Find and Read registry key within CLR - c#

I need to check the availability and also read some registry key by CLR(C#), registry keys already written by another application.
As a sample:
public bool IsKeyAvailable(string KeyID)
string keyToRead = #"Software\myRoot\myApp\" + KeyID;
using (RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyToRead, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
if (regKey == null)
return false;
return true;
Checking & reading code are working fine outside of the CLR, but within the CLR the same code doesn't working, Already signed the CLR and assembly created WITH PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE.
What could be missed for this scenario to find and read my registry keys by CLR?

Use this code :
Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", true);
RegistryKey masterKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\yourapp\yourkey");
string value = "";
if (masterKey != null)
value = masterKey.GetValue("yourvalue").ToString();


How do I change properties on control panel with visual studio [duplicate]

I'm trying to spoof the MAC address of the computer that executes my program. Right now I'm getting the current MAC address of the machine using the 'getmac' command via cmd, then I want to change it via the 'RegistryKey' class(windows.system32).
The issue is that I don't know the string to pass to the OpenSubKey method.
For example this is the method to read the current MAC with registry key reading:
private string readMAC()
RegistryKey rkey;
string MAC;
rkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0012", true); //--->this is the string to change
MAC = (string)rkey.GetValue("NetworkAddress");
return MAC;
I got curious so I pulled the source for MadMACs. Turned out to be pretty straightforward to port the core logic to C#, so here it is if anyone is interested.
private const string baseReg =
public static bool SetMAC(string nicid, string newmac)
bool ret = false;
using (RegistryKey bkey = GetBaseKey())
using (RegistryKey key = bkey.OpenSubKey(baseReg + nicid))
if (key != null)
key.SetValue("NetworkAddress", newmac, RegistryValueKind.String);
ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE Index = " + nicid));
foreach (ManagementObject o in mos.Get().OfType<ManagementObject>())
o.InvokeMethod("Disable", null);
o.InvokeMethod("Enable", null);
ret = true;
return ret;
public static IEnumerable<string> GetNicIds()
using (RegistryKey bkey = GetBaseKey())
using (RegistryKey key = bkey.OpenSubKey(baseReg))
if (key != null)
foreach (string name in key.GetSubKeyNames().Where(n => n != "Properties"))
using (RegistryKey sub = key.OpenSubKey(name))
if (sub != null)
object busType = sub.GetValue("BusType");
string busStr = busType != null ? busType.ToString() : string.Empty;
if (busStr != string.Empty)
yield return name;
public static RegistryKey GetBaseKey()
return RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(
InternalCheckIsWow64() ? RegistryView.Registry64 : RegistryView.Registry32);
For brevity's sake, I've left out the implementation of InternalCheckIsWow64(), but that can be found here. Without this, I was running into issues with not finding the registry I wanted due to structural differences between 32- and 64-bit OSes.
Obligatory disclaimer -- play with the registry at your own peril.
This should point you in the right direction, but you're going to have to figure out the code:
look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ and you'll see a few sub keys corresponding to the interfaces in the "network connections" control panel. Probably only one will have a valid IP, and the others will have You'll need to do some pattern matching to figure out which one is the right one.
get the key name for the interface (it's a GUID, or at least looks like one), and go back to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and check each one's NetCfgInstanceId value (or search) for the GUID of the interface.
Windows 10

Don't run specified Windows applications using c#

I want to block access to certain apps on my computer. I used the gpedit.msc tool on the computer in the category: dont run specific windows application.
I am now looking for a .netcore C # algorithm that can automatically block an app in gpedit.msc
i use this code:
public static class GPAwareHelper
private const String REG_PATH =
public static Object GetGPOverride(
String keyName, Object configValue)
Object keyValue = null;
RegistryKey demoKey = null;
//if (isHKLM)
// // open named key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section
// demoKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(REG_PATH);
// // open named key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER section
demoKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(REG_PATH);
if (demoKey != null)
// get the specified value from this key
keyValue = demoKey.GetValue(keyName);
// check that a value was found and, if not, return `enter code here`
// the value provided in method parameters
if (keyValue != null)
return keyValue;
return configValue;
// key not found, so return value provided
// in method parameters
return configValue;
Group Policies are registry entries. Just write those registry entries with .netcore.
You can block certain apps by adding keys in
Here's a good introduction.
To write registry entries with dotnet core you have to add the package Microsoft.Win32.Registry
dotnet add package Microsoft.Win32.Registry

