Tabs Opening redundancy - c#

Currently When I press on buttons they produce New pages and creates a new Tab at the Top. I'm trying to make a case where If the tab is already created it be redirected to the working one. May I get some tips or guidance please.
public void Show(string name)
IGridPort tab;
switch (name)
case "Contacts": tab = new ContactsGridViewModel(Events); break;
case "Businesses": tab = new ClientGridViewModel(Events); break;
default: tab = new QuickLaunchViewModel(Events); break;
Events.Publish(new ShowTabEvent(tab));

In my apps I typically have a base class called PageViewModel for each of the tabs on the main page and a derived class called DataPageViewModel for displaying pages that should only appear once (e.g. a record that's being edited). I maintain an observable collection of PageViewModel to pass as the ItemsSource into my tab control and I also maintain a dictionary of DataPageViewModel so I can look them up based on the data they are displaying:
public ObservableCollection<PageViewModel> Pages { get; private set; }
private Dictionary<string, DataPageViewModel> DataPages { get; set; }
The string that I use to key the dictionary is generally a combination of the page type and a unique identifier for the data being displayed. All that remains then is to check the dictionary before you create a page to see if another page displaying that data already exists, if it does then just set that page as the active one. Setting the active page can be done by getting the DefaultView of the ObservableCollection and calling MoveCurrentTo, but a better method in MVVM is to create a property in your model to hold the currently active page:
private PageViewModel _CurrentPage;
public PageViewModel CurrentPage
get { return _CurrentPage; }
set { _CurrentPage = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.CurrentPage); }
Then just bind it to SelectedItem in your tab control:
ItemsSource="{Binding Pages}"
SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentPage, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}"
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />
The binding is two-way so if the user selects a tab then CurrentPage will be updated accordingly, and if you set CurrentPage in your ViewModel then the corresponding tab will be selected in the View.


Xamarin.Forms and Prism - How to pass data and navigate to another view?

This's my first question here, so hi everybody.
I'm working on the mobile app in Xamarin.Forms with Prism. I've created ListView where shown data from the database.
When the user clicks in the selected row app should navigate to a new view and pass the selected item from ListView.
<ListView x:Name="DefectsBase"
ItemsSource="{Binding Defects}"
RefreshCommand="{Binding Refresh}"
IsRefreshing="{Binding IsRefreshing}">
Code backend:
async void ShowDetailsEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
var myListView = (ListView)sender;
var myItem = myListView.SelectedItem;
var p = new NavigationParameters();
p.Add("selectedDefect", myItem);
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("DefectDetailsView", p);
Unfortunately, the app doesn't respond to pressing the selected row in ListView.
As I can see you are already using Prism and you have a List page with Items and you want to navigate to some details page based on the selected/taped/chosen item which the user taps in the ListView.
The idea is to move as much code and logic as we can to the view model and keep our code-behind. This is pretty easy to solve using Prism and EventToCommand behaviour.
In the example and answer below, I will show you how to solve this with few lines of code, with a nice code approach.
First of all, I recommend you use EventToCommand behaviour, you can include it with prism xmlns, like this: xmlns:prism="", later on, you can use it with ListView.
Remove ItemSelected event from your ListView and move the markup about it to the <ListView.Behaviors> part. Here is my code sample for the ListView which binds to some ObserverableCollection of the Car models:
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Cars}">
<prism:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="ItemTapped"
Command="{Binding SelectedCarCommand}"
EventArgsParameterPath="Item" />
The main part here is <ListView.Behaviors>, where you can see that I am binding to the SelectedCarCommand which will be invoked when the user taps on some of the items from the list. I am using the ItemTapped event for this and passing the current "taped" item from the list as a parameter.
In order to follow this XAML part in my view model of this page, I have declared the DelegateCommand and method which will be called when the command is invoked. The view model part looks like this:
This is my CarListPageViewModel, take a look at DelegateCommand and SelectedCar method.
public class CarListPageViewModel
private readonly INavigationService _navigationService;
public ObservableCollection<Car> Cars { get; set; }
public DelegateCommand<Car> SelectedCarCommand { get; private set; }
public CarListPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IDataProvider dataProvider)
_navigationService = navigationService;
// Insert test data into collection of Cars
Cars = new ObservableCollection<Car>(dataProvider.GetData());
SelectedCarCommand = new DelegateCommand<Car>(SelectedCar);
private async void SelectedCar(Car selectedCar)
NavigationParameters navigationParameters = new NavigationParameters
{ "selectedCar", selectedCar }
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync(nameof(CarDetailsPage), navigationParameters);
As you can see we have DelegateCommand defined with the type of parameter which will be passed, in my case, this is the Car class, the same class as our items in the ListView.
In the constructor, I did my initialization and defined the method which will be called, that method has a parameter of the type Car.
When the user taps on one of the items in the ListView, SelectedCar (method) will be called and we can pass the data to the next view using NavigationParameters and NavigationService.
In order to retrieve the passed data we can use INavigationAware in the details view model and with the OnNavigatedTo method, access the data which is being passed.
This is my CarDetailsPageViewModel, take a look at OnNavigatedTo method.
public class CarDetailsPageViewModel : BindableBase, INavigationAware
private string carTitle;
public string CarTitle
get { return carTitle; }
set { SetProperty(ref carTitle, value); }
private string photoUrl;
public string PhotoUrl
get { return photoUrl; }
set { SetProperty(ref photoUrl, value); }
public CarDetailsPageViewModel() { }
public void OnNavigatedTo(INavigationParameters parameters)
if (parameters.ContainsKey("selectedCar"))
Car car = parameters.GetValue<Car>("selectedCar");
if (car != null)
CarTitle = $"{car.Make} {car.Model}";
PhotoUrl = car.PhotoUrl;
public void OnNavigatedFrom(INavigationParameters parameters) { }
From this answer and example, you can see:
How to, use EventToCommand behaviour with ListView
Define and use DelegateCommand with passing parameter
How to navigate to another view and pass navigation parameter and
... finally how to access the passed data.
Code and this sample you can find on my GitHub profile here.
Hope this answer was helpful for you!
Wishing you lots of luck with coding! 👋

