C# TCPClient - Leave It Open or Close After Each Transmission? - c#

I have an industrial application that uses the .NET TcpClient object in C#.
I am simply receiving a short barcode string from two different barcode readers at fairly long, inconsistent intervals. The application works great for awhile, but eventually I get a connection issue with one or the other barcode reader. The connection gets lost, and sometimes the scanner will stop accepting connections until it is restarted.
As the application is now, I create the connection just once. When the scanner is triggered (from another IO device) I get the stream and the barcode comes in fine.
I am wondering if I should instead be waiting for the trigger to do everything at once- i.e. create the connection, get the stream, close the connection and dispose of the TcpClient each trigger. I am hoping this or some other method will keep my devices from dropping their connections and hanging up.
The tough part is that I have no idea what the "servers" (scanners) are doing because I can't debug them.
Any help is appreciated!
Simple connection code:
private void Connect()
IPAddress IP = IPAddress.Parse(IPString);
TCPClient.Connect(IP, PortNumber);
// Connection failed
Message = "Connection Failed #" + IP;
if (TCPClient.Connected == true)
// Connection Succeeded
Message = "Connection Established #" + IP;
TCPSocket = TCPClient.Client;
Simple Data Receive Code:
public bool DataAvailable()
String data = null;
Byte[] buffer = new Byte[256];
int bytesRead;
NetworkStream Stream = TCPClient.GetStream();
if (!Stream.DataAvailable) return false;
bytesRead = Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
while (Stream.DataAvailable);
Message = data;
return true;
I also have this simple connection test that gets run on each scanner every minute or so, but I'm pretty sure it's not doing what I intended it to (and it also may be responsible for the drops?):
public bool TestConnection()
return !(TCPSocket.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead) && TCPSocket.Available == 0);
catch (SocketException) { return false; }


Why does my C# TcpClient fail to receive content from the server if the server sends before reading everything from the client?

In an application I'm working on I want to disconnect clients that are trying to send me packets that are too large.
Just before disconnecting them I want to send them a message informing them about the reason for disconnecting them.
The issue I am running into is that the client cannot receive this server message, if the server does not read everything the client has send him first. I do not understand why this is happening.
I've managed to narrow it down to a very small test setup where the problem is demonstrated.
The StreamUtil class is a simple wrapper class that helps to get around the TCP message boundary problem, basically on the sender side it sends the size of each message first and then the message itself, and on the receiver side it receives the size of the message first and then the message.
The client uses a ReadKey command to simulate some time between sending and receiving, seeing in my real application these two actions are not immediately back to back either.
Here is a test case that works:
Run server as shown below
Run client as shown below, it will show a "Press key message", WAIT do not press key yet
Turn off server since everything is already in the clients receive buffer anyway (I validated this using packet sniffer)
Press key on the client -> client correctly shows the messages from the server.
This is what I was expecting, so great so far no problem yet.
Now in the server code, comment out the 2nd receive call and repeat the steps above.
Step 1 and 2 complete successfully, no errors sending from client to server.
On step 3 however the client crashes on the read from the server, EVEN though the server reply HAS arrived on the client (again validated with packet sniffer).
If I do a partial shutdown (eg socket.Shutdown (...send...)) without closing the socket on the server, everything works.
1: I just cannot get my head around WHY not processing the line of text from the client on the server causes the client to fail on receiving the text send back from the server.
2: If I send content from server to client but STOP the server before actually closing the socket, this content never arrives, but the bytes have already been transmitted to the server side... (see ReadKey in server to simulate, basically I block there and then just quit the server)
If anyone could shed light on these two issues, I'd deeply appreciate it.
class TcpClientDemo
public static void Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Starting....");
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect("localhost", 56789);
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
StreamUtil.SendString(stream, "Client teststring...");
Console.WriteLine("Press key to initiate receive...");
Console.WriteLine("server reply:" + StreamUtil.ReceiveString(stream));
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Client ended");
class TcpServerDemo
public static void Main (string[] args)
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener (IPAddress.Any, 56789);
listener.Start ();
Console.WriteLine ("Waiting for clients to serve...");
while (true)
TcpClient client = null;
NetworkStream stream = null;
client = listener.AcceptTcpClient();
stream = client.GetStream();
//question 1: Why does commenting this line prevent the client from receiving the server reply??
Console.WriteLine("client string:" + StreamUtil.ReceiveString(stream));
StreamUtil.SendString(stream, "...Server reply goes here...");
//question 2: If I close the server program without actually calling client.Close (while on this line), the client program crashes as well, why?
catch (Exception e)
if (stream != null) stream.Close();
if (client != null) client.Close();
Console.WriteLine("Done serving this client, everything closed.");
Console.WriteLine("Server ended.");
public class StreamUtil
public static byte[] ReadBytes (NetworkStream pStream, int byteCount) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteCount];
int bytesRead = 0;
int totalBytesRead = 0;
try {
while (
totalBytesRead != byteCount &&
(bytesRead = pStream.Read (bytes, totalBytesRead, byteCount - totalBytesRead)) > 0
) {
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
Console.WriteLine("Read/Total:" + bytesRead + "/" + totalBytesRead);
} catch (Exception e) {
return (totalBytesRead == byteCount) ? bytes : null;
public static void SendString (NetworkStream pStream, string pMessage) {
byte[] sendPacket = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (pMessage);
pStream.Write (BitConverter.GetBytes (sendPacket.Length), 0, 4);
pStream.Write (sendPacket, 0, sendPacket.Length);
public static string ReceiveString (NetworkStream pStream) {
int byteCountToRead = BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadBytes (pStream, 4), 0);
Console.WriteLine("Byte count to read:"+byteCountToRead);
byte[] receivePacket = ReadBytes (pStream, byteCountToRead);
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString (receivePacket);
The client fails because it detects the socket was already closed.
If C# socket operations detect a closed connection during earlier operations, an exception is thrown on the next operation which can mask data which would otherwise have been received
The StreamUtil class does a couple of things when the connection is closed before/during a read:
Exceptions from the reads are swallowed
A read of zero bytes isn't treated
These obfuscate what's happening when an unexpected close hits the client.
Changing ReadBytes not to swallow exceptions and to throw a mock socket-closed exception (e.g. if (bytesRead == 0) throw new SocketException(10053);) when it reads zero bytes I think makes the outcome more clear.
I missed something subtle in your examples - your first example causes a TCP RST flag to be sent as soon as the server closes connection, due to the socket being closed with data waiting to be read.
The RST flag results in a closedown that doesn't preserve pending data.
This blog has some discussion based on a very similar scenario (web server sending a HTTP error).
So I don't think there's an easy fix, options are:
As you already tried, shutdown the socket on the server before closing to force a FIN to be sent before the RST
Read the data in question but never process it (taking up bandwidth for no reason)

