Difference between int CompareTo method and ordinary If condition? - c#

I have tried the comparison for two integer values by using two types
Type 1 :
int val1 = 1;
int val2 = 2;
var returnValue = val1.CompareTo(val2);//-1 for First int is smaller.
varreturnValue = val2.CompareTo(val1);// 1 for First int is larger
varreturnValue = val1.CompareTo(val1);//0 for Ints are equal.
If(varreturnValue ==1)
Type 2:
int val1 = 1;
int val2 = 2;
if (val1 < val2)
//return -1 //Failure
else if (val2 < val1)
//return 2 //Success
// return 0 // Same
What is the difference these methods?
Which one(type) is better for standard coding .. ?
Any difference for performance in the types ?

When I take a peek at the internals of int's CompareTo() method (using ReSharper), I see this:
public int CompareTo(int value)
if (this < value)
return -1;
return this > value ? 1 : 0;
So it would appear, in the case of an int anyway, that the CompareTo() function is doing exactly what your second example does.
If we remove the ternary operator, it looks identical to your example:
public int CompareTo(int value)
if (this < value)
return -1;
if (this > value)
return -1;
return 0;

In my opinion, the CompareTo method is good in case you need to separate the logic that checks for equality and another logic that uses the result from the comparison. In your example, when you do your code like:
int val1 = 1;
int val2 = 2;
if (val1 < val2)
//return -1 //Failure
else if (val2 < val1)
//return 2 //Success
// return 0 // Same
You cannot return to another function the comparison result. Here is the code extracted from msdn:
enum Comparison {
LessThan=-1, Equal=0, GreaterThan=1};
public class ValueComparison
public static void Main()
int mainValue = 16325;
int zeroValue = 0;
int negativeValue = -1934;
int positiveValue = 903624;
int sameValue = 16325;
Console.WriteLine("Comparing {0} and {1}: {2} ({3}).",
mainValue, zeroValue,
(Comparison) mainValue.CompareTo(zeroValue));
In this case, the comparison result is represented as an enum and can be passed between functions.
Another case is you could even serialize the comparison result over the wire as a numeric value (-1,0,1) (return value of an ajax call, for example)
There may be not much thing to do with numeric comparison like this, but as noted by Patryk Ćwiek in his comment. CompareTo may be used via interface, which can be implemented by other datatypes including your custom ones.


Make class to encapsulate isLong/isDouble Function

i'm trying to make a class that contains 4 functions: isLong, isDouble, stringToLong, and stringToDouble. I am trying to do this without using a TryParse function. Ideally this class would receive a string and return the appropriate type (bool, bool, long, and double) in respective order.
For instance if i enter the number 100000 it returns True (bool) for isLong.
Below is an example of how i did isLong but i am having difficulty trying to do the same for isDouble for receiving decimals and for both stringToLong/stringToDouble.
public static bool isLong(string s)
bool ret = true;
int i;
s = s.Trim();
if (s[0] == '-')
i = 1;
i = 0;
for (; (i < s.Length); i = i + 1)
ret = ret && ((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9'));
return (ret);
You could use MinValue and MaxValue properties for check numeric types, for instance you could define a method like this:
public bool IsLong(decimal value)
return value >= long.MinValue && value <= long.MaxValue && value == (long)value;

