MongoDB - Inserting the result of a query in one round-trip - c#

Consider this hypothetical snippet:
using (mongo.RequestStart(db))
var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("test");
var insertDoc = new BsonDocument { { "currentCount", collection.Count() } };
WriteConcernResult wcr = collection.Insert(insertDoc);
It inserts a new document with "currentCount" set to the value returned by collection.Count().
This implies two round-trips to the server. One to calculate collection.Count() and one to perform the insert. Is there a way to do this in one round-trip?
In other words, can the value assigned to "currentCount" be calculated on the server at the time of the insert?

There is no way to do this currently (Mongo 2.4).
The upcoming 2.6 version should have batch operations support but I don't know if it will support batching operations of different types and using the results of one operation from another operation.
What you can do, however, is execute this logic on the server by expressing it in JavaScript and using eval:
collection.Database.Eval(new BsonJavaScript(#"
var count = db.test.count();
db.test.insert({ currentCount: count });
But this is not recommended, because of several reasons: you lose the write concern, it is very unsafe in terms of security, it requires admin permissions, it holds a global write lock, and it won't work on sharded clusters :)
I think your best route at the moment would be to do this in two queries.
If you're looking for atomic updates or counters (which don't exactly match your example but seem somewhat related), take a look at findAndModify and the $inc operator of update.

If you've got a large collection and you're looking to save CPU, it's recommended that you create another collection called counters that only has one document per collection that you want to count and increment the document pertaining to you're collection each time you insert a document.
See the guidance here.
It appears that you can place a JavaScript function inside your query, so perhaps it can be done in one trip, but I haven't implemented this in my own app, so I can't confirm that.


`BatchStatement` occasionally gets data out of sync

"Cassandra: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition" says:
Cassandra’s batches are a good fit for use cases such as making
multiple updates to a single partition, or keeping multiple tables in
sync. A good example is making modifications to denormalized tables
that store the same data for different access patterns.
The last statement above applies to the following attempt, where all the Save... are insert statements for different tables
var bLogged = new BatchStatement();
var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var uuidNow = TimeUuid.NewId(now);
bLogged.Add(SaveMods.Bind(id, uuidNow, data1)); // 1
bLogged.Add(SaveMoreMods.Bind(id, uuidNow, data2)); // 2
bLogged.Add(SaveActivity.Bind(now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), id, now)); // 3
await GetSession().ExecuteAsync(bLogged);
We'll focus on statements 1 and 2 (the 3rd one is just to signify there's one more statement in the batch).
Statement 1 writes to table1 partitioned by id with uuidNow being a clustering key desc.
Statement 2 writes to table2 partitioned by id only, so it's the tip of the table1 for the same id.
More times than I'd like the two tables get out of sync in the sense that table2 does not have the tip of the table1. It would be one or two mods behind within a few milliseconds.
While looking for resolution most on the web advise against all batches, which prompted my solution eliminating all mismatches:
await Task.WhenAll(
GetSession().ExecuteAsync(SaveMods.Bind(id, uuidNow, data1)),
GetSession().ExecuteAsync(SaveMoreMods.Bind(id, uuidNow, data2)),
GetSession().ExecuteAsync(SaveActivity.Bind(now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), id, now))
The question is: what are batches good for, just the first statement in the quote? In that case how do I ensure modifications to different tables are in sync?
Using higher consistency (ie quorum) on reads/writes may help but there is always a possibility for inconsistencies between the table/partitions.
Batch statements will try to ensure that all the mutations in the batch will all happen or not. It does not guarantee that all the mutations will occur in an instant (no isolation, you can do a read where first mutation has been applied but others haven't). Also, batch statements will not provide a consistent view of all the data across all the nodes. For linearizable consistency you should consider using paxos (lightweight transactions) for conditional updates and trying to limit things that require the linearizability into a single partition.