Reset TCP connection if server closes/crashes mid connection

I have a tcp connection like follows:
public void ConnectToServer()
string mac = GetUID();
tcpClient = new TcpClient("xx.x.xx.xxx", xxxx);
networkstream = new SslStream(tcpClient.GetStream());
networkstream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("0002:" + mac + "\r\n"));
string serverMessage = ReadMessage(networkstream);
Console.WriteLine("MESSAGE FROM SERVER: " + serverMessage);
catch (Exception e)
This works fine and can send a receive data to/from the server.
What I need help with, if the server isn't running when the client starts, it'll wait and then connect once the server is up. But, if both the client and server are running and everything is working, if I close the server, the client will not reconnect(because I don't have anything to handle the event yet).
I have seen some answers on here that suggest polling and such. Is that the only way? The ReadMessage method that I call get into an infinite loop as well. I can post that code if need be.
I would really like to detect when the server closes/crashes and close the stream and the tcpclient and reconnect ASAP.
Here is my readmessage:
static string ReadMessage(SslStream sslStream)
if (sslStream.CanRead)
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
StringBuilder messageData = new StringBuilder();
int bytes = -1;
string message_type = null;
string actual_message = null;
Console.WriteLine("LENGTH: " + buffer.Length);
bytes = sslStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Decoder decoder = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
char[] chars = new char[decoder.GetCharCount(buffer, 0, bytes)];
decoder.GetChars(buffer, 0, bytes, chars, 0);
message_type = messageData.ToString().Substring(0, 5);
actual_message = messageData.ToString().Substring(5);
if (message_type.Equals("0001:"))
m_Window pop = new m_Window();
pop.callHttpPost(null, new EventArgs());
if (messageData.ToString().IndexOf("\r\n") != -1)
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);
} while (bytes != 0);
return messageData.ToString();
With TCP you have 2 kinds of a server disconnect:
the server is closed
the server crashes
When the server is closed, you are going to receive 0 bytes on your client socket, this is the way you know that the peer has closed its end of the socket, which is called a half close.
But thing get more ugly if the server crashes.
When that happens again you have several possibilities.
If you don't send anything from the client to the server, the you have not way to find out that the server has indeed crashed.
The only way to find out that the server crashed is by letting the client send something or by activating keep alive. If you send something to a server socket that does not exist, you will have to wait a rather long period, because TCP is going to try several times, with retransmits untill there is a server response. When TCP has retried several times, then it will finally bail out and if you have a blocking socket you will see that the send failed, which means you should close your socket.
Actually there is a third possible server disconnect, that is a reset, but this is exceptionally used. I assume here that if there is a gracefull server shutdown, a normal close on the socket on the server end is executed. Which will end up in a FIN being sent instead of a RST, which is the exceptional case.
Now back to your situation, if the server crashes, it is inherently in the design of TCP, because of all those retransmission timeouts and increasing delays, that you will have to wait some time to actually detect that there is a problem. If the server is gracefully closed and startup again, this is not the case, this you detect immediately by receiving 0 bytes.