Two questions about mvvm navigation of pages

I am trying to make a template-translator (.doc) from EN to other languages.
It is just for me.
I have already done simple mvvm navigation. For clear understanding what do I want, check picture:
First question: How do I translate ICommand from button "NextItem" to current selected page that has changed a item inside textBox, otherwise how do I Call Translate() method from current page for my Button which is in the MainView?
Second question: How do I put all pages that I have on the Window in the Combobox on the Upper side window, and select page from there, like I do this with my Buttons.
How it is now:
Command="{Binding GoToSecondViewCommand}"
Content="SecondView" />
Command="{Binding NextRandomItem}"
Content="Next item" />
MyCollection is just a stub which generates random items(1 item, 3 item, etc...).
There I can translate some parameters to page while it is initializing.
public MainViewModel()
MyCollection = new MyCollection();
CurrentViewModel = new FirstViewModel(this,MyCollection.GetRandomItem());
PageList = MyCollection.GetList();
public ICommand GoToFirstViewCommand
return new RelayCommand(() => { CurrentViewModel = new FirstViewModel(this, MyCollection.GetRandomItem()); });
public ICommand GoToSecondViewCommand
return new RelayCommand(() => { CurrentViewModel = new SecondViewModel(this, MyCollection.GetRandomItem()); });
ctor in SecondViewModel
public SecondViewModel(INotifyContentChanged contentChanged,string Parametrs)
ContentChanged = contentChanged;
TextContent = Parametrs;
One more time: First question.
I have many pages (in there 3), and I need to click the button on bottom, and in my page. In my current page I get text from textBox, and input these parameters to my method, like Translate(string field1). And this works on all pages that I want. If I change page in which I select Combobox items, I can do the same button click to button, and text from textBox inputted in my method Translate(string field1).
To navigate and pass the parameters to the corresponding page view models I stick to your pattern and used composition. I introduced a composition container that holds all page view models in a Dictionary<string, IPageViewModel>. Therefore all page view models must implement this interface. As the key I used the page view model's type name (e.g. nameof(FirstViewModel)). I also introduced a new property called PageNavigationParameter that binds to the TextBox in order to get the content (which is supposed to be passed to the corresponding page view model).
A second Dictionary<string, string> maps the display name of each page view model (the page name to be displayed in the ComboBox) to the actual page view model name (that matches the class name e.g. nameof(FistViewModel)). This way you can get the desired page view model by class name or if in the navigation scope from the page display name.
To select pages from a ComboBox you could do this:
create a collection of page names in the view model and bind it to the ComboBox.ItemSource
bind the ComboBox.SelectedItem property to the view model
navigate to page when the view model's property changed
To make this example work you need a common interface that all page view models must implement (e.g. class FirstViewModel : IPageViewModel). This interface must contain at least the PageNavigationParameter
The page view model interface
interface IPageViewModel
string PageNavigationParameter { get; set; }
Main view model (using composition)
class MainViewModel
public MainViewModel()
// The Dictionary to get the page view model name
// that maps to a page display name
this.PageViewModelNameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"First Page", nameof(FirstViewModel)},
{"Second Page", nameof(SecondViewModel)}
// The ComboBox's items source
// that holds the page view model display names
this.PageNames = new ObservableCollection<string>(this.PageViewModelNameMap.Keys);
