If i have public method that returns a reference type value, which is private field in the current class, do i need to return a copy of it? In my case i need to return List, but this method is called very often and my list holds ~100 items. The point is that if i return the same variable, everybody can modify it, but if i return a copy, the performance will degrade. In my case im trying to generate sudoku table, which is not fast procedure.
Internal class SudokuTable holds the values with their possible values. Public class SudokuGame handles UI requests and generates/solves SudokuTable. Is it good practice to chose performance instead OOP principles? If someone wants to make another library using my SudokuTable class, he wont be aware that he can brake its state with modifying the List that it returns.
Performance and object-oriented programming are not mutually exclusive - your code can be object-oriented and perform badly, etc.
In the case you state here I don't think it would be wise to allow external parts edit the internal state of a thing, so I would return an array or ReadOnlyCollection of the entries (it could be a potential possibility to use an ObservableCollection and monitor for tampering out-of-bounds, and 'handling' that accordingly (say, with an exception or something) - unsure how desirable this would be).
From there, you might consider how you expose access to these entries, trying to minimise the need for callers to get the full collection when all they need is to look up and return a specific one.
It's worth noting that an uneditable collection doesn't necessarily mean the state cannot be altered, either; if the entries are represented by a reference type rather than a value type then returning an entry leaves that open to tampering (potentially, depending on the class definition), so you might be better off with structs for the entry types.
At length, this, without a concrete example of where you're having problems, is a bit subjective and theoretical at the moment. Have you tried restricting the collection? And if so, how was the performance? Where were the issues? And so on.
When a property is updated is it good practice to change other properties based on this or should you force the user to call a method directly? For example:
someObject.TodaysTotalSales = 1234.56;
Would it be OK to have the set accessor update another value say ThisYearsTotalSales or should you force the end user to do it manually.
someObject.TodaysTotalSales = 1234.56;
I think the best practise is to recalculate the total year consumption only when it is accessed. Otherwise if you update the TodaysTotalSales property very often, you will compute the total year count for nothing.
More generally, when you call a property setter, you don't expect a complex operation. By convention, getters and setters are expected to return almost immediately.
If your algorithm is too complex, in that case you can use a cache value to avoid a recalculation at each call; you invalidate the cache value when one of its prerequisite has changed
It depends.
Does he need to know the TotalYearsOfSales even after he updated TodaysSales?
Yes -> Provide an additional method to update someObject.UpdateThisYearsTotal(); and at the same time flag that he has not updated YearsTotal while he did update TodaysSales, so you can throw some error at the end of the process if needed
No -> Autoupdate other properties of which the values are not needed to prior to updating the TodaysSales
TL;DR: it depends
I assume you have public interface of a class in mind.
If you follow OOP Encapsulation principle to the limit, then someObject's externally visible state should be consistent with every public access, i.e. you shouldn't need any public UpdateState methods. So in this case someObject.UpdateThisYearsTotal() is a no-no. What happens internally: be it lazy recalculation, caching, private UpdateAllInternal - would not matter.
But OOP is not an icon/idol - so for performance reasons you may design program flow as you see fit. For example: deferred bulk data processing, game loop, Entity Component System design, ORMs - those systems clearly state in their docs (rarely in code contracts) the way they are supposed to be used.
I was recently profiling an application trying to work out why certain operations were extremely slow. One of the classes in my application is a collection based on LinkedList. Here's a basic outline, showing just a couple of methods and some fluff removed:
public class LinkInfoCollection : PropertyNotificationObject, IEnumerable<LinkInfo>
private LinkedList<LinkInfo> _items;
public LinkInfoCollection()
_items = new LinkedList<LinkInfo>();
public void Add(LinkInfo item)
public LinkInfo this[Guid id]
{ get { return _items.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == id); } }
The collection is used to store hyperlinks (represented by the LinkInfo class) in a single list. However, each hyperlink also has a list of hyperlinks which point to it, and a list of hyperlinks which it points to. Basically, it's a navigation map of a website. As this means you can having infinite recursion when links go back to each other, I implemented this as a linked list - as I understand it, it means for every hyperlink, no matter how many times it is referenced by another hyperlink, there is only ever one copy of the object.
