In my Telerik RadAsyncupload, when i switched to Compatbile view [IE8] "Select" button is not visible.
I tried to find the solution but the only update that i got is
Above solution didnt worked for me.
Any help!!
try using this
<telerik:radupload id="RadUpload1" runat="server" enablefileinputskinning="true"
inputsize="50" width="475px" ></telerik:radupload>
it might help you
I have tried searching for a solution for this, but nothing seems to be working for me. My problem is pretty straightforward though (so, I think).
I am using foundation with asp webforms and have a reveal modal window that fires when the page is loaded.
$(document).ready(function () { $('#myModal').foundation('reveal', 'open') });
The above works fine, however, any time I put an ASP button inside the modal (the one I am using, btnReset, redirects to a new page), clicking on it will not fire the event attached to it.
<div id="reset">
<div class="large-2 columns">
<asp:Button ID="btnReset" runat="server" Text="Reset"
OnClick="btnReset_Click" OnClientClick="btnReset_Click"
CssClass="button small radius alert" />
Code for btnReset:
protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["userInfo"];
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
I'm sure I am missing some here, but I'm just stumped on what I am doing wrong. How can I get an ASP button and have it fire it's event when it is inside a modal?
I know this was asked a month ago, but I ran into the same problem and found this question with no solution. I have found the solution over at the Foundation forums and thought I would answer it here for future reference.
This issue is with how foundation adds your modal. When you look in your dev tools you will see that the modal, when called, is outside the form making the asp buttons unable to access the code behind.
This means we need to append the the modal to the form so that the buttons will access the code behind.
I tried several different ways to achieve this in the javascript using appendTo, but found the easiest method was the make foundation use the root element form.
$(document).foundation('reveal', { rootElement: 'form' });
I found that here: Elena Zhdanova solution
For anyone new stumbling across this issue you can now add this to your reveal modal and your webforms buttons will work as intended inside the modal.
The documentation is here. And the credit goes to this old forum post by Lars Jensen at the bottom of the thread here
My question: How to create an on hover effect with for my menu.
The problem is that since the standard menu doesnt have an on hover function, its quite hard/impossible(?) to create.
After doing my homework i saw some people who tried it with css, jquery and other methods... but i would prefer 'normal' html or css without incredibly complicated solutions.
Should that really be impossible, is there any clear way how to use it?
Most of the css options failed, or were incredibly complicated.
What exactly should happen:
A menu item for example
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Pages/Test.aspx" Text="Test" Value="Test" Selectable="true"></asp:MenuItem>
Should get a different background because of on hover effect.
Maybe changing the CSS from within the C# code into something else?
Thanks for your answer!
Thank you very much for your help! The problem is solved thanks to both of the answers.
I tried inplementing that menu, when i noticed that in this menu the hover effect also didnt work. What was the problem? I use 2 css files. And because the first css file contained some instruction as to how to handle the a:hover, all of the other hover effects were ignored.
Now that i know why the hover effect wasnt working, i can solve this problem. Thank you both very much!
Alright guys, it took me quite some time to figure out how to create the on hover effect with the menu. So, i found an easy way, without all the hard stuff or lots of code.
If you look at your asp page in your browser, go to page source. When you look at your menu, you will notice that it looks like this:
<a class="level1" href="Home.aspx">
<img src="../Images/home.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" />Home</a></li>
<a class="level1" href="Page2.aspx">
<img src="../Images/homehover.png" alt="" title="" class="icon" />Page2</a><ul class="level2">
The solution would be to change your css:
color: black;
This piece of CSS selects the A element, where (in the HTML) the attributes href and class contain(or are equal to) Home and level1.
It might be a bit different if you have a more complex menu then i do, for i have just 2 levels deep. (menu and submenu)
Hope it helps you guys!
Then this is the end of my first question/answer on stackoverflow.
Thanks for your help!
ps: If it doesnt work, remove all a:hover statements in all related css files to the page with the menu. It might also be a problem if you use the StaticHoverStyle/DynamicHoverStyle.
Any ideas how to remove/hide/disable and make invisible the sidebar (with all of the links in it) from a Wizard Control?
You can achieve this using the Wizard.DisplaySideBar Property like so:
<asp:Wizard ID="wizard1" runat="server" DisplaySideBar="false">...
You can find it in:
Wizard properties.
highlight the .aspx form code then look for it in behavior.
click Image where to find it
I'm just preparing the release of a library site builded in
All it's working great on FF and Chrome but on IE the asp button click event is not working.
Please notice the most important buttons: "Adauga in cos" (Add to basket)...
I'm just struggling to find out the problem...
I've checked the forms to not have nested ones but they seems ok.
Could you provide any other ideea?
ps: I did not post any code because this problem occurs on all pages...
Thanks in advance.
Code for "Add to basket"(Adauga in cos) button from the index:
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgBtnCosBooksFeatured" runat="server"
CommandName="Click" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("Carti_id").ToString()+","+Eval("Titlu").ToString()+","+Eval("Autor").ToString()%>'
ImageUrl="../Site/images/featured-cos.jpg" ToolTip="Adauga in cos" />
works ok on ff and chrome. Fails on IE :(
Are you sure, your button, have the click event, and enable post back?
I don't see any onclick event... here is the source. Am I missing something?
<div class="adauga">
<input type="image" name="Repeater2$ctl00$imgBtnCosBooksFeatured" id="Repeater2_ctl00_imgBtnCosBooksFeatured" title="Adauga in cos" src="../Site/images/featured-cos.jpg" style="border-width:0px;" />
What a stupid thing: i had a user control for the header which contained a form tag. So basically, my index contained two form tags because the user control was included as well....Auchhhhhh!
Im new into that thing, but here goes.
I got at ImageButton, and when its clicked i want the image displayed in another window. If I can avoid using ajax i would like to do that.
If possible would like to make the window modal, but still avoid ajax, since Im not ready to mix more technolgies yet.
The existing answers with JavaScript are fine, but just to suggest an alternative - could you use a HyperLink (with an ImageUrl set so you still get an image) and set its Target property instead?
IMHO the best practice to show a picture is in the same page on the top of the content. I personally use Lightbox. You can find the documentation on their page, so it should be easy for you to integrate their JavaScript code.
Somewhat like this:
<asp:ImageButton ID="imbJoin" CssClass="btn-find" AlternateText="Find" ToolTip="Find" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/library/btn-find.gif" onClick="javascript:popUp("ServicesLocator.aspx")" />
Using the ImageButton you need to use a JavaScript to open it in a new window. You can also look into the OnClientClick-event
You can use the ImageButton's OnClientClick property:
<asp:ImageButton ... OnClientClick="'url_to_image');" >
But this popup window will not be modal.
The following javascript will do what you're looking for:'page.html','WindowTitle','width=400,height=200')
It might be worth pointing to a two relevant entries in the excellent EFNet's #javascript FAQ:
Correct Use of Popups - yay accessibility!
How do I make a popup window the same size as my image?
How do I create a custom 'OK' dialog or something similar? - modal windows are not that useful and something like the suggested Lightbox or similar scripts would be better "modal" options
Correct Use of Links - this one being only partly on-topic but the previous answers use of the "javascript:" pseudo protocol made it necessary: it is never required nor useful in a web page that should work across browsers. After all, JavaScript is the default (and only) scripting language.
Thank you for all the answers! I ended up using lightbox
I found this example
And it works perfectly