullName}|{member}" , ie: "Test.Organization|DevelopmentDepartment.Manager"
static ImmutableDictionary<string, (Func<T, TMember>, Func<T, TMember, T>)> Cache = ImmutableDictionary<string, (Func<T, TMember>, Func<T, TMember, T>)>.Empty;
// create delegate: (t, v) => { var c=t.<Clone>$(); c.Member = v; return c; }
static Func<T, TMember, T> CalcMutator(Expression<Func<T, TMember>> expression) {
var result = Expression.Variable(typeof(T), "c");
var typeParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
var valueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TMember), "v");
var cloneMethod = typeof(T).GetMethod("<Clone>$");
if (cloneMethod is null) throw new Exception($"CalcMutatorNo Clone method on {typeof(T)}");
var cloneCall = Expression.Call(typeParam, cloneMethod);
var assignResult = Expression.Assign(result, cloneCall);
var memberInfo = (expression.Body as MemberExpression)!.Member;
var resultMemberAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(result, memberInfo);
var assign = Expression.Assign(resultMemberAccess, valueParam);
var block = Expression.Block(new[] { result }, assignResult, assign, result);
var assignLambda = (Expression<Func<T, TMember, T>>)Expression.Lambda(block, typeParam, valueParam);
return assignLambda.Compile();
// verify that expr is a member expression of its parameter
static bool IsExpressionValid(Expression expr, bool first = true) {
if (expr is ParameterExpression) return !first;
if (expr is MemberExpression memberExpr && memberExpr.Expression is object) return IsExpressionValid(memberExpr.Expression, false);
return false;
To use:
record Employee(string Name, int Age);
var (Selector, Mutator) = RecLens<Employee, string>.Get(e => e.Name);
var dave = new Employee("Dave", 30);
var name = Selector(dave); // "Dave"
var john = Mutator(dave, "John"); // Employee("John", 30)

Using System.Linq.Expressions to span a tuple in an array of object [C#]

Let's suppose I've a method like this
public static int Sum(int a, int b)
return a + b;
I need to construct an expression so that the new method must be returned in the form new object[1]{Sum(a, b);} and to do so I use this code:
var callMethod = Expression.Call(mi, parameters);
// new object[] { Sum((a, b) }
var returnResult = Expression.NewArrayInit(
Expression.Convert(callMethod, typeof(object)));
where mi is the Sum method taken via reflection.
Now, I need to extend the generation of the expression to manage a tuple as output paramert and the result of the tuple must be spanned into the result array.. Pratically, what I would like to do is converting this method
public static (int result, bool isOverflowed) Sum(int a, int b)
return (a + b, false);
into this:
var callMethod = Expression.Call(mi, parameters);
// new object[] { Sum((a, b) }
var returnResult = Expression.NewArrayInit(
Expression.Convert(Tuple1, typeof(object)), // The desired
Expression.Convert(Tuple2, typeof(object))); // The desired
How this can be accomplished?
Since the method will return ValueTuple<int, bool>, it is possible to get the values from Item1 and Item2 fields. The basic idea is to assign the method return to a variable and get Item1 and Item2 fields.
var mi = typeof(Program).GetMethod("Sum");
var parameters = new ParameterExpression[]{ Expression.Parameter(typeof(int)), Expression.Parameter(typeof(int)) };
var callMethod = Expression.Call(mi, parameters);
var variable = Expression.Variable(typeof(ValueTuple<int, bool>));
var assign = Expression.Assign(variable, callMethod);
var returnResult = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object),
Expression.Convert(Expression.Field(variable, "Item1"), typeof(object)),
Expression.Convert(Expression.Field(variable, "Item2"), typeof(object)));
var block = Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { variable }, assign, returnResult);
var x = Expression.Lambda(block, parameters).Compile().DynamicInvoke(1 , 2);

cast reflected result from object to list<TDest> where TDest is enum

How can I cast a reflected result
from object to List<TDynamicType>?
Type tSource = item.SourceType; //enum
Type tDest = item.DestinationType; //enum
MethodInfo method = typeof(EnumConverters).GetMethod("GetEnumValues");
MethodInfo methodGenericSource = method.MakeGenericMethod(tSource);
object enumsSource = methodGenericSource.Invoke(null, null);
// i need to convert enumsSource to List<tDest> (where tDest is enum)
List<tDest> list = ???
Is there a reflection function like "getResultGeneric" or "getResultOfType"?
Could try casting to IList<TDynamicType> like so: var list = sourceList.Cast<IList<TDynamicType>>().ToList()
i've solved in this way, castin object to iEnumerableOfInteger (casting as listOfObject give null), and then parsing it.
Type tSource = item.SourceType; //enum
Type tDest = item.DestinationType; //enum
MethodInfo method = typeof(EnumConverters).GetMethod("GetEnumValues");
MethodInfo methodGenericSource = method.MakeGenericMethod(tSource);
object objEnumsSource = methodGenericSource.Invoke(null, null);
//var listObj = (IEnumerable<object>)objEnumsSource;//throw
var listInt = (IEnumerable<int>)objEnumsSource;
foreach (var i in listInt)
if (!Enum.IsDefined(tSource, i))
throw new ApplicationException($"!Enum.IsDefined({tSource.FullName}, {i})");
var o = Enum.ToObject(tSource, i);
var e = Convert.ChangeType(o, tSource);