'Streaming' data into Sql server

I'm working on a project where we're receiving data from multiple sources, that needs to be saved into various tables in our database.
I've played with various methods, and the fastest I've found so far is using a collection of TableValue parameters, filling them up and periodically sending them to the database via a corresponding collection of stored procedures.
The results are quite satisfying. However, looking at disk usage (% Idle Time in Perfmon), I can see that the disk is getting periodically 'thrashed' (a 'spike' down to 0% every 13-18 seconds), whilst in between the %Idle time is around 90%. I've tried varying the 'batch' size, but it doesn't have an enormous influence.
Should I be able to get better throughput by (somehow) avoiding the spikes while decreasing the overall idle time?
What are some things I should be looking out to work out where the spiking is happening? (The database is in Simple recovery mode, and pre-sized to 'big', so it's not the log file growing)
Bonus: I've seen other questions referring to 'streaming' data into the database, but this seems to involve having a Stream from another database (last section here). Is there any way I could shoe-horn 'pushed' data into that?
A very easy way of inserting loads of data into an SQL-Server is -as mentioned- the 'bulk insert' method. ADO.NET offers a very easy way of doing this without the need of external files. Here's the code
var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(myConnection);
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "MyTable";
bulkCopy.WriteToServer (myDataSet);
That's easy.
But: myDataSet needs to have exactly the same structure as MyTable, i.e. Names, field types and order of fields must be exactly the same. If not, well there's a solution to that. It's column mapping. And this is even easier to do:
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("ColumnNameOfDataSet", "ColumnNameOfTable");
That's still easy.
But: myDataSet needs to fit into memory. If not, things become a bit more tricky as we have need a IDataReader derivate which allows us to instantiate it with an IEnumerable.
You might get all the information you need in this article.
Building on the code referred to in alzaimar's answer, I've got a proof of concept working with IObservable (just to see if I can). It seems to work ok. I just need to put together some tidier code to see if this is actually any faster than what I already have.
(The following code only really makes sense in the context of the test program in code download in the aforementioned article.)
Warning: NSFW, copy/paste at your peril!
private static void InsertDataUsingObservableBulkCopy(IEnumerable<Person> people,
SqlConnection connection)
var sub = new Subject<Person>();
var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection);
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Person";
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Name", "Name");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("DateOfBirth", "DateOfBirth");
using(var dataReader = new ObjectDataReader<Person>(people))
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
foreach(var person in people) sub.OnNext(person);
Console.WriteLine("Observable Bulk copy: {0}ms",
It's difficult to comment without knowing the specifics, but one of the fastest ways to get data into SQL Server is Bulk Insert from a file.
You could write the incoming data to a temp file and periodically bulk insert it.
Streaming data into SQL Server Table-Valued parameter also looks like a good solution for fast inserts as they are held in memory. In answer to your question, yes you could use this, you just need to turn your data into a IDataReader. There's various ways to do this, from a DataTable for example see here.
If your disk is a bottleneck you could always optimise your infrastructure. Put database on a RAM disk or SSD for example.

SQL - Better two queries instead of one big one

I am working on a C# application, which loads data from a MS SQL 2008 or 2008 R2 database. The table looks something like this:
ID | binary_data | Timestamp
I need to get only the last entry and only the binary data. Entries to this table are added irregular from another program, so I have no way of knowing if there is a new entry.
Which version is better (performance etc.) and why?
//Always a query, which might not be needed
public void ProcessData()
byte[] data = "query code get latest binary data from db"
//Always a smaller check-query, and sometimes two queries
public void ProcessData()
DateTime timestapm = "query code get latest timestamp from db"
if(timestamp > old_timestamp)
data = "query code get latest binary data from db"
The binary_data field size will be around 30kB. The function "ProcessData" will be called several times per minutes, but sometimes can be called every 1-2 seconds. This is only a small part of a bigger program with lots of threading/database access, so I want to the "lightest" solution. Thanks.
Luckily, you can have both:
SELECT TOP 1 binary_data
FROM myTable
WHERE Timestamp > #last_timestamp
If there is a no record newer than #last_timestamp, no record will be returned and, thus, no data transmission takes place (= fast). If there are new records, the binary data of the newest is returned immediately (= no need for a second query).
I would suggest you perform tests using both methods as the answer would depend on your usages. Simulate some expected behaviour.
I would say though, that you are probably okay to just do the first query. Do what works. Don't prematurely optimise, if the single query is too slow, try your second two-query approach.
Two-step approach is more efficient from overall workload of system point of view:
Get informed that you need to query new data
Query new data
There are several ways to implement this approach. Here are a pair of them.
Using Query Notifications which is built-in functionality of SQL Server supported in .NET.
Using implied method of getting informed of database table update, e.g. one described in this article at SQL Authority blog
I think that the better path is a storedprocedure that keeps the logic inside the database, Something with an output parameter with the data required and a return value like a TRUE/FALSE to signal the presence of new data

Can I use LINQ to skip a collection and just return 100 records?

