dynamic orderBy using linq dynamic - c#

I am trying to convert this Func to use string values using linq.dynamic.
Currently I have
Func<IQueryable<Customer>, IOrderedQueryable<Customer>> orderBy = o => o.OrderBy(c => c.Postcode);
But I want to do
string sortItem = "customer";
string order = "ASC"
Func<IQueryable<Customer>, IOrderedQueryable<Customer>> orderBy = o => o.OrderBy(sortItem + " " + order);
I am using the Linq.Dynamic library but I am unable to get it to work with the function.
Any help...

Like the other answer suggests, this may not be possible. However, I wanted to post some code which I wrote recently to do something similar:
// single column sorting support
var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["iSortCol_0"]);
Func<LegalComplianceDatatable, string> orderingFunction = (c => sortColumnIndex == 0 ? c.HomeCountry :
sortColumnIndex == 1 ? c.HostCountry :
sortColumnIndex == 2 ? c.YearOneRate :
sortColumnIndex == 3 ? c.YearOtherRate :
sortColumnIndex == 4 ? c.RateType :
if (Request["sSortDir_0"] == "desc")
filteredResults = filteredResults.OrderByDescending(orderingFunction);
filteredResults = filteredResults.OrderBy(orderingFunction);

I haven't used Linq.Dynamic but you can achieve this if you are comfortable building your own expression tree. For example:
public static class IQueryableExtension
public static IOrderedQueryable<T> OrderBy<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, string propertyName)
var memberProp = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
var method = typeof(IQueryableExtension).GetMethod("OrderByInternal")
.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), memberProp.PropertyType);
return (IOrderedQueryable<T>)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { query, memberProp });
public static IOrderedQueryable<T> OrderByInternal<T, TProp>(IQueryable<T> query, PropertyInfo memberProperty)
if (memberProperty.PropertyType != typeof(TProp)) throw new Exception();
var thisArg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var lamba = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, TProp>>(Expression.Property(thisArg, memberProperty), thisArg);
return query.OrderBy(lamba);
And you can use this like:
IQueryable<Customer> query; // Some query
query = query.OrderBy("Name"); // Will return an IOrderedQueryable<Customer>
This is the logic for ascending sort, without checking (you will need to make sure the property exists, and so on) and some things can be optimized (the reflected method invocation for example). It should get you started.


linq orderby using property name string

I have a list which I need to order eg.
var list = someelements;
I also have a parameter which says by which property and what direction I should order list data eg.
var sortby = "Name";
var sortdirection = "desc";
I was wondering if I can match string property name with the right property so I get:
var list = someelements.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
when sortby == "Name" without the need of using switch loop to check property name and assign a correct property to OrderBy.
Same I would like to achieve with select either OrderBy or OrderByDescending depending whether I get sortdirection = "asc" or sortdirection = "desc"
Is it possible and if yes, how?
You can get Dynamic Linq through Nuget. Then you can use .OrderBy(sortby + " " + sortdirection).
Here is the link: Dynamic Linq.
Here is one solution that does not use Dynamic Linq:
public class Helper
public static IEnumerable<T> OrderByDynamic<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, string sortby, string sort_direction)
var property = typeof (T).GetProperty(sortby);
var result = typeof(Helper)
.GetMethod("OrderByDynamic_Private", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)
.MakeGenericMethod(typeof (T), property.PropertyType)
.Invoke(null, new object[]{ items, sortby, sort_direction});
return (IEnumerable<T>)result;
private static IEnumerable<T> OrderByDynamic_Private<T,TKey>(IEnumerable<T> items, string sortby, string sort_direction)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "x");
Expression<Func<T, TKey>> property_access_expression =
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, TKey>>(
Expression.Property(parameter, sortby),
if (sort_direction == "asc")
return items.OrderBy(property_access_expression.Compile());
if (sort_direction == "desc")
return items.OrderByDescending(property_access_expression.Compile());
throw new Exception("Invalid Sort Direction");
You can use it like this:
var result = Helper.OrderByDynamic(list, "Name", "desc").ToList();

