How can I call this method for retrieved data in C#? - c#

I'm working on a program that allows you to select a customer ID from a dropdown box. Once the customer ID is selected, the customer's information is pulled from a CSV file and displayed in textboxes.
The phone number information is unformatted, but I want it to be displayed formatted (ex. (800)674-3452). I have written a method for this, but I'm not sure how to call it. Can you please help?
-Sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm still learning.
private void idBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
try // catch errors
string selectedCustomer; // variable to hold chosen customer ID
selectedCustomer = idBox.Text; // retrieve the customer number selected
chosenIndex = 0;
bool found = false; // variable if customer ID was found
while (!found && chosenIndex < allData.Length) // loop through the 2D array
if (allData[chosenIndex, 0] == selectedCustomer) // make sure it's the right customer
found = true; // Yes (true) found the correct customer
chosenIndex++; // add one row
chosenIndex -= 1; // subtract one because add 1 before exiting while
/* 0 = customer ID
* 1 = name
* 2 = address
* 3 = city
* 4 = state
* 5 = zip
* 6 = phone
* 7 = email
* 8 = charge account - yes/no
* 9 = good standing - yes/no
nameBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 1]; // put name in nameBox
addressBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 2]; // put address in addressBox
cityBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 3]; // put city in cityBox
stateBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 4]; //puts state in stateBox
zipBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 5]; // puts zip in zipBox
phoneBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 6]; // puts phone number in phoneBox
emailBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 7]; // puts email in emailBox
if (allData[chosenIndex, 8] == "Yes") // check if charge account
yesChargeRadio.Checked = true; // true if Yes
else // otherwise
noChargeRadio.Checked = true; // true if No
if (allData[chosenIndex, 9] == "Yes") // check for good standing
yesStandingRadio.Checked = true; // true if Yes
else // otherwise
noStandingRadio.Checked = true; // true if No
catch (Exception errorInfo) // catch error
MessageBox.Show("errors: " + errorInfo, "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // error message
Here is the method(s) to check the length and format:
private bool numberCheck(string str)
const int NUMBER_LENGTH = 10;
bool valid = true;
if (str.Length == NUMBER_LENGTH)
foreach (char ch in str)
if (!char.IsDigit(ch))
valid = false;
valid = false;
return valid;
private void formatPhone(ref string str)
str = str.Insert(0, "(");
str = str.Insert(4, ")");
str = str.Insert(8, "-");

You are almost done with your code. What you need to do is, before you set your phoneBox.Text you can call the method as below:
if(numberCheck(allData[chosenIndex, 6]))
formatPhone(ref allData[chosenIndex, 6]);
phoneBox.Text = allData[chosenIndex, 6];
As you have your method with ref parameter, the formatted text will be updated in your arary and you can then assign it to your phoneBox

I hope I understand what part specifically you're asking about: you call methods you define just like the static methods IsDigit or MessageBox.Show, except you do not need to prefix the method name with a name and then a period because the method is part of the object calling it.
So, for example if I had a method:
public void ShowSomething()
From within the class, I could call it like this:
To pass parameters, I would list them in the parenthesis, as you do with MessageBox.Show, for example.
You can use the value a method like numberCheck returns as any other boolean, so you could do any of these:
bool b = numberCheck(someString);
if (numberCheck(someString))
//Do something, like displaying the phone number
This MSDN document might help you:

Is this what you're looking for? :
phoneBox.Text = numberCheck(allData[chosenIndex, 6]) ?
formatPhone(allData[chosenIndex, 6]) :
allData[chosenIndex, 6];
private string formatPhone(string str)
str = str.Insert(0, "(");
str = str.Insert(4, ")");
str = str.Insert(8, "-");
return str;
Codes above will check validity of phone data, if it is valid set phoneBox.Text to formatted phone number, else set phoneBox.Text to raw unformatted phone data.
For reference in case you're not familiar with ternary operator (?).