How to reconnect a TcpClient as soon as network unplugged and then plugged

I have a TcpClient that i want automatically re-connect as soon as network disconnects and then reconnect,but i am not getting how to achieve it..
Here is my function ..
private void Conn()
client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), intport));
//Say thread to sleep for 1 secs.
catch (Exception ex)
// Log the error here.
using (NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream())
byte[] notify = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello");
stream.Write(notify, 0, notify.Length);
byte[] data = new byte[1024];
while (true)
int numBytesRead = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
if (numBytesRead > 0)
data= Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, numBytesRead);
catch{Exception ex}
Also how reliable is while (true) to get the continuous data from the Tcpip machine.Till my testing this codes automatically exits from responding or getting data after a while.
Please help me to get the uninterrupted data .
You are immediately disposing of the NetworkStream after you have written something. This closes the socket. Don't do that. Rather, put the TcpClient in a using statement.
The way you read data is exactly right. The loop will exit when Read returns 0 which indicated a graceful shutdown of the connection by the remote side. If this is unexpected, the problem lies with the remote side.
Catch SocketException only and examine the status code property to find out the exact error.
It is not possible to reliably detect network errors. You have to wait for an exception to notice connection failure. After that, you need to periodically try establishing a connection again to find out when the network becomes available again.
I believe Windows provides some network interface level events to detect unplugged cabled but those are unreliable.

C# sockets missing some data unless I set a breakpoint

I am troubleshooting an issue on a relatively simple socket application which is listening for status updates from a third party machine. I have set up a TcpListener object to wait for a connection request and then establish the socket to read the data coming in. I get the periodic heartbeat as expected without issue, but whenever there is a sudden change in status the server machine sends out an immediate update which I don't get. The bizarre thing here is that I get the update no problem if I set a breakpoint in the code.
The server itself handles these connections a little strangely and doesn't maintain an open socket connection. when it tries to send data, it opens the connection, sends data, and then closes the connection, which is why I've built this to similarly wait for a connection and close it when the data transfer is done before beginning to listen for another connection request.
private void ListeningThread()
bool keep_going = CreateConnection();
while (keep_going)
if (m_ThreadShutdownEvent.IsSet)
// event was set, so shut down
keep_going = false;
bool appshuttingdown = false;
lock (m_Lock)
appshuttingdown = m_ApplicationShutDown;
if (!appshuttingdown)
Connected = false;
if (m_Listener.Pending())
Socket socket = m_Listener.AcceptSocket();
if (socket != null)
StateObject state = new StateObject();
state.Socket = socket;
int bytes_read = socket.Receive(state.Buffer, 0, StateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, SocketFlags.None);
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (bytes_read == 14)
if (state.Buffer.Count() > 13)
int packet = state.Buffer[13];
InterpretRelevantByte(packet, now);
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
It's possible that your call to receive gets you some value greater than or less than 14, you should probably add some logic to inspect the data you receive when bytes read is not equal to 14 since in these cases you are discarding what you've read.
int bytes_read = socket.Receive(state.Buffer, 0, StateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, SocketFlags.None);
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (bytes_read == 14)
if (state.Buffer.Count() > 13)
int packet = state.Buffer[13];
InterpretRelevantByte(packet, now);
else if (bytes_read > 14)
// maybe you received multiple messages in one packet
// maybe there is more data on the way
Ok, I've resolved this. Turns out I was closing the socket too soon which led to some weird behavior that, honestly, I don't fully understand, but I do know how I fixed it.
After opening the socket I needed to continue listening for data until receiving a 0 length message which signaled that the server had closed the connection. At that point I could start listening for a new socket connection request. I'm still not sure why I would get the heartbeats only, but everything has been working perfectly since I made the change.

