What is the proper way to create and dispose a system timer my code is as below
using System.Timers;
public void StartGetFileTimer(int interval)
if (TIMER_GET_FILE != null)
if (TIMER_GET_FILE == null)
TIMER_GET_FILE = new Timer();
TIMER_GET_FILE.Interval = interval * 1000;
TIMER_GET_FILE.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(GetLatestFileTimer_tick);
catch (Exception e)
public void StopGetFileTimer()
TIMER_GET_LATEST_FILE.Elapsed -= new ElapsedEventHandler(GetLatestFileTimer_tick);
TIMER_GET_LATEST_FILE.Enabled = false;
catch (Exception ex)
Simply use the Dispose method, but as the documentation says:
Callbacks can occur after the Dispose() method overload has been
called, because the timer queues callbacks for execution by thread
pool threads. You can use the Dispose(WaitHandle) method overload to
wait until all callbacks have completed.
The Dispose(WaitHandle) should be used like:
ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
I'm using Threading.Timer, like:
new Timer(new TimerCallback(y=>
// here i want to dispose this timer
How can I dispose this timer inside of a callback. or workaround?
Update: Let me explain the situation. I want to try to call the method "Save", while it throws an exception. If it works, I need to stop the timer.
Try this:
Timer timer = null;
timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(y =>
// here i want to dispose this timer
timer.Change(10000, 10000);
I changed the above code slightly according to Chuu's suggestion. Note that if the TimerCallback is called simultanuously by different timer events, Timer.Dispose may end up being called several times. Luckily the Timer does not care if it is being disposed of several times.
Here's a better way to do this. When you use the constructor with only one param (TimerCallback), the state passed to the callback will be the timer itself.
Timer timer = new Timer(o =>
//Your code here
//Start the timer
Here is an example from the msdn docs :
public void StartTimer(int dueTime)
Timer t = new Timer(new TimerCallback(TimerProc));
t.Change(dueTime, 0);
private void TimerProc(object state)
// The state object is the Timer object.
Timer t = (Timer) state;
Console.WriteLine("The timer callback executes.");
You need to keep the reference of the timer in a variable -
public class MyClass
private Timer _timer;
public void StartTimer()
_timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(y=>{
catch {
Note: This is untested code. Please check if it works and update.
You'll have to store a reference to the timer somewhere and pass that in as state to the timer object itself. Try creating a class something like this:
public class TimerContainer
public Timer Timer { get; set; }
Then use it in your method like so:
Action<object> tcb = state =>
var container = (TimerConatiner)state;
// whatever...
var container = new TimerContainer();
container.Timer = new Timer(tcb, container, 100000, 10000);
Take care if you use multithreading or multitasking! if so, here you're the code and a solucion for a CancelAfter method extensor (.net 4.0):
private static object syncObj = new object();
public static void CancelAfter(this CancellationTokenSource source, int timeoutMilliseconds, Action code = null)
if (timeoutMilliseconds == 0) return; // No timeout
if (source == null)
throw new NullReferenceException();
if (timeoutMilliseconds < -1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("timeout");
Timer timer = new Timer(delegate(object self)
lock (syncObj)
if (null != code)
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
timer.Change(timeoutMilliseconds, -1);
Juanlu, ElGuerre
In my web socket wcf service I'm using timer elapsed event to do some logic on my object and after that send information to client (by callback object). I also track callback closed event to clean all object that I'm using in timer elapsed event handler. The problem that i occured is that, when I'm trying to dispose my object i get errors that is still working and to prevent that i try to use lock in both code (timer elapsed event and closed channel event) but it not working correctly (i'm still getting errors that i'm calling method on my object that is no allowed for this moment - this mean that timer elapsed and also call it in the same time).
Is WCF do something special which causes to lock don't work as I expected ?
