How do I fill everything over a straight line and under a curve? - c#

I am using the Charts component in Windows Forms.
I create a straight line using
chart1.Series["Grenzwert"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, y));
chart1.Series["Grenzwert"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(maxwidth, y));
Also I plot a a series of points connected by a line, let's call it curve.
How do I show everything over straight line and under curve filled?
Column fills the whole area, not just above straight line.

This is late and not really short but imo it is the best way to color areas in a chart.
The Lines and also the Spline charttypes can be very precisely colored by coding the Paint event with the right data. The necessary pixel values can be obtained by the axis function ValueToPixelPosition. See here for another example!
The following code is a little longer because we need to add certain points at the start and end of both the chart and each colored area. Other than that it is very straight forward: Create GraphicsPaths by adding the pixel coordinates with AddLines and fill the GraphicsPaths in the Paint event.
For testing and for fun I have added a movable HorizontalLineAnnotation, so I can see how the areas vary when I drag it up and down..:
The Paint event is rather simple; it refers to a HorizontalLineAnnotation hl :
private void chart1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
double limit = hl.Y; // get the limit value
hl.X = 0; // reset the x value of the annotation
List<GraphicsPath> paths = getPaths(chart1.ChartAreas[0], chart1.Series[0], limit);
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(127, Color.Red)))
foreach (GraphicsPath gp in paths)
{ e.Graphics.FillPath(brush, gp); gp.Dispose(); }
The code to get the paths is obviously way too long for comfort..:
List<GraphicsPath> getPaths(ChartArea ca, Series ser, double limit)
List<GraphicsPath> paths = new List<GraphicsPath>();
List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
int first = 0;
float limitPix = (float)ca.AxisY.ValueToPixelPosition(limit);
for (int i = 0; i < ser.Points.Count; i++)
if ((ser.Points[i].YValues[0] > limit) && (i < ser.Points.Count - 1))
if (points.Count == 0) first = i; // remember group start
// insert very first point:
if (i == 0) points.Insert(0, new PointF(
(float)ca.AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(ser.Points[0].XValue), limitPix));
points.Add( pointfFromDataPoint(ser.Points[i], ca)); // the regular points
if (points.Count > 0)
if (first > 0) points.Insert(0, median(
pointfFromDataPoint(ser.Points[first - 1], ca),
pointfFromDataPoint(ser.Points[first], ca), limitPix));
if (i == ser.Points.Count - 1)
if ((ser.Points[i].YValues[0] > limit))
points.Add(pointfFromDataPoint(ser.Points[i], ca));
points.Add(new PointF(
(float)ca.AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(ser.Points[i].XValue), limitPix));
points.Add(median(pointfFromDataPoint(ser.Points[i - 1], ca),
pointfFromDataPoint(ser.Points[i], ca), limitPix));
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
gp.FillMode = FillMode.Winding;
return paths;
It uses two helper functions:
PointF pointfFromDataPoint(DataPoint dp, ChartArea ca)
return new PointF( (float)ca.AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(dp.XValue),
PointF median(PointF p1, PointF p2, float y0)
float x0 = p2.X - (p2.X - p1.X) * (p2.Y - y0) / (p2.Y - p1.Y);
return new PointF(x0, y0);
The HorizontalLineAnnotation is set up like this:
hl = new HorizontalLineAnnotation();
hl.AllowMoving = true;
hl.LineColor = Color.OrangeRed;
hl.LineWidth = 1;
hl.AnchorDataPoint = S1.Points[1];
hl.X = 0;
hl.Y = 0; // or some other starting value..
hl.Width = 100; // percent of chart..
hl.ClipToChartArea = chart1.ChartAreas[0].Name; // ..but clipped