How to allow a Server to accept both SSL and plain text (insecure) connections?

I am trying to create a server that can accept both secure SSL and insecure plain text connection (for backwards compatibility). My code is almost working except the first transmitted data received from an insecure client loses the first 5 bytes (chars) at the server. More specificially if I transmit 30 bytes on an insecure connection, when the server gets to the OnClientDataReceived() function, the line "int iRx = nwStream.EndRead(asyn);", then iRx = 25. Any subsequent messages transmitted from the client contain all sent bytes/chars as expected. I suspect that the initial assumption of the connection being an SSLStream may be stripping the first 5 bytes and then when it fails, those 5 bytes have already been extracted from the buffer and are no longer available. Does any body know of another approach I could take to write the code so that the server automatically can switch on the fly?
I am trying to avoid doing the following:
Require that a client connect using a plain text NetworkStream and then request to upgrade to an SSL stream
Setting up two TcpListeners on two different ports (one for secure, one for insecure)
Here is my code:
/// Each client that connects gets an instance of the ConnectedClient class.
Class Pseudo_ConnectedClient
byte[] Buffer; //Holds temporary buffer of read bytes from BeginRead()
TcpClient TCPClient; //Reference to the connected client
Socket ClientSocket; //The outer Socket Reference of the connected client
StringBuilder CurrentMessage; //concatenated chunks of data in buffer until we have a complete message (ends with <ETX>
Stream Stream; //SSLStream or NetworkStream depending on client
ArrayList MessageQueue; //Array of complete messages received from client that need to be processed
/// When a new client connects (OnClientConnection callback is executed), the server creates the ConnectedClient object and stores its
/// reference in a local dictionary, then configures the callbacks for incoming data (WaitForClientData)
void OnClientConnection(IAsyncResult result)
TcpListener listener = result.AsyncState as TcpListener;
TcpClient clnt = null;
if (!IsRunning) //then stop was called, so don't call EndAcceptTcpClient because it will throw and ObjectDisposedException
//Start accepting the next connection...
listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(this.onClientConnection, listener);
//Get reference to client and set flag to indicate connection accepted.
clnt = listener.EndAcceptTcpClient(result);
//Add the reference to our ArrayList of Connected Clients
ConnectedClient conClnt = new ConnectedClient(clnt);
//Configure client to listen for incoming data
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.WriteLine("Server:OnClientConnection: Exception - " + ex.ToString());
/// WaitForClientData registers the AsyncCallback to handle incoming data from a client (OnClientDataReceieved).
/// If a certificate has been provided, then it listens for clients to connect on an SSLStream and configures the
/// BeginAuthenticateAsServer callback. If no certificate is provided, then it only sets up a NetworkStream
/// and prepares for the BeginRead callback.
private void WaitForClientData(ConnectedClient clnt)
if (!IsRunning) return; //Then stop was called, so don't do anything
SslStream sslStream = null;
if (_pfnClientDataCallBack == null) //then define the call back function to invoke when data is received from a connected client
_pfnClientDataCallBack = new AsyncCallback(OnClientDataReceived);
NetworkStream nwStream = clnt.TCPClient.GetStream();
//Check if we can establish a secure connection
if (this.SSLCertificate != null) //Then we have the ability to make an SSL connection (SSLCertificate is a X509Certificate2 object)
if (this.certValidationCallback != null)
sslStream = new SslStream(nwStream, true, this.certValidationCallback);
sslStream = new SslStream(nwStream, true);
clnt.Stream = sslStream;
//Start Listening for incoming (secure) data
sslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(this.SSLCertificate, false, SslProtocols.Default, false, onAuthenticateAsServer, clnt);
else //No certificate available to make a secure connection, so use insecure (unless not allowed)
if (this.RequireSecureConnection == false) //Then we can try to read from the insecure stream
clnt.Stream = nwStream;
//Start Listening for incoming (unsecure) data
nwStream.BeginRead(clnt.Buffer, 0, clnt.Buffer.Length, _pfnClientDataCallBack, clnt);
else //we can't do anything - report config problem
throw new InvalidOperationException("A PFX certificate is not loaded and the server is configured to require a secure connection");
catch (Exception ex)
/// OnAuthenticateAsServer first checks if the stream is authenticated, if it isn't it gets the TCPClient's reference
/// to the outer NetworkStream (client.TCPClient.GetStream()) - the insecure stream and calls the BeginRead on that.
