FileSystemWatcher .Net 3.5 - c#

Just switched from .Net 1.1 to 3.5 on Win service active for 10 years with over 2 million files processed. I have an asynchronous class that prints graphics to a PDFPrinter with a FileSystemWatcher event handler, now on its own STA thread, archiving the PDF files. The PDF creation is asynchronous because of an existing client application method permitting creation of all missing PDFs in a DateTime interval.
(1) Without the event handler spun off on an STA thread, the service hangs.
(2) With only a few PDFs arriving within a few-second interval, it works fine. Increase that to 5 PDFs and inevitably one file doesn't get archived. Increase that to 15 PDFs and several don't get archived (all this in a test bed). Before moving a file, I check that it exists, requiring 2 successful detections (PDFPrinters tend to produce phantom file-creation events). I also check for exclusive access to the file. Update: I tried another STA thread-creation approach (via a parameterized class and method) in a different section of COM-interacting code, and had the same problem with unreliability (only about 50% of threads complete).
For PDFs, I was tempted to setup a Timer to archive abandoned files, but am unclear when to start the Timer so as to avoid having multiple Timers trying to do the same archiving task (with additional danger of Oracle concurrency problems); that design feels a bit like belt and suspenders (negative ugh factor).
This is such a common paradigm, it shouldn't be this difficult to make robust! Looking for enlightenment on (1) and help with making new STA threads complete reliably (2).
Test bed user interface:
// Process 20 instrument raw data files in a loop
// For each file:
// 1-2 s to setup processing and retrieve metadata from database on each file
// (A) spin off STA worker thread
// call instrument vendor COM API to read data file
// setup FileSystemWatcher for PDF files
// create graphical image PDF
// handle PDF_Created in a shell that ...
// (B) spins off STA worker thread to
// archive the PDF

Answering (2): I had to add code to linearize or resynch the new STA thread with the old MTA thread (e.g. block the parent thread until the worker thread completes).
That worked well at point (A) in the pseudocode, but not at point (B) where I had some shared field variables that still need to be moved into thread parameters (potential cause of not all PDFs being created)
I confess to still not understanding why a FileSystemWatcher that archives files across the network needs to be handled on a STA thread (question (1)).


Windows. Service multiple instances processing files from same single directory duplication

I have .net windows service which gets list of image files from a folder and do some conversion and sent the converted files to another directory. I want achive more throughput by adding another instance of serVice watching same folder. I want 2 instances process files independently without any duplicate processing.
What patterns can be used?
Is file locking would work for this ?
Don't want to use database or any other messaging platform.
I Can use text files etc to create synchronization if needed.
If using .net I would consider creating multiple threads (using TPL in .net) that would be used to process the files in parallel. This way you have a single process that has control over the entire process. Hence no need to track what process (exe) is processing a file, no databases, no locking, etc..
However if you wish to have multiple processes processing the files, then one option of synchronizing the processing is to make use of a Mutex.
I would use this option along with Solution 1.
I.e. use TPL (multiple threads) in one service. And also use Mutexes. This way you have the benefit of multiple threads and multiple services. Hopefully this is what you are after.
Before processing any file, create a Mutex with a particular name and if ownership has been granted, then continue processing the file. If ownership hasn't been granted you can safely assume that another process or another thread (within the same application) has acquired a lock on this Mutex, meaning another process/thread is already processing the file.
Sample code:
var fileMutex = new Mutex(true, "File Name", out mutexWasCreated);
if (mutexWasCreated){
//Some other process/thread is processing this file, so nothing to do
else {
//Start processing the file
If one service (exe) goes down, then the threads would die, meaning the mutexes would be released and those files will be available for processing by another process.

