Datastructure to represent extensible and unique values - c#

I've a small problem. I've a application monitoring part in a framework which is used by multiple applications.
Right now I've a functionality like this:
public enum Vars
public void Add(Vars variable, object value)
The Variable which is used as Parameter in the Add method will be used as the name of the entry in the database.
Now I got the requirement, that applications can specify own variables outside the framework. Because you can't inherit from an enum this causes some trouble.
I see basicly 2 possibilities (which are bot not very satisfying in my opinion) to solve this.
Possibility 1:
public void Add(enum variable, object value)
This method would accept all sorts of enums, so users could use the Vars enums as well as enums which they've defined by themself. The problem with this solution: It would be possible, that users use the same names in both.. application and framework. I'm not able to differ between two enums with the value "CPU" (Framework may store percent values as "CPU", application may store process cpu usage as "CPU").
Possibility 2:
The second method would be an class instead a enum, something like:
public class Vars
public const string CPU = "CPU";
public const string RAM = "RAM";
The drawbacks here:
1. More to write.
2. I would have to define parameters as strings:
public void Add(string variable, object value);
This could lead to missuse as well (Applications which add strings directly instead defining a class which inherits from Vars).
Any thoughts on how to define a model which:
Can be inherited (to extend the values by applicationspecific values)
Can be used as a parameter
Ensures, that there are no double (=same value) entries

The context is not completely clear, but what about creating a class
public class Vars
public static Vars CPU = Vars.Get("CPU", 1);
public static Vars RAM = Vars.Get("RAM", 2);
//You can keep one of the params, name or id
private Vars(string name, int id)
public static Vars Get(string name, int id)
//check if id or name exists in static dictionary, and return that instance or create new one
public void Add(Vars variable, object value);
Now user can create any kind of Parameter and pass to the method,
Vars newVar = Vars.Get("MyNewParam", 10);
You can easily check if the passed param is one, about which you know
Get method returns same instance if the params are the same


C# Do we have Performance Issue in having private variable instead of having them as method arguments

==> In my class methods, I am uisng LINQ query(and other processing statements) to derive a value which I store it in a private field of the class say private int vendorId;.
==> This private variable vendorId I refer it in other methods of that class.
My Query
Does this pose any performance issue?
Instead of declaring class level private variable should I instead pass those variable as method arguments?
public class VendorHandler
private vendorId;
List<obj> vendorList;
int businessId;
public method GetVendorStandard()
this.vendorId= ....;
private void MakePayment()
string vendorCode = this.vendorId + ....;
List<obj> list = this.vendorList;
Or should it be that, vendorId (and other method parameters) should be passed to MakePayment method like
private void MakePayment(int vendorId, List<obj> vendorList, int businessId)
Do we have any performance issues if we declare them as private variables in class?
The short answer is . . . No.
The only real differences are
Each instance of your class is carrying around 3 new fields, so a little extra memory.
Your methods are now a little more difficult to test.
The real question, though, is a design question:
Are these values actual attributes of each such entity (object) instance, or not?
If they are, then they should be properties of the class. If they aren't, then they should be passed as parameters.