Here is some of my code:
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IWebSocketsCallback))]
public interface IWebSockets
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]
void Start(Message msg);
public interface IWebSocketsCallback
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]
void SendToClient(Message msg);
public class WebSockets : IWebSockets
private IWebSocketsCallback callback;
private bool handlePIChanges = false;
private PIDataPipe pipe;
private PIEventsProducer piEventsProducer;
private Timer timer;
private readonly object timerLock = new object();
private readonly object pipeLock = new object();
private bool isPipeClosed = false;
public WebSockets()
callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IWebSocketsCallback>();
((IChannel)callback).Closed += WebSockets_Closed;
public void Start(Message msg)
// some custom logic that i ommited ...
timer = CreateTimer();
timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => PIQueryingCallback(pipe, timer);
private void WebSockets_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
lock (timerLock)
handlePIChanges = false;
if (timer != null)
lock (pipeLock)
if (pipe != null)
pipe.RemoveSignups(pipe.AsReadOnly()); // this cause error, because GetObserverEvents not stopped working
isPipeClosed = true;
private void PIQueryingCallback(PIDataPipe pipe, Timer myTimer)
bool moreIndicator;
AFErrors<PIPoint> errors;
lock (pipeLock)
if (handlePIChanges && !isPipeClosed)
errors = pipe.GetObserverEvents(2000, out moreIndicator); // this method calls make block for other call on this object untill it return results
catch (Exception e)
moreIndicator = false;
moreIndicator = false;
while (moreIndicator);
if (handlePIChanges)
lock (timerLock)
if (handlePIChanges)
// this method is called after GetObserveEventsCompleted
private void HandlePIDataEventProducerChanges(string msg)
if (handlePIChanges && !isPipeClosed)
if (((IChannel)callback).State == CommunicationState.Opened)
catch (Exception ex)
I have a project that without usign any form/button or nothing like that, connects with a Websocket and using async methods receives some message(on a form created by myself) that is supposed to appear on the top-right corner of the screen.
But this message can appear from time to time (2 or 3 minutes) on the screen if the websocket doesn't say that it must stop. And this message can be big enough, that in order to make it look better I make my message appear in more than one form.
It causes an impression that it's a notification. So my class that connects with the websocket and receives the message async, calls another class using a thread that is a controller. The purpose of the controller is from time to time, show that message in various new form() notifications and obviously don't do it if the websocket doesn't return any message.
But when i call the form.show the program stops working.
I've looked around stackoverflow already, but the ideas that i've found didn't seem to work.
Some say that I should use invoke, but it kept giving error saying that
"Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created", tried to solve like this: C# calling form.show() from another thread but it didn't work.
Some said that I should use .showDialog instead of .show, but it doesn't appear to be good, because it waits the window to be closed to terminate the method and as I said I need to open more than one notification at the same time.
Some said that the form was open with .show, but it was open for a very little period of time. But i couldn't notice if that was the case and even if it was i couldn't solve it. Well, what matter is that i'm stuck and i don't know what to do more.
Edited with Code:
Application.Run(new SocketService());
//SocketService class
public SocketService()
alerta = null;
while (true)
//Console.WriteLine("Nome do UsĂșario:" + Environment.UserName);
catch (Exception ex)
public static async Task Connect(string uri)
ClientWebSocket webSocket = null;
webSocket = new ClientWebSocket();
await webSocket.ConnectAsync(new Uri(uri), CancellationToken.None);
await Login(webSocket);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (webSocket != null)
lock (consoleLock)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("WebSocket closed.");
private static async Task Login(ClientWebSocket webSocket)
ArraySegment<Byte> buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(encoder.GetBytes( "{\"event\":\"loginBrowser\",\"data\":{\"login\":\"000000003077\",\"data\":\"1\"}}"));
await webSocket.SendAsync(buffer, WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None);
if (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
if (ShowMessage.created != true)
var dummy = new Control(); // to initialize SynchronizationContext
_sync = SynchronizationContext.Current;
new Thread(ThreadProc).Start();
await Receive(webSocket);
private static async Task Receive(ClientWebSocket webSocket)
while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
ArraySegment<Byte> buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(new Byte[256]);
var result = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CancellationToken.None);
if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
if (result.EndOfMessage)
message += encoder.GetString(buffer.ToArray());
message += encoder.GetString(buffer.ToArray());
public static void ShowFormFromAnotherThread(string text)
_sync.Post(SendOrPostCallback, text);
private static void SendOrPostCallback(object state)
var form = new Notification();
form.Text = (string)state;
private static void ThreadProc()
while (true)
Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait imitation
/*Notification is my form and depending on where I put this part:
var dummy = new Control(); // to initialize SynchronizationContext
_sync = SynchronizationContext.Current;
new Thread(ThreadProc).Start();
Or i doesn't call login or doesn't enter receive() method or the best case It receives the information
calls the threadProc and the ShowFormFromAnotherThread but doesn't enter SednOrPostCallBack*/
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ConsoleThreadSync
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
Application.Run(new App());
public class App : ApplicationContext
private readonly SynchronizationContext _sync;
public App()
var dummy = new Control(); // to initialize SynchronizationContext
_sync = SynchronizationContext.Current;
new Thread(ThreadProc).Start();
public void ShowFormFromAnotherThread(string text)
_sync.Post(SendOrPostCallback, text);
private void SendOrPostCallback(object state)
var form = new Form1();
form.Text = (string)state;
private void ThreadProc()
while (true)
Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait imitation
Try to call this:
var dummy = new Control(); // to initialize SynchronizationContext
_sync = SynchronizationContext.Current;
from a contructor SocketService() and not from async methods. This is an initialization code and it must call from main thread.
