String Utilities in C# - c#

I'm learning about string utilities in C#, and I have a method that replaces parts of a string.
Using the replace method I need to get an output such as
"Old file name: file00"
"New file name: file01"
Depending on what the user wants to change it to.
I am looking for help on making the method (NextImageName) replace only the digits, but not the file name.
class BuildingBlock
public static string ReplaceOnce(string word, string characters, int position)
word = word.Remove(position, characters.Length);
word = word.Insert(position, characters);
return word;
public static string GetLastName(string name)
string result = "";
int posn = name.LastIndexOf(' ');
if (posn >= 0) result = name.Substring(posn + 1);
return result;
public static string NextImageName(string filename, int newNumber)
if (newNumber > 9)
return ReplaceOnce(filename, newNumber, (filename.Length - 2))
if (newNumber < 10)
if (newNumber == 0)
The other "if" statements are empty for now until I find out how to do the first one.

The correct way to do this would be to use Regular Expressions.
Ideally you would separate "file" from "00" in "file00". Then take "00", convert it to an Int32 (using Int32.Parse()) and then rebuild your string with String.Format().

public static string NextImageName(string filename, int newNumber)
string oldnumber = "";
foreach (var item in filename.ToCharArray().Reverse())
if (char.IsDigit(item))
oldnumber = item + oldnumber ;
return filename.Replace(oldnumber ,newNumber.ToString());

public static string NextImageName(string filename, int newNumber)
int i = 0;
foreach (char c in filename) // get index of first number
if (char.IsNumber(c))
string s = filename.Substring(0,i); // remove original number
s = s + newNumber.ToString(); // add new number
return s;


function complex_decode( string str) that takes a non-simple repeated encoded string, and returns the original un-encoded string