The ID property in the above example is a GUID.
With that long winded description out the way, my problem is simple - according to the profiler, when constructing this map for a fairly small website, the indexer referred to above is called no less than 27906 times. Which is an extraordinary amount. I still need to work out if it's really necessary to be called that many times, but at the same time, I would like to know if there's a more efficient way of doing the indexer as this is the primary bottleneck identified by the profiler (also assuming it isn't lying!). I still needed the linked list behaviour as I certainly don't want more than one copy of these hyperlinks floating around killing my memory, but I also do need to be able to access them by a unique key.
Does anyone have any advice to offer on improving the performance of this indexer. I also have another indexer which uses a URI rather than a GUID, but this is less problematic as the building incoming/outgoing links is done by GUID.
Richard Moss
You should use a Dictionary<Guid, LinkInfo>.
You don't need to use LinkedList in order to have only one copy of each LinkInfo in memory. Remember that LinkInfo is a managed reference type, and so you can place it in any collection, and it'll just be a reference to the object that gets placed in the list, not a copy of the object itself.
That said, I'd implement the LinkInfo class as containing two lists of Guids: one for the things this links to, one for the things linking to this. I'd have just one Dictionary<Guid, LinkInfo> to store all the links. Dictionary is a very fast lookup, I think that'll help with your performance.
The fact that this[] is getting called 27,000 times doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but what's making it show up in your profiler is probably the SingleOrDefault call on the LinkedList. Linked lists are best for situations where you need fast insertions & removals, particularly in the middle of the list. For quick lookups, which is probably more important here, let the Dictionary do its work with hash tables.
I have a class that maintains a private Dictionary instance that caches some data.
The class writes to the dictionary from multiple threads using a ReaderWriterLockSlim.
I want to expose the dictionary's values outside the class.
What is a thread-safe way of doing that?
Right now, I have the following:
public ReadOnlyCollection<MyClass> Values() {
using (sync.ReadLock())
return new ReadOnlyCollection<MyClass>(cache.Values.ToArray());
Is there a way to do this without copying the collection many times?
I'm using .Net 3.5 (not 4.0)
I want to expose the dictionary's values outside the class.
What is a thread-safe way of doing that?
You have three choices.
1) Make a copy of the data, hand out the copy. Pros: no worries about thread safe access to the data. Cons: Client gets a copy of out-of-date data, not fresh up-to-date data. Also, copying is expensive.
2) Hand out an object that locks the underlying collection when it is read from. You'll have to write your own read-only collection that has a reference to the lock of the "parent" collection. Design both objects carefully so that deadlocks are impossible. Pros: "just works" from the client's perspective; they get up-to-date data without having to worry about locking. Cons: More work for you.
3) Punt the problem to the client. Expose the lock, and make it a requirement that clients lock all views on the data themselves before using it. Pros: No work for you. Cons: Way more work for the client, work they might not be willing or able to do. Risk of deadlocks, etc, now become the client's problem, not your problem.
If you want a snapshot of the current state of the dictionary, there's really nothing else you can do with this collection type. This is the same technique used by the ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Values property.
If you don't mind throwing an InvalidOperationException if the collection is modified while you are enumerating it, you could just return cache.Values since it's readonly (and thus can't corrupt the dictionary data).
EDIT: I personally believe the below code is technically answering your question correctly (as in, it provides a way to enumerate over the values in a collection without creating a copy). Some developers far more reputable than I strongly advise against this approach, for reasons they have explained in their edits/comments. In short: This is apparently a bad idea. Therefore I'm leaving the answer but suggesting you not use it.
