I am developing an application that spawns child processes using the Process API, with UseShellExecute set to false. The problem with this is that I don't want to go looking for the processes I'm spawning, since they are available in my system PATH. For example, I want to run Python scripts by just typing SCRIPT_NAME.py ARGUMENTS. However, when I set Process.FileName to be SCRIPT_NAME.py, I get an error telling me it couldn't find SCRIPT_NAME.py. I want the working directory to be where SCRIPT_NAME.py is, otherwise I'll have to specify the absolute path to SCRIPT_NAME.py and to its arguments, which is ridiculous and excessive.
I can avoid this by using cmd.exe /C SCRIPT_NAME.py ARGUMENTS but there are problems with force halting command prompt that are pushing me in this direction instead.
To fix this you just need to search the set of available paths looking for the one that has python.exe. Once you find that just fully qualify the python executable for launching in process
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
string pythonPath = null;
foreach (var p in path.Split(new char[] { ';' })) {
var fullPath = Path.Combine(p, "python.exe");
if (File.Exists(fullPath)) {
pythonPath = fullPath;
if (pythonPath != null) {
// Launch Process
} else {
throw new Exception("Couldn't find python on %PATH%");
When I try to update Windows features; When I update UseShellExecute to "true"; "The Process object must have the UseShellExecute property set to false in order to redirect IO streams." I get an error. When I set it to False; Unable to update. How can I do it ? Do you have any other suggestions?
static void InstallIISSetupFeature()
var featureNames = new List<string>() {
ManagementObjectSearcher obj = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem");
foreach (ManagementObject wmi in obj.Get())
string Name = wmi.GetPropertyValue("Caption").ToString();
Name = Regex.Replace(Name.ToString(), "[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "");
if (Name.Contains("Server 2008 R2") || Name.Contains("Windows 7"))
string Version = (string)wmi["Version"];
string Architecture = (string)wmi["OSArchitecture"];
foreach (var featureName in featureNames)
Run(string.Format("dism/online/Enable-Feature:{0}", featureName));
static void Run(string arguments)
string systemPath = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%windir%"), "system32");
var dism = new Process();
dism.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = systemPath;
dism.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
dism.StartInfo.FileName = "dism.exe";
dism.StartInfo.Verb = "runas";
dism.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
dism.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
var result = dism.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)
I tried to update the feature with dism.exe and cmd.exe, when it gave an authorization error, I used the Verb property
Since the use of .Verb = "RunAs" requires .UseShellExecute = true, and since the latter cannot be combined with RedirectStandardOutput = true, you cannot directly capture the elevated process' output in memory.
It seems that the system itself, by security-minded design, prevents a non-elevated process from directly capturing an elevated process' output.
The workaround is to launch the target executable (dism.exe, in your case) indirectly, via a shell, and then use the latter's redirection feature (>) to capture the target executable's output (invariably) in a file, as shown below.
string systemPath = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%windir%"), "system32");
// Create a temp. file to capture the elevated process' output in.
string tempOutFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
var dism = new Process();
dism.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = systemPath;
// Use cmd.exe as the executable, and pass it a command line via /c
dism.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe" ;
// Use a ">" redirection to capture the elevated process' output.
// Use "2> ..." to also capture *stderr* output.
// Append "2>&1" to capture *both* stdout and stderr in the file targeted with ">"
dism.StartInfo.Arguments =
"/c {0} {1} > \"{2}\"",
"dism.exe", arguments, tempOutFile
dism.StartInfo.Verb = "RunAs";
dism.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
// Read the temp. file in which the output was captured...
var result = File.ReadAllText(tempOutFile);
// ... and delete it.
First, you can use WindowsPrincipal::IsInRole() to check if you're running elevated.
See Microsoft Learn for details.
Second, this may be one of those cases where using native PS is easier than the cmdlet approach (admittedly, still not great).
If the script is supposed to run on clients as well as server operating systems: use Get-WmiObject or Get-CimInstance to get a reference to what you're running on. ActiveDirectory also has that information (in operatingSystem attribute).