/// If the stream is authenticated, then it keeps the reference to the SSLStream and calls BeginRead on it.
private void OnAuthenticateAsServer(IAsyncResult result)
ConnectedClient clnt = null;
SslStream sslStream = null;
if (this.IsRunning == false) return;
clnt = result.AsyncState as ConnectedClient;
sslStream = clnt.Stream as SslStream;
if (sslStream.IsAuthenticated)
else //Try and switch to an insecure connections
if (this.RequireSecureConnection == false) //Then we are allowed to accept insecure connections
if (clnt.TCPClient.Connected)
clnt.Stream = clnt.TCPClient.GetStream();
else //Insecure connections are not allowed, close the connection
catch (Exception ex)
if( clnt.Stream != null) //Then we have a stream to read, start Async read
clnt.Stream.BeginRead(clnt.Buffer, 0, clnt.Buffer.Length, _pfnClientDataCallBack, clnt);
/// OnClientDataReceived callback is triggered by the BeginRead async when data is available from a client.
/// It determines if the stream (as assigned by OnAuthenticateAsServer) is an SSLStream or a NetworkStream
/// and then reads the data out of the stream accordingly. The logic to parse and process the message has
/// been removed because it isn't relevant to the question.
private void OnClientDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
ConnectedClient connectClnt = asyn.AsyncState as ConnectedClient;
if (!connectClnt.TCPClient.Connected) //Then the client is no longer connected >> clean up
Stream nwStream = null;
if( connectClnt.Stream is SslStream) //Then this client is connected via a secure stream
nwStream = connectClnt.Stream as SslStream;
else //this is a plain text stream
nwStream = connectClnt.Stream as NetworkStream;
// Complete the BeginReceive() asynchronous call by EndReceive() method which
// will return the number of characters written to the stream by the client
int iRx = nwStream.EndRead(asyn); //Returns the numbers of bytes in the read buffer
char[] chars = new char[iRx];
// Extract the characters as a buffer and create a String
Decoder d = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
d.GetChars(connectClnt.Buffer, 0, iRx, chars, 0);
//string data = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buff, 0, buff.Length);
string data = new string(chars);
if (iRx > 0) //Then there was data in the buffer
//Append the current packet with any additional data that was already received
//Do work here to check for a complete message
//Make sure two complete messages didn't get concatenated in one transmission (mobile devices)
//Add each message to the client's messageQueue
//Clear the currentMessage
//Any partial messsage at the end of the buffer needs to be added to the currentMessage
//Start reading again
nwStream.BeginRead(connectClnt.Buffer, 0, connectClnt.Buffer.Length, OnClientDataReceived, connectClnt);
else //zero-length packet received - Disconnecting socket
catch (Exception ex)
What works:
If the server doesn't have a certificate, a NetworkStream is only used, and all bytes are received from the client for all messages.
If the server does have a certificate (an SSLStream is setup) and a secure connection can be established (web-browser using https://) and the full message is received for all messages.
What doesn't work:
If the server does have a certificate (an SSLStream is setup) and an insecure connection is made from a client, when the first message is received from that client, the code does correctly detect the SSLStream is not authenticated and switches to the NetworkStream of the TCPClient. However, when EndRead is called on that NetworkStream for the first message, the first 5 chars (bytes) are missing from the message that was sent, but only for the first message. All remaining messages are complete as long as the TCPClient is connected. If the client disconnects and then reconnects, the first message is clipped, then all subsequent messages are good again.
What is causing those first 5 bytes to be clipped, and how can I avoid it?
My project is currently using .NET v3.5... I would like to remain at this version and not step up to 4.0 if I can avoid it.
Follow-up Question
Damien's answer below does allow me to retain those missing 5 bytes, however, I would prefer to stick with the BeginRead and EndRead methods in my code to avoid blocking. Are there any good tutorials showing a 'best practices' when override(ing) these? More specifically, how to work with the IAsyncResult object. I get that I would need to add any content that is stored in the RestartableStream buffers, then fall through to the inner stream (base) to get the rest and return the toral. But since the IAsyncResult object is a custom class, I can't figure out the generic way that I can combine the buffs of RestartableStream with those of the inner stream before returning. Do I need to also implement BeginRead() so that I know the buffers the user wants the content stored into? I guess the other solution is, since the dropped bytes problem is only with the first message from the client (after that I know whether to use it as a SSLStream or a NetworkStream), would be to handle that first message by directly calling the Read() method of RestartableStream (temporarily blocking the code), then for all future messages use the Async callbacks to Read the contents as I do now.