SortedSet.Remove() does not remove anything

I am currently implementing Dijkstra's algorithm and I am using the C# SortedSet as a priority queue.
However, in order to keep track of what vertices I have already visited, I want to remove the first item from the priority queue.
Here is my code:
static int shortestPath(int start, int target)
SortedSet<int> PQ = new SortedSet<int>(new compareByVertEstimate());
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i == start - 1)
vertices[i].estimate = 0;
vertices[i].estimate = int.MaxValue;
int noOfVisited = 0;
while (noOfVisited < n)
int u = PQ.First();
foreach (Edge e in vertices[u].neighbours)
if (vertices[e.target.Item1].estimate > vertices[u].estimate + e.length)
vertices[e.target.Item1].estimate = vertices[u].estimate + e.length;
return vertices[target - 1].estimate;
And this is the comparer:
public class compareByVertEstimate : IComparer<int>
public int Compare(int a, int b)
if (Program.vertices[a].estimate >= Program.vertices[b].estimate) return 1;
else return -1;
My priority queue does not explicitly hold vertices, instead I have an array of vertices and the priority queue holds the indices.
So the priority queue is sorted based on the 'estimate' integer that each vertex holds.
Now my problem is, I can easily retrieve the first element from the SortedSet using .First(), or .Min, but when I try to remove that element with .Remove(), the method returns false, and nothing gets removed. The SortedSet remains unchanged.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
I changed the Comparer to this:
public class compareByVertEstimate : IComparer<int>
public int Compare(int a, int b)
if (Program.vertices[a].estimate == Program.vertices[b].estimate) return 0;
else if (Program.vertices[a].estimate >= Program.vertices[b].estimate) return 1;
else return -1;
But now the priority queue doesn't contain all the right elements anymore.
(Note, the priority queue will contain pointers to vertices that have the same estimate value)
Your compare function never compares two elements as equal (return 0;).
Your collection will not be able to remove an element that is not equal to any element it holds.
public class compareByVertEstimate : IComparer<int>
public int Compare(int a, int b)
if (a == b) return 0;
if (Program.vertices[a].estimate >= Program.vertices[b].estimate) return 1;
return -1;
#hvd is correct of course, while the above version works, it's quite broken. A better comparer might be:
public class compareByVertEstimate : IComparer<int>
public int Compare(int a, int b)
var ae = Program.vertices[a].estimate;
var be = Program.vertices[b].estimate;
var result = ae.CompareTo(be);
if (result == 0) return a.CompareTo(b);
return result;

what takes up the most of time in this small function? weird, and profiling breakdown given

blockProperty is dictionary<string,string[]>
bool BlockMatch(IList<string> container, string block, int cut)
string[] blockArray = blockProperty[block];
int length = blockArray.Length - cut;
if (length > container.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (blockArray[length - 1 - i] != container[container.Count - 1 - i])
return false;
return true;
Columns are: inclusive Elapsed time, exclusive Elapsed time, inclusive percentage (of the whole program), exclusive percentage, number of calls.
How can i optimize the method according to the profiling breakdown? As I find it strange that the exclusive elapsed time of the method (6042) is more than a half of inclusive one (10095).
To break this down any further, you may (for testing purposes) split up the function to small "one-line-subfunctions" so you can see the profiling broken down even more. Another help will be a double click on the profiling line to show you the individual function calls with their relative time.
if(!blockArray[length - 1 - i].Equals( container[container.Count - 1 - i]) )) {return false;}
Its possible that traversing the array in reverse-order is doing this: from what I know, arrays are optimized for forward/sequential access. Furthermore you might be preventing the JIT from doing bounds-checking elimination with all that arithmetic. Try this:
for (int i = cut; i < blockArray.Length; i++)
if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(blockArray[i], container[i]))
return false;
However, in the end it depends on how many items you have in the array - if there are a lot there isn't much you can do (except use unsafe code, but that is only going to give you a tiny bit extra).
Edit: you can improve the speed of negative cases using HashCodes; at the cost of memory.
class StringAndHash
public int HashCode;
public string Value;
public StringAndHash(string value)
if (value == null)
HashCode = 0;
HashCode = StringComparer.Ordinal.GetHashCode(value.GetHashCode());
Value = value;
public static implicit operator string(StringAndHash value)
return value.Value;
public static implicit operator StringAndHash(string value)
return new StringAndHash(value);
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var sah = obj as StringAndHash;
if (!object.ReferenceEquals(sah, null))
return Equals(sah);
return base.Equals(obj);
public override bool Equals(StringAndHash obj)
return obj.HashCode == HashCode // This will improve perf in negative cases.
&& StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(obj.Value, Value);
public Dictionary<string, StringAndHash[]> blockProperty;
bool BlockMatch(IList<StringAndHash> container, string block, int cut)
var blockArray = blockProperty[block];
var length = blockArray.Length - cut;
if (length > container.Count)
return false;
for (int i = cut; i < blockArray.Length; i++)
if (blockArray[i].Equals(container[i]))
return false;
return true;

