How to set a periodic task through my application? - c#

I would like to implement a periodic file posting function to my application. For example, it uploads a certain text file in every 5 mins. So I am thinking some sort of manager that can handle time. I understand how to use Timer() method in c#, So how do I keep track on my timer through my application running? What will be the appropriate approach for such process?

Welcome to StackOverflow :D
I am assuming that you're using Windows Forms.
Here's an example on how to achieve this :
A periodic uploader for which you can set the interval, the upload handler and manage it (start/stop)
The upload handler will be a method on your side where you do the upload, this is great in the sense that this class does not need to know about it, it just calls it. In other terms separation of concerns.
internal class MyPeriodicUploader
private readonly Timer _timer;
private Action<string, string> _uploadHandler;
public MyPeriodicUploader(int miliseconds = 50000)
if (miliseconds <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("miliseconds");
_timer = new Timer {Interval = miliseconds};
_timer.Tick += timer_Tick;
public string InputFile { get; set; }
public string TargetUrl { get; set; }
private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_uploadHandler != null && InputFile != null && TargetUrl != null)
_uploadHandler(InputFile, TargetUrl);
public void SetUploadHandler(Action<string, string> uploadHandler)
if (uploadHandler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("uploadHandler");
_uploadHandler = uploadHandler;
public void StartTimer()
public void StopTimer()
public void SetUploadInterval(int minutes)
_timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes).Milliseconds;
Now you want it available for your whole application, open Program.cs and create a property of it there :
internal static class Program
private static readonly MyPeriodicUploader _myPeriodicUploader = new MyPeriodicUploader();
public static MyPeriodicUploader MyPeriodicUploader
get { return _myPeriodicUploader; }
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
private static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
Then on your form use it like this :
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Program.MyPeriodicUploader.InputFile = "yourFileToUpload.txt";
Program.MyPeriodicUploader.TargetUrl = "";
private void UploadHandler(string fileName, string targetUrl)
if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");
// Upload your file
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
webClient.UploadFileAsync(new Uri(targetUrl), fileName);
UploadHandler is a callback if you're not familiar with the term I guess you'll quickly find it useful because you define the uploading, you won't depend of the implementation that MyPeriodicUploader would provide if it was the case; sometimes it would not fit your needs so defining it yourself is really useful.
I've put a really simple uploader in UploadHandler() as an example.
Note, I have used Action<string,string>, the first parameter is the file name, the second the target URL. The class will fail gracefully, if none of the file name and target url are defined, the operation will simply not happen.
Mark the answer if you like it, if there's something else update your question with more details so I can help.


Keep MiDi output playing when UWP goes into background

I'm trying to build a metronome application that has the capability to run in the background. As a starting point I decided to create something simple, a class that has a timer (the metronome itself), a class responsible for obtaining the MIDI output device and a class to play the sound. I'm having difficulty with how to make this run in the background. Additionally, another problem is the fact that the metronome needs to be executed when clicking an application button (in the main process).
Metronome Class:
public class Metronome
private DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer();
private MidiDeviceSelector deviceSelector = new MidiDeviceSelector();
private void TimerStart()
timer.Tick += timer_Tick;
private void timer_Tick(object sender, object e)
public void Start(int bpm)
double interval = (double)60.000f / (bpm);
timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(interval);
public void Stop()
class MidiDeviceSelector
public MidiDeviceSelector()
public async void GetOutputMidiDevice()
IMidiOutPort currentMidiOutputDevice;
DeviceInformation devInfo;
DeviceInformationCollection devInfoCollection;
string devInfoId;
devInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(MidiOutPort.GetDeviceSelector());
if (devInfoCollection == null)
//notify the user that any device was found.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Any device was found.");
devInfo = devInfoCollection[0];
if (devInfo == null)
//Notify the User that the device not found
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Device not found.");
devInfoId = devInfo.Id.ToString();
currentMidiOutputDevice = await MidiOutPort.FromIdAsync(devInfoId);
if (currentMidiOutputDevice == null)
//Notify the User that wasn't possible to create MidiOutputPort for the device.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("It was not possible to create the OutPort for the device.");
MidiDevice.midiDevice = currentMidiOutputDevice;
Class to Holds the MidiDevice:
class MidiDevice
public static IMidiOutPort midiDevice; //Bad practice i know.
Class to play the "toc" sound:
class AudioPlayback
static IMidiMessage beep1 = new MidiNoteOnMessage(9, 76, 90);
//static IMidiOutPort midiOutputDevice = (IMidiOutPort)MidiDeviceSelector.GetOutputMidiDevice();
public static void Beep1()
catch (Exception e)
Each class is contained in a different file. As you can see, it is a very simple code, if you see any bad programming practice, I apologise, I do not have much experience.
I was looking at the documentation, however, I did not succeed. How do I register an activity in the background and that there is interaction with the application's user interface (a button to stop and start the metronome).
My apologies for bad English, not my native language.
Thank you.
Two things you need to add to make this scenario work:
add the "backgroundMediaPlayback" capability as documented here:
since you are using the MiDI APIs, you need to explicitly integrate with the SystemMediaTransportControls to prevent getting muted on minimize
I have update your repro sample and verified that it works correctly after adding those two things.
Sharing it here for your reference:!AovTwKUMywTNl9QJTeecnDzCf0WWyQ

Idle event not executing after registration and show?

