So I've been trying to write a connected-component labeling algorithm but it's not giving me the desired result. Right now I have an image with 3 roses (that are not overlapping) and I want to label each rose with its own grey value. Before I apply the labeling algorithm I use a threshold to get rid of the background and only keep the roses. The roses get the gray value 1 (which is completely white) and the background gets gray value 0 (which is black). Here's an image of what this looks like:
After doing this I apply the labeling algorithm. It should give the roses three different gray values according to the label they've been given. But instead the algorithm creates this weird sort of gradient pattern over the first two roses whereas the last one seems to be a single gray value. Here's an image:
The algorithm might look complicated but it's actually really simple. I recurse on the columns first and then the rows and for each non-background pixel I check if any of its neighbors are already labeled (meaning their objectArray value is not zero). If so I add them to a list of neighbors. I then proceed to check if this list is not empty, if so I uniquely label the current pixel by incrementing the objects value and assigning its value to the current pixel's label value and I also set the current pixel's parent value to this unique label. If it's not empty, I determine the smallest label value in the neighbor list, set all the neighbors' parent values to this label value and I set the current pixel's label and parent values to this label value. I repeat this for every pixel until the whole image has been labeled.
Once this is done I recurse on the pixel values again, this time to set each pixel's label value to its parent value. I then proceed to assign the pixel a new gray value depending on its label value.
I don't understand why the algorithm isn't labeling the roses properly. Can anybody help me out? Here's the algorithm:
public void label()
int objects = 1;
int[,] objectArray = new int[colors.GetLength(1), colors.GetLength(0)];
DisjointSets disjointSet = new DisjointSets();
int[,] parents = new int[colors.GetLength(1), colors.GetLength(0)];
List<List<int>> eqSet = new List<List<int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < colors.GetLength(1); i++) for (int j = 0; j < colors.GetLength(0); j++)
if (this[i, j].Gray == 1)
List<Label> neighbors = new List<Label>();
if (i > 0)
if (this[i - 1, j].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i - 1, j] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i - 1, j, 0));
if (j > 0)
if (this[i - 1, j - 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i - 1, j - 1] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i - 1, j - 1, 0));
if (j < colors.GetLength(0))
if (this[i - 1, j + 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i - 1, j] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i - 1, j, 0));
if (j > 0)
if (this[i, j - 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i, j - 1] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i, j - 1, 0));
if (i < colors.GetLength(1))
if (this[i + 1, j - 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i + 1, j - 1] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i + 1, j - 1, 0));
if (i < colors.GetLength(1))
if (this[i + 1, j].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i + 1, j] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i + 1, j, 0));
if (this[i + 1, j + 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i + 1, j + 1] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i + 1, j + 1, 0));
if (j < colors.GetLength(0))
if (this[i, j + 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i, j + 1] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i, j + 1, 0));
if (neighbors.Count == 0)
objectArray[i, j] = objects;
parents[i, j] = objects;
if (neighbors.Count > 0)
int smallestLabel = 10000;
foreach (Label x in neighbors)
if (objectArray[x.X, x.Y] < smallestLabel)
smallestLabel = objectArray[x.X, x.Y];
foreach (Label x in neighbors)
parents[x.X, x.Y] = smallestLabel;
objectArray[i, j] = smallestLabel;
parents[i, j] = smallestLabel;
for (int i = 0; i < colors.GetLength(1); i++) for (int j = 0; j < colors.GetLength(0); j++)
if (this[i, j].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i, j] != 0)
objectArray[i, j] = parents[i, j];
ColorWrap c = this[i, j];
c.X = (float)objectArray[i, j] / objects;
c.Y = (float)objectArray[i, j] / objects;
c.Z = (float)objectArray[i, j] / objects;
this[i, j] = c;
You've got an index error when checking for the third neighbour:
if (this[i - 1, j + 1].Gray == 1)
if (objectArray[i - 1, j] != 0)
neighbors.Add(new Label(i - 1, j, 0));
That should be 'j + 1' in all three spots.
That doesn't solve your problem, though. Your algorithm has problems when it meets diagonal edges that are black to thze nortwest and white to the southeast.
You scan the image column-wise from left to right and each column row-wise from top to bottom. You check for eight potential neighbours, but in reality, you can only add pixels to your neighbour list that you have already passed, namely the three pixels in the column to your left and the pixel above your current position. The other four adjacent pixels will have a parent (or object index) of 0.
