"Operation could destabilize the runtime" when calling dynamic method - c#

I am trying to right a Func that I can use to access the get method of a property, but have hit a stumbling block.
The dynamic method below is created fine, however when it is invoked I get the following error.
VerificationException, Operation could destabilize the runtime.
I have checked that the il code emits a valid function by writing it to a class rather than a dynamic method and all would appear to be fine.
I'm guessing it has to do with some typing issue but I'm not sure where, so any help is appreciated.
Example class
public class DemoClass
public string Property{get;set;}
Dynamic method creation
var getMethods = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty,
new Type[] {typeof(object) });
var ilGet = getMethods.GetILGenerator();
var falseGetLabel = ilGet.DefineLabel();
ilGet.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, typeof(DemoClass));
ilGet.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, falseGetLabel);
ilGet.Emit(OpCodes.Isinst, typeof(DemoClass));
ilGet.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(DemoClass).GetProperty("Property").GetMethod);
var f = (Func<object,string>)getMethods.CreateDelegate(
var x = new DemoClass{Property = "9"};
Console.WriteLine(f(x)); <--- fails here

You should use OpCodes.Ldarg_0 instead of OpCodes.Ldarg_1 to get first method argument.


System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: '?' when trying to build a custom dynamic type with a delegate method

I am trying to dynamically build a type with a method that calls into an external delegate by using System.Reflection.Emit. However when I try to call this method, my program crashes with the exception in the title at the method call. Here's my code so far:
private static void TestMethodReal() => Console.Out.WriteLine("Inside TestMethod");
// In Main()
var method = typeof(Program).GetMethod(nameof(TestMethodReal), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)!;
var builder = MyTypeBuilder.GetTypeBuilder("TestType");
var testMethod = builder.DefineMethod("TestMethod", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof(void), Type.EmptyTypes);
var generator = testMethod.GetILGenerator();
generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, method, null);
dynamic inst = Activator.CreateInstance(builder.CreateType()!)!;
inst.TestMethod(); // <--- Exception is thrown here
The MyTypeBuilder class and GetTypeBuilder method is from this answer, slightly modified to accept a parameter for the type's name.
This program is supposed to create a new dynamic class with a method called TestMethod that calls the actual TestMethodReal method, instantiate the class, and call the method.
What am I missing?
You're using the wrong dispatch mechanism!
OpCodes.Callvirt is for virtual method calls, eg. overridable instance methods, the resolution of which needs to be deferred until runtime.
For static method invocation you'll want a plain old OpCodes.Call instruction instead:
generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, method, Types.EmptyTypes);

C# - Using reflection with JsonSchema4.FromTypeAsync

I know there are about a zillion QA about generics and reflections everywhere, but it's becoming a blackhole to me, and I'm only getting more lost the more I read!!
What i need to do is simple, and I'm amazed that it hasn't been addressed before.
[SAMPLE] Consider the following snippit:
public async Task<string> generateJsonSchema(string model)
string modelName = "Models." + model;
Type t = Type.GetType(modelName, false);
JsonSchema4 schema = await JsonSchema4.FromTypeAsync<t>();
return schema.ToJson();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteToLogFile(ex.ToString(), "exception");
return "";
[PROBLEM] Now the main problem is that variable t is evaluated at runtime, thus, JsonSchema4.FromTypeAsync<t>() throws the error 't' is a variable but is used like a type when trying to build compile time
Whoever used JsonSchema4 will understand what I'm trying to achieve here.
Instead of creating a generate function for each of my models, or make a switch/if-else logic,
How to make it receive the model name as a string parameter, and convert the string-model-name to model-type and pass it to jSonSchema4 method.
The problem here is that, as you say, t is evaluated as runtime.
I also ran into this Problem and solved it by creating a MethodInfo of the method I wanted to invoke, in your case JsonSchema4.FromTypeAsync<t>().
So basically this is want may fix the problem:
var methodInfo = typeof(JsonSchema4).GetMethod("FromTypeAsync", new Type[] { }); //Get the "normal method info", the overload without parameters
var methodInfoWithType = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(t); //now you have a method with your desired parameter t as TypeParameter
Task<JsonSchema4> task = methodInfoWithType.Invoke(null, null) as Task<JsonSchema4>; //now you can cast the result from invoke as Task to keep the Async-Await functionality
var schema = await task;
return schema.ToJson();