Im trying to write a function complex_decode( string str) in c sharp that takes a non-simple repeated encoded string, and returns the original un-encoded string.
for example, "t11h12e14" would return "ttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee". I have been successful in decoding strings where the length is less than 10, but unable to work with length for than 10. I am not allowed to use regex, libraries or loops. Only recursions.
This is my code for simple decode which decodes when length less than 10.
public string decode(string str)
if (str.Length < 1)
return "";
return repeat_char(str[0], char_to_int(str[1]));
return repeat_char(str[0], char_to_int(str[1]))+decode(str.Substring(2));
public int char_to_int(char c)
return (int)(c-48);
public string repeat_char(char c, int n)
if (n < 1)
return "";
if (n == 1)
return ""+c;
return c + repeat_char(c, n - 1);
This works as intended, for example input "a5" returns "aaaaa", "t1h1e1" returns "the"
Any help is appreciated.
Here is another way of doing this, assuming the repeating string is always one character long and using only recursion (and a StringBuilder object):
private static string decode(string value)
var position = 0;
var result = decode_char(value, ref position);
return result;
private static string decode_char(string value, ref int position)
var next = value[position++];
var countBuilder = new StringBuilder();
get_number(value, ref position, countBuilder);
var result = new string(next, Convert.ToInt32(countBuilder.ToString()));
if (position < value.Length)
result += decode_char(value, ref position);
return result;
private static void get_number(string value, ref int position, StringBuilder countBuilder)
if (position < value.Length && char.IsNumber(value[position]))
get_number(value, ref position, countBuilder);
I've refactored your code a bit. I've removed 2 unnecessary methods that you don't actually need. So, the logic is simple and it works like this;
Example input: t3h2e4
Get the first digit. (Which is 2 and has index of 1)
Get the first letter comes after that index, which is our next letter. (Which is "h" and has index of 2)
Slice the string. Start from index 1 and end the slicing on index 2 to get repeat count. (Which is 3)
Repeat the first letter of string for repeat count times and combine it with the result you got from step 5.
Slice the starting from the next letter index we got in second step, to the very end of the string and pass this to recursive method.
public static string Decode(string input)
// If the string is empty or has only 1 character, return the string itself to not proceed.
if (input.Length <= 1)
return input;
// Convert string into character list.
var characters = new List<char>();
var firstDigitIndex = characters.FindIndex(c => char.IsDigit(c)); // Get first digit
var nextLetterIndex = characters.FindIndex(firstDigitIndex, c => char.IsLetter(c)); // Get the next letter after that digit
if (nextLetterIndex == -1)
// This has only one reason. Let's say you are in the last recursion and you have c2
// There is no letter after the digit, so the index will -1, which means "not found"
// So, it will raise an exception, since we try to use the -1 in slicing part
// Instead, if it's not found, we set the next letter index to length of the string
// With doing that, you either get repeatCount correctly (since remaining part is only digits)
// or you will get empty string in the next recursion, which will stop the recursion.
nextLetterIndex = input.Length;
// Let's say first digit's index is 1 and the next letter's index is 2
// str[2..3] will start to slice the string from index 2 and will stop in index 3
// So, it will basically return us the repeat count.
var repeatCount = int.Parse(input[firstDigitIndex..nextLetterIndex]);
// string(character, repeatCount) constructor will repeat the "character" you passed to it for "repeatCount" times
return new string(input[0], repeatCount) + Decode(input[nextLetterIndex..]);
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t1h1e1")); // the
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t2h3e4")); // tthhheeee
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t3h3e3")); // ttthhheee
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t2h10e2")); // tthhhhhhhhhhee
Console.WriteLine(Decode("t2h10e10")); // tthhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee
First you can simplify your repeat_char function, you have to have a clear stop condition:
public static string repeat_char(char c, int resultLength)
if(resultLength < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resultLength");
if(resultLength == 1) return c.ToString();
return c + repeat_char(c, resultLength - 1);
See the use of the parameter as equivalent of a counter on a loop.
So you can have something similar on the main function, a parameter that tells when your substring is not an int anymore.
public static string decode(string str, int repeatNumberLength = 1)
if(repeatNumberLength < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
//stop condition
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return str;
if(repeatNumberLength >= str.Length) repeatNumberLength = str.Length; //Some validation, just to be safe
//keep going until str[1...repeatNumberLength] is not an int
int charLength;
if(repeatNumberLength < str.Length && int.TryParse(str.Substring(1, repeatNumberLength), out charLength))
return decode(str, repeatNumberLength + 1);
//Get the repeated Char.
charLength = int.Parse(str.Substring(1, repeatNumberLength));
var repeatedChar = repeat_char(str[0], charLength);
//decode the substring
var decodedSubstring = decode(str.Substring(repeatNumberLength + 1));
return repeatedChar + decodedSubstring;
I used a default parameter, but you can easily change it for a more traditonal style.
This also assumes that the original str is in a correct format.
An excellent exercise is to change the function so that you can have a word, instead of a char before the number. Then you could, for example, have "the3" as the parameter (resulting in "thethethe").
I took more of a Lisp-style head and tail approach (car and cdr if you speak Lisp) and created a State class to carry around the current state of the parsing.
First the State class:
internal class State
public State()
LastLetter = string.Empty;
CurrentCount = 0;
HasStarted = false;
CurrentValue = string.Empty;
public string LastLetter { get; private set; }
public int CurrentCount { get; private set; }
public bool HasStarted { get; private set; }
public string CurrentValue { get; private set; }
public override string ToString()
return $"LastLetter: {LastLetter}, CurrentCount: {CurrentCount}, HasStarted: {HasStarted}, CurrentValue: {CurrentValue}";
public void AddLetter(string letter)
CurrentCount = 0;
LastLetter = letter;
HasStarted = true;
public int AddDigit(string digit)
if (!HasStarted)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The input must start with a letter, not a digit");
if (!int.TryParse(digit, out var num))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Digit passed to {nameof(AddDigit)} ({digit}) is not a number");
CurrentCount = CurrentCount * 10 + num;
return CurrentCount;
public string GetValue()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastLetter))
return string.Empty;
CurrentValue = new string(LastLetter[0], CurrentCount);
return CurrentValue;
You'll notice it's got some stuff in there for debugging (example, the ToString override and the CurrentValue property)
Once you have that, the decoder is easy, it just recurses over the string it's given (along with (initially) a freshly constructed State instance):
private string Decode(string input, State state)
if (input.Length == 0)
return _buffer.ToString();
var head = input[0];
var tail = input.Substring(1);
var headString = head.ToString();
if (char.IsDigit(head))
else // it's a character
Decode(tail, state);
return _buffer.ToString();
I did this in a simple Windows Forms app, with a text box for input, a label for output and a button to crank her up:
const string NotAllowedPattern = #"[^a-zA-Z0-9]";
private static Regex NotAllowedRegex = new Regex(NotAllowedPattern);
private StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text.Length == 0 || NotAllowedRegex.IsMatch(textBox1.Text))
MessageBox.Show(this, "Only Letters and Digits Allowed", "Bad Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
label1.Text = string.Empty;
var result = Decode(textBox1.Text, new State());
label1.Text = result;
Yeah, there's a Regex there, but it's just to make sure that the input is valid; it's not involved in calculating the output.