Now consider an edge like this:
('#' is black, '.' is unassigned white, 'x' is white that has been assigned a parent and 'O' marks your current position.)
You will only find black or unassigned adjacent tiles. Your neighbour list will be empty, which means that your algorithm creates a new object, although it should logically belong to the yet undiscovered object to the southeast.
(You try to back-track that by assigning all neighbour pixels the value of the new group, but that only fixes one pixel. It can also create empty groups, i.e. objects that have no corresponding pixel.)
I think that your approach is too complicated, anyway. It also doesn't account for the nooks above and to the left of the main body of components. There's no need to create extra data structures, you can do the labelling in the picture itself if you use a greyscale image. After converting the image to pure black and white, pass all pixels once. If a pixel is white, flood-fill the picture from there with a positive gray value that corresponds to the next object and increment the number of objects. Then pass all pixels again and adjust the grey value according to the object id and the number of objects.
Caveat: When I say you can do everything in the picture itself, you limit your labelling to 254 objects.
Aside: You might want to clean up your code a bit. You don't use eqSet and disjointSet, so please remove them from your code. The two arrays objectArray and parents are used alogside each other for the same thing; merge them into one. You should also refactor finding the eight neighbour pixels into a function (with one call for each potential neighbour) to make things easier to read and to avoid indexing errors as above.
Consider a n*m matrix. Suppose each cell in the matrix has a value assigned. We can start from each cell in first row in matrix. The allowed moves are diagonally left, downwards or diagonally right, i.e, from location (i, j) next move can be (i+1, j), or, (i+1, j+1), or (i+1, j-1). (If index is not outside the bounds of the array of course)
Let an additional restriction be added: only paths are allowed that pass (at least once) through all the columns.
Find the maximum sum of elements satisfying the allowed moves.
For example for matrix:
1 15 2
9 7 5
9 2 4
6 9 -1
The sum is equal:
Because the path is 15+5+2+6=28.
The main feature is that I need to use a dynamic approach. For a task without restriction about all the columns I could do:
var matrix = new int[,]{ { 1, 15, 2 }, //start matrix
{ 9, 7, 5 },
{ 9, 2, 4},
{ 6, 9, -1 } };
long n = matrix.GetLength(0);
long m = matrix.GetLength(1);
var sum = new List<long[]>(); // list [n][m] of maxsums
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum.Add(new long[m].Select(e => e = long.MinValue).ToArray());
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
sum[0][i] = matrix[0, i]; //sums at first line equal first line in matrix
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
if (j > 0) sum[i + 1][j - 1] = Math.Max(sum[i][j] + matrix[i + 1, j - 1], sum[i + 1][j - 1]); // diagonally left
sum[i + 1][j] = Math.Max(sum[i][j] + matrix[i + 1, j], sum[i + 1][j]); // downwards
if (j < m - 1) sum[i + 1][j + 1] = Math.Max(sum[i][j] + matrix[i + 1, j + 1], sum[i + 1][j + 1]); //diagonally right
long max = sum[(int)n - 1].Max(); //maximum sum among all paths (answer)
And for the same matrix the maximum sum will equal:
Because the path is 15+9+9+9=42
Нow I can calculate a dynamics matrix for all paths and sums with restriction?
An easy way to do this is with a Queue.
Add the first row
for every item in the queue, add any other valid moves
when finished, check if it's a valid combination
check against the last highest
It uses an and Iterator method, Linq, and queues to return current best finds. What I suggest you do, is research the parts involved, step through it and inspect variables, use Console.WriteLine to look at what is happening. If you are really stuck you can always ask further questions about this code and what it's doing.
The idea of the queue is, we add each element in the first row as initial items in the queue (that is our precondition by the rules you have given), then we go and look at the first element in the queue, then from that position (x,y) we go through all the next positions in the next row that we can legitimately visit. The queue also hold a list of columns visited and a value at that position. It could be done differently. I.e we really only need to to know the sum of all elements visited and a list of columns etc so we can validate the path afterwards.