Modifying and validating fields in a DataTable c#

I have the following datatable:
the field "court_case" has a different format and is not compact, the expected format would be: XXXX/XX ("4 digits" / "2 digits" )
For example:
12/13 -> 0012/13
2/1 -> 0002/10
/18 -> 0000/18
45/ -> 0045/00
I.e. complete with leading zeros if it is the case for the first part before the "/" and with leading zeros if it is the case after the "/".
private void bt_showDataTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
dataGridView2.DataSource = getDataTable();
public DataTable getDataTable()
DataTable dtTabla = new DataTable();
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = configuracion.conexion;
string query = "SELECT * FROM CC_T.CONSIGNATION WHERE ACCOUNT IN ('error');"; //query from the image above
MySqlCommand mycmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);
mycmd.Connection = connection;
MySqlDataReader reader = mycmd.ExecuteReader();
catch (MySqlException ex)
return dtTabla;
public static bool Validar_Cc(string CourtCase)
int i = 0;
string part1 = "";
string part2 = "";
bool result1 = false;
bool result2 = false;
if (CourtCase.Contains("/"))
part1 = CourtCase.Substring(0, CourtCase.IndexOf('/'));
part2 = CourtCase.Substring(CourtCase.IndexOf('/') + 1, CourtCase.Length - CourtCase.IndexOf('/') - 1);
result1 = int.TryParse(part1, out i);
result2 = int.TryParse(part2, out i);
if (!result1 || !result2)
return false;
else return true;
with this validation I only check that what comes for court_case is of type integer. but I do not check a validation of the format like: "XXXX/XX".
here I have to pass the method to validate:
private void btnCORRECT_ERROR_COURTCASE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string reply = "";
foreach(DataColumn column in dataGridView2.Rows)
I know this is wrong but I don't know how to continue. Any help??
Well technically you want to split the string to 2 parts, handle each separately and add it together with added zeroes. Like:
var inputArray = new string[4] { "12/13", "2/1", "/18", "45/" };
var results = new List<string>();
foreach (var str in inputArray)
var parts = str.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
var result = parts[0].PadLeft(4, '0') + "/" + parts[1].PadLeft(2, '0');
You can use string.PadLeft method to append leading zeros 0 (or other char) to some string:
static string AddLeadingZeros(string s, int amount)
return s.PadLeft(amount, '0');
Usage example:
void FixCourtCases()
string[] courtCases = new string[]
for (int i = 0; i < courtCases.Length; i++)
// Split left and right numbers by '/'
string[] courtCase = courtCases[i].Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
// Add leading zeros to left and right numbers
string fixedLeftNumber = AddLeadingZeros(courtCase[0], 4);
string fixedRightNumber = AddLeadingZeros(courtCase[1], 2)
// Reassign value with fixed one
courtCases[i] = fixedLeftNumber + "/" + fixedRightNumber;
it will give you that kind of result:
If you just want to check if the input (CourtCase) has the expected format (xxxx/xx) then you could change the Validar_Cc in this way.
public static bool Validar_Cc(string CourtCase)
// First check, the string should be 7 character long, if not then fast exit
if (CourtCase.Length != 7)
return false;
// Second check, try to split at /, if you get back an array with more or
// less than two elements then fast exit
string[] parts = CourtCase.Split('/');
if(parts.Length != 2)
return false;
// Now check if the two elements are numbers or not.
// Again fast exit in case of error
if(!Int32.TryParse(parts[0], out int number1))
return false;
if(!Int32.TryParse(parts[1], out int number2))
return false;
// If you reach this point then the data is correct
return true;
This example assumes that you consider correct inputs like '0000/00' or '1234/00' or '0000/88'. If this is not the case then one more checks is needed. Just add these lines after the TryParse block
if(number1 == 0 || number2 == 0)
return false;
And you could call the Validar_CC inside the loop over the grid rows
private void btnCORRECT_ERROR_COURTCASE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string reply = "";
foreach(DataGridRow row in dataGridView2.Rows)
bool result = Validar_Cc(row.Cells["COURT_CASE"].Value.ToString());
.... do whatever you need to do with false/true results

