I am creating a Plugin for CRM Which sets the Title of the page as First Name for Account Entity.
The desired result I have achieved the same by writing a javascript function on formload Event
in CRM.
Following is the code
var titlename = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("firstname").getValue();
var titleSpan = document.getElementById('form_title_div');
if(titleSpan) {
for(var i = 0;i < titleSpan.children.length;i++) {
if(titleSpan.children[i].className == 'ms-crm-Form-Title-Data autoellipsis') {
titleSpan.children[i].innerText = titlename;
But my client don't want any javascript code instead he wants it thru Plugin.
I have written a plugin but don't know how to get and set the Title of the page.
Plugin project is a C# Class library.
Code is below for Plugin
Basically I want C# code for commented(Javascipt) Lines
using (var crm = new XrmServiceContext(service))
var account = crm.ContactSet.Where(c => c.AccountId == id).First();
var titlename = contact.Crmp_Firstname.ToString();
//var titleSpan = document.getElementById('form_title_div');
//if(titleSpan) {
//for(var i = 0;i < titleSpan.children.length;i++) {
//if(titleSpan.children[i].className == 'ms-crm-Form-Title-Data autoellipsis') {
//titleSpan.children[i].innerText = titlename;
Thanks in advance for any help
It is not possible to modify the title of an account form by a plugin.
This because plugins act server side, instead JavaScript (and your account form) is executed client side.
CRM doesn't store the title of the account, but generates it at runtime.
I have a C# managed Application that runs on a Lync 2013 Server and uses MSPL. I route every call from MSPL to the application and handle it there. Lync to Lync calls work fine and their to Header is in the form sip:user#domain.com. But when a call from outside the network (non-lync like mobile phone etc.) to the workphone of a Lyncuser is started, the Uri is like sip:+12341234#domain.com;user=phone (sip:[workphone]#domain). Passing this string to the Presence Retrieval function does not work.
var sips = new string[] { phone }; // The "To" number
presenceService.BeginPresenceQuery(sips, categories, null, null, null);
This always returns an empty result. How can I first retrieve the user associated with the phone number to get its presence?
I solved it this way:
public static UserObject FindContactBySip(string sip)
return UserList.FirstOrDefault(u => u.HasSip(sip));
private static void InitFindUsersInAD()
PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
var user = new UserPrincipal(ctx);
user.Name = "*";
var searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(user);
var result = searcher.FindAll();
var sipList = new List<string>();
UserList = new List<UserObject>();
foreach (var res in result)
var underlying = (DirectoryEntry)res.GetUnderlyingObject();
string email = string.Empty, phone = string.Empty, policies = string.Empty;
foreach (var keyval in underlying.Properties.Values)
var kv = keyval as System.DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection;
if (kv != null && kv.Value is string)
if (kv.PropertyName.Equals("msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress"))
email = (kv.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString();
else if (kv.PropertyName.Equals("msRTCSIP-Line"))
phone = (kv.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString();
else if (kv.PropertyName.Equals("msRTCSIP-UserPolicies"))
policies = (kv.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
var userobj = new UserObject(email, phone, policies);
First I initialize the UserList (List // Custom class) from the AD. Then I call FindContactBySip and check if the provided SIP equals the Email or Phone of the User.
I have found two other ways to solve your problem.
In MSPL you can:
toContactCardInfo = QueryCategory(toUserUri, 0, "contactCard", 0);
Which gives you:
<contactCard xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/contactcard"" >
<identity >
<name >
<displayName >
Lync User</displayName>
<email >
You can turn the email address into a sip address. This only works if your lync setup uses email address for sip addresses.
The other method is to use 'P-Asserted-Identity' sip header to determine who the phone call is being routed to/from. The only problem is that it doesn't show up in the inital invites (as that would be for the From side anyway), but in the 180 ringing response from the Lync Client.
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:lync.user#xxx.com>, <tel:+123456789;ext=12345>
So if you wait for the 180 ringing response then I would recommand that you use P-Asserted-Identity method and you don't even need to escape out of MSPL for it!
I have written a website in aspx with c#. Now I want to create a auto login feature for a specific user with c#. It should recognize the specific user based on his hostname or IP address and then create a cookie.
Is this a good approach? Thank you.
To page load ->
Session["loggedIn"] = true;
This is only for one ip. If you wanna use more ips check this out
string[] allowedIps = new string[2] {"",""};
for(int n = 0;n < allowedIps.Length;n++) {
if(Request.UserHostAddress.Equals(allowedIps[n])) {
Session["loggedIn"] = true;
I am trying to get the contact's avatar image.
