Converting combining diacritics to simple utf - c#

I have a problem when inserting a string to database due to some encoding issues.
String source is a external rss feed.
In web browser it looks ok. Even in debugger the text appears to be ok.
If I copy the strong to notedpad, the result is also ok.
But in notepad++ was possible to see that string is using combining characters.
If changing to ansii, both combined appears.
á is displayed as a´
(In notepad++ is is like having two chars, on over the other. I even can select ... half of the char)
I googled a lot and tried very different approach to this problem.
I really want to find a clever way of convert string with combining diacritics to simple utf8 database compatible ones.
Any help?
Thank you so much!

This should work for you
This little test gave 3, 2, 3. The middle string is correctly combining A and it's diacritic into a single UTF-8 character

My Mac can solve this running the following Command in Terminal:
iconv -f utf-8-mac -t utf-8 inputfile >outputfile


char extraction issue with ZipFile (System.IO.Compression), c# (WPF)

I am trying to extract a zip with multiple files. Some files have the "§" character in their names ("abc(§7)abc.txt").
When unpacking,
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(string sourceArchiveFileName, string destinationDirectoryName);
however, the '§' character is translated into the 'õ' (Latin Small Letter O with Tilde) character.
I have already tried to change the encoding. But there is only ASCII or UTF-8 (default)
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceArchiveFileName, destinationDirectoryName, Encoding entryNameEncoding);
Is someone able to show me the mistake?
Windows don't behave nicely with unicode file names inside zip.
Using the Enconding 850 solves the problem.
It looks like it got fixed in .Net framework 4.8 but I can't test it right now.

Weird behavior C#

Somehow I'm getting a weird result from a GetString(). So, in my project I got this code:
byte[] arrayBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(n["spo_fdat"].InnerText);
string str = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arrayBytes);
The InnerText Value and the code is in:
So, my problem is that somehow I'm getting this result on my Visual Studio:
While in the online compiler that I post above the output is as expected.
This output is an output for a printer and this \0 are destroying the format.
Anyone have a clue of what is going on and what should I do/try?
It looks like for some reason every other byte in your input is null. If you strip those out you get something that looks much more plausible as printer commands (though I am no expert). Hopefully you can verify things...
To do this all I did was added this line in:
arrayBytes = arrayBytes.Where((x,i)=>i%2==0).ToArray();
The where command takes the value (x), and index (i) and if the index mode 2 is 0 (ie its even) then the where clause allows it - if its odd it throws it away.
The output I get from this starts:
There are some non-printing character in there too that look like possible printing commands (eg 16 is the first character that is "data link escape" character.
Edited afterthought:
The problem you have here is obviously a problem with the specification. It seems to be that your input is wrong. You need to talk to whoever generated it find out the specification they are using to generate it, make sure their ode matches that spec and then right your code to accept that spec. With a solid specification you should both be writing compatible code.
Try inspecting the bytes instead. You'll see that what you have encoded in the base-64 string is much closer to what Visual Studio shows to you in comparison to the output from dotnetfiddle. Consoles usually don't escape non-printables (such as \0 - the null character) whereas Visual Studio string inspector does so in attempt to provide as much value to its user as possible.
Looking at your base-64 encoded data, it looks way more like UTF-16 than UTF-8. If you decode it like so, you'll perhaps get rid of the null characters in Visual Studio inspector as well.
Regardless of that, the base-64 data don't make much sense. More semantical context is required to figure out what the issue is.
According to inspection by Chris, it looks like the data is UTF-8 encoded in UTF-16.
You should be able to get proper results with the following:
var xml = //your base-64 input...
var arrayBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(xml);
var utf16 = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(arrayBytes);
var utf8Bytes = utf16.Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray();
var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes);
The opposite is probably how your input was created. However, you could also go for Chris' solution of ignoring every odd byte as it is basically the same with less weird encoding things going on (although this may be more explicit to what really goes on: UTF-8 inside UTF-16).

Why are some unintended symbols added to my string?