Search by multiple fields

I'm working on a project and implemented a search by multiple fields in MVC, using LINQ like so:
public ActionResult SearchResult(SearchViewModel model)
List<Requisition> emptyList = new List<Requisition>();
if (model.RequisitionID > 0
|| model.Department > 0
|| model.Status > 0
|| model.RequisitionedBy != null)
var results = db.Requisitions.Where(x => x.RequisitionId > 0);
results = ProcessSearchInput(model, results);
return PartialView(results.ToList());
return PartialView(emptyList);
private static IQueryable<Requisition> ProcessSearchInput(SearchViewModel model, IQueryable<Requisition> results)
if (model.Department > 0)
results = results.Where(x => x.Department == model.Department);
if (model.RequisitionedBy != null)
results = results.Where(x => x.Requisitioned_By.Contains(model.RequisitionedBy));
if (model.Status > 0)
results = results.Where(x => x.Status.Contains(model.Status.ToString()));
return results;
This code works fine.
However, if I add an extra search field to the form, I would also need to add a separate if statement in the controller.
With the current approach, the ProcessSearchInput method will contain too many if statements.
Is there a better way to handle a search with multiple fields?
Your current approach violates the open closed principle. The solution is to create a dynamic filter like in this example. However that is a complicated solution that is worth only if you are going to add more and more filters along the way. If not then don't bother.
I agree with previous comments: your current solution is probably the way to go.
In the real world, you'll soon have to implement filters like 'all customers having either a billing- or a shipping-address in New York', and more complicated stuff. By then, all clever generic stuff will just be in the way.
However, if you promise never to use this in production code:
you can save a lot of typing by using a query by example, where you specify the filter as an instance of the type your source contains:
var example = new Requisition { Department = 8, Requisitioned_By ="john" };
var result = db.Requisitions.FilterByExample(example);
This is a simple implementation:
public static class FilterByExampleHelper
public static IQueryable<T> FilterByExample<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, T example) where T : class
foreach (var property in typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance).Where(p => p.CanRead))
ConstantExpression valueEx = null;
var propertyType = property.PropertyType;
if (propertyType.IsValueType)
var value = property.GetValue(example);
if (value != null &&
valueEx = Expression.Constant(value, propertyType);
if (propertyType == typeof(string))
var value = property.GetValue(example) as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
valueEx = Expression.Constant(value);
if (valueEx == null)
var parameterEx = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var propertyEx = Expression.Property(parameterEx, property);
var equalsEx = Expression.Equal(propertyEx, valueEx);
var lambdaEx = Expression.Lambda(equalsEx, parameterEx) as Expression<Func<T, bool>>;
source = source.Where(lambdaEx);
return source;