Multi threading which would be the best to use? (Threadpool or threads)

Hopefully this is a better question than my previous. I have a .exe which I will be passing different parameters (file paths) to which it will then take in and parse. So I will have a loop going, looping through the file paths in a list and passing them to this .exe file.
For this to be more efficient, I want to spread the execution across multiple cores which I think you do through threading.
My question is, should I use the threadpool, or multiple threads to run this .exe asynchronously?
Also, depending on which one of those you guys think is the best, if you can point me to a tutorial that will have some info on what I want to do. Thank you!
I need to limit the number of executions of the .exe to ONE execution PER CORE. This is the most efficient because if I am parsing 100,000 files I can't just fire up 100000 processes. So I am using threads to limit the number of executions at one time to one execution per core. If there is another way (other than threads) to find out if a processor isn't tied up in execution, or if the .exe has finished please explain.
But if there isn't another way, my FINAL question is how would I use a thread to call a parse method and then call back when that thread is no longer in use?
I went through what everyone told me, and found out a key element that I left out that I thought didn't matter. So I am using a GUI and I don't want it to be locked up. THAT is why I wanted to use threads. My main question now is, how do I send back information from a thread so I know when the execution is over?
As I said in my answer to your previous question, I think you don't understand the difference between processes and threads. Processes are incredibly "heavy" (*); each process can contain many threads. If you are spawning new processes from a parent process, that parent process doesn't need to create new threads; each process will have its own collection of threads.
Only create threads in the parent process if all the work is being done in the same process.
Think of a thread as a worker, and a process as a building containing one or more workers.
One strategy is "build a single building and populate it with ten workers who do each do some amount of work". You get the expense of building one process and ten threads.
If your strategy is "build a building. Then have the one worker in that building order the construction of a thousand more buildings, each of which contains a worker that does their bidding", then you get the expense of building 1001 buildings and hiring 1001 workers.
The strategy you do not want to pursue is "build a building. Hire 1000 workers in that building. Then instruct each worker to build a building, which then has one worker to go do the real work." There is no point in making a thread whose sole job is creating a process that then creates a thread! You have 1001 buildings and 2001 workers, half of whom are immediately idle but still have to be paid.
Looking at your specific problem: the key question is "where is the bottleneck?" Spawning off new processes or new threads only helps when the performance problem is that the perf is gated on the processor. If the performance of your parser is gated not on how fast you can parse the file but rather on how fast you can get it off disk, then parallelizing it is going to make things far, far worse. You'll have a huge amount of system resources devoted to all hammering on the same disk controller at the same time, and the disk controller will get slower as more load piles up on it.
I need to limit the number of executions of the .exe to ONE execution PER CORE. This is the most efficient because if I am parsing 100,000 files I can't just fire up 100000 processes. So I am using threads to limit the number of executions at one time to one execution per core. If there is another way (other than threads) to find out if a processor isn't tied up in execution, or if the .exe has finished please explain
This seems like an awfully complicated way to go about it. Suppose you have n processors. Your proposed strategy, as I understand it, is to fire up n threads, then have each thread fire up one process, and you know that since the operating system will probably schedule one thread per CPU that somehow the processor will magically also schedule the new thread in each new process on a different CPU?
That seems like a tortuous chain of reasoning that depends on implementation details of the operating system. This is craziness. If you want to set the processor affinity of a particular process, just set the processor affinity on the process! Don't be doing this crazy thing with threads and hope that it works out.
