So I guess this is easy for those of you who have been doing this for a while.
I have a master page with 3 content panels. I have a page built on that master page. I have a table that I create in code behind to display the images. The number of images varies do does the size of the table. I need to insert this table into contentPanel2. The table is generated (instantiated) in code behind. How do I do that?
Suprisingly no one answered. Add asp panel to aspx, name it and use add() method of that panel to insert new controls into it.
I'm a new to Sorry if this problem is so simple with some people.
In my webpage, main frame includes two smaller frames: leftcol, centercol. In centercol I want to show the news (sort by day, time) loaded from SQL DB. I want the news showing like that:
I really dont know which Control in is suitable??? Datalist, Listview??? can try using repeater.
repeater sample
Gridview Sample
U can use these two controls to fetch and display data..MOreover you can do paging and sorting based on criteria by defining properties..Apart from this you need to make few styles inorder to have your own look..
My question is regarding ASP.Net Table control.
Is there any way to access a control properties after it is put inside the table?
The problem is control does not seem to appear inside the properties window any way.
I want to know if there any way to access these properties "Other than" going to HTML and changes them there.
From the MSDN docs on asp:Table:
It is important to remember that any programmatic addition or
modification of table rows or cells will not persist across posts to
the server. This is because table rows and cells are controls of their
own, and not properties of the Table control. To persist any changes
to the table, rows and cells must be reconstructed after each
postback. In fact, if substantial modifications are expected, it is
recommended that a DataList, DataGrid, or GridView control be used
instead of the Table control. As a result, the Table class is
primarily used by control developers.
are you trying to build a server control?
OK, got pretty far on this one, but need an assist from someone with superior ASP skills. I'm using code behind to populate an ASP table with the results of a SQL query. The read-only values are stored in the .text of some of the table cells, while read-write values are stored in .text of textbox controls (dynamically created and added to table cells.)
This works fine on the first load. When the page reloads with a different query (for example: a user selects a different column to order by,) the table cell values repopulate correctly, while the textbox values remain unchanged. Throwing in a table.rows.clear() prior to the query does not seem to fix this.
More info:
I created a method to wipe all textbox.text values using table.findcontrol(). When tied to a button, this method works to spec (which indicates findcontrol is able to find/update the textboxes,) though all affected textboxes remain the blank if the page is reloaded. If placed in the page load, the method does nothing (textboxes retain their former values.) In debug mode, findcontrol pulls a value when used on the button, but comes up null when added to pageload. I have done this with table.rows.clear() commented and uncommented.
I have also attempted to throw all the code into oninit. This doesn't seem to make any appreciable difference.
Dynamic controls must be added on each page request, preferably during the Init event. It sounds like you are not recreating them on time.
Add them on every single page request and, as part of the page life cycle, they will receive their values from the viewstate
In order for dynamic controls to retain their values you need to:
a.) Ensure Viewstate is enabled for the page.
b.) Recreate the controls on every page load ensuring you create the controls with the same IDs as were given to the controls originally. Also you need to do this before the viewstate is loaded (preferbly in the Onit or PreInit method. See the page life cycle here:
I have A single page that has the following structure
<form runat="server"><placeholder></placeholder></form>
I have a control call 'feed' that gets added to the placeholder. The control that gets added, holds multiple other controls called 'product'.
I load the products into the feed dynamically with ajax.
The problem is, that the mark-up in the product control contains server side buttons that require a form tag with runat=server. Otherwise the page wont compile.
The page compiles fine once I add the necessary form tags to the 'product' control. This is not satisfactory as I don't want multiple form tags on the page at once.
Is there any way around this?
You can either add a single <form runat=server> that wraps all server controls or don't use server controls (normal html tags).
Or, use a more flexible framework like MVC that gives you full control of your markup.
I have develop a user control and i am loading it dynamically through .aspx page.
I have develop an XML and had converted it into hash table for faster searching.
The hash table contains the page name and the respective header.
I am using that hash table to load the header of .aspx page dynamically.
Now, i want that when the user control is called its header is also set dynamically by searching that hash table.
I have tried a lot but the problem which i am facing is that i am not able to trap the requested user control path at runtime.......
pls let me know if u have another solution for this...
If this XML contains HTML that should be displayed as Header, just use the Xml control.