Return value from method

I am creating calculator with 20 textboxes - 10 for input, 10 for output. After creating a method into which I put parameter(defined in the first 10 textboxes) I return value to main method.
To get all 10 values is it really necessary to write code for all 10 or more text boxes as I have already started or there is smarter way how to pass into the method textbox parameters and return multiple values at once?
As you recomended I created List of Tuples and used foreach loop to loop through them, but now i get error:
Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'string'. Could you help me to point out where the problem is?
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<Tuple<TextBox,TextBox>> tuple1 = new List<Tuple<TextBox,TextBox>>();
tuple1.Add(Tuple.Create(textBox1, textBox2));
tuple1.Add(Tuple.Create(textBox3, textBox4));
tuple1.Add(Tuple.Create(textBox5, textBox6));
tuple1.Add(Tuple.Create(textBox7, textBox8));
foreach (Tuple<TextBox,TextBox> box in tuple1)
var inputBox = box.Item1;
var outputBox = box.Item2;
outputBox.Text = MethodA(Convert.ToInt32(inputBox.Text));
private int MethodA(int Parameter1)
int A = Parameter1;
int B = 20;
int C;
if (A == 16 && B == 20) { C = 15; } else if (A == 20 && B == 20) { C = 25; } else { C = 0; };
return C;
You could store all the input-output textbox combination in the constructor:
private List<Tuple<TextBox, TextBox>> textBoxes = new List<Tuple<TextBox, TextBox>>();
public Form1() {
textBoxes.add(Tuple.Create(textBox1, textBox4);
// ...
And then, in button1_Click, just iterate over all the textboxes:
foreach (Tuple<TextBox, TextBox> boxes in textBoxes) {
var inputBox = boxes.Item1;
var outputBox = boxes.Item2;
outputBox.Text = MethodA(Convert.ToInt32(inputBox.Text));
This might not be the best answer, but it would work:
public class Extensions
public MethodA(this TextBox tb)
tb.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text) + 5).ToString();
now you can just call:
This isn't necessarily recommended, but it's one way you could simply doing this multiple times.
If you won't be repeating this, it'd probably be better to just inline the logic the same way:
textBox1.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text) + 5).ToString();
textBox2.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text) + 5).ToString();
textBox3.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text) + 5).ToString();

how do i pass a single char value to a string variable after increment from a linQ record data

internal char SubMeasurement = 'a';
internal string GetLast;
private void CreateSub()
SFCDataContext SFC = new SFCDataContext();
var CheckRecordSub = SFC.Systems_SettingsMeasurements.Where(r => r.RelationData == txtNO.Text)
.Select(t => new { CODE = t.No });
int count = 0; int total = 0;
string[] row = new string[CheckRecordSub.Count()];
foreach (var r in CheckRecordSub)
row[count] = r.CODE;
GetLast = r.CODE;
total = count;
if (txtNO.Text == GetLast)
MessageBox.Show(SubMeasurement.ToString()); <-- Msg Box doesn't Work
SubMeasurement = Convert.ToChar(GetLast);
SubMeasurement++; <-- Error
MessageBox.Show(SubMeasurement.ToString()); <-- Msg Box doesn't Work
catch (Exception) { }
I have a record data which is when a user tries to pick a "Sub" option instead of a "Header" the process tries to check for a record last sub record and takes that record put it in a char and increment it and then place it back to a string variable at this code i just use messagebox to check if i get the last record and if it increments it if its a Header it just take the default value of the "SubMeasurement" 'a' for a start. but its not working that way please help.
It's error of course it is. Because char can not increase in normal, if you really need it let try some kind of difference:
int asciiCode = ((int)SubMeasurement) + 1;
SubMeasurement = (char)asciiCode;