I have an application where I would like to execute certain orders on a certain thread when that thread is idling. So I created a manager to handle this for me, launched of a and created a thread manager:
public class ThreadManager
static List<ThreadAble> orders = new List<ThreadAble>();
public static bool running = false;
public static void execute(ThreadAble action)
public static void RegisterAPIThreadAndHold()
running = true;
Application.Idle += Application_Idle;
private static void Application_Idle(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (orders.Count != 0)
ThreadAble f = orders.First();
public interface ThreadAble {
void execute();
public static class formstuff{
private static void ShowDialogThreaded(){
I then try to use this using it by:
public class TestRegister : ThreadAble
public void execute()
throw new NotImplementedException();
ThreadManager.execute(new TestRegister());
Now this should throw an exception, however it doesn't. I have also tried with more complicated behaviour and breakpoints but this code seems to never get executed. Am I misunderstanding how the Application_Idle works? Is there another way to make it so that this thread starts executing my code (has to be this thread) when it's done with handling the GUI code and not doing anything else (it might be required to do other things a well).
I already veritfied that RegisterAPIThreadAndHold() is executed.

How to update a Label on the UI thread/class within a selenium thread/class

So I have a problem on how to update a label on the UI thread from the selenium thread. As you see the selenium thread calls the "selenium" method that uses static methods(Login.UserLogin, Run.StartDriver) from other classes.
I can't seem to figure out how to change a label in this class from the login or run class. Sorry if the coding is amateur I just started learning c#.
public class Form1{
private void startThread()
if (seleniumThread == null)
stopThread = false;
seleniumThread = new Thread(() => selenium(userName, passWord,
private void selenium(string user, string pass, int cycles)
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Login.UserLogin(driver, user, pass);
Run.StartDriver(driver, cycles);
if (stopThread)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
In Login/Run class add static event
In Form class register to the event
When event will raising update the label by this.beginInvoke() function(because it's raise not UI thread).
public class Login
public static event Action<string> TextChange;
private static void OnTextChange(string newText)
if (TextChange != null)
public static void UserLogin(string driver, string userName,string password)
public class Form1
private void registerLoginEvent()
Login.TextChange += Login_TextChange;
private void Login_TextChange(string newText)
this.BeginInvoke(()=>label.text = newText);

Subscribing to an event of a class that holds the override method of the class you reference

