extract end of the string - c#

I have the following string:
Hey this is a test
I'm trying to extract it using the following regex:
string buffer = "Hey this is a test";
Regex r = new Regex("Hey this is a (.*?)", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Match m = r.Match(buffer);
But for some reason I cannot extract it. Any suggestions? Thank you!

.*? tries to take minimum amount of chars. In your case zero.
() is a group. So the result be in m.Groups[1]
string buffer = "Hey this is a test";
Regex r = new Regex("Hey this is a (.*)", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Match m = r.Match(buffer);
Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[1]); // test
It is better to use more simple code. For example to take last word from string you can split the string by ' ' and take the last element:
string buffer = "Hey this is a test";
Console.WriteLine(buffer.Split(' ').Last());


C# Filter a word with an undefined number of spaces between charachers

For exampe:
I can create a wordt with multiple spaces for example:
string example = "**example**";
List<string>outputs = new List<string>();
string example_output = "";
foreach(char c in example)
example_putput += c + " ";
And then i can loop it to remve all spaces and add them to the outputs list,
The problem there is. I need it to work in scenario's where there are double spaces and more.
For example.
string text = "This is a piece of text for this **example**.";
I basicly want to detect AND remove 'example'
But, i want to do that even when it says e xample, e x ample or example.
And in my scenaria, since its a spamfilter, i cant just replace the spaces in the whole sentence like below, because i'd need to .Replace( the word with the exact same spaces as the user types it in).
.Replace(" ", "");
How would i achieve this?
I want to filter out a word with multiple spaces combinations without altering any other parts of the line.
So example, e xample, e x ample, e x a m ple
becomes a filter word
I wouldn't mind a method which could generates a word with all spaces as plan b.
You can use this regex to achieve that:
Dotnet Fiddle
You could use a regex for that: e\s*x\s*a\s*m\s*p\s*l\s*e
\s means any whitespace character and the * means 0-n count of that whitespace.
Small snippet:
const string myInput = "e x ample";
var regex = new Regex("e\s*x\s*a\s*m\s*p\s*l\s*e");
var match = regex.Match(myInput);
if (match.Success)
// We have a match! Bad word
Here the link for the regex: https://regex101.com/r/VFjzTg/1
I see that the problem is to ignore the spaces in the matchstring, but not touch them anywhere else in the string.
You could create a regular expression out of your matchword, allowing arbitrary whitespace between each character.
// prepare regex. Need to do this only once for many applications.
string findword = "example";
// TODO: would need to escape special chars like * ( ) \ . + ? here.
string[] tmp = new string[findword.Length];
for(int i=0;i<tmp.Length;i++)tmp[i]=findword.Substring(i,1);
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(string.Join("\\s*",tmp));
// on each text to filter, do this:
string inp = "A text with the exa mple word in it.";
string outp;
outp = r.Replace(inp,"");
Left out the escaping of regex-special-chars for brevity.
You can try regular expressions:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// Having a word to find
string toFind = "Example";
// we build the regular expression
Regex regex = new Regex(
#"\b" + string.Join(#"\s*", toFind.Select(c => Regex.Escape(c.ToString()))) + #"\b",
// Then we apply regex built for the required text:
string text = "This is a piece of text for this **example**. And more (e X amp le)";
string result = regex.Replace(text, "");
This is a piece of text for this ****. And more ()
Edit: if you want to ignore diacritics, you should modify regular expression:
string toFind = "Example";
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\b" + string.Join(#"\s*",
toFind.Select(c => Regex.Escape(c.ToString()) + #"\p{Lm}*")),
and Normalize text before matching:
string text = "This is a piece of text for this **examplé**. And more (e X amp le)";
string result = regex.Replace(text.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD), "");

Incremental character replacement using regex

Hello I have a string like following
Some text here -
Some text here
I want to have it like -
Some text here
Some text here
Explanation: everything in between ~XY*901* and ~MLC* should be incremented by one starting from 1.
How to achieve it using Regex Match Evaluator?
A bit of lambada. Erhm, I mean lambda.
var input = #"Some text here -
More text here";
var reg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"(~XY\*901\*)[0-9]+(~MLC\*)");
int i = 1;
var result = reg.Replace(input, m => m.Groups[1] + i++.ToString("D9") + m.Groups[2]);
The regex Replace loops through the matches of the regular expression.
While increasing the integer.
Some text here -
More text here

How to replace single quote in asp.net c#

I used Regex.Replace(jobdesc, #"[^\/\'-]+", " "); but its not working please help me I want to replace only (' and -) with blank space how to arrange this regex code.
You can use a simple replace like:
"your sentence".Replace("''"," ").Replace("-"," ");
Using Reg Exp you can do as below
string pattern = #"\-\'";
string input = "mynam-'is";
string replacement = " ";
Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);
string result = rgx.Replace(input, replacement);