I wrote a console application which fetches strings from some fields in a Sharepoint list. Then I simply write the strings to console. This works fine for the most fields. There is one MultiLineTextField with RichText enabled where i had to remove all the html-tags, that causes this issue.
Even after all the tags are removed the strings seem to contain question marks which were never added to the string. The most weird thing about this is when I set a breakpoint and look into the string's value there are no question marks, but they suddenly appear on the console output.
The only thing I could think of was to Trim the string. Because sometimes they appear in front of the actual string sometimes they are at the and of it, but never in between.
So this is what I tried:
myString = myString.Trim();
myString = myString.Replace("?",string.Empty);
But this does not solve the issue. Besides this would not be a smart solution in case one of the strings would be supposed to contain question marks. For detailed code please see the link above.
Also Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myString)) gives me the following output:
There are probably some non-printing unicode (or possibly low ASCII) characters in the end of the string. The console has a different encoding, and will often render such as ?. Basically: use the indexer (yourString[n]) or yourString.ToCharArray() to investigate what is actually in the string aroung the location of the ?.
With the edit, we can see that the string has a zero-width space (decimal 8203) at the start:
Sounds like you're maybe having a problem with unicode characters. Chances are you're outputting the string as ASCII instead of Unicode. Take a look at this question as it sounds like you may be experiencing the same problem.

C# Reading files and encoding issue

I've searched everywhere for this answer so hopefully it's not a duplicate. I decided I'm just finally going to ask it here.
I have a file named Program1.exe When I drag that file into Notepad or Notepad++ I get all kinds of random symbols and then some readable text. However, when I try to read this file in C#, I either get inaccurate results, or just a big MZ. I've tried all supported encodings in C#. How can notepad programs read a file like this but I simply can't? I try to convert bytes to string and it doesn't work. I try to directly read line by line and it doesn't work. I've even tried binary and it doesn't work.
Thanks for the help! :)
Reading a binary file as text is a peculiar thing to do, but it is possible. Any of the 8-bit encodings will do it just fine. For example, the code below opens and reads an executable and outputs it to the console.
const string fname = #"C:\mystuff\program.exe";
using (var sw = new StreamReader(fname, Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252")))
var s = sw.ReadToEnd();
s = s.Replace('\x0', ' '); // replace NUL bytes with spaces
The result is very similar to what you'll see in Notepad or Notepad++. The "funny symbols" will differ based on how your console is configured, but you get the idea.
By the way, if you examine the string in the debugger, you're going to see something quite different. Those funny symbols are encoded as C# character escapes. For example, nul bytes (value 0) will display as \0 in the debugger, as NUL in Notepad++, and as spaces on the console or in Notepad. Newlines show up as \r in the debugger, etc.
As I said, reading a binary file as text is pretty peculiar. Unless you're just looking to see if there's human-readable data in the file, I can't imagine why you'd want to do this.
I suspect the reason that all you see in the Windows Forms TextBox is "MZ" is that the Windows textbox control (which is what the TextBox ultimately uses), uses the NUL character as a string terminator, so won't display anything after the first NUL. And the first thing after the "MZ" is a NUL (shows as `\0' in the debugger). You'll have to replace the 0's in the string with spaces. I edited the code example above showing how you'd do that.
The exe is a binary file and if you try to read it as a text file you'll get the effect that you are describing. Try using something like a FileStream instead that does not care about the structure of the file but treats it just as a series of bytes.

c# equivalent to stripcslashes function?

I am working with a project that includes getting MMS from a mms-gateway and storing the image on disk.
This includes using a received base64encoded string and storing it as a zip to a web server. This zip is then opened, and the image is retrieved.
We have managed to store it as a zip file, but it is corrupted and cannot be opened.
The documentation from the gateway is pretty sparse, and we have only a php example to rely on. I think we have figured out how to "translate" most of it, except for the PHP function stripcslashes(inputvalue). Can anyone shed shed any light on how to do the same thing in c#?
We are thankful for any help!
stripcslashes() looks for "\x" type elements within longer strings (where 'x' could be any character, or perhaps, more than one). If the 'x' is not recognised as meaningful, it just removes the '\' but if it does recognise it as a valid C-style escape sequence (i.e. "\n" is newline; "\t" is tab, etc.), as I understand it, the recognised character is inserted instead: \t will be replaced by a tab character (0x09, I think) in your string.
I'm not aware of any simple way to get the .net framework to do the same thing without building a similar function yourself. This obviously isn't very hard, but you need to know which escape sequences to process.
If you happen to know (or find out by inspecting your base64 text) that the only thing in your input that will need processing is a particular one or two sequences (say, tab characters), it becomes very easy and the following snippet shows use of String.Replace():
string input = #"Some\thing"; // '#' means string stored without processing '\t'
string output = input.Replace(#"\t", "\t");
Of course, if you really do simply want to remove all the slashes:
string output = input.Replace(#"\", "");