I am working with background workers to update a progress bar in a WPF UI I am working on. This background worker is getting its progress updates from multiple events that I am subscribed to, because the progress bar goes through several loading stages, and the percentages for those come from several places. here is some example/pseudo code explaining what I mean
The DoWork method of my background worker and the methods I am using to currently get some progress updates
// These are working fine
private void BwOnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
orderProcessing.OnOrderProgress += OrderStatus;
orderProcessing.OnStandardOrderProgress += StandardOrderStatus;
private void OrderStatus(int currentCount, int totalItems, string Message)
if (totalItems > 0)
bw.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(((double)currentCount / (double)totalItems) * 100),
private void StandardOrderStatus(int currentCount, int totalItems, string Message)
if (totalItems > 0)
bw.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(((double)currentCount / (double)totalItems) * 100),
Some code from my order processing class
public abstract class OrderProcessing
public delegate void OrderProgress(int CurrentItems, int TotalItems, string Message);
public event MasterSalesOrder.StandardOrderProgress OnStandardOrderProgress;
public event OrderProgress OnOrderProgress;
public abstract List<MasterSalesOrder> CreateOrders(List<Order> orders);
Some code from the class that holds the override method for CreateOrders()
public abstract class OrderProcessingFile : OrderProcessing
public event OrderProgress OnOrderProgress;
public override List<MasterSalesOrder> CreateOrders(List<Order> orders)
//Does Some Stuff
foreach(var stuff in stuffs)
OnOrderProgress(currentCount, totalCount, "Message");
Since I am clearly not explaining this well, I need to get info from the OrderProcessingFiles OnOrderProgress event via the OrderProcessing class that I create in the DoWork method.I am unsure on how to subscribe to an event when my code never directly instantiates an instance of the OrderProcessingFile class and it is never directly referred to.
I have tried looking for answers but as my title will show I am having a hard time even wording this in a way to get useful results, and I am genuinely stuck on this one. Let me know if more detail is needed, I tried to strip down my code to only the relevant parts but I feel like I'm explaining this strangely.
I would recommend that you create a thread safe singleton progress manager. Then have each of the background workers contact it with updates. The progress manager will use a DispatcherTimer (which runs on the GUI thread) to update the GUI appropriately.
Raw example:
public static class StatusReportManager
// Standard singleton code to create the manager and access it.
// Start/create the dispatch time as well.
private static DispatcherTimer Timer { get; set; }
private static object _syncObject = new object();
public static void ReportStatus(...)
lock (_syncObject)
// Process any states and set instance properties for reading
// by the timer operation.
private void ShowStatus() // Used by the dispatch timer
lock (_syncObject)
// Do any updates to the GUI in here from current state.
I have realized what it is I was really trying to do and have thus found an answer. Using the method found in this MSDN article I have implemented the follow code:
This is my UI
private void BwOnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
orderProcessing.OnOrderProgress += OrderStatus;
orderProcessing.CreateOrders(FanGlobal.BrandItems, FanGlobal.BrandItemMasterCustomers);
private void OrderStatus(object obj, OrderProcessing.OrderProgressEventArgs e)
if (e.totalCount > 0)
bw.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(((double)e.currentCount / (double)e.totalCount) * 100),e.message);
This in my OrderProcessing class
public event EventHandler<OrderProgressEventArgs> OnOrderProgress;
public class OrderProgressEventArgs : EventArgs
public int currentCount;
public int totalCount;
public string message;
public OrderProgressEventArgs(int c, int t, string m)
currentCount = c;
totalCount = t;
message = m;
protected virtual void OnOrderProgressChanged(OrderProgressEventArgs e)
EventHandler<OrderProgressEventArgs> handler = OnOrderProgress;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
public abstract List<MasterSalesOrder> CreateOrders(List<BrandItem> BrandItems = null, List<BrandItemMasterCustomer> BrandItemMasterCustomers = null);
and then I can use it in my child class OrderProcessingFile like so
public override List<MasterSalesOrder> CreateOrders(List<BrandItem> BrandItems = null, List<BrandItemMasterCustomer> BrandItemMasterCustomers = null)
//Do some Stuff
OnOrderProgressChanged(new OrderProgressEventArgs(count, totalItems, "Extracting"));
and everything is working like a charm. Sorry for the utterly confusing question and the apparent huge gap of knowledge I have/had, but hopefully this will help someone else in the future.

Question on threading in C#

I have a Windows Forms application at the moment, and I want to create a new thread and run a method on another class that accepts an input.
For example
public partial class Form1: Form {
SerialPort serialInput;
// I want to create a new thread that will pass the parameter serialInput into the method
// SMSListener on another class and run the method contionously on the background.
class SMS
public void SMSListener(SerialPort serial1)
serial1.DataReceived += port_DataRecieved;
private void port_DataRecieved(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
// Other codes
How do I perform this in C#? I have seen numerous examples on the web, and most of them run the method on the same class with no parameters, but none that suits my requirements.
Perhaps a Background Worker could help you?
It is a bit hard to understand what you are aiming at.
public class Runner
private readonly BackgroundWorker _worker = new BackgroundWorker();
public Runner()
_worker.DoWork += WorkerDoWork;
public void RunMe(int payload)
static void WorkerDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
var worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
while (true)
if (worker.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
// Work
I am not an expert on Multithreading but to the best of my knowledge you can only start threads on methods that accept an object parameter and return void. So in order to achieve that for your problem (don't shoot me down if there is a better approach!) I would do something like
public partial class Form1: Form {
SerialPort serialInput;
// I want to create a new thread that will pass the parameter serialInput into the method
// SMSListener on another class and run the method contionously on the background.
SMS sms = new SMS();
Thread t = new Thread(sms.SMSListenerUntyped);
class SMS
public void SMSListenerUntyped(object serial1) {
if (serial1 is SerialPort) //Check if the parameter is correctly typed.
this.SMSListener(serial1 as SerialPort);
throw new ArgumentException();
public void SMSListener(SerialPort serial1)
serial1.DataReceived += port_DataRecieved;
private void port_DataRecieved(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
// Other code.
How about just use the ThreadPool directly with a anonymous method allowing you to access your surrounding locals?
public void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
SerialPort serialInput = this.SerialInput;
SmsListener listener = new SmsListener(serialInput);