string expression to c# function delegate

I want to convert the following string into function delegate.
C# class:
public class Foo
public string Id {get;set;}
public string Description {get;set;}
Result function delegate:
Func<Foo, string> GetExpression = delegate()
return x => string.Format("{0}-{1}", x.Id, x.Description);
I think compiled lambda or expression parser would be a way here, but not sure about the best way much. Any inputs?
It's possible as: to construct Linq Expression then compile it. Compiled expression is an ordinary delegate, with no performance drawbacks.
An example of implementation if type of argument(Foo) is known at compile time:
class ParserCompiler
private static (string format, IReadOnlyCollection<string> propertyNames) Parse(string text)
var regex = new Regex(#"(.*?)\[(.+?)\](.*)");
var formatTemplate = new StringBuilder();
var propertyNames = new List<string>();
var restOfText = text;
Match match;
while ((match = regex.Match(restOfText)).Success)
restOfText = match.Groups[3].Value;
return (formatTemplate.ToString(), propertyNames);
public static Func<T, string> GetExpression<T>(string text) //"[Id]-[Description]"
var parsed = Parse(text); //"{0}-{1} Id, Description"
var argumentExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var properties = typeof(T)
.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField)
.ToDictionary(keySelector: propInfo => propInfo.Name);
var formatParamsArrayExpr = Expression.NewArrayInit(
parsed.propertyNames.Select(propName => Expression.Property(argumentExpression, properties[propName])));
var formatStaticMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Format", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null,new[] { typeof(string), typeof(object[]) }, null);
var formatExpr = Expression.Call(
Expression.Constant(parsed.format, typeof(string)),
var resultExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, string>>(
argumentExpression); // Expression<Func<Foo, string>> a = (Foo x) => string.Format("{0}-{1}", x.Id, x.Description);
return resultExpr.Compile();
And usage:
var func = ParserCompiler.GetExpression<Foo>("[Id]-[Description]");
var formattedString = func(new Foo {Id = "id1", Description = "desc1"});
An almost identical answer was posted while I was testing this, but, as the below code has an advantage of calling each property mentioned in the formatting string at most once, I'm posting it anyway:
public static Func<Foo, string> GetExpression(string query_string)
(string format_string, List<string> prop_names) = QueryStringToFormatString(query_string);
var lambda_parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Foo));
Expression[] formatting_params = prop_names.Select(
p => Expression.MakeMemberAccess(lambda_parameter, typeof(Foo).GetProperty(p))
var formatMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Format", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(object[]) });
var format_call = Expression.Call(formatMethod, Expression.Constant(format_string), Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), formatting_params));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(format_call, lambda_parameter) as Expression<Func<Foo, string>>;
return lambda.Compile();
// A *very* primitive parser, improve as needed
private static (string format_string, List<string> ordered_prop_names) QueryStringToFormatString(string query_string)
List<string> prop_names = new List<string>();
string format_string = Regex.Replace(query_string, #"\[.+?\]", m => {
string prop_name = m.Value.Substring(1, m.Value.Length - 2);
var known_pos = prop_names.IndexOf(prop_name);
if (known_pos < 0)
known_pos = prop_names.Count - 1;
return $"{{{known_pos}}}";
return (format_string, prop_names);
The inspiration comes from Generate lambda Expression By Clause using string.format in C#?.
A simple step by step version to create an Expression tree based on simple use case, can help in creating any kind of Expression tree
What we want to Achieve: (coding in linqpad, Dump is a print call)
Expression<Func<Foo,string>> expression = (f) => string.Format($"{f.Id}-
var foo = new Foo{Id = "1",Description="Test"};
var func = expression.Compile();
func(foo).Dump(); // Result "1-Test"
Following is the Expression generated:
Step by Step process to Create an Expression Tree
On Reviewing the Expression Tree, following points can be understood:
We create a Func delegate of type typeof(Func<Foo,String>)
Outer Node Type for Expression is Lambda Type
Just needs one parameter Expression of typeof(Foo)
In Arguments it needs, MethodInfo of string.Format
In arguments to Format method, it needs following Expressions
a.) Constant Expression - {0}-{1}
b.) MemberExpression for Id field
c.) MemberExpression for Description field
Viola and we are done
Using the Steps above following is the simple code to create Expression:
// Create a ParameterExpression
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Foo),"f");
// Create a Constant Expression
var formatConstant = Expression.Constant("{0}-{1}");
// Id MemberExpression
var idMemberAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameterExpression, typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Id"));
// Description MemberExpression
var descriptionMemberAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameterExpression, typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Description"));
// String.Format (MethodCallExpression)
var formatMethod = Expression.Call(typeof(string),"Format",null,formatConstant,idMemberAccess,descriptionMemberAccess);
// Create Lambda Expression
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Foo,string>>(formatMethod,parameterExpression);
// Create Func delegate via Compilation
var func = lambda.Compile();
// Execute Delegate
func(foo).Dump(); // Result "1-Test"