C# Extract json object from mixed data text/js file

I need to parse reactjs file in main.451e57c9.js to retrieve version number with C#.
This file contains mixed data, here is little part of it:
.....inally{if(s)throw i}}return a}}(e,t)||xe(e,t)||we()}var Se=
I need to extract json data of {"shortVersion":"v3.1.56"}
The last time I tried to simply find the string shortVersion and return a certain number of characters after, but it seems like I'm trying to create the bicycle from scratch. Is there proper way to identify and extract json from the mixed text?
public static void findVersion()
var partialName = "main.*.js";
string[] filesInDir = Directory.GetFiles(#pathToFile, partialName);
var lines = File.ReadLines(filesInDir[0]);
foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(filesInDir[0]))
string keyword = "shortVersion";
int indx = line.IndexOf(keyword);
if (indx != -1)
string code = line.Substring(indx + keyword.Length);
string findJson(string input, string keyword) {
int startIndex = input.IndexOf(keyword) - 2; //Find the starting point of shortversion then subtract 2 to start at the { bracket
input = input.Substring(startIndex); //Grab everything after the start index
int endIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) {
char letter = input[i];
if (letter == '}') {
endIndex = i; //Capture the first instance of the closing bracket in the new trimmed input string.
return input.Remove(endIndex+1);
Console.WriteLine(findJson("fwekjfwkejwe{'shortVersion':'v3.1.56'}wekjrlklkj23klj23jkl234kjlk", "shortVersion"));
You will recieve {'shortVersion':'v3.1.56'} as output
Note you may have to use line.Replace('"', "'");
Try below method -
public static object ExtractJsonFromText(string mixedStrng)
for (var i = mixedStrng.IndexOf('{'); i > -1; i = mixedStrng.IndexOf('{', i + 1))
for (var j = mixedStrng.LastIndexOf('}'); j > -1; j = mixedStrng.LastIndexOf("}", j -1))
var jsonProbe = mixedStrng.Substring(i, j - i + 1);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonProbe);
return null;
You should not use GetFiles() since you only need one and that returns all before you can do anything. This should give your something you can work with here and it should be as fast as it likely can be with big files and/or lots of files in a folder (to be fair I have not tested this on such a large file system or file)
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
var path = $#"c:\SomePath";
var jsonString = GetFileVersion(path);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jsonString))
// do something with string; deserialize or whatever.
var result=JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Version>>(jsonString);
var vers = result.shortVersion;
private static string GetFileVersion(string path)
var partialName = "main.*.js";
// JSON string fragment to find: doubled up braces and quotes for the $# string
string matchString = $#"{{""shortVersion"":";
string matchEndString = $#" ""}}'";
// we can later stop on the first match
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (!dir.Exists)
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The directory does not exist.");
// Call the GetFileSystemInfos method and grab the first one
FileSystemInfo info = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(partialName).FirstOrDefault();
if (info.Exists)
// walk the file contents looking for a match (assumptions made here there IS a match and it has that string noted)
var line = File.ReadLines(info.FullName).SkipWhile(line => !line.Contains(matchString)).Take(1).First();
var indexStart = line.IndexOf(matchString);
var indexEnd = line.IndexOf(matchEndString, indexStart);
var jsonString = line.Substring(indexStart, indexEnd + matchEndString.Length);
return jsonString;
return string.Empty;
public class Version
public string shortVersion { get; set; }
Use this this should be faster -
public static object ExtractJsonFromText(string mixedStrng)
string pattern = #"\(\'\{.*}\'\)";
string str = null;
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(mixedStrng, pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline))
if (match.Success)
str = str + Environment.NewLine + match;
return str;

How to parse a string that contains multiple tokens and multiple delimiters in C#?