Note : This is not the most optimal solution and it could be done a lot more efficiently and in less code in many other ways (and more elegantly). However, it touches on a lot of common concepts that are worth understanding
private static Random _rand = new Random();
// this could be done with linq, however it's easy to see how it works
private static bool IsPathValid(int length, List<int> path)
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (!path.Contains(i))
return false;
return true;
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<(int col, int value)>> FindPath(int[, ] matrix)
var queue = new Queue<(int x, int y, List<(int col, int value)> path)>();
// add the first row to the queue
for (var i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(1); i++)
queue.Enqueue((i, 0, new List<(int col, int value)>()));
// lets keep the higest found
var highest = int.MinValue;
// loop all queue items until none left
while (queue.Any())
// get the next item out of the queue
var(x, y, path) = queue.Dequeue();
// add the path we are visiting
path.Add((x, matrix[y, x]));
// if we have looked at all the rows, then time to return
if (y + 1 == matrix.GetLength(0))
// get a list of columns visited
var cols = path.Select(x => x.col).ToList();
// check to see if all columns are visited
if (IsPathValid(matrix.GetLength(1), cols))
var sum = path.Sum(x => x.value);
// sum the path, if it's not the highest we don't care
if (sum > highest)
// we are the highest path so far so let's return it
yield return path;
highest = sum;
// where ever we are, lets look at all the valid x's in the next row
var start = Math.Max(0, x - 1);
var finish = Math.Min(matrix.GetLength(1) - 1, x + 1);
// add them to the queue
// we inefficiently create a new path, as list is a reference type and we don't want to reuse it
for (var newX = start; newX <= finish; newX++)
queue.Enqueue((newX, y + 1, new List<(int col, int value)>(path)));
// create a random matrix, make sure there the dimensions are going to produce a result
var y = _rand.Next(2, 5);
var matrix = new int[_rand.Next(y, y + 3), y];
// fill and print the matrix
for (var i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(0); i++)
for (var j = 0; j < matrix.GetLength(1); j++)
matrix[i, j] = _rand.Next(0, 20);
Console.Write(matrix[i, j].ToString().PadLeft(3));
Console.WriteLine("Best Path (column,Value)");
// get the best, which be the last
var best = FindPath(matrix).Last();
foreach (var item in best)
// show the result
Console.WriteLine("= " + best.Sum(x => x.value));
14 9 17 0
19 5 11 10
17 12 9 13
3 11 2 5
0 0 12 15
Best Path (column,Value)
(0, 14)
(0, 19)
(1, 12)
(2, 2)
(3, 15)
= 62
Full Demo Here
Additional Resources
Tuple types (C# reference)
Array.GetLength(Int32) Method
Multidimensional Arrays (C# Programming Guide)
Random.Next Method
Queue Class
List.Contains(T) Method
Enumerable.Any Method
Enumerable.Sum Method
Enumerable.Last Method
Math.Min Method
Math.Max Method
continue (C# Reference)
Enumerable.Select Method
Enumerable.ToList methd
I have this question:
Given a grid of positive numbers, start from 0,0 and end at n,n.
Move only to right and down.
Find path with sum of numbers is maximum.
Input Example:
5 1 2
6 7 8
1 4 9
output Example:
I solved it with many scenarios for example i wrote an easy equation to get the max path length then take some decisions to get the correct result.
But this example is easy to got that it should solved using dynamic programming as it's recursion and some overlaps with small space:
fn(0,1) f(1,0)
f(0,2) f(1,1) f(2,0) f(1,1)
I solved it easy using Memoization technique:
public int GetMaxPathTopDown(int r, int c, int[,] arr, int[,] mem)
if (r >= arr.GetLength(0) || c >= arr.GetLength(1))
return 0;
// Base Case
if (r == arr.GetLength(0) - 1 && c == arr.GetLength(1) - 1)
return arr[r, c];
if (mem[r, c] != -1)
return mem[r, c];
int firstPath = GetMaxPathTopDown(r, c + 1, arr, mem);
int secondPath = GetMaxPathTopDown(r + 1, c, arr, mem);
return mem[r, c] = arr[r, c] + Math.Max(firstPath, secondPath);
but I want to find standard solution to solve it using Tabulation way. I tried many solutions but i thought it's not a correct way of tabulation so any help?