Would like to split a string using a regex pattern

I have a string that I would like to split into
var finalQuote = "2012-0001-1";
var quoteNum = "2012-0001";
var revision = "1"
I used something like this
var quoteNum = quoteNum.subString(0,9);
var revision = quoteNum.subString(quoteNum.lastIndexOf("-") + 1);
But can't it be done using regex more efficiently? I come across patterns like this that need to be split into two.
var finalQuote = "2012-0001-1";
string pat = #"(\d|[A-Z]){4}-\d{4}";
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Match m = r.Match(text);
var quoteNum = m.Value;
So far I have reached here. But I feel I am not using the correct method. Please guide me.
EDIT: I wanna edit by the pattern. Splitting with dashes is not an option as the first part of the split contains a dash. ie, "2012-0001"
I would simply go with:
var quoteNum = finalQuote.Substring(0,9);
var revision = finalQuote.Substring(10);
quoteNum would consist of the first 9 characters, and revision of the 10th and everything that may follow the 10th, e.g. if the revision is 10 or higher it would still work.
Using complicated regexes or extension methods is very quickly overkill; sometimes the simple methods are efficient enough by itself.
I would agree with others that using substring is a better solution than regex for this.
But if you're insisting on using regex you can use something like:
Untested since I don't have a C# environment installed:
var finalQuote = "2012-0001-1";
string pat = #"^(\d{4}-\d{4})-(\d)$";
Regex r = new Regex(pat);
Match m = r.Match(finalQuote);
var quoteNum = m.Groups[1].Value;
var revision = m.Groups[2].Value;
Alternatively, if you want a string[] you could try (again, untested):
string[] data = Regex.Split("2012-0001-1",#"-(?=\d$)");
data[0] would be quoteNum and data[1] would be revision.
Explanation of the Regex.Split:
From the Regex.Split documentation: The Regex.Split methods are similar to the String.Split method, except that Regex.Split splits the string at a delimiter determined by a regular expression instead of a set of characters.
The regex -(?=\d$) matches a single - given it is followed by a digit followed by the end of the string so it would only match the last dash in the string. The last digit is not consumed because we use a zero-width lookahead assertion (?=)
sIt would be easier to maintain in the future if you something that the new comer would understand.
you could use:
var finalQuote = "2012-0001-1";
string[] parts = finalQuote.Split("-");
var quoteNum = parts[0] + "-" + parts[1] ;
var revision = parts[3];
However if you insists you need a regEx then
There are two groups in this expression, group 1 capture the first part and the group 2 capture the second part.
var finalQuote = "2012-0001-1";
string pat = #"(\d{4}-\d{4})-(\d)";
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Match m = r.Match(finalQuote);
var quoteNum = m.Groups[1].Value;
var revision = m.Groups[2].Value;

C# regular expression to find custom markers and take content

I have a string:
In it are some custom tags such as:
For example the string might read:
This product is [MM]1000[/MM] long
Using a regular expression how can I find those MM tags, take the content of them and replace everything with another string? So for example the output should be:
This product is 10 cm long
I think you'll need to pass a delegate to the regex for that.
Regex theRegex = new Regex(#"\[MM\](\d+)\[/MM\]");
text = theRegex.Replace(text, delegate(Match thisMatch)
int mmLength = Convert.ToInt32(thisMatch.Groups[1].Value);
int cmLength = mmLength / 10;
return cmLength.ToString() + "cm";
Using RegexDesigner.NET:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// Regex Replace code for C#
void ReplaceRegex()
// Regex search and replace
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\[MM\](?<value>.*)\[\/MM\]", options);
string input = #"[MM]1000[/MM]";
string replacement = #"10 cm";
string result = regex.Replace(input, replacement);
// TODO: Do something with result
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(result, "Replace");
Or if you want the orginal text back in the replacement:
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\[MM\](?<theText>.*)\[\/MM\]", options);
string replacement = #"${theText} cm";
A regex like this
will find and collect the units (like MM) and the values (like 1000). That would at least allow you to use the pairs of parts intelligently to do the conversion. You could then put the replacement string together, and do a straightforward string replacement, because you know the exact string you're replacing.
I don't think you can do a simple RegEx.Replace, because you don't know the replacement string at the point you do the search.
Regex rex = new Regex(#"\[MM\]([0-9]+)\[\/MM\]");
string s = "This product is [MM]1000[/MM] long";
MatchCollection mc = rex.Matches(s);
Will match only integers.
will then give the numeric part of nth match.