I have an idea that use SeriesChartType.Range as follow.
private void UpdateChart(float straight_line, List<DataPoint> curve)
float y = straight_line; // YValue of the straight line
var list = curve.ToList(); // Clone the curve
int count = list.Count - 2;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // Calculate intersection point between the straight line and a line between (x0,y0) and (x1,y1)
double x0 = list[i + 0].XValue;
double y0 = list[i + 0].YValues[0];
double x1 = list[i + 1].XValue;
double y1 = list[i + 1].YValues[0];
if ((y0 > y && y1 < y) || (y0 < y && y1 > y))
double x = (y - y0) * (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0) + x0;
list.Add(new DataPoint(x, y));
list.Sort((a, b) => Math.Sign(a.XValue - b.XValue));
chart1.Series[0].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Range;
chart1.Series[0].Color = Color.Red;
chart1.Series[0].BorderColor = Color.Cyan;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
double xx = list[i].XValue;
double yy = list[i].YValues[0];
if (yy > y)
chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(xx, y, yy);
chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(xx, yy, yy);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines.Add(new StripLine { IntervalOffset = y, Interval = 0, BorderColor = Color.Orange, BorderWidth = 2 });
As in the below drawing to judge whether the straight line and a line between (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) intersect, case 1 is (y0 < y && y1 > y) and case 2 is (y0 > y && y1 < y) . In case 1 and case 2, they intersect each other. In case 3 and case 4, they don't intersect each other.

You can do this as follows.
Set the column fill like you did before. Everything will be red.
Create a new column graph on the same chart.
Set its values to the same as your jagged line, but capped at the y value of the straight line you already have.
Set the fill colour for the columns to white. This will block out the red fill for any areas not between the lines.


Drawing points along path spirally

Well, I'm trying to optimize what I did here (Smoothing noises with different amplitudes (Part 2)).
By this reason, I did a new implementation from scratch ( to draw the path:
private void Start()
Polygon pol = File.ReadAllText(PolyPath).Deserialize<Polygon>();
// Create tex object
var list = pol.Vertices.AsEnumerable();
tex = list.CreateTextureObject(pol.Position, offset);
exampleTexture = new Texture2D(tex.Width, tex.Height);
exampleTexture.SetPixels32(new Color32[tex.Width * tex.Height]);
vertices = pol.Vertices.Select(v => (v - pol.Position) + offset).Clone().ToList();
_ss = new List<Segment>(pol.Segments.Select(s => new Segment((s.start + pol.Center - pol.Position) + offset, (s.end + pol.Center - pol.Position) + offset)));
foreach (Segment curSeg in _ss)
for (int i = -effectDistance; i < effectDistance; ++i)
Vector2 perp = Vector2.Perpendicular(((Vector2)curSeg.start - (Vector2)curSeg.end)).normalized;
segments.Add((Vector2)curSeg.start + perp * i);
F.DrawLine((Vector2)curSeg.start + perp * i, (Vector2)curSeg.end + perp * i, (x, y) => layers.Add(new Point(x, y)));
Debug.Log("Layer Count: " + layers.Count);
drawPath = true;
private void OnGUI()
if (exampleTexture == null)
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((Screen.width - tex.Width) / 2, (Screen.height - tex.Height) / 2, tex.Width, tex.Height), exampleTexture);
if (drawPath)
Point? cur = layers.Count > 0 ? (Point?)layers.First() : null;
if (cur.HasValue)
exampleTexture.SetPixel(cur.Value.x, cur.Value.y, new Color32(170, 0, 0, 255));
Point? cur = segments.Count > 0 ? (Point?)segments.First() : null;
if (cur.HasValue)
exampleTexture.SetPixel(cur.Value.x, cur.Value.y, new Color32(0, 170, 0, 255));
Point? cur = vertices.Count > 0 ? (Point?)vertices.First() : null;
if (cur.HasValue)
exampleTexture.SetPixel(cur.Value.x, cur.Value.y, new Color32(255, 128, 0, 255));
if (vertices.Count == 0 && segments.Count == 0 && layers.Count == 0)
drawPath = false;
This is what DrawLines actually do:
public static class F
public static void DrawLine(Point p1, Point p2, Action<int, int> action)
DrawLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, action);
public static void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Action<int, int> action)
int sx = 0,
sy = 0;
int dx = Mathf.Abs(x1 - x0),
dy = Mathf.Abs(y1 - y0);
if (x0 < x1) { sx = 1; } else { sx = -1; }
if (y0 < y1) { sy = 1; } else { sy = -1; }
int err = dx - dy,
e2 = 0;
while (true)
action?.Invoke(x0, y0);
if ((x0 == x1) && (y0 == y1))
e2 = 2 * err;
if (e2 > -dy)
err = err - dy;
x0 = x0 + sx;
if (e2 < dx)
err = err + dx;
y0 = y0 + sy;
This is an implemenentation of Bresenham algorithm.
This implementation is better because I have lowered iterations from 280k to 6k, but there is an issue as you can see this is innacurate...
The way this works first is getting the perpendicular of each segment on the shape (green pixels) and then drawing lines between the start and the end point of that segment. Segmenents are obtained using Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
So I was thinking on draw the "orange" path spirally. I don't know how to explain this, basically, obtaining the same path but, with an scale (Translating/transforming? list of points from its center with an offset/distance) but I think I will have the same innacuracy.
Any guide will be appreciated. What algorithm could I use to draw the path with "layers"?
Following some of the information here, you might be able to use "inward/outward polygon offsetting" (aka "polygon buffering") to get the result you are interested in.
A tool such as Clipper can help.
Once you have a way to outwardly offset your shape, do the following:
First, draw the outer shape (black region below), then offset the inner shape outwards as far as you need it to go, and draw it on top of the outer shape (brown region below) using an appropriate noise/color scheme:
Then, apply a smaller offset, then draw that shape on top using a different noise/colorscheme (orange region below).
Repeat until you have as many gradients as you need:
Finally, draw the inner shape without any offsetting with its noise/color scheme:

how to control mouse pointer with head movement using emguCV C#?

I am developing a system just like Camera mouse or other face control mouse, I have implemented all the functionality, the mouse pointer is also moving well, but I want to create the movement smooth just like the mouse control the pointer. the code I am using is:
if (startButton == true)
cap = new Capture();
pictureBox1.Image = cap.QueryFrame().ToImage<Bgr, Byte>().Bitmap;
catch (Exception exp)
MessageBox.Show("Error:" + exp);
_cascadeClassifier = new CascadeClassifier(Application.StartupPath + "/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");
eye_cascadeClassifier = new CascadeClassifier(Application.StartupPath + "/haarcascade_eye.xml");
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var imageFrame = cap.QueryFrame().ToImage<Bgr, Byte>().Flip(FlipType.Horizontal))
if (imageFrame != null)
var grayframe = imageFrame.Convert<Gray, byte>();
var faces = _cascadeClassifier.DetectMultiScale(grayframe, 1.1, 10, Size.Empty); //the actual face detection happens here
foreach (var face in faces)
imageFrame.Draw(face, new Bgr(Color.LightGreen), 2); //the detected face(s) is highlighted here using a box that is drawn around it/them
Int32 yCoordStartSearchEyes = face.Top + (face.Height * 3 / 11);
Point startingPointSearchEyes = new Point(face.X, yCoordStartSearchEyes);
Size searchEyesAreaSize = new Size(face.Width, (face.Height * 3 / 11));
Rectangle possibleROI_eyes = new Rectangle(startingPointSearchEyes, searchEyesAreaSize);
int widthNav = (imageFrame.Width / 11 * 3);
int heightNav = (imageFrame.Height / 11 * 3);
Rectangle nav = new Rectangle(new Point(imageFrame.Width / 2 - widthNav / 2, imageFrame.Height / 2 - heightNav / 2), new Size(widthNav, heightNav));
imageFrame.Draw(nav, new Bgr(Color.Lavender), 3);
Point cursor = new Point(face.X + searchEyesAreaSize.Width / 2, yCoordStartSearchEyes + searchEyesAreaSize.Height / 2);
grayframe.ROI = possibleROI_eyes;
var eyes = eye_cascadeClassifier.DetectMultiScale(grayframe, 2.15, 3, Size.Empty);
foreach (var eye in eyes)
//imageFrame.Draw(eye, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);
imageFrame.Draw(possibleROI_eyes, new Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2);
if (nav.Left < cursor.X && cursor.X < (nav.Left + nav.Width) && nav.Top < cursor.Y && cursor.Y < nav.Top + nav.Height)
LineSegment2D CursorDraw = new LineSegment2D(cursor, new Point(cursor.X, cursor.Y + 1));
imageFrame.Draw(CursorDraw, new Bgr(Color.White), 3);
//we compute new cursor coordinate using a simple scale based on frame width and height
int xCoord = (imageFrame.Width * (cursor.X - nav.Left)) / nav.Width;
int yCoord = (imageFrame.Height * (cursor.Y - nav.Top)) / nav.Height;
//We set our new cursor position
Cursor.Position = new Point(xCoord * 2, yCoord *2);
Ok, I'm sure there are a lot of other better ways, but this is a quick&dirty way of moving cursor position in a "Smooth" way from point a to point b. Of course this implementation can and should be optimized using a different thread instead of using Application.DoEvents() to avoid blocking the UI thread, but i hope this gets you on the track. First, how you should use it. Instead of:
Cursor.Position = new Point(xCoord * 2, yCoord *2);
You should do this:
MoveCursorSmooth(Cursor.Position, new Point(xCoord * 2, yCoord *2));
Now, the implementation of MoveCursorSmooth:
private void MoveCursorSmooth(Point a, Point b)
var step = 5;
var left = Math.Min(a.X, b.X);
var right = Math.Max(a.X, b.X);
int width = right - left;
var top = a.Y;
var bottom = b.Y;
int height = bottom - top;
if (width > height)
double slope = (double)height / (double)width;
if (a.X <= b.X)
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x)
Cursor.Position = new Point((left + x), (a.Y + ((int)(slope * x + 0.5))));
for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x) // xOffset
Cursor.Position = new Point((right - x), (a.Y + ((int)(slope * x + 0.5))));
double slope = (double)width / (double)height;
if (a.X <= b.X)
for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y)
Cursor.Position = new Point((a.X + ((int)(slope * y + 0.5))), (top + y));
for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y)
Cursor.Position = new Point((b.X + ((int)(slope * y + 0.5))), (bottom - y));
This method is based on this answer