Dynamically Modifying a LINQ Query Based on a Related Table

I am dynamically creating a LINQ query based on various search criteria.
As an example, let's say I am searching a Automobiles table, and I have an option to filter by ratings. I have two controls:
Compare type: [At least], [At most], [Less than], [Greater than], and [Equal].
Value: The value to compare the rating against.
So the user could, for example, select the compare type [At least] and the value 3, and my code needs to create a query that limits results to automobile ratings greater than or equal to 3.
I found a great solution given by VinayC in the question How to implement search functionality in C#/ASP.NET MVC. His DynamicWhere() method dynamically creates part of the expression that would produce the correct filter.
My problem is that my primary query type is Automobile but my ratings are in a separate table (Automobile.Ratings). How could I implement this same technique and filter on a type other than my primary query type?
Thanks for any tips.
Since the number of operations that you have is small, finite, and known at comiple time, you can simply handle it with a switch:
IQueryable<Something> query = GetQuery();
int ratingToComareWith = 1;
string operation = "Equal";
switch (operation)
case ("Equal"):
query = query.Where(item => item == ratingToComareWith);
case ("Less Than"):
query = query.Where(item => item < ratingToComareWith);
Here's an Entity Framework friendly alternative to expression building. Of course you will want to validate column and op to prevent SQL injection.
// User provided values
int value = 3;
string column = "Rating";
string op = "<";
// Dynamically built query
db.Database.SqlQuery<Automobile>(#"select distinct automobile.* from automobile
inner join ratings on ....
where [" + column + "] " + op + " #p0", value);
Here is a method to build conditions for nested collections or types for linq-to-entities.
Restructured for your needs:
public static Expression GetCondition(Expression parameter, object value, OperatorComparer operatorComparer, params string[] properties)
Expression resultExpression = null;
Expression childParameter, navigationPropertyPredicate;
Type childType = null;
if (properties.Count() > 1)
//build path
parameter = Expression.Property(parameter, properties[0]);
var isCollection = typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(parameter.Type);
//if it´s a collection we later need to use the predicate in the methodexpressioncall
if (isCollection)
childType = parameter.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
childParameter = Expression.Parameter(childType, childType.Name);
childParameter = parameter;
//skip current property and get navigation property expression recursivly
var innerProperties = properties.Skip(1).ToArray();
navigationPropertyPredicate = GetCondition(childParameter, test, innerProperties);
if (isCollection)
//build methodexpressioncall
var anyMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(m => m.Name == "Any" && m.GetParameters().Length == 2);
anyMethod = anyMethod.MakeGenericMethod(childType);
navigationPropertyPredicate = Expression.Call(anyMethod, parameter, navigationPropertyPredicate);
resultExpression = MakeLambda(parameter, navigationPropertyPredicate);
resultExpression = navigationPropertyPredicate;
var childProperty = parameter.Type.GetProperty(properties[0]);
var left = Expression.Property(parameter, childProperty);
var right = Expression.Constant(value,value.GetType());
if(!new List<OperatorComparer> {OperatorComparer.Contains,OperatorComparer.StartsWith}.Contains(operatorComparer))
navigationPropertyPredicate = Expression.MakeBinary((ExpressionType)operatorComparer,left, right);
var method = GetMethod(childProperty.PropertyType, operatorComparer); //get property by enum-name from type
navigationPropertyPredicate = Expression.Call(left, method, right);
resultExpression = MakeLambda(parameter, navigationPropertyPredicate);
return resultExpression;
private static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type type,OperatorComparer operatorComparer)
var method = type.GetMethod(Enum.GetName(typeof(OperatorComparer),operatorComparer));
return method;
public enum OperatorComparer
Equals = ExpressionType.Equal,
GreaterThan = ExpressionType.GreaterThan
private static Expression MakeLambda(Expression parameter, Expression predicate)
var resultParameterVisitor = new ParameterVisitor();
var resultParameter = resultParameterVisitor.Parameter;
return Expression.Lambda(predicate, (ParameterExpression)resultParameter);
private class ParameterVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
public Expression Parameter
private set;
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
Parameter = node;
return node;
You could replace the params string[] with params Expression(Func(T,object)), if you want. Would need some more work to do it that way. You would need to definie nested collections with a syntax like
item => item.nestedCollection.Select(nested => nested.Property)
and rewrite the expression with the help of an expressionvisitor.