I say that if you want to have no more than n instances of an executable running, one per processor, don't mess around with threads at all. Rather, just have one thread sit in a loop, constantly monitoring what processes are running. If there are fewer than n copies of the executable running, spawn another and set its processor affinity to be the CPU you like best. If there are n or more copies of the executable running, go to sleep for a second (or a minute, or whatever makes sense), and when you wake up, check again. Keep doing that until you're done. That seems like a much easier approach.
(*) Threads are also heavy, but they are lighter than processes.
Spontaneously I would push your file paths into a thread safe queue and then fire up a number of threads (say one per core). Each thread would repeatedly pop one item from the queue and process the it accordingly. The work is done when the queue is empty.
Implementation suggestions (to answer some of the questions in comments):
In C# you could have a look at the Queue Class and the Queue.Synchronized Method for the implementation of the queue:
"Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
To guarantee the thread safety of the Queue, all operations must be done through the wrapper returned by the Synchronized method.
Enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. Even when a collection is synchronized, other threads can still modify the collection, which causes the enumerator to throw an exception. To guarantee thread safety during enumeration, you can either lock the collection during the entire enumeration or catch the exceptions resulting from changes made by other threads."
For the threading part I suppose that any of the examples in the msdn threading tutorial would do (the tutorial is a bit old, but should be valid). Should not need to worry about synchronizing the threads as they can work independently from each other. The queue above is the only common resource they should need to access (hence the importance of thread safety of the queue).
Start the external process (.exe):
The following code is borrowed (and tweaked) from How to wait for a shelled application to finish by using Visual C#. You need to edit for your own needs, but as a starter:
//How to Wait for a Shelled Process to Finish
//Create a new process info structure.
ProcessStartInfo pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
//Set the file name member of the process info structure.
pInfo.FileName = "mypath\myfile.exe";
//Start the process.
Process p = Process.Start(pInfo);
//Wait for the process to end.
Pseudo code:
Main thread;
Create thread safe queue
Populate the queue with all the file paths
Create child threads and wait for them to finish
Child threads:
While queue is not empty << this section is critical, not more then one
pop file from queue << thread can check and pop at the time
start external exe
wait for it....
end external exe
end while
Child thread exits
Main thread waits for all child threads to finish
Program finishes.
See this question for how to find out the number of cores.
Then use Parallel.ForEach with ParallelOptions with MaxDegreeOfParallelism set to the number of cores.
Parallel.ForEach(args, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount }, (element) => Console.WriteLine(element));
If you're targeting the .Net 4 framework the Parallel.For or Parallel.Foreach are extremely helpful. If those don't meet your requirements I've found the Task.Factory to be useful and straightforward to use as well.
To answer your revised question, you want processes. You just need to create the correct number of processes running the exe. Don't worry about forcing them onto specific cores. Windows will do that automatically.
How to do this:
You want to determine the number of cores on the machine. You may simply know it, and hardcode it, or you might want to use something like System.Environment.ProcessorCount.
Create a List<Process> object.
Then you want to start that many processes using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start. The return value will be a process object, which you will want to add to the List.
Now repeat the following until you are finished:
Call Thread.Sleep to wait for a while. Perhaps a minute or so.
Loop through each Process in the list but be sure to use a for loop rather than a foreach loop. For each process, call Refresh() then check the 'HasExited' property of each process, and if it is true, create a new process using Process.Start, and replace the exited process in the list with the newly created one.
If you're launching a .exe, then you have no choice. You will be running this asynchronously in a separate process. For the program which does the launching, I would recommend that you use a single thread and keep a list of the processes you launched.
Each exe launched will occur in its own process. You don't need to use a threadpool or multiple threads; the OS manages the processes (and since they're processes and not threads, they're very independent; completely separate memory space, etc.).