dynamically create delegate for ctor

I'm trying to create generic factory class. Since Activator.CreateInstance is pretty slow, I decided to use delegates. The goal was call constructor any public constructor, regardless of parameters count. So I was going like this:
public void Register<VType>(TKey key, params object[] args) where VType : TType
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(VType).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, CallingConventions.HasThis, args.Select(a => a.GetType()).ToArray(), new ParameterModifier[] { });
if (ci == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Constructor for type '{0}' was not found.", typeof(VType)));
var pExp = Expression.Parameter(args.GetType());
var ctorParams = ci.GetParameters();
var expArr = new Expression[ctorParams.Length];
var p = new ParameterExpression[ctorParams.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < ctorParams.Length; i++)
var ctorType = ctorParams[i].ParameterType;
var pName = ctorParams[i].Name;
var argExp = Expression.ArrayIndex(pExp, Expression.Constant(i));
var argExpConverted = Expression.Convert(argExp, ctorType);
expArr[i] = argExpConverted;
p[i] = Expression.Parameter(args[i].GetType(), pName);
var foo = Expression.Lambda(Expression.New(ci, expArr), p);
Delegate constructorDelegate = foo.Compile();
FactoryMap.Add(key, constructorDelegate);
And then - call delegate in Create method. With no parameters all goes well, but when I'm adding some - I'm getting InvalidOperationException - "variable '' of type 'System.Object[]' referenced from scope '', but it is not defined", after foo.Compile() call.
Why? How can I resolve this issue?
Below is a class that exposes an extention method that gives you a delegate for creating an instance of type T by calling the constructor that binds to specified paramArguments types.
public static class ConstructorCallExcentions
private static Dictionary<ConstructorInfo, Func<Object[], Object>> _constructors = new Dictionary<ConstructorInfo,Func<object[],object>> ();
private static object syncObject = new object();
public static Func<Object[], Object> CreateConstructor<T>(this T #this, params Type[] paramArguments)
ConstructorInfo cInfo = typeof(T).GetConstructor(paramArguments);
if (cInfo == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("Could not detect constructor having the coresponding parameter types");
Func<Object[], Object> ctor;
if (false == _constructors.TryGetValue (cInfo, out ctor))
lock (_constructors)
if (false == _constructors.TryGetValue (cInfo, out ctor))
// compile the call
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "arguments");
List<Expression> argumentsExpressions = new List<Expression>();
for (var i = 0; i < paramArguments.Length; i++)
var indexedAcccess = Expression.ArrayIndex(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(i));
// it is NOT a reference type!
if (paramArguments [i].IsClass == false && paramArguments [i].IsInterface == false)
// it might be the case when I receive null and must convert to a structure. In this case I must put default (ThatStructure).
var localVariable = Expression.Variable(paramArguments[i], "localVariable");
var block = Expression.Block (new [] {localVariable},
Expression.IfThenElse (Expression.Equal (indexedAcccess, Expression.Constant (null)),
Expression.Assign (localVariable, Expression.Default (paramArguments [i])),
Expression.Assign (localVariable, Expression.Convert(indexedAcccess, paramArguments[i]))
argumentsExpressions.Add(Expression.Convert(indexedAcccess, paramArguments[i])); // do a convert to that reference type. If null, the convert is FINE.
// check if parameters length maches the length of constructor parameters!
var lengthProperty = typeof (Object[]).GetProperty ("Length");
var len = Expression.Property (parameterExpression, lengthProperty);
var invalidParameterExpression = typeof(ArgumentException).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) });
var checkLengthExpression = Expression.IfThen (Expression.NotEqual (len, Expression.Constant (paramArguments.Length)),
Expression.Throw(Expression.New(invalidParameterExpression, Expression.Constant ("The length does not match parameters number")))
var newExpr = Expression.New(cInfo, argumentsExpressions);
var finalBlock = Expression.Block(checkLengthExpression, Expression.Convert(newExpr, typeof(Object)));
_constructors[cInfo] = ctor = Expression.Lambda(finalBlock, new[] { parameterExpression }).Compile() as Func<Object[], Object>;
return ctor;
To use it, for example supose you have this class:
public class Test
public Test(string s, int h)
Then write this code:
var ctor = default(Test).CreateConstructor(typeof(string), typeof(int));
var newlyObject = ctor(new object[] { "john", 22 });
From your example, I saw that your intentions are to use the Delegate to invoke later any constructor. Instead of using Delegate and the DynamicInvoke API, use my
Func <Object[], Object>.
Why? Here is a couple of advantages that I have in mind right now:
1) DynamicInvoke is much slower than calling a direct typed delegate.
2) DynamicInvoke will break any stack trace in case of an exception. What I mean is that whenever an exception is thrown in the constructor, you will receive a TargetInvocationException instead of the real exception that happened. You can inspect the InnerException of that TargetInvocationException but ... clear is more work to do. Calling directly the typed delegate Func will save you from this issue.
Happy coding!
