When building our rather large solution (50 projects) in visual studio 2010 I get the following error. Once I get the error restarting the computer a couple (well once is enough sometimes) of times fixes it for a while and then it reoccurs.
The solution contains both WPF, WCF and database-projects.
Error message:
The DATABASE.SQLPERMISSIONS-file is located with the other property-files in the database-project where the error always occurs. The build action, copy to output directory and other file properties are set to the same as other, working database-projects.
I've tried
Deleting the databases from my local SQL-server
Removing the database-project from the solution build definition
Restarting the SQL-server/IIS before rebuild
Deleting output-folders before rebuild
and a whole lot of other things, to no avail.
Does anybody have any suggestions to a semi-suicidal developer? Why would visual studio try to find the permissions-file in program files?
Deleting the project metadata (*.dbmdl) file should solve it.
Yesterday, I have finished working on my Android project (c# and Xamarin) on Visual Studio 2017, I closed it. Today, I re-opened the project in order to continue my work but the project is not loading, plus, I am getting an error in the output window saying:
There is a missing project subtype.
Subtype: '{EFBA0AD7-5A72-4C68-AF49-83D382785DCF}' is unsupported by this installation.
I have searched up and tried every solution online but nothing worked for me. I tried to delete .suo file, repairing vs.. I do not know what to do.. please help me to solve my problem.
Here's a screenshot of the error
I enabled Xamarin for Visual Studio, now the error in the output window is (and the project is still failing to load):
[I:]: Found Xamarin.Android
[I:sdk]: Runtime path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android
[I:sdk]: Framework path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0
[I:sdk]: Key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Xamarin\VisualStudio\15.0_6c165955\Android\AndroidSdkDirectory found:
Path contains adb in \platform-tools (C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk).
[I:sdk]: Key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Xamarin\VisualStudio\15.0_6c165955\Android\AndroidNdkDirectory found:
Path contains ndk-stack in \. (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AndroidNDK64\android-ndk-r13b).
[I:sdk]: Key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Xamarin\VisualStudio\15.0_6c165955\Android\JavaSdkDirectory found:
Path contains jarsigner.exe in \bin (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131).
[I:]: Found Android SDK. API levels: 22, 23, 24, 25
Never worked with XAMARIN before but faced somewhat similar situations with other projects. Here's what you can do :
1. Create a new project
2. Right click on project > Add > Existing Item
3. Browse to the previous projects directory and add all the project files(i mean code files such as .cs)
**4. In winforms, if you add back a form's .cs file, it should automatically load the .designer.cs as well. **
After doing so, you can get back the entire project. There might be a few errors but they are easily fixable.
Hope this helps :)
I had a global.json with and sdk for dotnet core that wasn't installed.
Either install the targeted version or update your global.json to fit what you have installed.
Every time I do a git pull from remote to update my branch, Visual Studio 2017 shows "the type or namespace could not be found" error in many files as I open them. Interestingly I don't see the problem in Visual Studio 2015 for the same projects/repo. The software builds fine in both versions of Visual Studio so it is a false error. Doing a Clean or Rebuild doesn't fix the problem. I end up re-cloning the repo from remote and then Visual Studio 2017 is happy. Any one knows how to fix this annoying problem?
The problem is the package-restore. If it fails, you get the issue.
You can try to unload and reload the projects, but I also still haven't found a way to avoid it.
Unloading and reloading the project did not work work me.
Instead, I delete the hidden .suo file inside the project directory and everything started working again. The path is:
(project name) \ .vs \ (project name) \ v15 \ .suo
In my case I had csproj.user file that I've removed and then reloaded the project.
This issue occurred in VS 2019 while participating in a C# Essential Training course. My solution is:
Save the entire project
Close project
Open project
So, I'm getting this not-so-rare error from what I have been able to search around for solutions:
Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\WDExpress.exe". Dependent Assembly debuggerproxy.dll,processorArchitecture="X86",type="win32",version="" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
I get this btw when I try to start up my VS 2013 Express Win Desktop version.
I went into Computer->Manage->Win Logs->Apps and see a file called debuggerproxy.dll is missing. Well, I downloaded the file and copied into this location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\WDExpress
but it didn't help.
Does anyone know where this file should be copied to?
I have the project solution bin in below location for dll, pdb . my build is getting failed due to below error.
C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\mysolution\bin\debug\CommonServices.pdb
C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\mysolution\bin\debug\CommonServices.dll
The command "C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\mysolution\bin\debug\CommonServices.dll" exited with code 3.
I tried by cleaning the solution and build / Rebuild. Either way, it is not given result.
Please help.
maybe you have some errors on PropertyGroup.
Read this:
A couple of things to consider and try - in the title, it says VS 2008 error, but the path points to 2010, are you sure it is pointing to the right reference for 2008?
If it is, try closing Visual Studio, deleting the pdb file. This will eliminate any pdb issues with building, as the pdb file will be recreated.
Then also delete the .suo file, this will also be recreated. This is to eliminate any build issues that may be caused by Visual studio version conflict.
Another thing to check is if there is any build events in your project that may be triggering this error, go into project properties and remove/edit any build commands.
I've searched everywhere and I can't seem to find anyone with the same problem (although I'm sure people have made the same mistake in the past)...I accidentally deleted the contents of my Debug and Release folders. Now I am getting file not found errors. As a background, it's a Windows Forms Application in C#, and I'm running Visual Studio 10.
Here's the errors:
Unable to read manifest 'bin\Debug\projectName.vshost.exe.manifest'
Could not find file [pathName]\projectName.vshost.exe.manifest.
Before I was missing the manifest, I was getting an error that it could not find the other contents of the folder (the exe, the pdb, etc.), error MSB3113 (link)
Things I've tried (and some of them were far-fetched, I know):
I tried renaming bogus files for all the missing files
I tried to find the deleted files, but can't
I tried deleting all the contents of the Debug/Release folders and doing a clean build
I tried deleting the Debug/Release directories
Let me know if you can think of anything I could try out. My issue seems to be vaguely similar to this one.
Here's how I ended up solving the problem - turns out I included my bin and obj directories in my project. For anyone experiencing the same problem, simply right click and "Exclude From Project." After doing this, clean and rebuild your project, and you should be good to go.
In my case the file app.manifest was checked-out. This file is located in my Winforms project under Properties folder. I selected this file from Pending Changes window and did "undo pending checkout". After that the build succeeded. This happened in Visual Studio 2008.
Worked for me: Properties => Build => Generate serialization assembly => change from Auto to Off