Use Action instead of Func

This is from the factory pattern, where a property is used to get an instance via Create:
public class Dialer
public static Func<Dialer> Create;
public bool MakeCall(string number) ...
public Dialer(IDialer impl) { ... }
Then a lambda expression is assigned to the property delegate in the platform-specific project with
Dialer.Create = () => new Dialer(new PhoneDialeriOS());
and to get an instance in the platform-independent project I use
this.dialer = Dialer.Create();
Now I'm looking to use
public static Action<Dialer> Create;
If I get this right, the assignment now is
Dialer.Create = (d) => new Dialer(new PhoneDialeriOS());
but how do I get an instance?
this.dialer = // ?
By using this.dialer = Dialer.Create(); I get
Error CS7036 There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'obj' of 'Action'
But it doesn't make sense to pass an instance of PhoneDialeriOS here, because there is no access to it in the platform-independent code. I think the example I'm regarding to is misleading or I'm missing something.
Action<Dialer> is a a delegate that receives a Dialer instance, and returns void. It's an Action, after all. If you want it to return a value (and get an argument), you need to use Func<Dialer, Dialer> instead.
The following could be possible usages
var specific_dialer = new Dialer(new PhoneDialeriOS());
var defualt_dialer = Dialer.Create();
Of course you can do something like
Dialer.Create = () => new Dialer(new PhoneDialerAndroid());
without the (likely a wrong copy/paste) line with the Action

The following throws 'is a Method but treated like a type'

The most confusing error I have ever seen in ASP. I have done method calls like this before, and have no issue in other spots of my code.
First of all the class:
namespace LocApp.Helpers.Classes.LocationHelper
public class QueryHelper
private LocAppContext db = new LocAppContext();
public static IEnumerable<Service> getAllService()
using (var db = new LocAppContext())
var service = db.Locations.Include(s => s.LocationAssignment);
var serv = (from s in db.Services
where s.active == true
select s).ToList();
return serv;
Pretty easy to understand whats going on. So lets call the method:
IEnumerable<LocApp.Models.Service> Service = new LocApp.Helpers.Classes.LocationHelper.QueryHelper.getAllService(Model.id);
getAllServices(Model.id) is throwing the error "is a method but treated like a type" , um no its not be treated like a type....
whats going on?
Well it's exactly as the error message says. getAllService() is a method:
public static IEnumerable<Service> getAllService()
But you're trying to use it as if it were a type with a constructor:
Service = new LocApp.Helpers.Classes.LocationHelper.QueryHelper.getAllService(...)
The new part is the mistake here. You don't want to call a constructor, you just want to call a method. It's a static method, so you don't need an instance - you can just use:
Service = LocApp.Helpers.Classes.LocationHelper.QueryHelper.getAllService(...)
Note that if you have appropriate using directives, follow .NET naming conventions and take care about singular/plural names, your code will be easier to follow:
var services = QueryHelper.GetAllServices(...);
Do you not simply mean:
IEnumerable<LocApp.Models.Service> Service = LocApp.Helpers.Classes.LocationHelper.QueryHelper.getAllService();
Get rid of the new bit, essentially, and that method doesn't take any parameters either - I'd assume you'd run into that problem after you removed the new bit.
Your getAllService method doesn't take any arguments, so you should call it without. Also it is a static method so don't use the new keyword:
IEnumerable<LocApp.Models.Service> Service = LocApp.Helpers.Classes.LocationHelper.QueryHelper.getAllService();

How to use reflection to call method by name

Hi I am trying to use C# reflection to call a method that is passed a parameter and in return passes back a result. How can I do that? I've tried a couple of things but with no success. I'm used to PHP and Python where this can be done on a single line so this is very confusing to me.
In essence this is how the call would be made without reflection:
response = service.CreateAmbience(request);
request has these objects:
request.UserId = (long)Constants.defaultAmbience["UserId"];
request.Ambience.CountryId = (long[])Constants.defaultAmbience["CountryId"];
request.Ambience.Name.DefaultText = (string)Constants.defaultAmbience["NameDefaultText"];
request.Ambience.Name.LanguageText = GetCultureTextLanguageText((string)Constants.defaultAmbience["NameCulture"], (string)Constants.defaultAmbience["NameText"]);
request.Ambience.Description.DefaultText = (string)Constants.defaultAmbience["DescriptionText"];
request.Ambience.Description.LanguageText = GetCultureTextLanguageText((string)Constants.defaultAmbience["DescriptionCulture"], (string)Constants.defaultAmbience["DescriptionDefaultText"]);
This is my function to implement the reflection where serviceAction for the case above would be "CreateAmbience":
public static R ResponseHelper<T,R>(T request, String serviceAction)
ICMSCoreContentService service = new ContentServiceRef.CMSCoreContentServiceClient();
R response = default(R);
response = ???
Something along the lines of:
MethodInfo method = service.GetType().GetMethod(serviceAction);
object result = method.Invoke(service, new object[] { request });
return (R) result;
You may well want to add checks at each level though, to make sure the method in question is actually valid, that it has the right parameter types, and that it's got the right return type. This should be enough to get you started though.
Here's a quick example of calling an object method by name using reflection:
Type thisType = <your object>.GetType();
MethodInfo theMethod = thisType.GetMethod(<The Method Name>);
theMethod.Invoke(this, <an object [] of parameters or null>);
If you're on .NET 4, use dynamic:
dynamic dService = service;
var response = dService.CreateAmbience(request);
You can use Delegate.CreateDelegate to obtain a delegate to the method by name:
public static R ResponseHelper<T,R>(T request, string serviceAction)
var service = new ContentServiceRef.CMSCoreContentServiceClient();
var func = (Func<T,R>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T,R>),
return func(request);