Lambda to SQL Translation

So I am having fun with myself and C#, by creating a nice Data Access Layer.
I have the following method that translates a simple expression to a SQL where clause, but it only works with the following
var people = DataAccessLayer.SelectAllPeople(x => x.Name == "Donald");
//Do some changes to the list
people[0].Surname = "Jansen"
var m = p.BuildUpdateQuerry(people[0], x => x.PersonID == 1);
I get the following result
UPDATE People SET Name='Donald',Surname='Jansen' WHERE (PersonID = 1)
But now If I do the following
var m = p.BuildUpdateQuerry(people[0], x => x.PersonID == people[0].PersonID);
I get the following Result
UPDATE People SET Name='Donald',Surname='Jansen' WHERE (PersonID = value(ReflectionExampleByDonaldJansen.Program+<>c__DisplayClass0).people.get_Item(0).PersonID)
My method I am using to Convert the Lambda to String is
public static string GetWhereClause<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
var name = expression.Parameters[0].ToString();
var body = expression.Body.ToString().Replace("\"", "'");
body = body.Replace("OrElse", "OR");
body = body.Replace("AndAlso", "AND");
body = body.Replace("==", "=");
body = body.Replace("!=", "<>");
body = body.Replace(string.Format("{0}.", name), "");
return body;
So far this is very basic and real fun to do, but I have no Idea how to overcome this XDXD, any Suggestions or Codes ?
I managed to solve it myself, hehehe here is what I did, not finnished yet but maybe someone else might find it usefull
public static string GetWhereClause<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
return GetValueAsString(expression.Body);
public static string GetValueAsString(Expression expression)
var value = "";
var equalty = "";
var left = GetLeftNode(expression);
var right = GetRightNode(expression);
if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal)
equalty = "=";
if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.AndAlso)
equalty = "AND";
if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.OrElse)
equalty = "OR";
if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.NotEqual)
equalty = "<>";
if (left is MemberExpression)
var leftMem = left as MemberExpression;
value = string.Format("({0}{1}'{2}')", leftMem.Member.Name, equalty, "{0}");
if (right is ConstantExpression)
var rightConst = right as ConstantExpression;
value = string.Format(value, rightConst.Value);
if (right is MemberExpression)
var rightMem = right as MemberExpression;
var rightConst = rightMem.Expression as ConstantExpression;
var member = rightMem.Member.DeclaringType;
var type = rightMem.Member.MemberType;
var val = member.GetField(rightMem.Member.Name).GetValue(rightConst.Value);
value = string.Format(value, val);
if (value == "")
var leftVal = GetValueAsString(left);
var rigthVal = GetValueAsString(right);
value = string.Format("({0} {1} {2})", leftVal, equalty, rigthVal);
return value;
private static Expression GetLeftNode(Expression expression)
dynamic exp = expression;
return ((Expression)exp.Left);
private static Expression GetRightNode(Expression expression)
dynamic exp = expression;
return ((Expression)exp.Right);
You can use the inbuilt extension methods of System.Linq to convert lambda expressions to SQL.
See the code below...
var Enames = emp.Employees.Select ( e => e.EmployeeName );
Console.WriteLine ( Enames );
The output which I got..
[Extent1].[EmployeeName] AS [EmployeeName]
FROM [dbo].[Employee] AS [Extent1]
I had the same problem and started to solve it some time ago. Take a look on LambdaSql.
For now it contains basic scenarios for select clause and where filters. Setting fields, where, group by, having, order by, joins, nested queries are already supported. Insert, Update and Delete are going to be supported later.
var qry = new SqlSelect
new SqlSelect<Person>()
.AddFields(p => p.Id, p => p.Name)
.Where(SqlFilter<Person>.From(p => p.Name).EqualTo("Sergey"))
, new SqlAlias("inner")
).AddFields<Person>(p => p.Name);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("; ", qry.Parameters
.Select(p => $"Name = {p.ParameterName}, Value = {p.Value}")));
pe.Id, pe.Name
Person pe
pe.Name = #w0
) AS inner
Name = #w0, Value = Sergey
See more here https://github.com/Serg046/LambdaSql