For servers use Get-WindowsFeature in ServerManager module.
For clients use Get-WindowsOptionalFeature with switch -Online in DISM module which, if you indeed need to support OSes older than 6.3.xxxx, can be copied over from a machine that has it and added to $Env:Path before C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System32.
For either platform just pass the list of features to configure.
If in a (binary) cmdlet you have to call external tools then the advantage of them is mostly gone. It may be possible to access Windows CBS using a managed API to avoid this but even then the script based approach gets more results faster, especially since you can just just put together a quick wrapper around dism.exe .
I have written the c# console application. when i lauch the application (not using cmd). i can see it is listed in process list in task manager ,now i need to write another application in which i need to find whether previous application is running or not ,i know the application name and path so i have written management object searcher query to get the list of process and also i am using the path to compare it with its executable path ,code is given below
var name="test.exe"
var path="D:\test"
var processCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * " + "FROM Win32_Process " + "WHERE Name='" + name + "'").Get();
if (processCollection.Count > 0)
foreach(var process in processCollection)
var executablePath=process["ExecutablePath"];
return true;
but executable path is always null.
how to get its executable path?.
I can not only use process name because i am using common name like startserver and stopserver to my application. so i need to ensure it executable path.
there is a easier way, import System.Diagnostics then write following code,
public bool ProcessIsRun()
Process[] proc = Process.GetProcesses();
Return proc.Any(m => m.ProcessName.Contains("Your process name") && m.Modules[0].FileName == "Your File Path" );
This is solution for your problem:
This will return complete folder path for executable current application.
You can use System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location to find exact application executable with full path.
I have a piece of C# code that goes through all the running processes, finds a specific one, and gets its ExecutablePath. Problem is that, although it manages to find the wanted process, attempting to get the ExecutablePath returns null.
Now, I did some more experimenting on this, and it turns out that some processes the code gets a path for, others it returns null, and it appears to be arbitrary because I cannot find any correlation between the process and whether or not it returns the path.
The code is fine, but here it is anyways:
string path = null;
string processNameLowerCase = processName.ToLower() + ".exe";
ManagementClass managementClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_Process");
ManagementObjectCollection managementObjects = managementClass.GetInstances();
foreach (ManagementObject managementObject in managementObjects) {
string managedProcessNameLowerCase = ((string)managementObject["Name"]).ToLower();
if (managedProcessNameLowerCase.StartsWith(processNameLowerCase)) {
path = (string)managementObject["ExecutablePath"];
All in all, what I want to know is how I can get the executable's path of the process I want.
Given a command-line style path to a command such as bin/server.exe or ping, how can I get the full path to this executable (as cmd or Process.Start would resolve it)?
I tried Path.GetFullPath, but it always expands relative to the working directory. It expands bin/server.exe correctly, however given ping it returns c:\users\matt\ping (non-existent). I want c:\Windows\system32\ping.exe.
Edit: I would like the same behaviour as cmd. Some considerations:
When there is a local executable with the same name as one in the path, cmd prefers the local one
cmd can expand the command server to server.bat or server.exe (adding the file extension)
I also tried Windows' command-line tool called where . It does almost I want:
Displays the location of files that match the search pattern. By default, the search is done along the current directory and in the paths specified by the PATH environment variable.
>where ping
>where bin\server
INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).
(This question is hard to search around because of the two different meanings of the word 'path')
Considering PATHEXT too, stealing from Serj-Tm's answer (sorry! +1 to him):
public static string WhereSearch(string filename)
var paths = new[]{ Environment.CurrentDirectory }
var extensions = new[]{ String.Empty }
.Where(e => e.StartsWith(".")));
var combinations = paths.SelectMany(x => extensions,
(path, extension) => Path.Combine(path, filename + extension));
return combinations.FirstOrDefault(File.Exists);
Sorry the indentation's a bit all-over-the-place - I was trying to make it not scroll. I don't know if the StartsWith check is really necessary - I'm not sure how CMD copes with pathext entries without a leading dot.
public static string GetFullPath(string filename)
return new[]{Environment.CurrentDirectory}
.Select(dir => Path.Combine(dir, filename))
.FirstOrDefault(path => File.Exists(path));
If you're only interested in searching the current directory and the paths specified in the PATH environment variable, you can use this snippet:
public static string GetFullPath(string fileName)
if (File.Exists(fileName))
return Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
var values = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
foreach (var path in values.Split(';'))
var fullPath = Path.Combine(path, fileName);
if (File.Exists(fullPath))
return fullPath;
return null;
You have to search the entire disk.