Okay, after reading a little bit more, the solution that kind worked out was this one, but the only way of using the
.show from the notifician is to use the Application.DoEvents and I've been warned from the sources that I've looked into
that this method should not be used, unless is the only option, because It can cause some problems with the Threads and other things.
So unless someone can give me another hint or clue about what to do, I have two options or use this method and try to fix some other bug
that It can cause or use the .showDialog because don't know why It works without any other problem, but to use .showDialog I've
to use another thread where I create and show the notification because if I don't do, the loop will stop at each iteration
in order to wait the .showDialog be closed. And as it isn't a problem I want to avoid using a lot of threads, because it can cause
another problem with the sync between them:
namespace ReiDoCSharp
class ShowMessage
private static RootObject alerta;
public static bool created;
private static int startPosition;
public static void setStartPosition(int start)
if (start < startPosition)
startPosition = start;
public RootObject getAlerta()
return ShowMessage.alerta;
public void setAlerta(RootObject root)
ShowMessage.alerta = root;
private static void DoWork()
while (true)
if (created != true)
created = true;
if (alerta != null)
string mensagem = "";
if ((alerta.data.Informacoes[1] != "") && (alerta.data.Informacoes[1] != null))
mensagem += alerta.data.Informacoes[1];
if ((alerta.data.Informacoes[0] != "") && (alerta.data.Informacoes[0] != null))
mensagem += alerta.data.Informacoes[0];
if (mensagem != "")
startPosition = 5;
string[] messages = mensagem.Split(new[] { "<br><br>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (string message in messages)
Notification popup = new Notification();
popup.label1.Text = message;
popup.TopMost = true;
/*Solution with the ShowDialog would be:
Task.Run(() => showNotification(message));
//Then I won't need to use Application.DoEvents, but would have to create more threads
private static Task showNotification(string message)
Notification popup = new Notification();
popup.label1.Text = message;
popup.TopMost = true;
public static Task createPopupsAsync()
Task.Run(() => DoWork());
namespace ReiDoCSharp
class SocketService
private static object consoleLock = new object();
private const bool verbose = true;
private static readonly TimeSpan delay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000);
private static UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
private static string message;
private static RootObject alerta;
public SocketService()
public static void Begin()
alerta = null;
while (true)
catch (Exception ex)
public static async Task Connect(string uri)
ClientWebSocket webSocket = null;
webSocket = new ClientWebSocket();
await webSocket.ConnectAsync(new Uri(uri), CancellationToken.None);
await Login(webSocket);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (webSocket != null)
lock (consoleLock)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("WebSocket closed.");
private static async Task Login(ClientWebSocket webSocket)
ArraySegment<Byte> buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(encoder.GetBytes("{\"event\":\"loginBrowser\",\"data\":{\"OPERADOR\":\"000000003077\",\"NRORG\":\"1\"}}"));
await webSocket.SendAsync(buffer, WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None);
if (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ShowMessage.createPopupsAsync());
await Receive(webSocket);
private static async Task Receive(ClientWebSocket webSocket)
while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
ArraySegment<Byte> buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(new Byte[256]);
var result = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CancellationToken.None);
if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
if (result.EndOfMessage)
message += encoder.GetString(buffer.ToArray());
message += encoder.GetString(buffer.ToArray());
private static void LogStatus(bool receiving, byte[] buffer, int length, string assunto)
lock (consoleLock)
Console.ForegroundColor = receiving ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Yellow;
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine(encoder.GetString(buffer) + " " + assunto);
private static void SendMessage(string message)
message = message.Replace("event", "evento");
message = message.Replace("\0", "");
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
RootObject mess = js.Deserialize<RootObject>(message);
if (mess.data.Informacoes[1] != "")
mess.data.Informacoes[1] += "<br>";
if (alerta == null)
alerta = mess;
if ((mess.data.Quantidade[0] != 0) && (mess.data.Quantidade == null))
if ((mess.data.Quantidade[0] == -1) && (mess.data.Informacoes[0] == ""))
alerta = null;
alerta = mess;
else if (mess.data.Quantidade[0] == 0)
alerta = null;
if ((mess.data.Quantidade[1] != 0) && (mess.data.Informacoes[1] != ""))
alerta = mess;
new ShowMessage().setAlerta(alerta);
message = "";
I'm trying to handle the Timer's exception. It would be nice if the class had something like HandlerExceptionEvent so that we could add some event to log something or stop the timer.