#Marzouk, you can try this:
dp[i, j] will be the maximum sum you can get from (0, 0) to (i, j). Now, dp[i, j] will depend on dp[i - 1, j] and dp[i, j - 1]. So, the recurrence will be:
dp[i, j] = max(dp[i - 1, j], dp[i, j - 1]) + mt[i, j]
You need to handle corner cases here (i = 0 or j = 0).
using System;
class MainClass {
public static void Main (string[] args) {
int[,] mt = new[,] { {5, 1, 2}, {6, 7, 8}, {1, 4, 9} };
int[,] dp = new[,] { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} };
int R = mt.GetLength(0);
int C = mt.GetLength(1);
for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < C; j++) {
dp[i, j] = mt[i, j];
if (i > 0 && j > 0) {
dp[i, j] += Math.Max(dp[i - 1, j], dp[i, j - 1]);
} else if (i > 0) {
dp[i, j] += dp[i - 1, j];
} else if (j > 0) {
dp[i, j] += dp[i, j - 1];
Console.WriteLine(dp[R-1, C-1]);
The basic steps to build bottom-up dynamic programming solutions are as follows:
1- Determine the required set of parameters that uniquely describe the problem (the state).
2- If there are N parameters required to represent the states, prepare an N dimensional DP table, with one entry per state.
This is equivalent to the memo table in top-down DP. However, there are differences. In bottom-up DP, we only need to initialize some cells of the DP table with known initial values (the base cases). Recall that in topdown DP, we initialize the memo table completely with dummy values (usually -1) to indicate that we have not yet computed the values.
3- Now, with the base-case cells/states in the DP table already filled, determine the cells/states that can be filled next (the transitions).
Repeat this process until the DP table is complete.
For the bottom-up DP, this part is usually accomplished through iterations, using loops.
lets build a table for 3*3 array with values:
5 1 2
3 1 2
0 1 1
we notice that we need two parameters : Move_right, Move_down
initially, the first row and column should have the cumulative sum of the array elements to start maximization
then follow the steps in the attached picture which explain the code below
dp[0,0] = arr[0,0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){
dp[0,i] = arr[0,i] + dp[0,i - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){
dp[i,0] = arr[i,0] + dp[i-1,0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++){
dp[i,j] = arr[i,j] + Math.max(dp[i - 1,j], dp[i,j - 1]);
Console.WriteLine(dp[n - 1,n - 1]);
the required answer should be 12, and you find it in the most right-down cell
building table
I am attempting to make Conway's Game of Life in C# with XAML. The window allows the user to specify the number of rows and columns of my 2D array of cells using a slider. When my Uniform Grid is a perfect square (10x10, 20x20, or even 16x16), the simulations work without a problem. However, when the user attempts to specify a rectangular uniform grid (13x14, 15x26, 24x14), the cells are thrown of by the difference (i.e. in a 33x27 grid, difference = 6, so the cell goes appropriately up, but is thrown off (left/right) by the difference). I have narrowed down that this only happens on the x-axis; the cells are never thrown off on the y-axis.
THE QUESTION: Why is my array throwing off my x axis? Is there something wrong with it?
As far as I can tell, everything should work fine. I set up a log to check the dimensions of my 2D arrays and my uniform grid. I'm not sure what is wrong, and I have been staring and debugging for literally DAYS. I'm at my wits end. Please help, I hope there is something that I am simply not catching.
Code Legend:
unigridOfCells is a Uniform Grid in XAML.
slideWidth/slideHeight are sliders.
Also, I am using a converter from my resource which converts my isAlive property to a SolidColorBrush.
private Cell[,] cells;
private Cell[,] nextGenCells;
private int codeColumn, codeRow, difference, secondDiff;
public MainWindow()
unigridOfCells.Height = 500;
unigridOfCells.Width = 500;
setCellsOnGrid(10, 10);
//Sets all the cells on the grid, as well as setting the number of columns and rows to be reset for all arrays in the application
public void setCellsOnGrid(int column, int row)
unigridOfCells.Rows = row;
unigridOfCells.Columns = column;
codeColumn = column;
codeRow = row;
time = new Timer(3000);
cells = new Cell[codeColumn, codeRow];
nextGenCells = new Cell[codeColumn, codeRow];
for (int i = 0; i < codeColumn; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < codeRow; j++)
cells[i, j] = new Cell();
Rectangle block = new Rectangle();
block.Height = 10;
block.Width = 10;
block.DataContext = cells[i, j];
block.MouseLeftButtonDown += cells[i, j].ParentClicked;
//block.MouseLeftButtonDown += blockSpace;
Binding b = new Binding();
b.Source = cells[i, j];
b.Path = new PropertyPath("isAlive");
b.Converter = (BoolColorConverter)Application.Current.FindResource("cellLifeSwitch");
block.SetBinding(Rectangle.FillProperty, b);
public void blockSpace(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
int spot = 0;
int pick = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < codeColumn; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < codeRow; j++)
spot = unigridOfCells.Children.IndexOf((Rectangle)sender);
MessageBox.Show("" + spot + " : " + pick);
//Updates the cells. This is where the rules are applied and the isAlive property is changed (if it is).