// The Dictionary that stores all page view models
// that can be retrieved by the page view model type name
this.PageViewModels = new Dictionary<string, IPageViewModel>()
{nameof(FirstViewModel), new FirstViewModel()},
{nameof(SecondViewModel), new SecondViewModel()}
this.CurrentPageViewModel = this.PageViewModels[nameof(FirstViewModel)];
this.PageNavigationParameter = string.Empty;
// You can use this method as execute handler
// for your NavigateToPage command too
private void NavigateToPage(object parameter)
if (!(parameter is string pageName))
if (this.PageViewModelNameMap.TryGetValue(pageName, out string pageViewModelName)
if (this.PageViewModels.TryGetValue(pageViewModelName, out IPageViewModel pageViewModel)
pageViewModel.PageNavigationParameter = this.PageNavigationParameter;
this CurrentPageViewModel = pageViewModel;
private bool CanExecuteNavigation(object parameter) => parameter is string destinationPageName && this.PageViewModelNameMap.Contains(destinationPageName);
private void OnSelectedPageChanged(string selectedPageName)
private ObservableCollection<string> pageNames;
public ObservableCollection<string> PageNames
get => this.pageNames;
this.pageNames = value;
private string selectedPageName;
public string SelectedPageName
get => this.selectedPageName;
this.selectedPageName = value;
private string pageNavigationParameter;
public string PageNavigationParameter
get => this.pageNavigationParameter;
this.pageNavigationParameter= value;
private Dictionary<string, ViewModelBase> pageViewModels;
public Dictionary<string, ViewModelBase> PageViewModels
get => this.pageViewModels;
this.pageViewModels = value;
private Dictionary<string, string> pageViewModelNameMap;
public Dictionary<string, string> PageViewModelNameMap
get => this.pageViewModelNameMap;
this.pageViewModelNameMap = value;
private IPageViewModel currentPageViewModel;
public IPageViewModel CurrentPageViewModel
get => this.currentPageViewModel;
this.currentPageViewModel= value;
The controls that have a cross page scope must have the MainViewModel as their DataContext.
XAML snippet
<!-- The page menu (DataContext is MainViewModel) -->
<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedPageName}" ItemsSource="{Binding PageNames}" />
<!-- The navigation parameter TextBox (DataContext is MainViewModel) -->
<TextBox Text="{Binding PageNavigationParameter}" />
For your navigation button commands you can use the same MainViewModel.NavigateToPage() method as the execute delegate handler and CanExecuteNavigation as the can execute handler. So you now have a single navigation command (e.g. NavigateToPage) that navigates to the destination page by passing the page display name as CommandParameter.

Submenu not displaying when bound to IsSubmenuOpen

I'm trying to show a SubMenu of items. Every time IsSubmenuOpen is set to true, I make a call in my view model to refresh the list that the MenuItem is bound to.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work illustrated here (even though Windows has 3 subitems):
View Model:
public ObservableCollection<Item> CustomLayoutList { get; set; }
public bool LayoutOptionsOpen { set { UpdateCustomLayoutList(); } }
private void UpdateCustomLayoutList()
var items = GetItems();
foreach(var item in items)
Binding in Xaml:
<MenuItem ItemsSource="{Binding CustomLayoutList }" IsSubmenuOpen="{Binding LayoutOptionsOpen, Mode=OneWayToSource}"></MenuItem>
EDIT: Apparently on my computer this works fine. The list populates correctly and shows the SubMenu. For some other people, however, the SubMenu wouldn't open - despite verifying that the list has items in it.
To resolve this, I changed my solution to listen to the SubMenuOpen event, and in my xaml.cs code-behind I call UpdateCustomLayoutList directly. This works, but why did my initial solution not work, and is there a better way to solve this? Ultimately I would like to have zero code-behind.