Okay, I think the best you can do is place your own class in between SslStream and NetworkStream where you implement some customized buffering. I've done a few tests on the below, but I'd recommend a few more before you put in in production (and probably some more robust error handling). I think I've avoided any 4.0 or 4.5isms:
public sealed class RestartableReadStream : Stream
private Stream _inner;
private List<byte[]> _buffers;
private bool _buffering;
private int? _currentBuffer = null;
private int? _currentBufferPosition = null;
public RestartableReadStream(Stream inner)
if (!inner.CanRead) throw new NotSupportedException(); //Don't know what else is being expected of us
if (inner.CanSeek) throw new NotSupportedException(); //Just use the underlying streams ability to seek, no need for this class
_inner = inner;
_buffering = true;
_buffers = new List<byte[]>();
public void StopBuffering()
_buffering = false;
if (!_currentBuffer.HasValue)
//We aren't currently using the buffers
_buffers = null;
_currentBufferPosition = null;
public void Restart()
if (!_buffering) throw new NotSupportedException(); //Buffering got turned off already
if (_buffers.Count == 0) return;
_currentBuffer = 0;
_currentBufferPosition = 0;
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if (_currentBuffer.HasValue)
//Try to satisfy the read request from the current buffer
byte[] rbuffer = _buffers[_currentBuffer.Value];
int roffset = _currentBufferPosition.Value;
if ((rbuffer.Length - roffset) <= count)
//Just give them what we have in the current buffer (exhausting it)
count = (rbuffer.Length - roffset);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
buffer[offset + i] = rbuffer[roffset + i];
if (_currentBuffer.Value == _buffers.Count)
//We've stopped reading from the buffers
if (!_buffering)
_buffers = null;
_currentBuffer = null;
_currentBufferPosition = null;
return count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
buffer[offset + i] = rbuffer[roffset + i];
_currentBufferPosition += count;
return count;
//If we reach here, we're currently using the inner stream. But may be buffering the results
int ncount = _inner.Read(buffer, offset, count);
if (_buffering)
byte[] rbuffer = new byte[ncount];
for (int i = 0; i < ncount; i++)
rbuffer[i] = buffer[offset + i];
return ncount;
public override bool CanRead
get { return true; }
public override bool CanSeek
get { return false; }
public override bool CanWrite
get { return false; }
//No more interesting code below here
public override void Flush()
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override long Length
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public override long Position
throw new NotSupportedException();
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override void SetLength(long value)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new NotSupportedException();
Construct a RestartableReadStream around your NetworkStream. Pass that instance to SslStream. If you decide that SSL was the wrong way to do things, call Restart() and then use it again however you want to. You can even try more than two strategies (calling Restart() between each one).
Once you've settled on which strategy (e.g. SSL or non-SSL) is correct, call StopBuffering(). Once it's finished replaying any buffers it had available, it will revert to just calling Read on its inner stream. If you don't call StopBuffering, then the entire history of reads from the stream will be kept in the _buffers list, which could add quite a bit of memory pressure.
Note that none of the above particularly accounts for multi-threaded access. But if you've got multiple threads calling Read() on a single stream (especially one that's network based), I wouldn't expect any sanity anyway.
I spent hours searching to not write a stream wrapper around NetworkStream and finally came across this and it worked for me.
MSDN SocketFlag.Peek
I kept finding suggestions to just write a wrapper or use separate ports, but I have a problem listening to authority or reason.
Here's my code. NLOLOL (No laughing out loud or lectures)
I haven't completely figured out if I need to Peek at more than the first byte for all scenarios.
Private Async Sub ProcessTcpClient(__TcpClient As Net.Sockets.TcpClient)
If __TcpClient Is Nothing OrElse Not __TcpClient.Connected Then Return
Dim __RequestBuffer(0) As Byte
Dim __BytesRead As Integer
Using __NetworkStream As Net.Sockets.NetworkStream = __TcpClient.GetStream
__BytesRead = __TcpClient.Client.Receive(__RequestBuffer, 0, 1, SocketFlags.Peek)
If __BytesRead = 1 AndAlso __RequestBuffer(0) = 22 Then
Await Me.ProcessTcpClientSsl(__NetworkStream)
Await Me.ProcessTcpClientNonSsl(__NetworkStream)
End If
End Using
End Sub