Proper Queue threading technique in c#?

I wanted to implement a windows service that captures dropped flat delimited files to a folder for import to the database. What I originally envision is to have a FileSystemWatcher looking over new files imported and creating a new thread for importing.
I wanted to know how I should properly implement an algorithm for this and what technique should I use? Am I going to the right direction?
I developed an product like this for a customer. The service were monitoring a number of folders for new files and when the files were discovered, the files were read, processed (printed on barcode printers), archived and deleted.
We used a "discoverer" layer that discovered files using FileSystemWatcher or polling depending on environment (since FileSystemWatcher is not reliable when monitoring e.g. samba shares), a "file reader" layer and a "processor" layer.
The "discoverer" layer discovered files and put the filenames in a list that the "file reader" layer processed. The "discoverer" layer signaled that there were new files to process by settings an event that the "file reader" layer were waiting on.
The "file reader" layer then read the files (using retry functionality since you may get notifications for new files before the files has been completely written by the process that create the file).
After the "file reader" layer has read the file, a new "processor" thread were created using the ThreadPool.QueueWorkItem to process the file contents.
When the file has been processed, the original file were copied to an archive and deleted from the original location. The archive were also cleaned up regularly to keep from flooding the server. The archive were great for troubleshooting.
This has now been used in production in a number of different environments in over two years now and has proved to be very reliable.
I've fielded a service that does this as well. I poll via a timer whose elapsed event handler acts as a supervisor, adding new files to a queue and launching a configurable number of threads that consume the queue. Once the files are processed, it restarts the timer.
Each thread including the event handler traps and reports all exceptions. The service is always running, and I use a separate UI app to tell the service to start and stop the timer. This approach has been rock solid and the service has never crashed in several years of processing.
The traditional approach is to create a finite set of threads (could be as few as 1) and have them watch a blocking queue. The code in the FileSystemWatcher1 event handlers will enqueue work items while the worker thread(s) dequeue and process them. It might look like the following which uses the BlockingCollection class which is available in .NET 4.0 or as part of the Reactive Extensions download.
Note: The code is left short and concise for brevity. You will have to expand and harden it yourself.
public class Example
private BlockingCollection<string> m_Queue = new BlockingCollection<string>();
public Example()
var thread = new Thread(Process);
thread.IsBackground = true;
private void FileSystemWatcher_Event(object sender, EventArgs args)
string file = GetFilePathFromEventArgs(args);
private void Process()
while (true)
string file = m_Queue.Take();
// Process the file here.
You could take advantage of the Task class in the TPL for a more modern and ThreadPool-like approach. You would start a new task for each file (or perhaps batch them) that needs to be processed. The only gotcha I see with this approach is that it would be harder to control the number of database connections being opened simultaneously. Its definitely not a showstopper and it might be of no concern.
1The FileSystemWatcher has been known to be a little flaky so it is often advised to use a secondary method of discovering file changes in case they get missed by the FileSystemWatcher. Your mileage may vary on this issue.
Creating a thread per message will most likely be too expensive. If you can use .NET 4, you could start a Task for each message. That would run the code on a thread pool thread and thus reduce the overhead of creating threads.
You could also do something similar with asynchronous delegates if .NET 4 is not an option. However, the code gets a bit more complicated in that case. That would utilize the thread pool as well and save you the overhead of creating a new thread for each message.

After FileSystemWatcher fires - Thread Pool or Dedicated thread?

I am about to implement the archetypal FileSystemWatcher solution. I have a directory to monitor for file creations, and the task of sucking up created files and inserting the into a DB. Roughly this will involve reading and processing 6 or 7, 80 char text files that appear at a rate of 150mS in bursts that occur every couple of seconds, and rarely a 2MB binary file will also have to be processed. This will most likely be a 24/7 process.
From what I have read about the FileSystemWatcher object it is better to enqueue its events in one thread and then dequeue/process them in another thread. The quandary I have right now is what would be the better creation mechanism of the thread that does the processing. The choices I can see are:
Each time I get a FSW event I manually create a new thread (yeah I know .. stupid architecture, but I had to say it).
Throw the processing at the CLR thread pool whenever I get an FSW event
On start up, create a dedicated second thread for the processing and use a producer/consumer model to handle the work. The main thread enqueues the request and the second thread dequeues it and performs the work.
I am tending towards the third method as the preferred one as I know the work thread will always be required - and also probably more so because I have no feel for the thread pool.
If you know that the second thread will always be required, and you also know that you'll never need more than one worker thread, then option three is good enough.
The third option is the most logical.
In regards to FSW missing some file events, I implemented this:
1) FSW Object which fires on FileCreate
2) tmrFileCheck, ticks = 5000 (5 seconds)
- Calls tmrFileChec_Tick
When the FileCreate event occurs, if (tmrFileCheck.Enabled == false) then tmrFileCheck.Start()
This way, after 10 seconds tmrFileCheck_Tick fires which
a) tmrFileCheck.Stop()
b) CheckForStragglerFiles
Of tests I've run, this works effectively where there are a < 100 files created per minute.
A variant is to merely have a timer tick ever NN seconds and sweep the directory(ies) for straggler files.
Another variant is to hire me to press F5 to refresh the window and call you when there are straggler files; just a suggestion. :-P
Just be aware that FileSystemWatcher may miss events, there's no guarantee it will deliver all specific events that have transpired. Your design of keeping the work done by the thread receiving events to a minimum, should reduce the chances of that happening, but it is still a possibility, given the finite event buffer size (tops out at 64KB).
I would highly recommend developing a battery of torture tests if you decide to use FileSystemWatcher.
In our testing, we encountered issues with network locations, that changing the InternalBufferSize did not fix, yet when we encountered this scenario, we did not receive Error event notifications either.
Thus, we developed our own polling mechanism for doing so, using Directory.GetFiles, followed by comparing the state of the returned files with the previously polled state, ensuring we always had an accurate delta.
Of course, this comes at a substantial cost in performance, which may not be good enough for you.