Using MVVM instead of main window for the following code

I'm using the following code which is copy pasted from the main window which was working as expected ,
I have created View which is user control and put the code of the
code from the main window XAML
In the View model I put reference for the User model
In the user control I put the code for from the the main window which
is related to the event handlers for example the
DropText_PreviewDragEnter & listbox_SelectionChanged
Currently I have 2 issues in the User Control which Im not sure how to overcome...
1. Errors in the user control for all the occurrence of the ListBox (for example from listbox_SelectionChanged ystem.Windows.Controls.ListBox.SelectedItems.Count > 0 . the Selected items are marked at red with the following error
"cannot access non-static property SelectedItems item source in static context". ,not sure what is the reason since in the main window it was the same as static.
2. Since I have copied the code from the main window there is references to user object in the user controlwhich I believe is not acceptable in MVVM ,how should I change it ? for example
var mySelectedItem = System.Windows.Controls.ListBox.SelectedItem as User;
bool remove = _UsersList.Remove((User) System.Windows.Controls.ListBox.SelectedItem);
Here is the code.
I will appreciate your help !
The view model
public partial class ModelView : UserControl
private const string DRAG_SOURCE = "DragSource";
public ModelView()
DataContext = new ModelView();
//Drag Over from text box to List box
private void ListBox_PreviewDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
object dragSource = e.Data.GetData(DRAG_SOURCE);
if (dragSource != null && dragSource is TextBox)
(dragSource as TextBox).Text = String.Empty;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat).ToString()) && dragSource is TextBox)
_UsersList.Add(new User {Name = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.StringFormat).ToString()});
e.Handled = true;
The Xaml is
<TextBox x:Name="name1"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="20" Margin="360,70,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text=""
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="70"/>
The model view
internal class ModelView
private ObservableCollection<User> _UsersList = new ObservableCollection<User>();
public ObservableCollection<User> UserList
get { return _UsersList; }
public void InitUsers()
_UsersList.Add(new User {Name = "fff"});
//Sort the User collection
ICollectionView usersView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_UsersList);
usersView.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Name", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
You already have two answers explaining why the first issue happend in the previous question. And follwoing points are what #Will said in comment as a mess in MVVM implementation that I can see in your codes :
UsersList in the model view is a Model as in Model-View-ViewModel.
And the model view it self is a ViewModel as in Model-View-ViewModel
Then what you call view model is actually a View in Model-View-ViewModel point of view. It inherits UserControl and UserControl is a view, no difference from Window or Page, etc. They're all View. And even if we agree to call it view model, then it violated MVVM principle everywhere, because view model shouldn't have reference to View/UI control object.
Not directly answering your question, but I hope you get a better prespective on MVVM pattern.
#phil correctly noted that you can't access the ListBox like this:
What he failed to mention is that you shouldn't access a ListBox at all if you're using MVVM. Clearly you're not using MVVM now, but if you want to, then I would recommend that you read up on it so that you can get the full benefit from it. Just having a view and a view model does not mean that you're using MVVM.
In MVVM, we manipulate data, not UI controls. Therefore, you need to create a SelectedItem property in your view model and bind that to the ListBox.SelectedItem property and then you'll always have access to the item that is selected:
public User SelectedItem { get; set; } // Implement INotifyPropertyChanged here
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding YourCollection}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}"/>
Now you can do something with the selected item like this:
string selectedItemName = SelectedItem.Name;
you have to access your listbox by
yourListBoxName.SelectedItems.Count > 0
you can't access it by
same for
var mySelectedItem = System.Windows.Controls.ListBox.SelectedItem as User;
use the following instead
var mySelectedItem = yourListBoxName.SelectedItem as User;