public void updateCells()
for (int n = 0; n < codeColumn; n++)
for (int m = 0; m < codeRow; m++)
nextGenCells[n, m] = new Cell();
bool living = cells[n, m].isAlive;
int count = GetLivingNeighbors(n, m);
bool result = false;
if (living && count < 2)
result = false;
if (living && (count == 2 || count == 3))
result = true;
if (living && count > 3)
result = false;
if (!living && count == 3)
result = true;
nextGenCells[n, m].isAlive = result;
//Resets all the cells in a time step
public void setNextGenCells()
for (int f = 0; f < codeColumn; f++)
for (int k = 0; k < codeRow; k++)
cells[f, k].isAlive = nextGenCells[f, k].isAlive;
//Checks adjacent cells to the cell in the position that was passed in
public int GetLivingNeighbors(int x, int y)
int count = 0;
// Check cell on the right.
if (x != codeColumn - 1)
if (cells[x + 1, y].isAlive)
// Check cell on the bottom right.
if (x != codeColumn - 1 && y != codeRow - 1)
if (cells[x + 1, y + 1].isAlive)
// Check cell on the bottom.
if (y != codeRow - 1)
if (cells[x, y + 1].isAlive)
// Check cell on the bottom left.
if (x != 0 && y != codeRow - 1)
if (cells[x - 1, y + 1].isAlive)
// Check cell on the left.
if (x != 0)
if (cells[x - 1, y].isAlive)
// Check cell on the top left.
if (x != 0 && y != 0)
if (cells[x - 1, y - 1].isAlive)
// Check cell on the top.
if (y != 0)
if (cells[x, y - 1].isAlive)
// Check cell on the top right.
if (x != codeColumn - 1 && y != 0)
if (cells[x + 1, y - 1].isAlive)
return count;
//Fires when the next generation button is clicked. Simply makes the board go through the algorithm
private void nextGenerationClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Fired when the "Reset Grid" button is pressed, resets EVERYTHING with the new values from the sliders
private void resetGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("First Slide (width) value: " + slideWidth.Value + "\nSecond Slide (length) value: " + slideHeight.Value + "\nDifference: " + (codeColumn - codeRow) + "\nColumns: " + unigridOfCells.Columns + " \nRows: " + unigridOfCells.Rows + "\nChildren count: " + unigridOfCells.Children.Count + " \nLengths: "
+ "\n\tOf 1D of cells: " + cells.GetLength(0) + "\n\tOf 1D of nextGenCells: " + nextGenCells.GetLength(0) + "\n\tUniform Grid Columns: " + unigridOfCells.Columns + " \nWidths: "
+ "\n\tOf 2D of cells: " + cells.GetLength(1) + "\n\tOf 2D of nextGenCells: " + nextGenCells.GetLength(1) + "\n\tUniform Grid Rows: " + unigridOfCells.Rows);
setCellsOnGrid((int)slideWidth.Value, (int)slideHeight.Value);
The problem is that the order in which you create cells differs from the order in which the UniformGrid arranges its children.
In your setCellsOnGrid method, you create cells top-to-bottom, then left-to-right, whereas the UniformGrid arranges its children in the order left-to-right then top-to-bottom.
For a square grid, the cells in the first column of your grid are drawn in the first row of the UniformGrid, and similarly for other columns and rows. You end up with the grid being reflected in the line x = y. However, for a non-square grid, the length of a row does not equal the length of a column and so the grid is completely out of place.
For example, with a 3 × 3 grid, your loop runs in the following order:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
However, the controls are added to the UniformGrid in the following order (assuming you haven't set FlowDirection="Right"):
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
For, for a 3 × 4 grid, your loop runs in the order
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
but the controls are added to the UniformGrid in the order
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
This means that cells that adjacent in your cells array might not be drawn as adjacent in the UniformGrid, and vice versa.