Unless I'm missing something, I believe you could expose your values as an IEnumerable<MyClass> without needing to copy values by using the yield keyword:
public IEnumerable<MyClass> Values {
get {
using (sync.ReadLock()) {
foreach (MyClass value in cache.Values)
yield return value;
Be aware, however (and I'm guessing you already knew this), that this approach provides lazy evaluation, which means that the Values property as implemented above can not be treated as providing a snapshot.
In other words... well, take a look at this code (I am of course guessing as to some of the details of this class of yours):
var d = new ThreadSafeDictionary<string, string>();
// d is empty right now
IEnumerable<string> values = d.Values;
d.Add("someKey", "someValue");
// if values were a snapshot, this would output nothing...
// but in FACT, since it is lazily evaluated, it will now have
// what is CURRENTLY in d.Values ("someValue")
foreach (string s in values) {
So if it's a requirement that this Values property be equivalent to a snapshot of what is in cache at the time the property is accessed, then you're going to have to make a copy.
(begin 280Z28): The following is an example of how someone unfamiliar with the "C# way of doing things" could lock the code:
IEnumerator enumerator = obj.Values.GetEnumerator();
MyClass first = null;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
first = enumerator.Current;
(end 280Z28)
Review next possibility, just exposes ICollection interface, so in Values() you can return your own implementation. This implementation will use only reference on Dictioanry.Values and always use ReadLock for access items.
I'm working on a class library and have opted for a route with my design to make implementation and thread safety slightly easier, however I'm wondering if there might be a better approach.
A brief background is that I have a multi-threaded heuristic algorithm within a class library, that once set-up with a scenario should attempt to solve it. However I obviously want it to be thread safe and if someone makes a change to anything while it is solving for that to causes crashes or errors.
The current approach I've got is if I have a class A, then I create a number InternalA instances for each A instance. The InternalA has many of the important properties from the A class, but is internal an inaccessible outside the library.
The downside of this, is that if I wish to extend the decision making logic (or actually let someone do this outside the library) then it means I need to change the code within the InternalA (or provide some sort of delegate function).
Does this sound like the right approach?
It's hard to really say from just that - but I can say that if you can make everything immutable, your life will be a lot easier. Look at how functional languages approach immutable data structures and collections. The less shared mutable data you have, the simple threading will be.
Why Not?
Create generic class, that accepts 2 members class (eg. Lock/Unlock) - so you could provide
Threadsafe impl (implmenetation can use Monitor.Enter/Exit inside)
System-wide safe impl (using Mutex)
Unsafe, but fast (using empty impl).
another way i have had some success with is by using interfaces to achieve functional separation. the cost of this approach is that you end up with some fields 'repeated' because each interface requires total separation from the others fields.
In my case I had 2 threads that need to pass over a set of data that potentially is large and needs as little garbage collection as possible. Ie I only want to pass change information from the first stage to the second. And then have the first process the next work unit.
this was achieved by the use of change buffers to pass changes from one interface to the next.
this allows one thread to work away at one interface, make all its changes and then publish a struct containing the changes that the other interface (thread) needs to apply prior to its work.
by doing this You have a double buffer ... (thread 1 produces a change report whilst thread 2 consumes the last report). If you add more interfaces (and threads) it appears like there are pulses of work moving through the threads.
This was based on my research and I have no doubt that there are better methods available now.
My aim when coming up with this however was to avoid the need for locks in the vast majority of code by designing out race conditions. the other major consideration is performance in garbage collection - which may not be an issue for you.
this way is all good until you need complex interactions between threads ... then you find that you start forcing the layout of your buffer structures for reuse to get around inheritance which in turn has an upkeep overhead.
A little more information on the problem to help...
The heuristic I'm using is to solve TSP like problems. What happens right at the start of each
calculation is that all the aspects that form the problem (sales man/places to visit) are cloned
so they aren't affected across threads.
This means each thread can change data (such as stock left on a sales man etc) as there are a number
of values that change during the calculation as things progress. What I'd quite like to do is allow
the checked such as HasSufficientStock() for a simple example to be override by a developer using the library.
Unforutantely at present however to add further protection across threads and makings some simplier/lightweight
classes I convert them to these internal classes, and these are the things that are actually used and cloned.