Conditional expression algebra in C#

I am working on a small part of a matching system that uses boolean conditional expressions.
These conditional expressions are contrained to a single variable and a single operator (with an edge case of an Inclusive Between).
I am interested in:
Equal To "="
Greater than ">"
Greater Than Or Equal To ">="
Less Than "<"
Less Than Or Equal To "<="
Inclusive Between ">= AND <="
I have a requirement to compare two conditional expressions and evaluate:
1) Is there an overlap of possible values?
Does "X > 1000" overlap with "X > 999"? Yes.
2) If there is an overlap, return the overlap:
The overlap of "X > 1000" with "X > 999" is "X > 1000"
3) Is a conditional expression constrained by another?
"X < 999" is constrained by "X < 1000" ; "X < 1001" is not constrained by "X < 1000"
What I have done so far is build up a truth table of all possible combinations and return the results, but I was wondering if there was an easier way to calculate these?
Any Theory / Reference material / C# libraries out there?
I haven't heard of any, but you can easily do without them if you represent the constraints as intervals:
x > 1000 becomes (1000, double.Infinity)
x == 1000 becomes [1000, 1000]
This way you need only one class
class Constraint
double Lower; bool isLowerStrict;
double Upper; bool isUpperStrict;
bool isIn(double d)
return (isLowerStrict ? Lower < d : Lower <= d) &&
(isUpperStrict ? Upper > d : Upper >= d);
Constraint intersect(Constraint other)
Constraint result = new Constraint();
if (Lower > other.Lower)
result.Lower = Lower;
result.isLowerStrict = isLowerStrict;
else if (Lower < other.Lower)
result.Lower = other.Lower;
result.isLowerStrict = other.isLowerStrict;
result.Lower = Lower;
result.IsLowerStrict = isLowerStrict || other.isLowerStrict;
// the same for upper
return result;
public bool isEmpty()
if (Lower > Upper) return true;
if (Lower == Upper && (isLowerStrict || isUpperStrict)) return true;
return false;
public bool Equals(Constraint other)
if (isEmpty()) return other.isEmpty();
return (Lower == other.Lower) && (Upper = other.Upper) &&
(isLowerStrict == other.IsLowerStrict) &&
(isUpperStrict == other.isUpperStrict);
// construction:
static Constraint GreaterThan(double d)
return new Constraint()
Lower = d,
isLowerStrict = true,
Upper = double.PositiveInfinity,
isUpperStrict = false
static Constraint IsEqualTo(double d)
return new Constraint()
Lower = d,
isLowerStrict = false,
Upper = d,
isUpperStrict = false
// etc.
With this code, you can answer the questions:
1) overlap: a.Intersect(b).isEmpty()
2) intersect: a.Intersect(b)
3) constrain: a.Intersect(b).Equals(a)
As #CodeInChaos suggests, you should consider replacing double with decimal. Mind that decimal lacks infinite values, so you should use decimal.MaxValue and decimal.MinValue instead.
I had written some sample code fast. Hope it makes sense:
enum SygnType
More, Less, Equal
public class Representation
public SignType sign;
public int value;
public class Range
public bool infinityNegative;
public bool infinityPositive;
public int minValue;
public int maxValue;
public Range(List<Representation> values)
foreach(var value in values)
if (value.sign==SignType.More)
if (value>minValue)
else if (value.sign==SignType.Less)
if (value<maxValue)
else if (value.sign==SignType.Equal)
public bool Overlaps(Range checkRange)
if (checkRange.infinityPositive)
return CompareUpperLevelValue(checkRange); //this method should compare upper value overlapping
else if (checkRange.infinityNegative)
return CompareLowerLevelValue(checkRange); //this method should compare lower value overlapping
return CompareInterval(checkRange); //this method should compare interval
public bool CompareUpperLevelValue(Range checkRange)
if (checkRange.maxValue<maxValue)
return true;
return false
public bool CompareLowerLevelValue(Range checkRange)
if (checkRange.minValue>minValue)
return true;
return false
public bool CompareInterval(Range checkRange)
if ((checkRange.minValue>minValue)&&(checkRange.maxValue<maxValue))
return true;
return false;