What's the thread context for events in .Net using existing APIs?

When using APIs handling asynchronous events in .Net I find myself unable to predict how the library will scale for large numbers of objects.
For example, using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.UccApi library, when I create an endpoint it gets events when phone events happen. Now let's say I want to create 1000 endpoints. The number of events per endpoint is small, but is what's happening behind the scenes in the API able to keep up with the event flow? I don't know because it never says how it's architected.
Let's say I want to create all 1000 objects in the main thread. Then I want to put the Login method into a large thread pool so all objects login in parallel. Then once all the objects have logged in the next phase will begin.
Are the event callbacks the API raises happening in the original creating thread? A separate threadpool? Or the same threadpool I'm accessing with ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem?
Would I be better putting each object in it's own thread? Grouping a few objects in each thread? Or is it fine just creating all 1000 objects in the main thread and through .Net magic it will all be OK?
The events from interop assemblies are just wrappers around the COM connection points. The thread on which the call from the connection point arrive depends on the threading model of the object that advised on that connection point. COM will ensure the proper thread switching for this.
If your objects are implemented on the main thread, which in .Net is usually an STA, all events should arrive on that same thread. If you want your calls to arrive on a random thread from the COM thread pool (which I think is the same as the CLR thread pool), you need to create your objects on a thread that is configured as an MTA.
I would strongly advise against creating a thread for each object: 1) If you create these threads as STA, each of them will have a message queue, waisting system resource; 2) If you create them as MTA, nothing guarantees you the event call will arrive on your thread; 3) You'll have 1000 idle threads doing nothing and just waiting on an event to shutdown; and 4) Starting up and shutting down all these threads will have terrible perf cost on your application.
It really depends on a lot of things, primarily how powerful your hardware is. The threadpool does have a certain number of threads (which you can increase) that it will make available for your application. So if all of your events are firing at the same time some will most likely be waiting for a few moments while your threadpool waits for threads to become free again. The tradeoff is that you don't have the performance hit of creating new threads all the time either. Probably creating 1000 threads isn't the right answer either.
It may turn out that this is ideal, both because of the performance gains in reusing threads but also because having 1000 threads all running simultaneously might be more memory / CPU usage than it's worth.
I just wanted to note that in .NET 2.0 and greater it's possible to programmatically increase the maximum number of threads in the thread pool using ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(). Given this you can put a hard cap on the number of threads and so ensure the scheduler won't be brought to it's knees by the overhead.
Even more useful in this sort of case, you can set the minimum number of threads with ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(). With this you can ensure that you only pay the "horrible performance price" Franci is talking about once, at application startup. You could balance this against the expected number peak of users and so ensure you won't be creating tons of new threads.
A single new thread creation won't destroy you. What I would be worried about is the case where a lot of threads need to be created at the same time. If you can say that this will only happen at startup you would be golden.