GDI+ curve "overflowing"

I'm currently using GDI+ to draw a line graph, and using Graphics.DrawCurve to smooth out the line. The problem is that the curve doesn't always match the points I feed it, and that makes the curve grow out of the graph frame in some points, as seen below(red is Graphics.DrawLines, green is Graphics.DrawCurve).
How would I go about solving this?
The simplest solution is to set a tension:
The green curve is drawn with the default tension, the blue one set a tension of 0.1f:
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
e.Graphics.DrawLines(Pens.Red, points.ToArray());
e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Green, points.ToArray());
e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Blue, points.ToArray(), 0.1f);
You will need to test what is the best compromise, 0.2f is still ok, 0.3f is already overdrawing quite a bit..
For a really good solution you will need to use DrawBeziers. This will let you draw curves that can go through the points without any overdrawing and with full control of the radius of the curves; but to to so you will need to 'find', i.e. calculate good control points, which is anything but trivial..:
This result is by no means perfect but already complicated enough.. I have displayed the curve points and their respective control points in the same color. For each point there is an incoming and an outgoing control point. For a smooth curve they need to have the same tangents/gradients in their curve points.
I use a few helper functions to calculate a few things about the segments:
A list of gradients
A list of signs of the gradients
A list of segment lengths
Lists of horizontal and of vertical gaps between points
The main function calculates the array of bezier points, that is the curve points and between each pair the previous left and the next right control points.
In the Paint event it is used like this:
List<PointF> bezz = getBezz(points);
using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2f))
e.Graphics.DrawBeziers(pen, bezz.ToArray());
Here are the functions I used:
List<float> getGradients(List<PointF> p)
List<float> grads = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count - 1; i++)
float dx = p[i + 1].X - p[i].X;
float dy = p[i + 1].Y - p[i].Y;
if (dx == 0) grads.Add(dy == 0 ? 0 : dy > 0 ?
float.PositiveInfinity : float.NegativeInfinity);
else grads.Add(dy / dx);
return grads;
List<float> getLengths(List<PointF> p)
List<float> lengs = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count - 1; i++)
float dx = p[i + 1].X - p[i].X;
float dy = p[i + 1].Y - p[i].Y;
lengs.Add((float)Math.Sqrt(dy * dy + dx * dx));
return lengs;
List<float> getGaps(List<PointF> p, bool horizontal)
List<float> gaps = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < p.Count - 1; i++)
float dx = p[i + 1].X - p[i].X;
float dy = p[i + 1].Y - p[i].Y;
gaps.Add(horizontal ? dx : dy);
return gaps;
List<int> getSigns(List<float> g)
return g.Select(x => x > 0 ? 1 : x == 0 ? 0 : -1).ToList();
And finally the main function; here I make a distinction: Extreme points ( minima & maxima) should have their control points on the same height as the points themselves. This will prevent vertical overflowing. They are easy to find: The signs of their gradients will always altenate.
Other points need to have the same gradient for incoming and outcoming control points. I use the average between the segments' gradients. (Maybe a weighed average would be better..) And I weigh their distance according to the segment lengths..
List<PointF> getBezz(List<PointF> points)
List<PointF> bezz = new List<PointF>();
int pMax = points.Count;
List<float> hGaps = getGaps(points, true);
List<float> vGaps = getGaps(points, false);
List<float> grads = getGradients(points);
List<float> lengs = getLengths(points);
List<int> signs = getSigns(grads);
PointF[] bezzA = new PointF[pMax * 3 - 2];
// curve points
for (int i = 0; i < pMax; i++) bezzA[i * 3] = points[i];
// left control points
for (int i = 1; i < pMax; i++)
float x = points[i].X - hGaps[i - 1] / 2f;
float y = points[i].Y;
if (i < pMax - 1 && signs[i - 1] == signs[i])
float m = (grads[i-1] + grads[i]) / 2f;
y = points[i].Y - hGaps[i-1] / 2f * m * vGaps[i-1] / lengs[i-1];
bezzA[i * 3 - 1] = new PointF(x, y);
// right control points
for (int i = 0; i < pMax - 1; i++)
float x = points[i].X + hGaps[i] / 2f;
float y = points[i].Y;
if (i > 0 && signs[i-1] == signs[i])
float m = (grads[i-1] + grads[i]) / 2f;
y = points[i].Y + hGaps[i] / 2f * m * vGaps[i] / lengs[i];
bezzA[i * 3 + 1] = new PointF(x, y);
return bezzA.ToList();
Note that I didn't code for the case of points with the same x-coordinate. So this is ok for 'functional graphs' but not for, say figures, like e.g. stars..
Maybe you just want to look at the "overshooting the bounds" problem as not a problem with the overshoot, but with the bounds. In which case, you can determine the actual bounds of a curve using the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath object:
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
RectangleF bounds = gp.GetBounds();
You can draw that GraphicsPath directly:
graphics.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp);
As far as solving the bounds problem, the line necessarily overshoots the vertex on some axis. It's easier to see this fact when the lines are aligned to the bounds.
Given these points:
In order for them to be curved, they must exceed their bounds in some way:
If you never want to exceed their vertical bounds, you could simply ensure that the bezier handles have the same Y value as the vertex, but they will overshoot on the X:
Or vice-versa:
You could deliberately undershoot just enough to avoid the way curves can overshoot. This can be done by swapping the bezier handles, which would maybe be at the line-centers, with the vertices:

Hough with AForge on Kinect. How can i get the right lines?

i want to use my kinect to recognise certain objects. One of the methods that i want to use is the Houghtransformation. To do this i am using the AForge library.
But the lines that i find, are totally wrong. Important ones are missing and there are many useless lines in the picture.
To take care of this problem i thought:
First i am detecting the 100 most intense lines via hough to be sure that all the correct lines are detected as well.
I am writing all points from edge detection into a list and them I am checking for each line whether the detected line is at least on X points ( I used 15, 50 and 150) but nontheless my results are bad.
Have you got any idea, how i can find the right lines, before drawing them into the picture and analysing the geometry any further? Or maybe there is just a grave mistake in my code, that i dont see.
SobelEdgeDetector Kante = new SobelEdgeDetector();
System.Drawing.Bitmap neu2 = Kante.Apply(neu1);
for (int a = 0; a < 320; a++) //alle mögliche Kantenpunkte in eine Liste
for (int b = 0; b < 240; b++)
color = neu2.GetPixel(a, b);
if ((color.R+color.G+color.B)/3 >= 50)
Kantenpunkte.Add(new System.Drawing.Point(a, b));
Bitmap Hough = new Bitmap(320, 240);
Hough.Save("C:\\Users\\Nikolas Rieble\\Desktop\\Hough.png");
HoughLineTransformation lineTransform = new HoughLineTransformation();
// apply Hough line transofrm
Bitmap houghLineImage = lineTransform.ToBitmap();
// get most intensive lines
HoughLine[] lines = lineTransform.GetMostIntensiveLines(100);
UnmanagedImage fertig = UnmanagedImage.FromManagedImage(neu2);
foreach (HoughLine line in lines)
// get line's radius and theta values
int r = line.Radius;
double t = line.Theta;
// check if line is in lower part of the image
if (r < 0)
t += 180;
r = -r;
// convert degrees to radians
t = (t / 180) * Math.PI;
// get image centers (all coordinate are measured relative
// to center)
int w2 = neu2.Width / 2;
int h2 = neu2.Height / 2;
double x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0;
if (line.Theta != 0)
// none-vertical line
x0 = -w2; // most left point
x1 = w2; // most right point
// calculate corresponding y values
y0 = (-Math.Cos(t) * x0 + r) / Math.Sin(t);
y1 = (-Math.Cos(t) * x1 + r) / Math.Sin(t);
// vertical line
x0 = line.Radius;
x1 = line.Radius;
y0 = h2;
y1 = -h2;
// draw line on the image
int a = 0;
foreach (System.Drawing.Point p in Kantenpunkte) //count number of detected edge points that are on this line
double m1 = ((double)p.Y - y0)/((double)p.X - x0);
double m2 = ((y0 - y1)) / (x0 - x1);
if (m1-m2<0.0001)
if (a > 150) //only draw lines, which cover at least A points
new IntPoint((int)x0 + w2, h2 - (int)y0),
new IntPoint((int)x1 + w2, h2 - (int)y1),