Constrain a string parameter to be a constant from a specific class

This is probably an incredibly dumb question but: I have a function that takes in a string, and I want to make sure that the string is a constant from a specific class. Essentially the effect I'm looking for is what enums do:
enum MyEnum {...}
void doStuff(MyEnum constValue) {...}
Except with strings:
static class MyFakeStringEnum {
public const string Value1 = "value1";
public const string Value2 = "value2";
// Ideally:
void doStuff(MyFakeStringEnum constValue) {...}
// Reality:
void doStuff(string constValue) {...}
I know this can technically be achieved by doing some thing like
public static class MyFakeStringEnum {
public struct StringEnumValue {
public string Value { get; private set; }
public StringEnumValue(string v) { Value = v; }
public static readonly StringEnumValue Value1 = new StringEnumValue("value1");
public static readonly StringEnumValue Value2 = new StringEnumValue("value2");
void doStuff(MyFakeStringEnum.StringEnumValue constValue) {...}
But it feels kind of overkill to make an object for just storing one single value.
Is this something doable without the extra code layer and overhead?
Edit: While a enum can indeed be used for a string, I'd like to avoid it for several reasons:
The string values may not always be a 1:1 translation from the enum. If I have a space in there, different capitalization, a different character set/language, etc. I'd have to transform the enum in every function where I want to use it. It might not be a lot of overhead or a performance hit in any way, but it still should be avoided--especially when it means that I'm always mutating something that should be constant.
Even if I use a separate string array map to solve the above function, I would still have to access the translations instead of just being able to use the enum directly. A map would also mean having two sources for the same data.
I'm interested in this concept for different data types, ex. floats, ulongs, etc. that cannot be easily represented by enum names or stored as an enum value.
As for string -> enum, the point of using an enum in the first place for me is that I can rely on intellisense to give me a constant that exists; I don't want to wait until compile time or runtime to find out. Passing in an actual string would be duck typing and that's something I definitely don't want to do in a strongly typed language.
I would suggest you create an enum and parse the string value into an enum member.
You can use the Enum.Parse method to do that. It throws ArgumentException if the provided value is not a valid member.
using System;
class Program
enum MyEnum
public static void doStuff(string constValue)
var parsedValue = Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum), constValue);
Console.WriteLine($"Type: { parsedValue.GetType() }, value: { parsedValue }");
static void Main(string[] args)
doStuff("FirstValue"); // Runs
doStuff("FirstValuesss"); // Throws ArgumentException

Retaining a value obtained from file within the return value of a method

Assuming I will need to access the values contained within a given file a small number of times, from different methods, can I include some sort of boolean value within a method to determine whether or not it is appropriate to call the file?
Lets say I have the file config.cfg. In that file, there are three values:
The method getUserName() returns the value of "max". It does this by calling the file:
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
//get line beginning with string/name here
return //string value containing name
Let's assume I need to use the value of name several times, as well as the values isAdult and clientAge. Rather than accessing the file over and over again, it could be much easier to save the requested value in some form of static variable. However, this variable still needs to be changed in value at least once, when the method is first called.
Can I do this inside the method getUserName()?
Furthermore, is this idea even possible within the bounds of OOP? Is it a similar concept to Prefetch?
It really looks to me that you need to access a field in a lazy way (i.e. only if needed, when needed). If so .NET has Lazy class for such cases which also provides thread safety out of the box:
public static Lazy<string> Name { get; } = new Lazy<string>(() => ReadNameFromFile());
Lazy will also ensure that you only create value once (i.e. call initiailization method) and on later calls it will simply return already retrieved value.
Create a static class. Something like this:
public static class ClientConfig{
public static string Name{get;set;}
public static bool IsAdult{get;set;}
public static int Age{get;set;}
public static void Load(){
// load your values
// ClientConfig.Name = name from file etc.
public static void Save(string newName, int age, bool value){
// save your values to the config file
And call ClientConfig.Load() first time when your app starts, for example (or whenever you need to retrieve config data)

c# object by name in static method

My question is: Can I define a static method "meth1" in a static class "classB" that, when called from "classA", searches for a specific field (in "classA", not in the class in which is defined)?
I try to explain better: I need to do something like this:
public class classA
string someText;
int anInt;
bool trueOrFalse;
public classA()
var variable = classB.meth1("variableName");
public static classB
public static object meth1(string name)
... //use "name" to find the variable with that name in the class from which "meth1" is called.
That because I have to read a backup of "last run values" of variables contained in a .txt file, written line by line as "variable name = value".
So I read the .txt, create an hashtable "backupHashtable" which contains ("variable name";"value"), and then I want to search variables by string "variable name" and reset them to "value".
If someone of you knows a better procedure I'm listening. Maybe the use of a Dictionary?
Thank you!
Ok, now I have a clearer idea of what I want to do: I want to implement a class "ClassB", separate from my main class "classA". In this new class I would have a "meth1" method which, running in a separate thread, saves every 10 seconds (for example) the state of some variables belonging to "classA". To communicate the "meth1" what are the variables that he has to save, I want to use a list containing the names (in the format "string", that's what I thought, but I guess it's not the only way) of these variables.
If you're wondering why I want to do this in a separate thread the answer is this: my application performs some recognition operation of some objects in live stream images from multiple cameras and then ancillary operations must be isolated as much as possible from the main code to increase the speed of execution.
Now, perhaps, it is more understandable what I said before.
Yes, but you also need to pass a reference to the instance of A. Then use reflection to get or set the property.
public static void Meth1(object obj, string propertyName)
var prop = obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
var value = prop.GetValue(obj);
If I were to get values from a textfile into a class, I think I'd load them in a dictionary first, and then set all properties one by one. (Maybe unless there are, say, hundreds of properties). When using reflection, there is a chance that the textfile contains the name of a property you don't want to be changed from outside.
object value;
if (dict.TryGetValue("someProperty", out value)) { a.SomeProperty = value; }