PS: I don't want to add a try/catch block inside ElapsedEventHandler().
class Program
static void Main(string[] args) {
System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
t.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(t_Elapsed);
static void t_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) {
throw new Exception("Error!");
PS: I don't want to add "try/catch Exception" inside ElapsedEventHandler()
Since the Timer class doesn't support such an event how would you otherwise catch an exception?
If you insist on using the Timer class then perhaps this is your only option:
var t = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
t.Elapsed += (sender, e) => {
t_Elapsed(sender, e);
catch (Exception ex)
// Error handling here...
This way the actual handler t_Elapsed doesn't contain any error handling and you can create a wrapper class for the Timer class that hides this implementation detail and in turn provides an event for exception handling.
Here's one way to do that:
class ExceptionHandlingTimer
public event Action<Exception> Error;
System.Timers.Timer t;
public ExceptionHandlingTimer(double interval)
t = new System.Timers.Timer(interval);
public void Start()
public void AddElapsedEventHandler(ElapsedEventHandler handler)
t.Elapsed += (sender, e) =>
handler(sender, e);
catch (Exception ex)
if (Error != null)
ThreadA spawns ThreadB.
ThreadB throws an exception.
How can ThreadA know about this exception?
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ThreadStart threadDelegate1 = new ThreadStart(MyClass1.DoThis);
Thread ThreadA = new Thread(threadDelegate1);
Thread.Sleep(100000); // this thread is doing something else here, sleep simulates it
class MyClass1
public static void DoThis()
ThreadStart threadDelegate1 = new ThreadStart(MyClass2.DoThat);
Thread ThreadB = new Thread(threadDelegate1);
Thread.Sleep(100000); // this thread is doing something else here, sleep simulates it
catch (Exception e)
// I want to know if something went wrong with MyClass2.DoThat
class MyClass2
public static void DoThat()
throw new Exception("From DoThat");
Here is one way, using ManualResetEvent and lambdas:
Exception exc;
using (ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
Thread ThreadB = new Thread(() =>
catch (Exception e)
exc = e;
if (resetEvent.WaitOne(10000))
throw exc;
catch (Exception e)
// I want to know if something went wrong with MyClass2.DoThat
You can clean this up, surely depending on what you want to do specifically.
As long as your thread is sleeping it cannot be interrupted by an exception caused by another thread. If you can control how your thread is doing something else he should be waiting in an alertable mode where the does e.g. wait for a threadExceptionEvent.
If you do not have control how your thread is waiting the best thing you can do is to check in the times between your thread did something for e.g. a bool exception flag and throw this one.
The following code shows how you can wait for several WaitHandles at once and react depending on the fired event appropriately.
using System;
using System.Threading;
class Program
static AutoResetEvent _ExceptionEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static WaitHandle _SomeEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static WaitHandle[] _Waiters = new WaitHandle[] { _ExceptionEvent, _SomeEvent };
static Exception _LastThrownException = null;
static int _CatchedExCount = 0;
static void ThreadA()
while (true)
int eventIdx = WaitHandle.WaitAny(_Waiters);
if (eventIdx == 0) // Exception event
Exception lastEx = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _LastThrownException, null);
if (lastEx != null)
Console.WriteLine("Thread A got exception {0}", lastEx.Message);
//throw lastEx;
static void ThreadB()
while (true)
catch (Exception ex)
// Do not overwrite a pending exception until it was processed
Exception old = null;
old = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _LastThrownException, ex, null);
if( old != null) // wait a bit to allow processing of existing exception
while (old != null);
static int _exCount = 0;
static void ThreadBWorker()
throw new Exception("Thread B Exception " + _exCount++);
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread t2 = new Thread(ThreadB);
t2.Start(); // start producing exception
Thread t1 = new Thread(ThreadA);
t1.Start(); // wait for exceptions
Alois Kraus