WPF DataBinding ObservableCollection<T> to DataGrid

I'm trying to create DataGrid in a separate UserControl whose DataContext is a List of T.
In the code behind, I create a List, populate the list, then send it to the constructor for the UserControl on which I have the DataGrid I am trying to populate.
The UserControl class is as follows.
public partial class QuotePreview : UserControl
private static SelectionList previewList = new SelectionList();
public SelectionList PreviewList
get { return previewList; }
public QuotePreview()
public QuotePreview(SelectionList selectedOptions)
previewList = selectedOptions;
QuotePreviewDataGrid.DataContext = previewList;
And the Xaml looks like:
<DataGrid Name="QuotePreviewDataGrid"
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Model Number" Binding="{Binding ModelNumber}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Description" Binding="{Binding Description}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="List Price per Unit" Binding="{Binding Price}"/>
I've tried setting the ItemSource as well using
QuotePreviewDataGrid.ItemsSource = PreviewList;
I've also tried setting both the data context and the itemsource as well as refreshing:
The databinding I have set to listboxes in the rest of my application works perfectly. In the list boxes I have the itemsource set to {Binding} and the ListItems binding set to {Binding Property}. The datacontext for the listboxes set in the code behind.
My datagrid here is setup in the same manner, yet for some reason nothing is being displayed inside the grid.
When I go through the debugger and watch the flow of information, I can see the List of T, SelectionsList being created and passed to the constructor for the user control where the data grid lies. I can see that the DataContext is indeed being set and shows the items in the list, but when I go back to my appication and try to view the data grid, it's blank.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to wrap my mind around this problem for the last day and a half. Thanks!
The SelectionList is setup like:
public class SelectionList : List<Selection>
public List<Selection> availableSelections = new List<Selection>();
public List<Selection> AvailableSelections
get { return availableSelections; }
and a Selection is then defined by:
public class Selection : DependencyObject
public bool IsChecked { get; set; }
public string ModelNumber { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Price { get; set; }
When the application starts, I build a catalog of existing products (Selections). On different tabs, one for each product family, the datacontext for the products list box is initialized with with available products that it grabs from the catalog. Then pending which product a user selects, the available options or child selections associated with that product are populated into the appropriate list boxes, accessories and warranties.
Once a user selects the options they want, a button is clicked to preview the selected items which is supposed to populate the data grid explained above.
I can build the list of selected options, however when I try to set the data context of the data grid, nothing appears. The Lists for available selections are built and set to the appropriate data context the same way I am trying to do it for the data grid, however the data grid doesn't want to display my information.
So after some more debugging, I've narrowed the problem down a bit. The data binding works as it should. I have no real problems there, I don't think. However, the issue I'm running into now is what I believe to be 2 different instances of my User Control, but only the original is being displayed, not the updated copy.
Here's a copy of the class from about with a couple lines I added to help debug the problem.
public partial class QuotePreview : UserControl
private SelectionList _selectionList;
private SelectionList temp;
public QuotePreview()
_selectionList = (SelectionList)this.DataContext;
private void QuotePreview_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
new Selection
ModelNumber = "this",
Description = "really",
Price = "sucks"
public QuotePreview(SelectionList selectedOptions)
_selectionList = (SelectionList)this.DataContext;
temp = selectedOptions;
private void QuotePreview_Loaded()
foreach (var options in temp.SelectedOptions)
QuotePreviewDataGrid.ItemsSource = _selectionList.SelectedOptions;
The implementation of the default constructor, is called every time the user control / tab, is clicked on. When that happens, _selectionList is set to the data context of the user control, followed by the Loaded Event which adds a line to my data grid.
In another user control where I select the options I want to add to my data grid user control, I click a button that creates a list of the options I want to be added and calls the custom constructor I wrote. Once the constructor finishes, it calls a custom Loaded Event method that I created for shits and giggles, that adds the selected options to my _selectionList.
Now once I click on the data grid user control again, it goes through the whole default process, and adds another default line.
If I go back a tab and say I want these options again and go back to the data grid, it again goes through the default process and adds another default line.
Whats most intriguing though is that I can see both of the selectionLists build since I dont clear the in between processes. I see a list build of the options i want to display and a list build of the default options build...
Oh, also, SelectionList does implement ObservableCollection.
I finally came up with a solution to the problem.
public static class QuotePreview
public static ObservableCollection<PurchasableItem> LineItems { get; private set; }
static QuotePreview()
LineItems = new ObservableCollection<PurchasableItem>();
public static void Add(List<PurchasableItems> selections)
foreach (var selection in selections)
public static void Clear()
public class QuoteTab : TabItem
public ObservableCollection<PurchasableItem> PreviewItems { get; private set; }
public QuoteTab()
PreviewItems = QuotePreview.LineItems;
DataGrid.ItemSource = PreviewItems
Try changing:
QuotePreviewDataGrid.DataContext = previewList;
this.DataContext = previewList;
My suspicion is that the ItemsSource="{Binding}" in your xaml is overriding the DataContext code in your constructor.
By changing the previewList to be DataContext of the entire UserControl, then the binding of the DataGrid's ItemsSource can correctly evaluate.
On a side note, I would start looking into the use of ObservableCollection<T> and the MVVM design pattern. An issue you might end up with is that your DataGrid doesn't update when the underlying list changes, using the ObservableCollection<T> will fix this.
Using the MVVM design pattern will give you a good separation of your logic and data (in this case your list and how it's loaded) from the physical display (the DataGrid)