Fortunately, the fix is simple: switch the order of the i and j loops in setCellsOnGrid. Make the j loop the outer loop and the i loop the inner loop.
Incidentally, your blockSpace method doesn't appear to use the i and j loop variables - it just calls the same method codeColumn * codeRow times. Is this intentional?
I have this little code here, pixels fall from the top, if they collide with a block they will Stay on the surface of the block. Then if there is an other Pixel falling on the pixel that is no more falling it will add up. Well that is what I was trying to do, but after the second pixel add up, there is no more pixels that would get on top of the others. I though that j-1 is the current int in the index (- 1) so if it's 10, then it would be 9, so I'm a little confused why (int)Position[j - 1].Y - 1 doesn't work properly.
public void ParticleUpdate()
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
Position[j].Y += Gravity;
for (int u = 0; u < GlobalClass.BlocksPositions.Count; u++)
if (new Rectangle((int)GlobalClass.BlocksPositions[u].X, (int)GlobalClass.BlocksPositions[u].Y, 8, 8).Intersects(new Rectangle((int)Position[j].X, (int)Position[j].Y, 1, 1)))
Position[j].Y = (int)GlobalClass.BlocksPositions[u].Y - 1;
//This code works perfectly.
if (j - 1 > 0)
if (new Rectangle((int)Position[j - 1].X, (int)Position[j - 1].Y, 1, 1).Intersects(new Rectangle((int)Position[j].X, (int)Position[j].Y, 1, 1)))
Position[j].Y = (int)Position[j - 1].Y - 1;
//Here is the problem.
Also I have some lag issues if I put a lot of blocks is there a way to optimize this?
I'm building a bubble breaker-kinda game. My code uses two 2D arrays, one containing color indexes (1 - 6) to represent colored circles, and one indicating whether the circle has been selected (1 or 0). I can succesfully select a circle, the right value in the second array changes and this is reflected correctly on screen.
This is the method that selects one circle and four adjacent circles. I pass in the X and Y coordinates that the user has selected on the grid. I set that position to selected (from 0 to 1 in the SelectedCircles array. Check whether any of the sides has a circle with the same color, if so, change that circle to selected too.
private void SelectSurroundingCircles(int xPosition, int yPosition)
SelectedCircles[yPosition, xPosition] = 1;
int colorKey = Circles[yPosition, xPosition];
int increment = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Nickles.Length; i++)
if (Circles[yPosition - increment, xPosition] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[yPosition - increment, xPosition] = 1; // TOP
if (Circles[yPosition + increment, xPosition] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[yPosition + increment, xPosition] = 1; // BOTTOM
if (Circles[yPosition, xPosition + increment] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[yPosition, xPosition + increment] = 1; // RIGHT
if (Circles[yPosition, xPosition - increment] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[yPosition, xPosition - increment] = 1; // LEFT
What I want to achieve is that all circles of the same color that are next to each other get selected. Basically you first look at the circles adjacent as above, look at their adjacent circles, and so on... I tried various other things but somehow I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully someone can help me, I must be overlooking something.
Not sure this fullfills your exact selecting logic but isn't recursion the solution:
if ( SelectedCircles[yPosition - increment, xPosition] != 1 && Circles[yPosition - increment, xPosition] == colorKey) {
SelectSurroundingCircles(xPosition, yPosition - increment)
//... same for other 3 directions
The extra check if the position isn't selected already is important to prevent endless recursion
Nevermind, I solved it myself. I checked against the array of selected circles, this worked.
for (int y = 0; y < SelectedCircles.GetLength(0); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SelectedCircles.GetLength(1); x++)
if (SelectedCircles[y, x] == 1)
if (y - 1 >= 0 && SelectedCircles[y - 1, x] != 1 && Circles[y - 1, x] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[y - 1, x] = 1; // TOP
if (y + 1 <= 9 && SelectedCircles[y + 1, x] != 1 && Circles[y + 1, x] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[y + 1, x] = 1; // BOTTOM
if (x + 1 <= 9 && SelectedCircles[y, x + 1] != 1 && Circles[y, x + 1] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[y, x + 1] = 1; // RIGHT
if (x - 1 >= 0 && SelectedCircles[y, x - 1] != 1 && Circles[y, x - 1] == colorKey)
SelectedCircles[y, x - 1] = 1; // LEFT