IComparer for integers and force empty strings to end

I've written the following IComparer but I need some help. I'm trying to sort a list of numbers but some of the numbers may not have been filled in. I want these numbers to be sent to the end of the list at all times.. for example...
[EMPTY], 1, [EMPTY], 3, 2
would become...
1, 2, 3, [EMPTY], [EMPTY]
and reversed this would become...
3, 2, 1, [EMPTY], [EMPTY]
Any ideas?
public int Compare(ListViewItem x, ListViewItem y)
int comparison = int.MinValue;
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem itemOne = x.SubItems[subItemIndex];
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem itemTwo = y.SubItems[subItemIndex];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTwo.Text))
uint itemOneComparison = uint.Parse(itemOne.Text);
uint itemTwoComparison = uint.Parse(itemTwo.Text);
comparison = itemOneComparison.CompareTo(itemTwoComparison);
// Calculate correct return value based on object comparison.
if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Descending)
// Descending sort is selected, return negative result of compare operation.
comparison = (-comparison);
else if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.None)
// Return '0' to indicate they are equal.
comparison = 0;
return comparison;
Your logic is slightly off: your else will be entered if either of them are empty, but you only want the empty one to go to the end of the list, not the non-empty one. Something like this should work:
public int Compare(ListViewItem x, ListViewItem y)
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem itemOne = x.SubItems[subItemIndex];
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem itemTwo = y.SubItems[subItemIndex];
// if they're both empty, return 0
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTwo.Text))
return 0;
// if itemOne is empty, it comes second
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text))
return 1;
// if itemTwo is empty, it comes second
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTwo.Text)
return -1;
uint itemOneComparison = uint.Parse(itemOne.Text);
uint itemTwoComparison = uint.Parse(itemTwo.Text);
// Calculate correct return value based on object comparison.
int comparison = itemOneComparison.CompareTo(itemTwoComparison);
if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Descending)
comparison = (-comparison);
return comparison;
(I might've got the "1" and "-1" for when they're empty back to front, I can never remember :)
I'd actually approach this a completely different way, remove the empty slots, sort the list, then add the empty ones to the end of the list
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> ints = new List<string> { "3", "1", "", "5", "", "2" };
CustomIntSort(ints, (x, y) => int.Parse(x) - int.Parse(y)); // Ascending
ints.ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", i));
CustomIntSort(ints, (x, y) => int.Parse(y) - int.Parse(x)); // Descending
ints.ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", i));
private static void CustomIntSort(List<string> ints, Comparison<string> Comparer)
int emptySlots = CountAndRemove(ints);
for (int i = 0; i < emptySlots; i++)
private static int CountAndRemove(List<string> ints)
int emptySlots = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < ints.Count)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ints[i]))
return emptySlots;
This question caught my attention recently, this comparer will do it either
class CustomComparer
: IComparer<string>
private bool isAscending;
public CustomComparer(bool isAscending = true)
this.isAscending = isAscending;
public int Compare(string x, string y)
long ix = CustomParser(x) * (isAscending ? 1 : -1);
long iy = CustomParser(y) * (isAscending ? 1 : -1);
return ix.CompareTo(iy) ;
private long CustomParser(string s)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return isAscending ? int.MaxValue : int.MinValue;
return int.Parse(s);
Your // ALWAYS SEND TO BOTTOM/END OF LIST. branch is being executed when either the x or y parameters are empty, i.e. a non-empty value will be sorted according to this rule if it is being compared to an empty value. You probably want something more like this:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTwo.Text))
uint itemOneComparison = uint.Parse(itemOne.Text);
uint itemTwoComparison = uint.Parse(itemTwo.Text);
comparison = itemOneComparison.CompareTo(itemTwoComparison);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text)
comparison = -1;
comparison = 1;
Always return 1 for your empty x values and -1 for your empty y values. This will mean that the comparer sees empty values as the greater value in all cases so they should end up at the end of the sorted list.
Of course, if both are empty, you should return 0 as they are equal.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTwo.Text))
return 0;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemOne.Text))
return -1;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTwo.Text))
return 1;
