How to get the Split value from collection [closed] - c#

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following key value pair in an array, and am trying to extract and load them into a collection.
The below code is working but it can be optimized using linq:
string _data = ",isdefault:true,,isdefault:true";
List<WebSiteAddress> _websiteList = new List<WebSiteAddress>() ;
WebSiteAddress _website = new WebSiteAddress();
string[] _websiteData = _divider[1].Split('=');
string[] _WebsiteKeyValuePair = _websiteData[1].Split(',');
for (int j = 0; j < _WebsiteKeyValuePair.Length; j++)
string key = _WebsiteKeyValuePair[j].Split(':')[0];
string value = _WebsiteKeyValuePair[j].Split(':')[1];
if (key.ToLower() == "url")
_initWebsite.Url = value;
else if (key.ToLower() == "isdefault")
_website.IsDefault = Convert.ToBoolean(value);

You can do something like:
string _data = ",isdefault:true,,isdefault:true";
List<WebSiteAddress> _websiteList = _data
.Split(new string[]{"url:"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(site => site.Split(new char[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
.Where(site => site.Length > 1)
.Select(site => new WebSiteAddress { Url = site[0], IsDefault = site[1].ToLower().Replace("isdefault:", "") == "true"})


C# string split into one or two variables [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In C# I am passing a single string value to a function. The value is similar to this: "XA=12345678;BK=AZ31" or "XA=87654321", sometimes the BK= is there, sometimes it is not. But if it's present, I need it for my function.
I've made this attempt:
string[] item_list = { "XA=12345678;BK=AZ31", "XA=87654321" };
string XA_EQ = "";
string BK_EQ = "";
foreach(string item in item_list)
BK_EQ = "";
string[] split = item.Split(';');
XA_EQ = split[0];
if(split.length == 2)
BK_EQ = split[1];
my_func(XA_EQ, BK_EQ);
Is there a better way to do this? This works, but it seems inconvenient.
RegEx approach
string[] item_list = { "XA=12345678;BK=AZ31", "XA=87654321" };
foreach (string item in item_list)
string XA_EQ = Regex.Match(item, "(?<=XA=)[0-9A-Z]*").Value;
string BK_EQ = Regex.Match(item, "(?<=BK=)[0-9A-Z]*").Value;
my_func(XA_EQ, BK_EQ);
I suggest Splitting initial strings into Dictionary:
using System.Linq;
private static Dictionary<string, string> GetVariables(string source) {
return source
.Select(pair => pair.Split('='))
.ToDictionary(pair => pair[0].Trim(), pair => pair[1].Trim());
Now we can analyze values:
string[] item_list = new string[] { "XA=12345678;BK=AZ31", "XA=87654321" };
foreach(string item in item_list) {
var namesAndValues = GetVariables(item);
// If we have XA variable, assign its value to XA_EQ, otherwise assign ""
string XA_EQ = namesAndValues.TryGetValue("XA", out string xa) ? xa : "";
// If we have "BK" variable, call my_func with it
if (namesAndValues.TryGetValue("BK", out string BK_EQ)) {
// If we have "BK" variable
my_func(XA_EQ, BK_EQ);
Easy to read solution with LINQ:
string[] itemList = { "XA=12345678;BK=AZ31", "XA=87654321" };
itemList.Select(x => x.Split(";")).ToList().ForEach(i =>
string XA_EQ = i.FirstOrDefault();
string BK_EQ = i.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();
my_func(XA_EQ, BK_EQ != null ? BK_EQ : "");
You don't get the actual value of XA or BK this way, but since you mention that this works for you I'm implementing the same logic.
string[] item_list = { "XA=12345678;BK=AZ31", "XA=87654321" };
foreach(string item in item_list)
if item.Contains('BK') {
string[] split = item.split(';');
my_func(split[0], split[1]);
} else {
my_func(item, null);

get a total value from loop items [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Check the code bellow. I am looping to get all value of a returned XML response. But i want to get a total value of all nofwatch variable. How can i add them to get a total value? any idea?
foreach (var sri in searchResultItems)
// Get all xml elements
var childElements = sri.Elements();
var nofwatch = childElements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "listingInfo")
.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "watchCount");
//add items from xml data to EbayDataViewModel object
items.Add(new EbayDataViewModel
TotalWatchers = nofwatch.Value //how can do + result of all nofwatch value?
ViewBag.TotalWatchers = TotalWatchers;
var totalValue = 0; //delcare the variable outside the foreach loop
foreach (var sri in searchResultItems)
// Get all xml elements
var childElements = sri.Elements();
var nofwatch = childElements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "listingInfo")
.Elements().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "watchCount");
//now use += operator to add the result to the totalValue variable
//totalValue += nofwatch.Value;
//nofwatch.Value should be of type string and you would need to parse it as an integer first if that truely is the case
var intValue = 0;
if (int.TryParse(nofwatch.Value, out intValue) == false)
totalValue += intValue;
//outside of the foreach loop use totalValue to set the desired member
ViewBag.TotalWatchers = totalValue;