Word.Shape.Name taking maximum 18 characters

I am using Word.Interop library. If I assign less than 18 characters to 'Word.Shape.Name' then it work perfect but when I assign more than 18 characters then 'Word.Shape.Name' throw exception.
Word.Shape.Name = "This is a test value to assign";
throw exception
"System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))".
What I should do to resolve this problem?
Whole method is
objTargetDocument, ref Scripting.Dictionary dicMarkers, ref Alias.Document objSourceDocument)
bool blnRetVal = false;
string strModel = ndModel.Name;
int lngModel = 0;
int lngNextModel = 0;
int lngStart;
int lngEnd;
Alias.Document objTemp;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range objRange;
Shape objShape;
Object[] astr;
int n;
bool bLastModel;
' 1. Find model's model marker and the next marker (if any)
astr = dicMarkers.Keys();
for (n = astr.GetLowerBound(0); n <= astr.GetUpperBound(0); n++)
if (string.Compare(astr[n].ToString(), strModel, true) == 0)
lngModel = (int)dicMarkers.get_Item(astr[n]); //PNDC //dicMarkers.Item(astr(n))
if (n < astr.GetUpperBound(0))
if (string.Compare(astr[n + 1].ToString(), "#end", true) == 0)
lngNextModel = 0;
bLastModel = true;
lngNextModel = (int)dicMarkers.get_Item(astr[n + 1]);
bLastModel = false;
lngNextModel = 0;
' 2. Copy model from original document to new document
if (lngModel > 0)
lngStart = objSourceDocument.Sections[lngModel].Range.Start;
if (lngNextModel == 0)
var key = "#end";
var value = dicMarkers.get_Item(key);
lngEnd = value;
lngEnd = objSourceDocument.Sections[lngNextModel].Range.Start; //objSourceDocument.Sections.Last.Index;
//copy original
objSourceDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.SetRange(lngStart, lngEnd);
bool bInsertSection = false;
//paste (append) copied model to the document
if (objTargetDocument.Sections.First.Index == objTargetDocument.Sections.Last.Index)
//Target document only has 1 (default) section
bInsertSection = true;
if (objTargetDocument.Sections.Last.PageSetup.SectionStart == WdSectionStart.wdSectionNewPage)
//Last section is a nextpage section
if ((objTargetDocument.Sections.Last.Range.End - (objTargetDocument.Sections.Last.Range.Start) <= 1))
//Empty section
bInsertSection = false;
bInsertSection = true;
//Last section isn't a nextpage
bInsertSection = true;
objTargetDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Start = objTargetDocument.Range().End;
if (bInsertSection)
objTargetDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Start = objTargetDocument.Range().End;
objRange = objTargetDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Range.Duplicate; //remember range for model marker anchor
objTargetDocument.Variables.Add(m_strModelMarker + strModel);
// .TextFrame.ContainingRange
//place model marker (so that we can find our model again)
objShape = objTargetDocument.Shapes.AddTextbox(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationUpward, 0, 0, 0, 0, objRange);
objShape.Name = m_strModelMarker + strModel; // This Line Trowing Exception
objShape.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse;
UpdateFields(ref objTargetDocument, ref ndModel);
blnRetVal = true;
new Modules.Globals().MsgBoxEx("Kan het bestaande model '" + strModel + "' niet kopieren.", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
return blnRetVal;
I haven't been able to find any reference to a 18-character limitation in the Name property. Also, after a quick test, it seems to work fine (even by inputting a much longer length):
Word.Shape oShape = oDoc.Shapes.AddLine(0, 0, 0, 0);
oShape.Name = "This is a test value to assign - This is a test value to assign";
Thus, the error you are mentioning is most likely provoked by a different part of your code.
In any case, I am not sure that you understand the exact meaning of the Name property. This is not something you would be seeing in the Word document at all; this is something for "internal reference purposes". The Shapes array is actually a Dictionary which can be accessed by typing either the index or the name of the given shape; that is, if oShape, as defined above, is the first shape in the document, I can access it by using any of the folowing options:
Word.Shape oShape2 = oDoc.Shapes[1];
Word.Shape oShape2 = oDoc.Shapes["This is a test value to assign - This is a test value to assign"];
For this reason, writing too long names is not necessary anyway.
There is an old discussion here about Word 2003 which seems to be similar.
In that discussion, it suggests storing the name in a document variable object (as in Document.Variables).
Something like:
Variables vars = Doc.Variables;
var = vars.Add("myShapeName", "This is a test value to assign");
and then assign var.Value to Word.Shape.Name somehow.
On re-reading that linked discussion, there is no way of directly assigning a Doc.Variable to the Name property. What you can set the shape's Name to a short unique identifier and use it to retrieve your long string from the Variables wherever you need it.
void SetLongName(Shape shape, string uniqueId, string longName)
shape.Name = uniqueId;
Variables vars = Doc.Variables;
var = vars.Add(uniqueId, longName);
string GetLongNameOfShape(Shape shape)
return GetLongNameById(shape.Name);
string GetLongNameById(string uniqueId)
Variables vars = Doc.Variables;
return vars.get_Item(uniqueId).Value;