C# check and delete registry key problems

I'm trying to check (and delete) registry key. Code:
RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey
("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
string codeBase = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
if (registryKey != null) // <- !!!!!!!!! problem is here, i think
registryKey.SetValue("MyApp", codeBase);
After creating value, application doesnt see new value and doesnt delete it.
What's wrong with this code? Thanks.
Your operations for adding and deleting from the registry look good just that there is an issue with your if-else condition. If you want to check and then delete a registry entry, you should do it like this:
string KeyName = #"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run";
string valueName = "MyApp";
string codeBase = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
if (Registry.GetValue(KeyName, valueName, null) != null)
RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser
.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);
Registry.GetValue(KeyName, valueName, null) is a better way to do a null check instead of doing registryKey != null because registryKey only gets the ..CurrentVersion\\Run subkey. Instead you should drill down the actual key for your app (eg. MyApp).
Hope this helps!

how to spoof MAC address via code

I'm trying to spoof the MAC address of the computer that executes my program. Right now I'm getting the current MAC address of the machine using the 'getmac' command via cmd, then I want to change it via the 'RegistryKey' class(windows.system32).
The issue is that I don't know the string to pass to the OpenSubKey method.
For example this is the method to read the current MAC with registry key reading:
private string readMAC()
RegistryKey rkey;
string MAC;
rkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0012", true); //--->this is the string to change
MAC = (string)rkey.GetValue("NetworkAddress");
return MAC;
I got curious so I pulled the source for MadMACs. Turned out to be pretty straightforward to port the core logic to C#, so here it is if anyone is interested.
private const string baseReg =
public static bool SetMAC(string nicid, string newmac)
bool ret = false;
using (RegistryKey bkey = GetBaseKey())
using (RegistryKey key = bkey.OpenSubKey(baseReg + nicid))
if (key != null)
key.SetValue("NetworkAddress", newmac, RegistryValueKind.String);
ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE Index = " + nicid));
foreach (ManagementObject o in mos.Get().OfType<ManagementObject>())
o.InvokeMethod("Disable", null);
o.InvokeMethod("Enable", null);
ret = true;
return ret;
public static IEnumerable<string> GetNicIds()
using (RegistryKey bkey = GetBaseKey())
using (RegistryKey key = bkey.OpenSubKey(baseReg))
if (key != null)
foreach (string name in key.GetSubKeyNames().Where(n => n != "Properties"))
using (RegistryKey sub = key.OpenSubKey(name))
if (sub != null)
object busType = sub.GetValue("BusType");
string busStr = busType != null ? busType.ToString() : string.Empty;
if (busStr != string.Empty)
yield return name;
public static RegistryKey GetBaseKey()
return RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(
InternalCheckIsWow64() ? RegistryView.Registry64 : RegistryView.Registry32);
For brevity's sake, I've left out the implementation of InternalCheckIsWow64(), but that can be found here. Without this, I was running into issues with not finding the registry I wanted due to structural differences between 32- and 64-bit OSes.
Obligatory disclaimer -- play with the registry at your own peril.
This should point you in the right direction, but you're going to have to figure out the code:
look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ and you'll see a few sub keys corresponding to the interfaces in the "network connections" control panel. Probably only one will have a valid IP, and the others will have You'll need to do some pattern matching to figure out which one is the right one.
get the key name for the interface (it's a GUID, or at least looks like one), and go back to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and check each one's NetCfgInstanceId value (or search) for the GUID of the interface.
Windows 10

Access remote registry key with C# in .Net MVC2

I'm using the following code
private static string GetLogonFromMachine(string machine)
//1. To read the registry key that stores this value.
//HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultUserName
var rHive = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, machine);
var rKey = rHive.OpenSubKey(#"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon");
var rItem = rKey.GetValue("DefaultUserName");
return rItem.ToString();
and I've confirmed that my user has access, the MVC site is using integrated authentication and that the listed REG_SZ "DefaultUserName" has a value on the machine targetted but rItem doesn't grab a value.
I guess I'm doing something silly and I'd love to know what!
I was indeed being silly. I wasn't sorting the list of machine names before use and so I was looking at the registry of the wrong machine. The machine that was actually in focus was correctly returning "".
I've ended up with
private static string GetLogonFromMachine(string machine)
//1. To read the registry key that stores this value.
//HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultUserName
RegistryKey rHive;
rHive = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, machine);
catch (IOException)
return "offline";
var rKey = rHive.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon\\");
if (rKey == null)
return "No Logon Found";
var rItem = rKey.GetValue("DefaultUserName");
return rItem==null ? "No Logon Found" : rItem.ToString();