What to return if condition is not satisifed? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The method looks as following:
private static List<string> SetPointObjectDefectRow(string[] row, string owner)
const int zone = 54;
const string band = "U";
if (Helpers.NormalizeLocalizedString(row[7]).Contains(#"a") ||
var geoPosition = UtmConverter.StringUtmFormatToLocation(zone, band, Convert.ToDouble(row[15]), Convert.ToDouble(row[14]));
var beginGeoPosition = geoPosition.LatString + ", " + geoPosition.LngString;
var result = new List<string>
return result;
It's obvious that not all paths return something and the issue is I can't return null.
How to rearrange the method?
Maybe you can initialize your List?
private static List<string> SetPointObjectDefectRow(string[] row, string owner)
const int zone = 54;
const string band = "U";
List<string> result = new List<string>()
if (Helpers.NormalizeLocalizedString(row[7]).Contains(#"a") ||
var geoPosition = UtmConverter.StringUtmFormatToLocation(zone, band, Convert.ToDouble(row[15]), Convert.ToDouble(row[14]));
var beginGeoPosition = geoPosition.LatString + ", " + geoPosition.LngString;
result = new List<string>
return result;
I usually do this when I want to create an assembler method for example to tranform a List<X> to another List<Y>, so if my List<X> is null I try to return an empty List of Y. I prefer to do this instead of throwing exceptions and getting my Dashboard full of errors. But It depends on how your codes works.

I want to split string with "," but from 2nd comma(,) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to split string with "," but from 2nd comma(,)
haven't tried it, but you will need something like this:
string pattern = "|\*,";
string[] result = Regex.Split(before_split, pattern);
If you are looking for skip first ',' & then split rest of the string by ',' then you can try following.
string before_split = "pune,mumbai|01234,delhi|65432,Bhopal|09231,jabalpur|0987765";
var firstPart = before_split.Substring(0, before_split.IndexOf(",", System.StringComparison.Ordinal));
var stringToProcess = before_split.Substring(before_split.IndexOf(",", System.StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
var stringSegments = stringToProcess.Split(',');
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}",firstPart ,stringSegments[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < stringSegments.Length; i++)
Try this, the final result is on a List finalSplit
string before_split = "pune,mumbai|01234,333,222,delhi|65432,Bhopal|09231,jabalpur|0987765";
string[] split1 = before_split.Split(',');
List<string> finalSplit = new List<string>();
string aux = "";
foreach (string s in split1)
if (s.IndexOf('|') == -1)
aux = aux + s + ',';
if (aux == "")
aux = s;
aux = aux + s;
aux = "";
Hope it helps
My solution is
string before_split = "pune,mumbai|01234,delhi|65432,Bhopal|09231,123,jabalpur|0987765";
string buffer = "";
var parts = before_split.Split(',');
var lines = parts.Select(p =>
if (p.Contains('|'))
var line = buffer == "" ? p : buffer + ',' + p;
buffer = "";
return line;
buffer = buffer == "" ? p : buffer + ',' + p;
return null;
}).Where(p => p != null).ToArray();
How about this...
Regex rex = new Regex("[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z,]*[|]+[0-9]+");
var result = rex.Matches("pune,mumbai|01234,delhi|65432,Bhopal|09231,jabalpur|0987765").Cast<Match>()
.Select(m => m.Value)
var result =before_split.Split(',')

using HtmlAgilityPack [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a problem HtmlAgilityPack, I would like the following image. but it does not coincide with the lines. What can I do?
HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
web.OverrideEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1254");
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = web.Load("");
var nufus = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/html/body/center/table/tr/td[2]/table/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tr[2]/td/table/tr/td/table[5]/tr/td[2]/table/tr/td[3]/table[2]");
string str = String.Empty;
string line = String.Empty;
if (nufus != null)
for (int i = 0; i < nufus.Count; i++)
str += nufus[i].InnerText.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("Nüfus Bilgileri", "");
string[] s = str.Split('\n');
for (int x = 10; x < s.Count(); x++)
if (s[x] != String.Empty && s[x] != " ")
dataGridView1.DataSource = lnufus.GroupBy(x => x).Select(g => new
Yıl = g.Key, Toplam = g.Key, Kadin = g.Key, Erkek = g.Key
No need for that strange xpath query. This should work
var nufus = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[#class='belediyeler']/tr")
.Select(tr => tr.Elements("td").Select(td => td.InnerText).ToList())
.Select(td => new { Yil = td[0], Toplam = td[1], Kadin = td[2], Erkek = td[3] })
dataGridView1.DataSource = nufus;