C# - is this possible to declare a class where all fields are wrappers of another class's fields?

Please feel free to modify the title, I couldn't come up with any better one =\
Given the following example class
public class Person
public string Name;
public int ID;
public string City;
I need to create another mirror class, where every field is actually a wrapper of the original class:
public class PersonMirror
public FieldWrapper<string> Name;
public FieldWrapper<int> ID;
public FieldWrapper<string> City;
public class FieldWrapper<T>
public T Value;
public bool someBool;
public int someCounter;
// ..whatever
The thing is, I have many classes to mirror, and some of them have many fields! Moreover, the original class may be changed from time to time (add / remove / rename field), and every change must be applied to the mirrored class - not a good practice for maintainability.
My question is - is there a type safe way automate the decleration (rather then creation, such as generated code) of such mirrored classes?
Let's start from the beginning. In our SOA system, there is a resource access service (serviceX) responsible for updating items in the DB. Other services send it the modifications they would like to perform - in json that would be something like: {ID: 123, name : "myNewName"}. serviceX would then build an update query to send to the DB. However, there is a requirement that serviceX will expose a POCO interface, so that the interface will be language independent, so expressions such as (p=>, "MyNewName") are not allowed. Another requirement is type safety, so json is not allowed either. Currently, the above solution is the best one we came up to answer all the requirements. Any better solutions are more then welcome!
IMO, there's no way to do what you want, except code generation.
Approaches for code generation could differ (this maybe source code generation + compilation, emitting IL code, either your own or existing one), but this is the only way.
use T4 to autogenerate your "WrapperClass".
Below, a proposition of how you could implement your FieldWrapper.
public class FieldWrapper<T, O>
private T _item;
private O _owner;
private PropertyInfo _setter;
public T Value
get { return _item; }
set {
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equal(_item, value))
_item = value;
// do some personal check
_setter.SetValue(_owner, value);
public bool someBool;
public int someCounter;
// ..whatever
public FieldWrapper(O owner, Expression<Func<T, O>> propertyExpressionInTheOwner)
_owner = owner;
propertyName = (propertyExpressionInTheOwner.body as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
// get PropertyInfo using the owner and propertyName
Using the expression behavior permits you to create your fieldWrapper this way.
var p = new Person();
new FieldWrapper(p, (pers) => pers.Name);
The good point with this technique it is that if you person class change you will directly receive a compilation error.
With T4 the must is to load the assembly where all you class are, tag you class model with a specific attribute. Look into the assembly to found every class that have this attribute and generate the wrapper class associate.
You would have to run it after every code change, but you could create a code parsing application.
List desired keywords to substitute, such as " string ", " int ". Read the file, line by line. Find definition of classes (line contains "class"), then replace every instance of any given keyword in it with:
"FieldWrapper<" + keyword + ">"
You might want to drop keyword substitution inside methods (and perhaps in the method signatures / return types themselves) of by checking for "(" and ")", and the opening curly brace. Resume operation when you reach the closing curly brace. You can achieve that by storing the nesting level in an integer, incrementing it when hitting '{' and decrementing it when reaching '}'.