Random elements (coordinates)

I have to do something like this.
When I click on a node, it expands, and this is OK (I am using Powercharts to do it).
My big problem is creating random coordinates so that when I open the subnode, it doesn't overlap with another node/subnode.
In the Powercharts I have to pass the coordinates, so the big problem is in passing it.
I have to do the random coordinates in C#.
This is what i did so far:
This is what i do, is not overlaping, but i have a problem.
how can i start do the circles from a starting point?
for example, starts in the middle (300,300) and then do circles around it. Is possible?
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
g = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();
double angle;
Circle item0 = new Circle();
Random randomMember = new Random();
g.DrawEllipse(pen1, 200, 150, 50, 50);
int[] it = GenerateNewCircle(600);
Circle item = new Circle();
item.x = it[0];
item.y = it[1];
item.r = 50;
if (circleIsAllowed(listaCirculos, item))
g.DrawEllipse(pen1, Convert.ToInt32(item.x), Convert.ToInt32(item.y), 50, 50);
bool circleIsAllowed(List<Circle> circles, Circle newCircle)
foreach(Circle it in circles)
//double sumR = it.x + newCircle.r;
//double dx = it.x - newCircle.x;
//double dy = it.y - newCircle.y;
//double squaredDist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
double aX = Math.Pow(it.x - newCircle.x, 2);
double aY = Math.Pow(it.y - newCircle.y, 2);
double Dif = Math.Abs(aX - aY);
double ra1 = it.r / 2;
double ra2 = it.r / 2;
double raDif = Math.Pow(ra1 + ra2, 2);
if ((raDif + 1) > Dif) return false;
//if (squaredDist < sumR*sumR) return false;
return true; // no existing circle overlaps
public int[] GenerateNewCircle(int maxSize)
int x, y;
Random randomMember = new Random();
x = randomMember.Next(0,maxSize);
if (x - 50 < 0)
y = randomMember.Next(x + 50, maxSize);
else if (x + 50 > 600)
y = randomMember.Next(0, x - 50);
// in this case, x splits the range 0..n into 2 subranges.
// get a random number and skip the "gap" if necessary
y = randomMember.Next(0, maxSize - 50);
if (y > x - 50)
y += 20;
int[] abc = new int[2];
abc[0] = x;
abc[1] = y;
return abc;
Size sizeShape = new Size("SomeWidth" , "SomeHeight");
List<Retangle> rects = new List<Retangle>();
Random r = new Random();
while(rects.count != "someCount")
Point rPoint = new Point(r.Next(500) , r.Next(500))
bool isNew = true;
foreach(Rectangle r in rects)
isNew = false;
rects.Add(GetRect(rPoint , sizeShape));
private Rectangle GetRect(Point p , Size s)
return new Rectangle(p,s);
After than you can use from rects ,
rects has random coordinates.
Here's the link to let you know how to create Random Numbers in C#.
You have to keep in mind that you will generate random numbers, but you also have to make sure the numbers generated will not make objects overlap.
Despite this being pretty poorly worded, I believe what you are looking for is the Random class. It is instantiated as such:
Random thisRandom = new Random();
Then from there, if you want to generate a random coordinate, you need to know the maximum possible X and Y coordinates. Knowing these will allow you to generate X and Y coordinates within the given canvas as such:
int maxX = 500; //This is the maximum X value on your canvas
int maxY = 500; //This is the maximum Y value on your canvas
int newX, newY;
newX = thisRandom.Next(maxX);
newY = thisRandom.Next(maxY);
While its not the absolute best in terms of "true" randomization this should give you what you need.