I have the following that returns a collection from Azure table storage where Skip is not implemented. The number of rows returned is approximately 500.
ICollection<City> a = cityService.Get("0001I");
What I would like to do is to be able to depending on an argument have just the following ranges returned:
records 1-100 passing in 0 as an argument to a LINQ expression
records 101-200 passing in 100 as an argument to a LINQ expression
records 201-300 passing in 200 as an argument to a LINQ expression
records 301-400 passing in 300 as an argument to a LINQ expression
Is there some way I can add to the above and use link to get these ranges
of records returned:
As you already stated in your question, the Skip method is not implemented in Windows Azure Table storage. This means you have 2 options left:
Option 1
Download all data from table storage (by using ToList, see abatishchev's answer) and execute the Skip and Take methods on this complete list. In your question you're talking about 500 records. If the number of records doesn't grow too much this solution should be OK for you, just make sure that all records have the same partition key.
If the data grows you can still use this approach, but I suggest you evaluate a caching solution to store all the records instead of loading them from table storage over and over again (this will improve the performance, but don't expect this to work with very large amounts of data). Caching is possible in Windows Azure using:
Windows Azure Caching (Preview)
Windows Azure Shared Caching
Option 2
The CloudTableQuery class allows you to query for data, but more important to receive a continuation token to build a paging implementation. This allows you to detect if you can query for more data, the pagination example on Scott's blogpost (see nemensv's comment) uses this.
For more information on continuation tokens I suggest you take a look at Jim's blogpost: Azure#home Part 7: Asynchronous Table Storage Pagination. By using continuation tokens you only download the data for the current page meaning it will also work correctly even if you have millions of records. But you have to know the downside of using continuation tokens:
This won't work with the Skip method out of the box, so it might not be a solution for you.
No page 'numbers', because you only know if there's more data (not how much)
No way to count all records
If paging is not supported by the underlying engine, the only way to implement it is to load all the data into memory and then perform paging:
var list = cityService.Get("0001I").ToList(); // meterialize
var result = list.Skip(x).Take(y);
Try something like this:
This should return records 201-300:

Mid-Tier Help Needed

In one sentence, what i ultimately need to know is how to share objects between mid-tier functions w/ out requiring the application tier to to pass the data model objects.
I'm working on building a mid-tier layer in our current environment for the company I am working for. Currently we are using primarily .NET for programming and have built custom data models around all of our various database systems (ranging from Oracle, OpenLDAP, MSSQL, and others).
I'm running into issues trying to pull our model from the application tier and move it into a series of mid-tier libraries. The main issue I'm running into is that the application tier has the ability to hang on to a cached object throughout the duration of a process and make updates based on the cached data, but the Mid-Tier operations do not.
I'm trying to keep the model objects out of the application as much as possible so that when we make a change to the underlying database structure, we can edit and redeploy the mid-tier easily and multiple applications will not need to be rebuilt. I'll give a brief update of what the issue is in pseudo-code, since that is what us developers understand best :)
MidTierServices.UpdateCustomerName("testaccount", "John", "Smith");
// since the data takes up to 4 seconds to be replicated from
// write server to read server, the function below is going to
// grab old data that does not contain the first name and last
// name update.... John Smith will be overwritten w/ previous
// data
MidTierServices.UpdateCustomerPassword("testaccount", "jfjfjkeijfej");
void UpdateCustomerName(string username, string first, string last)
Customer custObj = DataRepository.GetCustomer(username);
validation checks and business logic go here...
custObj.FirstName = first;
custObj.LastName = last;
void UpdateCustomerPassword(string username, string password)
// does not contain first and last updates
Customer custObj = DataRepository.GetCustomer(username);
validation checks and business logic go here...
custObj.Password = password;
// overwrites changes made by other functions since data is stale
On a side note, options I've considered are building a home grown caching layer, which takes a lot of time and is a very difficult concept to sell to management. Use a different modeling layer that has built in caching support such as nHibernate: This would also be hard to sell to management, because this option would also take a very long time tear apart our entire custom model and replace it w/ a third party solution. Additionally, not a lot of vendors support our large array of databases. For example, .NET has LINQ to ActiveDirectory, but not a LINQ to OpenLDAP.
Anyway, sorry for the novel, but it's a more of an enterprise architecture type question, and not a simple code question such as 'How do I get the current date and time in .NET?'
Sorry, I forgot to add some very important information in my original post. I feel very bad because Cheeso went through a lot of trouble to write a very in depth response which would have fixed my issue were there not more to the problem (which I stupidly did not include).
The main reason I'm facing the current issue is in concern to data replication. The first function makes a write to one server and then the next function makes a read from another server which has not received the replicated data yet. So essentially, my code is faster than the data replication process.
I could resolve this by always reading and writing to the same LDAP server, but my admins would probably murder me for that. The specifically set up a server that is only used for writing and then 4 other servers, behind a load balancer, that are only used for reading. I'm in no way an LDAP administrator, so I'm not aware if that is standard procedure.
You are describing a very common problem.
The normal approach to address it is through the use of Optimistic Concurrency Control.
If that sounds like gobbledegook, it's not. It's pretty simple idea. The concurrency part of the term refers to the fact that there are updates happening to the data-of-record, and those updates are happening concurrently. Possibly many writers. (your situation is a degenerate case where a single writer is the source of the problem, but it's the same basic idea). The optimistic part I'll get to in a minute.
The Problem
It's possible when there are multiple writers that the read+write portion of two updates become interleaved. Suppose you have A and B, both of whom read and then update the same row in a database. A reads the database, then B reads the database, then B updates it, then A updates it. If you have a naive approach, then the "last write" will win, and B's writes may be destroyed.
Enter optimistic concurrency. The basic idea is to presume that the update will work, but check. Sort of like the trust but verify approach to arms control from a few years back. The way to do this is to include a field in the database table, which must be also included in the domain object, that provides a way to distinguish one "version" of the db row or domain object from another. The simplest is to use a timestamp field, named lastUpdate, which holds the time of last update. There are other more complex ways to do the consistency check, but timestamp field is good for illustration purposes.
Then, when the writer or updater wants to update the DB, it can only update the row for which the key matches (whatever your key is) and also when the lastUpdate matches. This is the verify part.
Since developers understand code, I'll provide some pseudo-SQL. Suppose you have a blog database, with an index, a headline, and some text for each blog entry. You might retrieve the data for a set of rows (or objects) like this:
SELECT ix, Created, LastUpdated, Headline, Dept FROM blogposts
WHERE CONVERT(Char(10),Created,102) = #targdate
This sort of query might retrieve all the blog posts in the database for a given day, or month, or whatever.
With simple optimistic concurrency, you would update a single row using SQL like this:
UPDATE blogposts Set Headline = #NewHeadline, LastUpdated = #NewLastUpdated
WHERE ix=#ix AND LastUpdated = #PriorLastUpdated
The update can only happen if the index matches (and we presume that's the primary key), and the LastUpdated field is the same as what it was when the data was read. Also note that you must insure to update the LastUpdated field for every update to the row.
A more rigorous update might insist that none of the columns had been updated. In this case there's no timestamp at all. Something like this:
UPDATE Table1 Set Col1 = #NewCol1Value,
Set Col2 = #NewCol2Value,
Set Col3 = #NewCol3Value
WHERE Col1 = #OldCol1Value AND
Col2 = #OldCol2Value AND
Col3 = #OldCol3Value
Why is it called "optimistic"?
OCC is used as an alternative to holding database locks, which is a heavy-handed approach to keeping data consistent. A DB lock might prevent anyone from reading or updating the db row, while it is held. This obviously has huge performance implications. So OCC relaxes that, and acts "optimistically", by presuming that when it comes time to update, the data in the table will not have been updated in the meantime. But of course it's not blind optimism - you have to check right before update.
Using Optimistic Cancurrency in practice
You said you use .NET. I don't know if you use DataSets for your data access, strongly typed or otherwise. But .NET DataSets, or specifically DataAdapters, include built-in support for OCC. You can specify and hand-code the UpdateCommand for any DataAdapter, and that is where you can insert the consistency checks. This is also possible within the Visual Studio design experience.
If you get a violation, the update will return a result showing that ZERO rows were updated. You can check this in the DataAdapter.RowUpdated event. (Be aware that in the ADO.NET model, there's a different DataAdapter for each sort of database. The link there is for SqlDataAdapter, which works with SQL Server, but you'll need a different DA for different data sources.)
In the RowUpdated event, you can check for the number of rows that have been affected, and then take some action if the count is zero.
Verify the contents of the database have not been changed, before writing updates. This is called optimistic concurrency control.
Other links:
MSDN on Optimistic Concurrency Control in ADO.NET
Tutorial on using SQL Timestamps for OCC