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
public sealed class OutlookAvatarFetcher
private static void FetchAvatars()
var outlook = new Application();
var folder = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts);
var items = folder.Items;
for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i)
var contact = items[i + 1] as ContactItem;
if (contact == null)
if (contact.HasPicture)
// TODO store the picture somehow.
But unfortunately I can't find a picture accessor.
You can use the attachments property of the ContactItem:
If you want to save the file to disk, for example, you could do something like this:
Do you mean the picture that comes from Facebook or LinkedIn?
You cannot access it - MS did not provide any API to do that for legal purposes. Remember, that data comes from a third party service, and quite a few lawyers are involved in cases like this.
i want to display value of sharepoint people/group value in people editor(web part) when the page is loaded. This is the code that i use to get the value displayed in web part
if(SPContext .Current .ListItem .ID >= 1)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("sitename"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
var id = SPContext.Current.ListItem.ID;
SPList lists = web.Lists["DDClist"];
SPListItem item = lists.GetItemById(id);
string test = Convert.ToString(item["Project No"]);
tb_pno.Text = test;
string test2 = Convert.ToString(item["Project Title"]);
tb_pname.Text = test2;
string test3 = Convert.ToString(item["DDC No"]);
tb_idcno.Text = test3;
string test4 = Convert.ToString(item["Date In"]);
TextBox3.Text = test4;
is there a way to do the same thing with people editor?
This is all a little tricky; when I've had to do it before, I use the following to get SPUser object out of a field:
SPUser singleUser = new SPFieldUserValue(
item.Web, item["Single User"] as string).User;
SPUser[] multipleUsers = ((SPFieldUserValueCollection)item["MultipleUsers"])
.Cast<SPFieldUserValue>().Select(f => f.User);
I'm not sure why one user is stored as a string, but multiple users are stored as a specific object; it may also not be consistent in this so you might have to debug a bit and see what the type in your field is.
Once you have these SPUsers, you can populate your PeopleEditor control
using the account names as follows (quite long-winded):
ArrayList entityArrayList = new ArrayList();
foreach(SPUser user in multipleUsers) // or just once for a single user
PickerEntity entity = new PickerEntity;
entity.Key = user.LoginName;
entity = peMyPeople.ValidateEntity(entity);
This also performs validation of the users of some kind.
If the page this control appears on may be posted-back, you need the following to be done during the postback in order for the values to be correctly roundtripped; I put it in PreRender but it could happen elsewhere in the lifecycle:
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
var csa = peMyPeople.CommaSeparatedAccounts;
csa = peMyPeople.CommaSeparatedAccounts;
If you want to check any error messages that the control generates for you (if the user input is incorrect), you need to have done this switchout already:
var csa = usrBankSponsor.CommaSeparatedAccounts;
csa = usrOtherBankParties.CommaSeparatedAccounts;
//ErrorMessage is incorrect if you haven't done the above
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(usrBankSponsor.ErrorMessage))
It's really not very nice and there may be a much better way of handling it, but this is the result of my experience so far so hopefully it will save you some time.
I'm looking to try and get an MVC3 Canvas app working with the Facebook C# SDK, but am struggling to allow permissions - Below is my code, and when I open the app I get the 'Allow / Deny' dialog but when I click allow I get redirected to my app and the same dialog appears again (And again and so on no matter how many times I click allow)?
I guess I am missing something obvious... If I take the user_groups permission out it works fine, I just can't access the persons groups.
[CanvasAuthorize(Permissions = "user_groups")]
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
IFacebookApplication settings = FacebookApplication.Current;
if (settings != null)
//CanvasPage = settings.CanvasPage;
//AppId = settings.AppId;
FacebookWebContext facebookContext = FacebookWebContext.Current;
FacebookSignedRequest signedRequest = facebookContext.SignedRequest;
var client = new FacebookWebClient(facebookContext.AccessToken);
dynamic me = client.Get("me");
var friends = client.Get("me/friends");
var groups = client.Get("me/groups");
ViewBag.Name = me.name;
ViewBag.Id = me.id;
JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var fbFriends = sr.Deserialize<FBFriends>(friends.ToString());
ViewData["friends"] = fbFriends.data;
return View("Friends");
Any help, tips or code samples greatly appreciated.
make sure u have set the appid and appsecret correctly.
download the source code and checkout the "samples" folder, there are a bunch of asp.net mvc samples.