The string (aka Message) I am trying to parse out looks like this. (It also looks exactly like this when you paste it in Notepad
"CorrelationId: b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9
Request for API: /api/acmsxdsreader/readpolicyfrompolicyassignment Caller:C2F023C52E2148C9C1D040FBFAC113D463A368B1 CorrelationId: b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9 RequestedSchemas: {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}VoicePolicy, {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy, TenantId: 7a205197-8e59-487d-b9fa-3fc1b108f1e5"
I would like to make 5 separate functions that return each of the specific values which would be like GetCorrelationId, GetRFAPI, GetCaller, GetRqSchema, and GetTenantId and extract out their corresponding values.
How would I do this in C# without using Regex?
Below is the code I have made for the caller (and this method is the same for all other 4 functions) but I have been advised that regex is slow and should not be used by my mentor and the method I have below doesn't even work anyway. Also, my biggest problem with trying to use the regex is that there are multiple delimiters in the message like ',' ' ' and ': ' and ':'
string parseCaller(string message)
var pattern = #"Caller:(.*)";
var r = new Regex(pattern).Match(message);
var caller = r.Groups[1].Value;
return caller;
Expected result should be:
GetCorrelationId(message) RETURNS b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9
GetRFAPI(message) RETURNS /api/acmsxdsreader/readpolicyfrompolicyassignment
GetRqSchema(message) RETURNS {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}VoicePolicy, {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy
GetCaller(message) RETURNS C2F023C52E2148C9C1D040FBFAC113D463A368B1
GetTenantId(message) RETURNS 7a205197-8e59-487d-b9fa-3fc1b108f1e5
I would approach this a little differently and create a class that has properties for each value you want to parse from the string. Then we can create a static Parse method that creates an instance of the class from an input string, which sets all the properties for you.
If the string always has the same items (CorrelationId, RequestForAPI, Caller, etc) in the same order, we can utilize a simple helper method to GetValueBetween two headers.
The code is pretty simple:
class MessageData
public string CorrelationId { get; set; }
public string RequestForAPI { get; set; }
public string RequestedSchemas { get; set; }
public string Caller { get; set; }
public string TennantId { get; set; }
public static MessageData Parse(string input)
return new MessageData
CorrelationId = GetValueBetween(input, "CorrelationId:", "Request for API:"),
RequestForAPI = GetValueBetween(input, "Request for API:", "Caller:"),
Caller = GetValueBetween(input, "Caller:", "CorrelationId:"),
RequestedSchemas = GetValueBetween(input, "RequestedSchemas:", "TenantId:"),
TennantId = GetValueBetween(input, "TenantId:", null),
private static string GetValueBetween(string input, string startDelim, string endDelim)
if (input == null) return string.Empty;
var start = input.IndexOf(startDelim);
if (start == -1) return string.Empty;
start += startDelim.Length;
var length = endDelim == null
? input.Length - start
: input.IndexOf(endDelim, start) - start;
if (length < 0) length = input.Length - start;
return input.Substring(start, length).Trim();
And now we can just call MessageData.Parse(inputString), and we have a class with all it's properties set from the input string:
private static void Main()
var message = #"CorrelationId: b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9
Request for API: /api/acmsxdsreader/readpolicyfrompolicyassignment Caller:C2F023C52E2148C9C1D040FBFAC113D463A368B1 CorrelationId: b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9 RequestedSchemas: {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}VoicePolicy, {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy, TenantId: 7a205197-8e59-487d-b9fa-3fc1b108f1e5";
var messageData = MessageData.Parse(message);
// Now we can access any property
Based on these specifications in your question:
How would I do this in C# without using Regex?
I would like to make 5 separate functions
You can try the below. It's really simple, as you can study your string and use IndexOf and SubString functions appropriately:
using System;
class ParseTest
static string GetCorrelationId(string message)
int i = message.IndexOf(": ") + 2; //length of ": "
int j = message.IndexOf("Request");
return message.Substring(i, j-i).Trim();
static string GetRFAPI(string message)
int i = message.IndexOf("API: ") + 5; //length of "API: "
int j = message.IndexOf("Caller");
return message.Substring(i, j-i).Trim();
static string GetCaller(string message)
int i = message.IndexOf("Caller:") + 7; //length of "Caller: "
int j = message.IndexOf(" CorrelationId");
return message.Substring(i, j-i).Trim();
static string GetRqSchema(string message)
int i = message.IndexOf("RequestedSchemas:") + 17; //length of "RequestedSchemas:"
int j = message.IndexOf(", TenantId:");
return message.Substring(i, j-i).Trim();
static string GetTenantId(string message)
int i = message.IndexOf("TenantId:") + 9; //length of "TenantId: "
return message.Substring(i).Trim();
static void Main()
string m = #"CorrelationId: b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9
Request for API: /api/acmsxdsreader/readpolicyfrompolicyassignment Caller:C2F023C52E2148C9C1D040FBFAC113D463A368B1 CorrelationId: b99fb632-78cf-4910-ab23-4f69833ed2d9 RequestedSchemas: {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}VoicePolicy, {urn:schema:Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Policy.Voice.2008}OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy, TenantId: 7a205197-8e59-487d-b9fa-3fc1b108f1e5";
You can run it here.
EDIT: Of course you can modify this to use get-only properties, as some other answerers have tried to do.
If, on the other hand, you want to write a parser (this is kind of lazy one 😂), then that's another matter for your researching pleasure.
Here's a more robust solution if you don't know if the order of these elements returned from the API will change in the future:
private string GetRFAPI(string str)
return GetSubstring(str, "Request for API: ", ' ', 1);
private string GetCaller(string str)
return GetSubstring(str, "Caller:", ' ', 1);
private string GetCorrelationId(string str)
return GetSubstring(str, "CorrelationId: ", ' ', 1);
private string GetTenantId(string str)
return GetSubstring(str, "TenantId: ", ' ', 1);
private string GetRequestedSchemas(string str)
return GetSubstring(str, "RequestedSchemas: ", ',', 2);
private string GetSubstring(string str, string pattern, char delimiter, int occurrence)
int start = str.IndexOf(pattern);
if (start < 0)
return null;
for (int i = start + pattern.Length, counter = 0; i < str.Length; i++, counter++)
if ((str[i] == delimiter && --occurrence == 0) || i == str.Length - 1)
return str.Substring(start + pattern.Length, counter).Trim();
return null;