Like operator or using wildcards in LINQ to Entities

I'm using LINQ 2 Entities.
Following is the problem:
string str = '%test%.doc%'
.Contains(str) // converts this into LIKE '%~%test~%.doc~%%'
Expected Conversion: LIKE '%test%.doc%'
If it was LINQ 2 SQL, I could have used SqlMethods.Like as somebody answered it in my previous question. But now as I'm using L2E not L2S, I need other solution.
The SQL method PATINDEX provides the same functionality as LIKE. Therefore, you can use the SqlFunctions.PatIndex method:
.Where(x => SqlFunctions.PatIndex("%test%.doc%", x.MySearchField) > 0)
Following on from Magnus' correct answer, here is an extension method that can be re-used, as I needed in my project.
public static class LinqExtensions
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> WildCardWhere<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> selector, string terms, char separator)
if (terms == null || selector == null)
return source;
foreach (string term in terms.Split(new[] { separator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
string current = term;
source = source.And(
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Call(selector.Body, "Contains", null, Expression.Constant(current)),
return source;
var terms = "%test%.doc%";
Expression<Func<Doc, bool>> whereClause = d => d;
whereClause = whereClause.WildCardWhere(d => d.docName, terms, '%');
whereClause = whereClause.WildCardWhere(d => d.someOtherProperty, "another%string%of%terms", '%');
var result = ListOfDocs.Where(whereClause).ToList();
The extension makes use of the predicate builder at http://petemontgomery.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/a-universal-predicatebuilder/. The resulting sql does a single table scan of the table, no matter how many terms are in there. Jo Vdb has an example you could start from if you wanted an extension of iQueryable instead.
You can try use this article, where author describes how to build a LIKE statement with wildcard characters in LINQ to Entities.
EDIT: Since the original link is now dead, here is the original extension class (as per Jon Koeter in the comments) and usage example.
public static class LinqHelper
//Support IQueryable (Linq to Entities)
public static IQueryable<TSource> WhereLike<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, string>> valueSelector, string value, char wildcard)
return source.Where(BuildLikeExpression(valueSelector, value, wildcard));
//Support IEnumerable (Linq to objects)
public static IEnumerable<TSource> WhereLike<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> sequence, Func<TSource, string> expression, string value, char wildcard)
var regEx = WildcardToRegex(value, wildcard);
//Prevent multiple enumeration:
var arraySequence = sequence as TSource[] ?? sequence.ToArray();
return arraySequence.Where(item => Regex.IsMatch(expression(item), regEx));
catch (ArgumentNullException)
return arraySequence;
//Used for the IEnumerable support
private static string WildcardToRegex(string value, char wildcard)
return "(?i:^" + Regex.Escape(value).Replace("\\" + wildcard, "." + wildcard) + "$)";
//Used for the IQueryable support
private static Expression<Func<TElement, bool>> BuildLikeExpression<TElement>(Expression<Func<TElement, string>> valueSelector, string value, char wildcard)
if (valueSelector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("valueSelector");
var method = GetLikeMethod(value, wildcard);
value = value.Trim(wildcard);
var body = Expression.Call(valueSelector.Body, method, Expression.Constant(value));
var parameter = valueSelector.Parameters.Single();
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TElement, bool>>(body, parameter);
private static MethodInfo GetLikeMethod(string value, char wildcard)
var methodName = "Equals";
var textLength = value.Length;
value = value.TrimEnd(wildcard);
if (textLength > value.Length)
methodName = "StartsWith";
textLength = value.Length;
value = value.TrimStart(wildcard);
if (textLength > value.Length)
methodName = (methodName == "StartsWith") ? "Contains" : "EndsWith";
var stringType = typeof(string);
return stringType.GetMethod(methodName, new[] { stringType });
Usage Example:
string strEmailToFind = "%#yahoo.com"
IQueryable<User> myUsers = entities.Users.WhereLike(u => u.EmailAddress, strEmailToFind, '%');
or, if you expect your users to be more accustomed to Windows Explorer-styled wildcards:
string strEmailToFind = "*#yahoo.com"
IQueryable<User> myUsers = entities.Users.WhereLike(u => u.EmailAddress, strEmailToFind, '*');
Use a regular expression...
The following will print out all of the files in the current directory that match test.doc* (dos wildcard style - which I believe is what you're asking for)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
namespace RegexFileTester
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] _files = Directory.GetFiles(".");
var _fileMatches = from i in _files
where Regex.IsMatch(i, ".*test*.doc.*")
//where Regex.IsMatch(i, ".*cs")
select i;
foreach(var _file in _fileMatches)
Split the String
var str = "%test%.doc%";
var arr = str.Split(new[]{'%'} ,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var q = tblUsers.Select (u => u);
foreach (var item in arr)
var localItem = item;
q = q.Where (x => x.userName.Contains(localItem));
So I was trying the same thing - trying to pair down a List to return all candidates that matched a SearchTerm. I wanted it so that if a user typed "Arizona" it would return everything regardless of case that had Arizona. Also, if the user typed "Arizona Cha", it would return items like "Arizona License Change". The following worked:
private List<Certification> GetCertListBySearchString()
string[] searchTerms = SearchString.Split(' ');
List<Certification> allCerts = _context.Certifications.ToList();
allCerts = searchTerms.Aggregate(allCerts, (current, thisSearchString) => (from ac in current
where ac.Name.ToUpper().Contains(thisSearchString.ToUpper())
select ac).ToList());
return allCerts;