Windows can respond to things like, iexplore, ping, cmd, etc, because they are in the registry under this key:
App Paths
The only other way is to search the entire disk for the application.
EDIT: My understanding was, that you want to search for any random executable name, not the ones that are already known to Windows..
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string fullPath = GetExactPathFromEnvironmentVar("ping.exe");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullPath))
Console.WriteLine("Not found");
static string GetExactPathFromEnvironmentVar(string program)
var pathVar = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
string[] folders = pathVar.Split(';');
foreach (var folder in folders)
string path = Path.Combine(folder, program);
if (File.Exists(path))
return path;
return null;
i want to launch ffmpeg from my app and retrive all console output that ffmpeg produces. Thing seems obvious, i followed many forum threads/articles like this one but i have problem, though i follow all information included there I seem to end up in dead end.
String that should contain output from ffmpeg is always empty. I've tried to see where is the problem so i made simple c# console application that only lists all execution parameters that are passed to ffmpeg, just to check if problem is caused by ffmpeg itself. In that case everything work as expected.
I also did preview console window of my app. When i launch ffmpeg i see all the output in console but the function that should recieve that output for further processing reports that string was empty. When my param-listing app is launched the only thing I see is the expected report from function that gets output.
So my question is what to do to get ffmpeg output as i intended at first place.
Thanks in advance
This is a long shot, but have you tried redirecting StandardError too?
Here is a part of my ffmpeg wrapper class, in particular showing how to collect the output and errors from ffmpeg.
I have put the Process in the GetVideoDuration() function just so you can see everything in the one place.
My ffmpeg is on the desktop, ffPath is used to point to it.
namespace ChildTools.Tools
public class FFMpegWrapper
//path to ffmpeg (I HATE!!! MS special folders)
string ffPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\ffmpeg.exe";
//outputLines receives each line of output, only if they are not zero length
List<string> outputLines = new List<string>();
//In GetVideoDuration I only want the one line of output and in text form.
//To get the whole output just remove the filter I use (my search for 'Duration') and either return the List<>
//Or joint the strings from List<> (you could have used StringBuilder, but I find a List<> handier.
public string GetVideoDuration(FileInfo fi)
//I only use the information flag in this function
string strCommand = string.Concat(" -i \"", fi.FullName, "\"");
//Point ffPath to my ffmpeg
string ffPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\ffmpeg.exe";
Process processFfmpeg = new Process();
processFfmpeg.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommand;
processFfmpeg.StartInfo.FileName = ffPath;
//I have to say that I struggled for a while with the order that I setup the process.
//But this order below I know to work
processFfmpeg.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
processFfmpeg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
processFfmpeg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
processFfmpeg.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
processFfmpeg.ErrorDataReceived += processFfmpeg_OutData;
processFfmpeg.OutputDataReceived += processFfmpeg_OutData;
processFfmpeg.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
//I filter the lines because I only want 'Duration' this time
string oStr = "";
foreach (string str in outputLines)
if (str.Contains("Duration"))
oStr = str;
//return a single string with the duration line
return oStr;
private void processFfmpeg_OutData(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
//The data we want is in e.Data, you must be careful of null strings
string strMessage = e.Data;
if outputLines != null && strMessage != null && strMessage.Length > 0)
outputLines.Add(string.Concat( strMessage,"\n"));
//Try a Console output here to see all of the output. Particularly
//useful when you are examining the packets and working out timeframes