For example
class A
public double Stock { get; }
// Processing and cloning actually works using these InternalA's
internal InternalA ConvertToInternal() {}
internal class InternalA : ICloneable
public double Stock { get; set; }
public bool HasSufficientStock() {}
I have some places where implementing some sort of cache might be useful. For example in cases of doing resource lookups based on custom strings, finding names of properties using reflection, or to have only one PropertyChangedEventArgs per property name.
A simple example of the last one:
public static class Cache
private static Dictionary<string, PropertyChangedEventArgs> cache;
static Cache()
cache = new Dictionary<string, PropertyChangedEventArgs>();
public static PropertyChangedEventArgs GetPropertyChangedEventArgs(
string propertyName)
if (cache.ContainsKey(propertyName))
return cache[propertyName];
return cache[propertyName] = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName);
But, will this work well? For example if we had a whole load of different propertyNames, that would mean we would end up with a huge cache sitting there never being garbage collected or anything. I'm imagining if what is cached are larger values and if the application is a long-running one, this might end up as kind of a problem... or what do you think? How should a good cache be implemented? Is this one good enough for most purposes? Any examples of some nice cache implementations that are not too hard to understand or way too complex to implement?
This is a large problem, you need to determine the domain of the problem and apply the correct techniques. For instance, how would you describe the expiration of the objects? Do they become stale over a fixed interval of time? Do they become stale from an external event? How frequently does this happen? Additionally, how many objects do you have? Finally, how much does it cost to generate the object?
The simplest strategy would be to do straight memoization, as you have above. This assumes that objects never expire, and that there are not so many as to run your memory dry and that you think the cost to create these objects warrants the use of a cache to begin with.
The next layer might be to limit the number of objects, and use an implicit expiration policy, such as LRU (least recently used). To do this you'd typically use a doubly linked list in addition to your dictionary, and every time an objects is accessed it is moved to the front of the list. Then, if you need to add a new object, but it is over your limit of total objects, you'd remove from the back of the list.
Next, you might need to enforce explicit expiration, either based on time, or some external stimulus. This would require you to have some sort of expiration event that could be called.
As you can see there is alot of design in caching, so you need to understand your domain and engineer appropriately. You did not provide enough detail for me to discuss specifics, I felt.
P.S. Please consider using Generics when defining your class so that many types of objects can be stored, thus allowing your caching code to be reused.
You could wrap each of your cached items in a WeakReference. This would allow the GC to reclaim items if-and-when required, however it doesn't give you any granular control of when items will disappear from the cache, or allow you to implement explicit expiration policies etc.
(Ha! I just noticed that the example given on the MSDN page is a simple caching class.)
Looks like .NET 4.0 now supports System.Runtime.Caching for caching many types of things. You should look into that first, instead of re-inventing the wheel. More details:
This is a nice debate to have, but depending your application, here's some tips:
You should define the max size of the cache, what to do with old items if your cache is full, have a scavenging strategy, determine a time to live of the object in the cache, does your cache can/must be persisted somewhere else that memory, in case of application abnormal termination, ...
This is a common problem that has many solutions depending on your application need.
It is so common that Microsoft released a whole library to address it.
You should check out Microsoft Velocity before rolling up your own cache.
Hope this help.
You could use a WeakReference but if your object is not that large than don't because the WeakReference would be taking more memory than the object itself which is not a good technique. Also, if the object is a short-time usage where it will never make it to generation 1 from generation 0 on the GC, there is not much need for the WeakReference but IDisposable interface on the object would have with the release on SuppressFinalize.
If you want to control the lifetime you need a timer to update the datetime/ timespan again the desiredExpirationTime on the object in your cache.
The important thing is if the object is large then opt for the WeakReference else use the strong reference. Also, you can set the capacity on the Dictionary and create a queue for requesting additional objects in your temp bin serializing the object and loading it when there is room in the Dictionary, then clear it from the temp directory.