Between two strings, but first string must be last occurrence

public static string Between(this string value, string a, string b)
int posA = value.IndexOf(a);
int posB = value.LastIndexOf(b);
if (posA == -1)
return "";
if (posB == -1)
return "";
int adjustedPosA = posA + a.Length;
if (adjustedPosA >= posB)
return "";
return value.Substring(adjustedPosA, posB - adjustedPosA);
//Button1 Click
MessageBox.Show(Between("Abcdefgh- 50- 25------------ 37,50-#", "- ", "-#"));
The result is: 50- 25------------ 37,50. But I want to select last '- '. So the result must be 37,50.
Can anyone help me?
I'd use Regex.
public static string Between(this string value, string a, string b)
return Regex.Match(value, string.Format("((?:(?!{0}).)*){1}", Regex.Escape(a), Regex.Escape(b))).Groups[1].Value;
The regex is looking for the last occurrence of a before b and selects the characters between them.
Adapted from:

split a string with max character limit

I'm attempting to split a string into many strings (List) with each one having a maximum limit of characters. So say if I had a string of 500 characters, and I want each string to have a max of 75, there would be 7 strings, and the last one would not have a full 75.
I've tried some of the examples I have found on stackoverflow, but they 'truncate' the results. Any ideas?
You can write your own extension method to do something like that
static class StringExtensions
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitOnLength(this string input, int length)
int index = 0;
while (index < input.Length)
if (index + length < input.Length)
yield return input.Substring(index, length);
yield return input.Substring(index);
index += length;
And then you could call it like this
string temp = new string('#', 500);
string[] array = temp.SplitOnLength(75).ToArray();
foreach (string x in array)
I think this is a little cleaner than the other answers:
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitByLength(string s, int length)
while (s.Length > length)
yield return s.Substring(0, length);
s = s.Substring(length);
if (s.Length > 0) yield return s;
I would tackle this with a loop using C# String.Substring method.
Note that this isn't exact code, but you get the idea.
var myString = "hello world";
List<string> list = new List();
int maxSize
while(index < myString.Length())
if(index + maxSize > myString.Length())
// handle last case
index+= maxSize;
When you say split, are you referring to the split function? If not, something like this will work:
List<string> list = new List<string>();
string s = "";
int num = 75;
while (s.Length > 0)
list.Add(s.Substring(0, num));
s = s.Remove(0, num);
i am assuming maybe a delimiter - like space character.
search on the string (instr) until you find the next position of the delimiter.
if that is < your substring length (75) then append to the current substring.
if not, start a new substring.
special case - if there is no delimiter in the entire substring - then you need to define what happens - like add a '-' then continue.
public static string SplitByLength(string s, int length)
ArrayList sArrReturn = new ArrayList();
String[] sArr = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string sconcat in sArr)
if (((String.Join(" ", sArrReturn.ToArray()).Length + sconcat.Length)+1) < length)
return String.Join(" ", sArrReturn.ToArray());
public static string SplitByLengthOld(string s, int length)
string sret = string.Empty;
String[] sArr = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string sconcat in sArr)
if ((sret.Length + sconcat.Length + 1) < length)
sret = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", sret, string.IsNullOrEmpty(sret) ? string.Empty : " ", sconcat);
return sret;
return string.Empty;