String Replacements for Word Merge

using 4
we do a lot of Word merges at work. rather than using the complicated conditional statements of Word i want to embed my own syntax. something like:
Dear Mr. { select lastname from users where userid = 7 },
Your invoice for this quarter is: ${ select amount from invoices where userid = 7 }.
ideally, i'd like this to get turned into:
string.Format("Dear Mr. {0}, Your invoice for this quarter is: ${1}", sqlEval[0], sqlEval[1]);
any ideas?
Well, I don't really recommend rolling your own solution for this, however I will answer the question as asked.
First, you need to process the text and extract the SQL statements. For that you'll need a simple parser:
/// <summary>Parses the input string and extracts a unique list of all placeholders.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not handle escaping of delimiters
/// </remarks>
public static IList<string> Parse(string input)
const char placeholderDelimStart = '{';
const char placeholderDelimEnd = '}';
var characters = input.ToCharArray();
var placeHolders = new List<string>();
string currentPlaceHolder = string.Empty;
bool inPlaceHolder = false;
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++)
var currentChar = characters[i];
// Start of a placeholder
if (!inPlaceHolder && currentChar == placeholderDelimStart)
currentPlaceHolder = string.Empty;
inPlaceHolder = true;
// Start of a placeholder when we already have one
if (inPlaceHolder && currentChar == placeholderDelimStart)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected character detected at position " + i);
// We found the end marker while in a placeholder - we're done with this placeholder
if (inPlaceHolder && currentChar == placeholderDelimEnd)
if (!placeHolders.Contains(currentPlaceHolder))
inPlaceHolder = false;
// End of a placeholder with no matching start
if (!inPlaceHolder && currentChar == placeholderDelimEnd)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected character detected at position " + i);
if (inPlaceHolder)
currentPlaceHolder += currentChar;
return placeHolders;
Okay, so that will get you a list of SQL statements extracted from the input text. You'll probably want to tweak it to use properly typed parser exceptions and some input guards (which I elided for clarity).
Now you just need to replace those placeholders with the results of the evaluated SQL:
// Sample input
var input = "Hello Mr. {select firstname from users where userid=7}";
string output = input;
var extractedStatements = Parse(input);
foreach (var statement in extractedStatements)
// Execute the SQL statement
var result = Evaluate(statement);
// Update the output with the result of the SQL statement
output = output.Replace("{" + statement + "}", result);
This is obviously not the most efficient way to do this, but I think it sufficiently demonstrates the concept without muddying the waters.
You'll need to define the Evaluate(string) method. This will handle executing the SQL.
I just finished building a proprietary solution like this for a law firm here.
I evaluated a product called Windward reports. It's a tad pricy, esp if you need a lot of copies, but for one user it's not bad.
it can pull from XML or SQL data sources (or more if I remember).
Might be worth a look (and no I don't work for 'em, just evaluated their stuff)
You might want to check out the razor engine project on codeplex
Using SQL etc within your template looks like a bad idea. I'd suggest you make a ViewModel for each template.
The Razor thing is really easy to use. Just add a reference, import the namespace, and call the Parse method like so:
(VB guy so excuse syntax!)
MyViewModel myModel = new MyViewModel("Bob",150.00); //set properties
string myTemplate = "Dear Mr. #Model.FirstName, Your invoice for this quarter is: #Model.InvoiceAmount";
string myOutput = Razor.Parse(myTemplate, myModel);
Your string can come from anywhere - I use this with my templates stored in a database, you could equally load it from files or whatever. It's very powerful as a view engine, you can do conditional stuff, loops, etc etc.
i ended up rolling my own solution but thanks. i really dislike if statements. i'll need to refactor them out. here it is:
var mailingMergeString = new MailingMergeString(input);
var output = mailingMergeString.ParseMailingMergeString();
public class MailingMergeString
private string _input;
public MailingMergeString(string input)
_input = input;
public string ParseMailingMergeString()
IList<SqlReplaceCommand> sqlCommands = new List<SqlReplaceCommand>();
var i = 0;
const string openBrace = "{";
const string closeBrace = "}";
while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_input) == false)
var sqlReplaceCommand = new SqlReplaceCommand();
var open = _input.IndexOf(openBrace) + 1;
var close = _input.IndexOf(closeBrace);
var length = close != -1 ? close - open : _input.Length;
var newInput = _input.Substring(close + 1);
var nextClose = newInput.Contains(openBrace) ? newInput.IndexOf(openBrace) : newInput.Length;
if (i == 0 && open > 0)
sqlReplaceCommand.Text = _input.Substring(0, open - 1);
_input = _input.Substring(open - 1);
sqlReplaceCommand.Command = _input.Substring(open, length);
sqlReplaceCommand.PlaceHolder = openBrace + i + closeBrace;
sqlReplaceCommand.Text = _input.Substring(close + 1, nextClose);
sqlReplaceCommand.NewInput = _input.Substring(close + 1);
_input = newInput.Contains(openBrace) ? sqlReplaceCommand.NewInput : string.Empty;
return sqlCommands.GetParsedString();
internal class SqlReplaceCommand
public string Command { get; set; }
public string SqlResult { get; set; }
public string PlaceHolder { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
protected internal string NewInput { get; set; }
internal static class SqlReplaceExtensions
public static string GetParsedString(this IEnumerable<MailingMergeString.SqlReplaceCommand> sqlCommands)
return sqlCommands.Aggregate("", (current, replaceCommand) => current + (replaceCommand.PlaceHolder + replaceCommand.Text));
